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探讨IgE、5-羟色胺(5- HT)和单胺氧化酶(MAO)在湿疹中的作用.选择湿疹患者404例及36名正常人,分别检测其血清总IgE,单胺氧化酶并进行比较.湿疹患者血清总IgE含量高于健康对照组(P<0.05),湿疹患者血清MAO含量高于健康对照组(P<0.01).IgE,MAO,5-HT参与了湿疹的发病过程,为临床诊断及治疗提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

结节性红斑患者红细胞指数改变李冠勇,刘华昌,季军捷济南军区总医院皮肤科(邮政编码250031)结节性红斑患者存在着血液流变学异常已有报道[1]。为了解本病患者红细胞变化的特点,我们采用SysmexF-800血细胞分析仪对结节性红斑患者的红细胞四项指数...  相似文献   

结节性红斑是以皮下脂肪炎症反应为特征的炎症性疾病,临床表现为双下肢疼痛性红斑。病因主要包括特发性、感染、自身免疫性疾病、妊娠、药物、肿瘤等。相关检查包括皮损活检、血沉、抗“O”、结核试验、胸片、血常规等。应该对症对因治疗。如非甾体抗炎药、糖皮质激素、碘化钾、沙利度胺等免疫抑制剂可以用于严重难治性病例。中医中药治疗及物理治疗也有较好疗效。  相似文献   

患者女,36岁.因双小腿结节、斑块及触痛4个月,于2010年2月28日到我科就诊.患者4个月前无明显诱因先后于两小腿出现板栗大红色结节,疼痛不明显,触之稍痛,未引起重视.  相似文献   

结核相关结节性红斑的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结节性红斑(erythema nodosum,EN)是一种常见的间隔性脂膜炎,以红斑、炎症性皮下结节为主要表现。其病因复杂,目前认为部分EN与结核菌感染关系密切。结核相关EN好发于女性及青少年,最常见的结核病类型是原发型结核和淋巴结结核,但大多数患者缺乏相应结核病表现。其发病机制认为与免疫复合物介导的以及细胞介导的免疫机制有关。EN主要根据皮损病理诊断确诊,其组织学表现为不伴血管炎的间隔性脂膜炎,多有间隔增厚,伴各种炎性细胞浸润。当怀疑结核菌感染时,则需完善结核菌素试验、结核抗体、胸片、痰培养等相关检查以明确诊断。认为即使缺乏明确的结核感染证据,对于结核菌素皮肤试验强阳性的患者,尤其是在结核流行病区,应该进行抗痨治疗。  相似文献   

皮肤血管炎发病机理多认为是IC沉积于血管壁 ,激活补体 ,引起生物因子活化致血管损伤和炎症。IC、补体活化、血小板活化及内皮细胞功能等相互影响、相辅相成。本文对32例结节性红斑(EN)患者血浆血小板颗粒膜蛋白(GMP 140)、VonWillebrand因子(  相似文献   

102例结节性红斑的病因和临床表现分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了102例结节性红斑的病因和临床表现,发现病因未明的占30例(占29.4%),感染引起者18例(占17.6%),风湿病引起者54例(占53%),风湿病既可以结节性红斑为首发,也可继发,且皮疹的分布多较广泛。对多部位结节性红斑,特别是伴ESR,CRP,肝功能明显异常的患者要注意合并风湿病的可能。  相似文献   

多形红斑及结节性红斑是皮肤科的常见病和多发病,为了探讨海普林在其外用治疗中的作用,我们应用随机对照的方法对42例多形红斑和36例结节性红斑患者进行治疗观察,现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

流式细胞仪检测结节性红斑结节性血管炎患者T细胞亚群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究结节性红斑、结节性血管炎患者细胞免疫功能。方法 应用流式细胞仪技术 ,通过微量血直接免疫荧光染色法测定患者外周血T细胞亚群。结果 结节性红斑与结节性血管炎患者外周组CD3 + ,CD4+ 较对照组明显下降 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;CD8+ ,CD4+ /CD8+ 比值较对照组有所下降 ,但差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 结节性红斑、结节性血管炎患者存在细胞免疫功能改变。  相似文献   

目的 探讨结节性红斑及结节性血管炎患者血小板活化功能。方法 应用流式细胞仪技术检测两种血管炎患者血浆CD62P表达。结果 与正常对照组相比,患者组CD62P表达量明显增高(P均<0.01);其中12例患者治疗后血染CD62P表达收治疗前明显下降(P<0.01),但仍高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论 血小板活化在结节性红斑及结节性血管炎的发生、发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) is a well-known serious complication affecting 10% of lepromatous multibacillary leprosy patients. In the chronic form, its morbidity may be considerable. Thalidomide and systemic steroids are the two current effective drugs for the management of ENL. However, their use in endemic countries is often difficult and hazardous, and a search for new therapies is needed. We report our experience on the effects of pentoxifylline, a methylxanthine derivative, which has recently been suggested as a possible effective treatment for ENL attacks.  相似文献   

