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Gliding motility and host-cell invasion by apicomplexan parasites depend on cell-surface adhesins that are translocated via an actin–myosin motor beneath the membrane. The current model posits that fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (ALD) provides a critical link between the cytoplasmic tails of transmembrane adhesins and the actin–myosin motor. Here we tested this model using the Toxoplasma gondii apical membrane protein 1 (TgAMA1), which binds to aldolase in vitro. TgAMA1 cytoplasmic tail mutations that disrupt ALD binding in vitro showed no correlation with host-cell invasion, indicating this interaction is not essential. Furthermore, ALD-depleted parasites were impaired when grown in glucose, yet they showed normal gliding and invasion in glucose-free medium. Depletion of ALD in the presence of glucose led to accumulation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, which has been associated with toxicity in other systems. Finally, TgALD knockout parasites and an ALD mutant that specifically disrupts adhesin binding in vitro also supported normal invasion when cultured in glucose-free medium. Taken together, these results suggest that ALD is primarily important for energy metabolism rather than interacting with microneme adhesins, challenging the current model for apicomplexan motility and invasion.The phylum Apicomplexa is a group of mostly intracellular parasites that contains a number of human pathogens, including Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium spp., the causative agent of malaria. As intracellular pathogens, efficient host-cell invasion is critical for survival, dissemination, and transmission of these parasites. Although they infect different types of host cells, apicomplexan parasites share a conserved mode of host-cell invasion that relies on regulated secretion of adhesive proteins and active motility that is powered by an actin–myosin motor complex (1, 2). According to the current model, motility and host-cell invasion depend on transmembrane adhesins that are secreted apically from the micronemes and translocated along the cell surface in a conveyor belt fashion, using the force generated by the motor complex beneath the parasite membrane (1, 2).Micronemal adhesins contain a variety of extracellular adhesive domains, a transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail that is rich in acidic residues and contains a tryptophan residue (Trp) at or near the extreme carboxyl terminus (3). These conserved features of the cytoplasmic tails are critical to their function, as shown by mutational studies and functional replacement of the thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (TRAP) tail (TRAPt) in P. berghei with the T. gondii Microneme Protein 2 (MIC2) tail (TgMIC2t) (4). The cytoplasmic tails of several micronemal adhesins are thought to be anchored to the actin–myosin motor through a bridging molecule, the glycolytic enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (ALD) (5, 6). Mutational analysis has shown that in vitro binding of TgMIC2t and PbTRAPt to ALD is mediated by the acidic residues and Trp residue in the adhesin tails (57). ALD has also been shown to interact with MIC2 and TRAP in coimmunoprecipitation experiments using parasite lysates (5, 6). Further support that this interaction plays a role in vivo comes from a conditional knockout (cKO) of TgALD, which shows impaired invasion and growth, consistent with a role in metabolism and/or bridging of adhesins (8). Evidence that TgALD plays a specific role in bridging to adhesins was provided by the TgALD mutant K41E-R42G, which dramatically reduces TgMIC2t binding in vitro whereas having a minimal effect on enzyme activity (8). When expressed in the conditional knockout strain of TgALD (ALD cKO), the K41E-R42G mutant has normal ATP levels, yet it shows decreased host-cell invasion (8).The micronemal adhesin AMA1 is also important for host-cell invasion by T. gondii and Plasmodium spp. (911). AMA1 has similar topology with TRAP/MIC2 with its bulky ectodomain binding to rhoptry neck proteins (RONs) that are secreted from the rhoptries and inserted into host plasma membrane to mediate formation of a moving junction between the host and parasite membranes (1215). The cytoplasmic tail of AMA1 (AMA1t) also binds rabbit ALD in vitro, and a TgAMA1 mutant with a pair of aromatic residues changed to alanines (i.e., F547A, W548A) disrupts aldolase binding in vitro and blocks host-cell invasion (16). Similarly located FW residues in P. falciparum AMA1t were also shown to mediate binding to rabbit aldolase in vitro, implying this interaction is conserved (17). These studies suggest that AMA1 binding to ALD may play a key role during parasite invasion, similar to that proposed for MIC2 (8) and TRAP (6).In the present study, we undertook a broader analysis of TgAMA1t mutants that disrupt binding to TgALD in vitro to determine the role of this interaction during host-cell invasion. Unexpectedly, our results indicate that the TgALD–TgAMA1 interaction is not required for parasite motility or invasion. Moreover, we found that the previously described role for TgALD during invasion is alleviated by the absence of glucose. Taken together, these results suggest that ALD is primarily important for energy metabolism but does not play an essential role in coupling adhesins to the motor complex during invasion.  相似文献   

