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目的 探讨医教结合康复训练干预在孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)患儿中的应用效果。方法 选择2019年6月-2021年1月于笔者所在医院就诊的ASD患儿72例,将2019年6月-2020年3月就诊的36例患儿设为对照组,接受常规康复训练;将2020年4月-2021年1月就诊的36例患儿设为观察组,接受医教结合康复训练。比较2组干预前、干预6个月后Gesell发育量表(Gesell developmental scale)、婴儿-初中学生社会生活能力量表(简称S-M量表)、社会沟通能力问卷(social communication questionnaire,SCQ)评分。结果干预6个月后,观察组Gesell量表中语言、个人社交、大运动、精细运动、适应性行为等维度评分均高于对照组(P<0.001),S-M量表和SCQ量表评分也高于对照组(t=10.688,P<0.001;t=3.905,P<0.001)。结论 医教结合康复训练干预能够有效改善ASD儿童发育水平,提高其社会生活与沟通能力。  相似文献   

目的 观察针刺对孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童便秘问题及核心症状的治疗效果。方法 2019年1月至2020年11月,黑龙江中医药大学附属第二医院康复中心收治50例ASD并发便秘患儿,随机分为针康组(n = 25)和药康组(n = 25)。针康组采用头针、体针结合康复训练法;药康组采用口服益生菌结合康复训练法;两组均进行便秘和核心症状的康复训练。便秘治疗8周,核心症状治疗12周。治疗前,治疗8周、12周后进行便秘疗效判定和便秘主症评分,并采用孤独症儿童行为量表(ABC)和孤独症治疗评估表(ATEC)对核心症状进行评估。结果 治疗前两组便秘主症评分、ABC评分和ATEC总分比较均无显著性差异(P > 0.05)。治疗8周,两组主症评分均显著降低(t > 5.473, P < 0.001);治疗12周,针康组便秘疗效和主症评分均优于药康组(Z = 2.848, t = -2.139, P < 0.05)。治疗8周后,两组ABC评分和ATEC总分均较治疗前显著降低(t > 7.139, P < 0.001),两组间比较均无显著性差异(P > 0.05);针康组ATEC行为评分明显降低(t = 3.849, P < 0.01),优于药康组(t = -2.643, P < 0.05),两组间其他项评分无显著性差异(P > 0.05);治疗12周,针康组ABC评分、ATEC总分及各项评分均低于药康组(|t| > 2.156, P < 0.05)。结论 针刺结合康复训练法可改善ASD儿童便秘问题,疗效较持久,也可改善孤独症的核心症状,均优于药物结合康复训练法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨针刺改善儿童孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)核心症状的临床效果。方法:选取2016年7月—2018年8月我院收治的86例ASD患儿,采取简单随机数字表法将其随机分成观察组(n=43)与对照组(n=43)。对照组采取常规康复训练,而观察组在对照组基础上加用针刺疗法治疗,所有患儿均治疗6个月。比较两组临床疗效,治疗前后分别对两组患儿进行孤独症儿童行为量表(ABC)、儿童孤独症评定量表(CARS)、孤独症疗效评估量表(ATEC)、孤独症儿童心理教育评核(第三版)(PEP-3)及韦氏学龄前及初小儿童智力量表(WPPSI)测评,并统计针刺相关副反应发生情况。结果:观察组总有效率为88.37%(38/43),与对照组的67.44%(29/43)相比显著上升(P<0.05)。两组治疗后ABC和CARS评分均较治疗前显著降低(P<0.05),但观察组下降更显著(P<0.05);两组治疗后ATEC中各分量表(言语、感知觉、社交、行为)评分及其总分均较治疗前显著降低(P<0.05),但观察组下降更显著(P<0.05)。两组治疗后PEP-3中各部分包括认知(语言/语前)、语言...  相似文献   

樊越波  黄丹  伍小云 《中国康复》2014,29(4):290-293
孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders , ASD)是一类以社交沟通缺陷以及刻板行为为主要表现的发育性疾病群,患病率超过1%[1]。目前,关于孤独症的干预方法主要有定向干预和综合干预模式(Comprehensive Treatment Models ,CTMs)两类[2]。ASD患者一旦确诊应尽早接受综合干预。本研究对综合干预模式的定义、具体确定标准、目标、分类等进行综述,以期为国内的相关研究和实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:观察中医推拿结合行为干预对孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)患儿干预的临床疗效。方法:选择长沙市星学园教育发展中心符合入选标准的孤独症谱系障碍患儿44例,随机分为观察组(22例),对照组(22例),对照组予以行为干预,观察组在行为干预的基础上采用中医推拿。以30次为1个周期,共进行1个周期干预,以儿童孤独症评定量表(Childhood Autism Rating Scale,CARS)和儿童孤独症行为量表(Autism Behavior Checklist,ABC)进行疗效判定。结果:干预后,观察组与对照组的CARS、ABC均较干预前下降(P<0.05),观察组优于对照组(P<0.05),观察组总有效率95.45%,对照组总有效率72.72%。结论:推拿干预孤独症谱系障碍或仅进行行为干预均能改善ASD患儿的临床症状,但是中医推拿结合行为干预的临床疗效优于单纯的行为干预。  相似文献   

