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In the present report we describe a CD4+8- heat stable antigen-negative (HSA-) thymocyte subpopulation that expresses a distinguishably low density of alpha beta T-cell antigen receptors (TCRlo) from the majority of CD4+8- high-density TCR (TCRhi) mature-type thymocytes. This subpopulation appears relatively late in life. Analysis of MEL-14, Pgp-1 (CD44), ICAM-1 (CD54), and NK1.1 expression on this subpopulation revealed that the CD4+8- TCRlo population was a population having unique characteristics (MEL-14-, CD44+, ICAM-1+, and NK1.1+) compared to the CD4+8- TCRhi thymocytes, most of which are MEL-14+, CD44-, ICAM-1-, and NK1.1-. When TCR beta-chain variable region (V beta) usage was analyzed, this thymic population expressed predominantly products of V beta 7 and V beta 8.2 TCR gene families. Interestingly, cells with V beta 8.1 TCRs, which are reactive to Mls-1a antigens, were not eliminated from the CD4+8- HSA- TCRlo subpopulation but had been eliminated from the major CD4+8- HSA- TCRhi subpopulation in Mls-1a strains. A subset with a phenotype similar to the CD4+8- HSA- TCRlo thymocytes was also identified primarily in bone marrow, and this subset constituted approximately half of the CD4+ T cells in the bone marrow. The CD4+8- HSA- TCRlo cells showed extremely high proliferative responses to immobilized anti-TCR antibody but generated negligible responses to allogeneic H-2 antigens compared to the responses generated by the major CD4+8- HSA- CD3hi cells. However, the CD4+8- HSA- TCRlo cells in Mls-1b mice mounted vigorous proliferative responses to Mls-1a antigens but not in Mls-1a mice. The properties of this T-cell subset suggest that these cells belong to a lineage distinct from the major T-cell population.  相似文献   

CD3zeta is a subunit of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) complex required for its assembly and surface expression that also plays an important role in TCR-mediated signal transduction. We report here a patient with T(-)B(+)NK(+) severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) who was homozygous for a single C insertion following nucleotide 411 in exon 7 of the CD3zeta gene. The few T cells present contained no detectable CD3zeta protein, expressed low levels of cell surface CD3epsilon, and were nonfunctional. CD4(+)CD8(-)CD3epsilon(low), CD4(-)CD8(+)CD3epsilon(low), and CD4(-)CD8(-)CD3epsilon(low) cells were detected in the periphery, and the patient also exhibited an unusual population of CD56(-)CD16(+) NK cells with diminished cytolytic activity. Additional studies demonstrated that retrovirally transduced patient mutant CD3zeta cDNA failed to rescue assembly of nascent complete TCR complexes or surface TCR expression in CD3zeta-deficient MA5.8 murine T-cell hybridoma cells. Nascent transduced mutant CD3zeta protein was also not detected in metabolically labeled MA5.8 cells, suggesting that it was unstable and rapidly degraded. Taken together, these findings provide the first demonstration that complete CD3zeta deficiency in humans can cause SCID by preventing normal TCR assembly and surface expression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Increase of T cells expressing CD4 and T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha- beta+ (beta[dim]) was observed in the mucosal and peripheral lymphoid tissues of TCR alpha-/- mice with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this study was to characterize the CD4+ TCR alpha-beta+ T cells. METHODS: Cytokine production, TCR V beta usage, and helper function for Peyer's patch B cells by the CD4+ TCR alpha-beta+ T cells were assessed. RESULTS: The CD4+ TCR alpha-beta+ T cells purified from mesenteric lymph nodes and lamina propria of the intestine of IBD mice exclusively produced interleukin 4, used selected subsets (V beta6, V beta8, V beta14, and V beta15) of TCR, and massively proliferated after stimulation with staphylococcal enterotoxin B. Addition of the CD4+ TCR alpha-beta+ T cells to Peyer's patch B-cell cultures markedly enhanced immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG, and IgM antibody responses. Furthermore, depletion of the TCR alpha-beta+ T cells with monoclonal antibody against TCR beta chain completely suppressed the onset of IBD and polyclonal B-cell activation in the TCR alpha-/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the CD4+ TCR alpha- beta+ T cells-mediated development of IBD in TCR alpha-/- mice. (Gastroenterology 1997 Jun;112(6):1876-86)  相似文献   