Intramembrane proteolysis is a new paradigm in biology that controls signaling events throughout evolution. Hydrolysis of peptide bonds is thought to occur within the normally hydrophobic membrane environment, but insights into this unusual activity have been lacking because of difficulty in recapitulating activity in vitro. We have reconstituted intramembrane proteolysis with a pure recombinant substrate and rhomboid proteins in both detergent micelles and artificial membrane environments. Rhomboid proteins from diverse organisms including two model bacteria, a pathogen, an extremophile, and an animal were robustly active in pure form, proving that rhomboids are a new class of enzymes and do not require cofactors to catalyze intramembrane proteolysis. Rhomboid proteins directly recognized their substrates in vitro by the top of the substrate transmembrane domain, displaying specificity apparently reciprocal to that of gamma-secretase, the only other activity known to cleave type-I transmembrane domains. Rhomboid proteases represent a different evolutionary path to a serine protease mechanism and exhibited an inhibitor profile unlike other serine proteases. Intriguingly, activity was dramatically modulated by different membrane phospholipid environments, suggesting a mechanism for regulating these proteases. This analysis promises to help reveal the biochemical mechanisms and biological roles of this most widely conserved membrane protein family.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) is located in the merozoite micronemes, an organelle that contains receptors for invasion, suggesting that AMA1 may play a role in this process. However, direct evidence that P. falciparum AMA1 binds to human erythrocytes is lacking. In this study, we determined that domain III of AMA1 binds to the erythrocyte membrane protein, Kx, and that the rate of invasion of Kx(null) erythrocytes is reduced, indicating a significant but not unique role of AMA1 and Kx in parasite invasion of erythrocytes. Domains I/II/III, domains I/II and domain III of AMA1 were expressed on the surface of CHO-K1 cells, and their ability to bind erythrocytes was determined. We observed that each of these domains failed to bind untreated human erythrocytes. In contrast, domain III, but not the other domains of AMA1, bound to trypsin-treated human erythrocytes. We tested the binding of AMA1 to trypsin-treated genetically mutant human erythrocytes, missing various erythrocyte membrane proteins. AMA1 failed to bind trypsin-treated Kx(null) (McLeod) erythrocytes, which lack the Kx protein. Furthermore, treatment of human erythrocytes with trypsin, followed by alpha-chymotrypsin, cleaved Kx and destroyed the binding of AMA1 to human erythrocytes. Lastly, the rate of invasion of Kx null erythrocytes by P. falciparum was significantly lower than Kx-expressing erythrocytes. Taken together, our data suggest that AMA1 plays an important, but not exclusive, role in invasion of human erythrocytes through a process that involves exposure or modification of the erythrocyte surface protein, Kx, by a trypsin-like enzyme.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for the most severe form of malaria disease in humans, causing more than 1 million deaths each year. As an obligate intracellular parasite, P. falciparum’s ability to invade erythrocytes is essential for its survival within the human host. P. falciparum invades erythrocytes using multiple host receptor–parasite ligand interactions known as invasion pathways. Here we show that CR1 is the host erythrocyte receptor for PfRh4, a major P. falciparum ligand essential for sialic acid–independent invasion. PfRh4 and CR1 interact directly, with a Kd of 2.9 μM. PfRh4 binding is strongly correlated with the CR1 level on the erythrocyte surface. Parasite invasion via sialic acid–independent pathways is reduced in low-CR1 erythrocytes due to limited availability of this receptor on the surface. Furthermore, soluble CR1 can competitively block binding of PfRh4 to the erythrocyte surface and specifically inhibit sialic acid–independent parasite invasion. These results demonstrate that CR1 is an erythrocyte receptor used by the parasite ligand PfRh4 for P. falciparum invasion.  相似文献   

The mechanism of PDGF-receptor beta (PDGFRbeta) activation was explored by analyzing the properties of mutant receptors designed based on the crystal structure of the extracellular region of the related receptor tyrosine kinase KIT/stem cell factor receptor. Here, we demonstrate that PDGF-induced activation of a PDGFRbeta mutated in Arg-385 or Glu-390 in D4 (the fourth Ig-like domain of the extracellular region) was compromised, resulting in impairment of a variety of PDGF-induced cellular responses. These experiments demonstrate that homotypic D4 interactions probably mediated by salt bridges between Arg-385 and Glu-390 play an important role in activation of PDGFRbeta and all type III receptor tyrosine kinases. We also used a chemical cross-linking agent to covalently cross-link PDGF-stimulated cells to demonstrate that a Glu390Ala mutant of PDGFRbeta undergoes typical PDGF-induced receptor dimerization. However, unlike WT PDGFR that is expressed on the surface of ligand-stimulated cells in an active state, PDGF-induced Glu390Ala dimers are inactive. Although the conserved amino acids that are required for mediating D4 homotypic interactions are crucial for PDGFRbeta activation, these interactions are dispensable for PDGFRbeta dimerization. Moreover, PDGFRbeta dimerization is necessary but not sufficient for tyrosine kinase activation.  相似文献   