目的 观察综合疗法对孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)患儿的临床效果。方法 2017年10月至2019年10月,60例ASD儿童随机分为对照组(n = 30)和治疗组(n = 30)。对照组给予康复训练和特殊教育。治疗组在此基础上根据辨证,给予针刺、推拿、中药治疗,共12周。治疗前后比较两组孤独症儿童行为量表(ABC)和孤独症治疗评价量表(ATEC)评分。结果 治疗前,两组ABC和ATEC评分无显著性差异(t < 1.426, P> 0.05)。治疗后,两组ABC和ATEC评分均显著降低(t > 5.46, P< 0.001),且治疗组明显低于对照组(|t| > 3.304, P< 0.01)。结论 综合疗法可改善ASD患儿的治疗效果,优于康复训练和特殊教育。  相似文献   

目的:探讨孤独症谱系障碍患者的模仿缺陷类型。方法:选取10例孤独症谱系障碍患者,使用工具性行为模仿、目的意图模仿、过度模仿及同步模仿4类任务测量患者是否存在模仿缺陷,在哪些任务中存在缺陷。结果:患者在工具行为模仿任务和目的意图模仿任务上的得分显著高于过度模仿任务和同步模仿任务(P<0.05)。患者在工具行为模仿任务和目的意图模仿任务上的得分无显著差异,在过度模仿任务和同步模仿任务上的得分也不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:将模仿能力作为孤独症谱系障碍早期的临床诊断标准时,需对模仿任务的性质和特点进行区分,孤独症谱系障碍患者主要在过度模仿和同步模仿任务中存在缺陷。在模仿干预训练中,康复治疗师应重视使用"阶梯化教学"和"社会性信息"提升孤独症谱系障碍患者的模仿能力。  相似文献   

儿童孤独症是一类起病于3岁以前的神经系统发育障碍,属于广泛性发育障碍的一个亚型。精神障碍诊断与统计手册第五版(DSM-Ⅴ)已将其归类为孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)。1980年以前,孤独症被认为是一种罕见性疾病,而近些年有关孤独症及ASD的流行病学研究表明,其发病率日趋上升,2014年美国疾病控制与预防中心对11个州8岁儿童的监测数据发现,ASD患病率高达14.7/1 000,即相当于68例儿童中即有1例为ASD患儿,本文综述了目前ASD流行病学研究现状,并分析患儿性别、种族、智力、地域间的差异,为ASD的早期发现与早期干预提供理论依据。  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)是一个表型宽广的疾病群体,病因复杂,包括遗传及环境因素的共同作用。本文就ASD病因学研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Question I have several patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who experience difficulties with sleep, affecting the quality of life of both the child and the family. Is melatonin an effective treatment for sleep problems in children with this condition?Answer Autism spectrum disorder is prevalent among children in Canada and globally, with most affected children experiencing troubles with sleep. Behavioural therapy is the first-line treatment for sleep problems in children with ASD, and melatonin has been reported to be effective and safe in this population as an alternative or adjunctive treatment. A new pediatric, prolonged-release formulation of melatonin is not yet available in Canada, but initial studies in Europe have indicated that it is a potentially effective treatment for sleep problems in children with ASD.  相似文献   