SJL mice produce little or no IgE in response to polyclonal stimulation with anti-IgD antibody and fail to express interleukin 4 (IL-4) mRNA in the spleen 5 days after injection of anti-IgD, in contrast to other mouse strains that produce substantial amounts of IgE and IL-4. Because IL-4 is critical in IgE production, the possibility that SJL mice are poor IgE producers because their naive T cells fail to differentiate into IL-4 producers must be seriously considered. IL-4 itself is the principal factor determining that naive T cells develop into IL-4 producers. A major source of IL-4 for such differentiation is a population of CD1-specific CD4+ T cells that express NK1.1. These cells produce IL-4 within 90 min of anti-CD3 injection. T cells from SJL mice fail to produce IL-4 in response to injection of anti-CD3. Similarly, SJL T cells and CD4+ thymocytes do not produce IL-4 in response to acute in vitro stimulation. SJL T cells show a marked deficiency in CD4+ cells that express the surface receptors associated with the NK1.1+ T-cell phenotype. This result indicates that the SJL defect in IgE and IL-4 production is associated with, and may be due to, the absence of the CD4+, NK1.1+ T-cell population.  相似文献   

The CD2 accessory molecule mediates an activation pathway in mature T cells, transducing signals similar to those observed following stimulation of the T-cell receptor/CD3 (TCR/CD3) complex. CD2 is also one of the earliest cell surface markers to appear during thymic ontogeny and has been proposed to be a stimulatory pathway for immature thymocytes that have not yet expressed TCRs on their surface (TCR/CD3-). To examine this hypothesis highly purified TCR/CD3- human thymocytes were stimulated using mitogenic combinations of anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies or individual biotinylated anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies crosslinked with avidin. TCR/CD3+ thymocytes responded readily to either stimulus as determined by anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, and the pattern of tyrosine phosphorylated substrates was similar to that of mature T cells. In contrast, TCR/CD3- thymocytes responded weakly and with a distinct substrate pattern. In addition, the altered signal transduced by CD2 in TCR/CD3- thymocytes did not lead to a rise in intracellular calcium, failed to induce interleukin 2 receptor expression, and did not serve as a comitogen with phorbol ester or interleukin 2, functions that were all intact in TCR/CD3+ thymocytes. Failure of TCR/CD3- thymocytes to respond to CD2 stimulation was not due to an intrinsic defect in these cells as they responded normally to phorbol ester plus calcium ionophore. In TCR/CD3- thymocytes, CD2 stimulation also failed to affect steady-state mRNA levels of the recombination-activating genes RAG1 and RAG2, whereas in TCR/CD3+ cells activation of the CD2 pathway terminated their expression. Together, these data support the concept that CD2 engagement does not deliver a stimulus to TCR/CD3- thymocytes and suggests that this molecule may not directly participate in the earliest stages of thymic development.  相似文献   

Strong reactivity for interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10), monokine induced by interferon gamma (Mig), and interferon-inducible T-cell alpha chemoattractant (I-TAC) was found in epithelial cells mainly localized to the medulla of postnatal human thymus. The CXC chemokine receptor common to the 3 chemokines (CXCR3) was also preferentially expressed in medullary areas of the same thymuses and appeared to be a property of 4 distinct populations: CD3+ T-cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta+ CD8+ single-positive (SP) T cells, TCRgammadelta+ T cells, natural killer (NK)-type cells, and a small subset of CD3+(low) CD4+ CD8+ TCRalphabeta+ double-positive (DP) T cells. IP-10, Mig, and I-TAC showed chemoattractant activity for TCRalphabeta+ CD8+ SP T cells, TCRgammadelta+ T cells, and NK-type cells, suggesting their role in the migration of different subsets of mature thymocytes during human thymus lymphopoiesis.  相似文献   