The molecular pathogenesis of type 1 von Willebrand disease (VWD) is uncertain in most patients. We examined 30 type 1 VWD families in the UK Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organization study. Heterozygosity for Y/C1584 was present in eight of 30 (27%) families and 19 of 76 (25%) individuals with type 1 VWD recruited into the study. Eighteen (95%) of these 19 individuals were blood group O. C1584 did not co-segregate with VWD in four families, and co-segregated in one family; the results were equivocal in three families. In all families increased susceptibility of von Willebrand factor (VWF) to a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) 13 proteolysis co-segregated with C1584 in affected and unaffected individuals. These data show that C1584, associated with blood group O, is prevalent among patients with type 1 VWD but not necessarily causative of disease and should not be used in isolation to diagnose VWD. Increased susceptibility of C1584 VWF to ADAMTS13 proteolysis may be physiologically significant and increase an individual's risk of bleeding and presenting with VWD.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) is an archetypical kinase and a central regulator that drives cells through G2 phase and mitosis. Knockouts of Cdk2, Cdk3, Cdk4, or Cdk6 have resulted in viable mice, but the in vivo functions of Cdk1 have not been fully explored in mammals. Here we have generated a conditional-knockout mouse model to study the functions of Cdk1 in vivo. Ablation of Cdk1 leads to arrest of embryonic development around the blastocyst stage. Interestingly, liver-specific deletion of Cdk1 is well tolerated, and liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy is not impaired, indicating that regeneration can be driven by cell growth without cell division. The loss of Cdk1 does not affect S phase progression but results in DNA re-replication because of an increase in Cdk2/cyclin A2 activity. Unlike other Cdks, loss of Cdk1 in the liver confers complete resistance against tumorigenesis induced by activated Ras and silencing of p53.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 is a gram-negative bacterium that produces structurally diverse hopanoid lipids that are similar to eukaryotic steroids. Its genome encodes several homologues to proteins involved in eukaryotic steroid trafficking. In this study, we explored the possibility that two of these proteins are involved in intracellular hopanoid transport. R. palustris has a sophisticated membrane system comprising outer, cytoplasmic, and inner cytoplasmic membranes. It also divides asymmetrically, producing a mother and swarmer cell. We deleted genes encoding two putative hopanoid transporters that belong to the resistance-nodulation-cell division superfamily. Phenotypic analyses revealed that one of these putative transporters (HpnN) is essential for the movement of hopanoids from the cytoplasmic to the outer membrane, whereas the other (Rpal_4267) plays a minor role. C(30) hopanoids, such as diploptene, are evenly distributed between mother and swarmer cells, whereas hpnN is required for the C(35) hopanoid, bacteriohopanetetrol, to remain localized to the mother cell type. Mutant cells lacking HpnN grow like the WT at 30 °C but slower at 38 °C. Following cell division at 38 °C, the ΔhpnN cells remain connected by their cell wall, forming long filaments. This phenotype may be attributed to hopanoid mislocalization because a double mutant deficient in both hopanoid biosynthesis and transport does not form filaments. However, the lack of hopanoids severely compromises cell growth at higher temperatures more generally. Because hopanoid mutants only manifest a strong phenotype under certain conditions, R. palustris is an attractive model organism in which to study their transport and function.  相似文献   

Disparity for the minor histocompatibility antigen HA-1 between patient and donor has been associated with an increased risk of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) after allogeneic human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-identical sibling donor stem cell transplantation (SCT). However, no data concerning the impact of such disparity on chronic GvHD, relapse or overall survival are available. A retrospective multicentre study was performed on 215 HLA-A2-positive patients who received an HLA-identical sibling SCT, in order to determine the differences in acute and chronic GvHD incidence on the basis of the presence or absence of the HA-1 antigen mismatch. Disease-free survival and overall survival were also analysed. We detected 34 patient-donor pairs mismatched for HA-1 antigen (15.8%). Grades II-IV acute GvHD occurred in 51.6% of the HA-1-mismatched pairs compared with 37.1% of the non-mismatched. The multivariate logistic regression model showed statistical significance (P: 0.035, OR: 2.96, 95% CI: 1.07-8.14). No differences were observed between the two groups for grades III-IV acute GvHD, chronic GvHD, disease-free survival or overall survival. These results confirmed the association between HA-1 mismatch and risk of mild acute GvHD, but HA-1 mismatch was not associated with an increased incidence of chronic GvHD and did not affect relapse or overall survival.  相似文献   

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