Erythema nodosum (EN) is seen only in the primary tuberculosis (TB) form of tuberculous diseases. Among the etiologies of EN, TB is the most frequent disorder in developing countries. We aimed to assess our patients with EN in reference to primary TB. We evaluated 335 patients with the diagnosis of TB during last 20 years; retrospectively 61 (18%) of these cases had pulmonary and 274 (82%) had extrapulmonary TB. Ten (16%) of the pulmonary TB cases were primary. All 10 patients with primary TB presented with EN. Among 50 patients with EN diagnosed and followed during the last 10 years, the etiology was determined in 56%, and primary TB was the most frequent: 20%.  相似文献   

Three cases of erythema nodosum associated with Yersinia enterocolitica infection were reported. They were diagnosed as Yersinosis following isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica from the feces and from serological investigation. The diagnosis was supported by the fact that Yersinia enterocolitica could be separated from the feces at an early stage of infection and that the serum agglutination titer for Yersinia enterocolitica increased within a month of infection. Clinically, the erythema nodosum preceded by abdominal pain and/or diarrhea was a complication of Yersinosis.  相似文献   

目的:明确1993-2018年结节性红斑(EN)患者中结核(TB)感染特点。方法:2位研究者独立检索1993年1月至2018年9月PubMed、Embase、MEDLINE、CNKI、CBM、万方数据库筛选出符合纳入标准的文献,采用STATA 12.0软件通过Meta分析方法进行单个率的合并分析。结果:共纳入27篇文献,包括国内11篇(1019例患者,其中结核性结节性红斑患者277例,感染率25.4%),国外16篇(995例,其中结核性结节性红斑患者52例,感染率6%)。国内亚组分析显示东部、中部及西部地区EN患者中结核感染率分别为16.0%、27.9%和32.5%,Meta回归显示地区因素而非年份因素可解释异质性来源(P=0.02)。结节性红斑患者结核病灶为肺结核、淋巴结核、其他类型结核(如:结核性胸膜炎、卵巢结核等)、仅PPD强阳性,分别占44.4%、11.1%、7.1%及38.2%。结论:大多数EN患者没有明显的结核症状,因此应尽量寻找潜在的结核病感染病灶。  相似文献   

Erythema nodosum migrans (subacute nodular migratory panniculitis) is an uncommon type of panniculitis characterized by migrating subcutaneous nodules or plaque on the lower extremity. There are a very few cases of Erythema nodosum migrans reported and thus its appropriate treatment modality is not defined. We describe a case of a 30‐year‐old male with idiopathic erythema nodosum migrans which was manifest centrifugally spreading, slightly morpheaform erythematous plaque on the lower left leg. The patient was diagnosed initially and treated as a case of furunculosis with poor clinical response. The skin biopsy showed features consistent with subacute nodular panniculitis. Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide along with topical Heparin successfully treated the patient, when the conventional treatment modalities failed. In a morpheaform centrifugally expanded plaque, erythema nodosum migrans should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis, especially in the lower extremities in cases of unknown etiology.  相似文献   

报告2例伴结节性红斑的大动脉炎。例1.患者女,43岁。例2.患者女,21岁。二例患者均因双下肢反复出现结节性红斑就诊,其中例2有间断发热。皮肤科检查:二例患者双下肢均可见散在结节性红斑。二例患者皮损组织病理检查均提示血管周围少许单核细胞或淋巴细胞浸润,皮下脂肪间隔增宽,胶原增生,部分脂肪细胞变性坏死,呈混合性脂膜炎改变。计算机断层摄影血管造影术(CTA)提示2例患者血管管腔均有不同程度的狭窄,例1患者狭窄部位位于头臂干、双侧颈动脉及锁骨下动脉,例2患者位于左锁骨下动脉。诊断:大动脉炎。  相似文献   

Erythema nodosum is the most common type of panniculitis; it may be due to a variety of underlying infectious or otherwise antigenic stimuli. The pathogenesis remains to be elucidated, but both neutrophilic inflammation and granulomatous inflammation are implicated. Beyond treating underlying triggers, therapeutic options consist mainly of nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs, symptomatic care, potassium iodide, and colchicine. Erythema induratum (nodular vasculitis) is a related but distinctly different clinicopathologic reaction pattern of the subcutaneous fat. It is classically caused by an antigenic stimulus from Mycobacterium tuberculosis but may be associated with several other underlying disorders. After appropriate antimicrobial treatment in tuberculous cases, therapy for erythema induratum is similar to options for erythema nodosum.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 45-year-old man with atopy who developed marked inflammatory lesions on the bearded area of the face caused by Tricophyton rubrum, an anthropophilic fungus not frequently correlated with kerion of the face. After starting therapy with griseofulvin, he developed typical lesions of erythema nodosum on both legs. We discuss how these lesions could be correlated with the kerion of the face.  相似文献   

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