During pregnancy the uterine decidua is populated by large numbers of natural killer (NK) cells with a phenotype CD56(superbright)CD16(-)CD9(+)KIR(+) distinct from both subsets of peripheral blood NK cells. Culture of highly purified CD16(+)CD9(-) peripheral blood NK cells in medium containing TGFbeta1 resulted in a transition to CD16(-)CD9(+) NK cells resembling decidual NK cells. Decidual stromal cells, when isolated and cultured in vitro, were found to produce TGFbeta1. Incubation of peripheral blood NK cells with conditioned medium from decidual stromal cells mirrored the effects of TGFbeta1. Similar changes may occur upon NK cell entry into the decidua or other tissues expressing substantial TGFbeta. In addition, Lin(-)CD34(+)CD45(+) hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells could be isolated from decidual tissue. These progenitors also produced NK cells when cultured in conditioned medium from decidual stromal cells supplemented with IL-15 and stem cell factor.  相似文献   

Humans lacking the CD3gamma subunit of the pre-TCR and TCR complexes exhibit a mild alphabeta T lymphopenia, but have normal T cells. By contrast, CD3gamma-deficient mice are almost devoid of mature alphabeta T cells due to an early block of intrathymic development at the CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative (DN) stage. This suggests that in humans but not in mice, the highly related CD3delta chain replaces CD3gamma during alphabeta T-cell development. To determine whether human CD3delta (hCD3delta) functions in a similar manner in the mouse in the absence of CD3gamma, we introduced an hCD3delta transgene in mice that were deficient for both CD3delta and CD3gamma, in which thymocyte development is completely arrested at the DN stage. Expression of hCD3delta efficiently supported pre-TCR-mediated progression from the DN to the CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive (DP) stage. However, alphabetaTCR-mediated positive and negative thymocyte selection was less efficient than in wild-type mice, which correlated with a marked attenuation of TCR-mediated signaling. Of note, murine CD3gamma-deficient TCR complexes that had incorporated hCD3delta displayed abnormalities in structural stability resembling those of T cells from CD3gamma-deficient humans. Taken together, these data demonstrate that CD3delta and CD3gamma play a different role in humans and mice in pre-TCR and TCR function during alphabeta T-cell development.  相似文献   

The number and function of human natural killer (NK) cells are generally assessed to monitor the baseline of immune function, the effect of treatment, the progress of malignancy or metastases and diseases. NK cells recognise and kill target cells in the absence of prior sensitisation and are able to defend the host from infection or prevent the progression of a disease. Human NK cells express CD16 and CD56 which are (massively) being used as a major hallmark for the NK cell. The purpose of this study was to identify the unique subsets of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (%CD3-CD56+ cells) by flow cytometry and to determine whether there is any correlation with functionally mature progeny of (NKp) precursor after five days of culture. The correlation was analysed using samples obtained from 120 Caucasian patients. 20-30ml of whole blood was collected in sterile tube containing preservative free sodium heparin and a similar sample was obtained after five days. Maturation of NKp required the continuous presence of recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2), or interleukin 15 (rIL-15) and functional maturity of NK cells was determined by their ability to lyse target cells from the K562 cell line. The NK precursor frequency was measured by limiting dilution analysis (LDA), which The NKpf assay was set up with a range of cell dilutions from 40,000 to 625 per 100ml/well in 96 well culture plates. At the end of the culture period the K562 cell line labelled with Europium (Eu-K562) was added and Eu release measured in culture supernatants using time-resolved fluorometry. The PBMC were set up in parallel cultures under various conditions . On day five cells were collected from culture plates and adjusted to 1x10 cells/ml and then mixed. The mixture was incubated and anti CD3 and anti CD56 were added. NK cells were enumerated in 120 patients by double staining with a combination of anti-CD3- and anti-CD56+. The results of these Immunophenotyping studies by flow cytometry showed no correlation between the NKpf (natural killer precursor frequency) and the percent of CD3-CD56+ cells expressed after five days confirming that CD56 was inadequate as a unique marker for functional NK cells.  相似文献   