目的 观察镜像视觉反馈疗法联合沙盘游戏对自闭症儿童的康复作用.方法 选择2019年3月至2020年9月我院收治的自闭症患儿50例,按照简单随机法将患者分为对照组和观察组各25例.对照组患儿接受沙盘游戏治疗,观察组患儿接受镜像视觉反馈疗法联合沙盘游戏治疗,对比两组患儿疗效、病情好转时间、Conners父母症状问卷(PSQ...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of Ayres' sensory integration intervention on the behavior and task engagement of young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Clinical observations and caregiver reports of behavior and engagement also were explored to help guide future investigations. METHOD: This single-subject study used an ABAB design to compare the immediate effect of Ayres's sensory integration and a play scenario on the undesired behavior and task engagement of 4 children with ASD. RESULTS: No clear patterns of change in undesired behavior or task management emerged through objective measurement. Subjective data suggested that each child exhibited positive changes during and after intervention. CONCLUSION: When effects are measured immediately after intervention, short-term Ayres's sensory integration does not have a substantially different effect than a play scenario on undesired behavior or engagement of young children with ASD. However, subjective data suggest that Ayres's sensory integration may produce an effect that is evident during treatment sessions and in home environments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the clinical trials investigating the efficacy and safety of risperidone in the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). DATA SOURCES: Searches of MEDLINE/PubMed (1992-February 2006) were conducted, as well as an extensive manual review of journals, using the key words autism and risperidone. STUDY SELECTION AND DATA EXTRACTION: Only double-blind, placebo-controlled trials were included for review. DATA SYNTHESIS: ASD is the most common of the pervasive developmental disorders. The main characteristics (core symptoms) of autism are impairment in social skills, problems communicating, and stereotypical movements. Behavioral manifestations or maladaptive behaviors include aggression, irritability, hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity, tantrums, and self-injurious behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the data examined, risperidone appears efficacious and safe for treating certain behavioral aspects of autism including irritability, aggression, hyperactivity, and stereotypy. It does not appear to be as effective for the treatment of the core symptoms of autism.  相似文献   

An interprofessional clinical learning experience was developed for pre-licensure occupational therapy (OT) and psychology graduate students. Students worked in interprofessional teams to plan and implement a social skills training program for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The objectives were to provide a hands-on, student-led clinical experience; facilitate interprofessional collaborative learning through leadership partnerships and teach children with ASD to engage in appropriate social skill behaviors. Concurrently, faculty performed qualitative research to explore how the students worked together to provide intervention to the children. Data were collected via interview, direct observation of student planning sessions and student interprofessional interactions, and collection of posts from an online social network site used for session planning. There were six student participants and two faculty participants. Four themes emerged: learning who I am as a professional, learning to appreciate our professional differences, learning to communicate with each other and figuring it out, for the benefit of the kids. This interprofessional clinical learning experience and research helps ensure that students are adequately prepared to represent their profession as part of a diverse interprofessional health care team.  相似文献   

Current practice of occupational therapy for children with autism.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the current practice patterns of occupational therapists experienced in working with children with autism spectrum disorders. METHOD: Occupational therapists experienced in providing services to 2-year-old to 12-year-old children with autism completed a mail questionnaire describing practice patterns, theoretical approaches, intervention techniques, and preferred methods of preparation for work with children with autism. RESULTS: Of those contacted, 72 occupational therapists met the study criteria and returned completed questionnaires. Practice patterns included frequent collaboration with other professionals during assessment and intervention. Intervention services were typically provided in a one-to-one format with the most common techniques being sensory integration (99%) and positive reinforcement (93%). Theoretical approaches included sensory integration (99%), developmental (88%), and behavioral (73%). Evaluations relied heavily on nonstandardized tools and clinical observations. Educational methods identified as most helpful were weekend workshops (56%) and on-the-job training (52%). CONCLUSION: This study clarified the nature of current occupational therapy practice patterns for 2-year-old to 12-year-old children with autism. Additional studies are needed to examine the efficacy of current evaluation and intervention methods, as well as to explore the relevance of available standardized assessments for this population.  相似文献   

目的:对比分析孤独谱系障碍(ASD)与正常儿童(TD)两组儿童情绪能力特征,并探讨其情绪能力特征与其面部表情识别正确率之间的相关性。方法:对31例符合美国精神障碍诊断和统计手册第5版(DSM-Ⅴ)诊断标准的ASD患儿和30例年龄、性别及智商匹配的正常儿童对照组,使用3—6岁儿童情绪能力量表评定两组儿童的情绪能力,并使用面部表情识别任务测试情绪识别能力。结果:两组儿童对情绪觉察辨识、情绪理解、情绪表达、情绪调节等情绪能力差异有显著性意义(P0.05);情绪察觉辨识、情绪理解、情绪表达、情绪调节与智商、表情识别正确率存在显著正相关(P0.05);儿童情绪能力与其年龄相关不显著(P0.05)。结论:与正常儿童相比,ASD患儿情绪察觉辨识、情绪理解、情绪表达、情绪调节等情绪能力较低,且其智力水平、对表情识别能力可正向预测其情绪能力。  相似文献   

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