Definition of the cytokine environment, which regulates the maturation of human natural killer (NK) cells, has been largely based on in vitro assays because of the lack of suitable animal models. Here we describe conditions leading to the development of human NK cells in NOD/SCID mice receiving grafts of hematopoietic CD34+ precursor cells from cord blood. After 1-week-long in vivo treatment with various combinations of interleukin (IL)-15, flt3 ligand, stem cell factor, IL-2, IL-12, and megakaryocyte growth and differentiation factor, CD56+CD3- cells were detected in bone marrow (BM), spleen, and peripheral blood (PB), comprising 5% to 15% of human CD45+ cells. Human NK cells of NOD/SCID mouse origin closely resembled NK cells from human PB with respect to phenotypic characteristics, interferon (IFN)-gamma production, and cytotoxicity against HLA class 1-deficient K562 targets in vitro and antitumor activity against K562 erythroleukemia in vivo. In the absence of growth factor treatment, CD56+ cells were present only at background levels, but CD34+CD7+ and CD34-CD7+ lymphoid precursors with NK cell differentiation potential were detected in BM and spleen of chimeric NOD/SCID mice for up to 5 months after transplantation. Our results demonstrate that limitations in human NK cell development in the murine microenvironment can be overcome by treatment with NK cell growth-promoting human cytokines, resulting in the maturation of IFN-gamma-producing cytotoxic NK cells. These studies establish conditions to explore human NK cell development and function in vivo in the NOD/SCID mouse model.  相似文献   

Pievani A  Borleri G  Pende D  Moretta L  Rambaldi A  Golay J  Introna M 《Blood》2011,118(12):3301-3310
CD3(+)CD56(+) cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells display a potent cytolytic activity. The adhesion molecule lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 plays a crucial role in binding as well as in cytolytic activity of CIK cells against tumor target cells expressing the corresponding ligands. CIK cells express activating natural killer (NK) receptors, including NKG2D, DNAX accessory molecule-1 (DNAM-1), and low levels of NKp30. Cell signaling not only through TCR/CD3 but also through NKG2D, DNAM-1, and NKp30 leads to CIK cell activation resulting in granule exocytosis, cytokine secretion, and cytotoxicity. Antibody blocking experiments showed that DNAM-1, NKG2D, and NKp30 are involved in the TCR-independent tumor cell recognition and killing. Anti-CMV-specific CIK cells could be expanded in standard CIK cultures and mediate both specific, MHC-restricted recognition and TCR-independent NK-like cytolytic activity against leukemic cell lines or fresh leukemic blasts. Antibody blocking of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 and DNAM-1 led to significant reduction of both CTL and NK-cell functions, whereas blocking of NKG2D and NKp30 only inhibited NK-like cytotoxicity. Their dual-effector function suggests that CIK cells, when used in a clinical setting, may control both neoplastic relapses and viral infections, 2 frequently associated complications in patients who received a transplant.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell-related phenotypes were analyzed in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Our study involved 168 HIV-infected patients (72 CDC Stage II, 48 Stage III, and 46 Stage IV) and 60 healthy individuals. Analyses were conducted using flow cytometry and monoclonal antibodies. In comparison to the control group, all patient groups showed a significant decrease (p less than 0.001) of the CD16+ and CD16+CD3- phenotypes; furthermore, the comparison among patient groups showed no significant difference. It seems, therefore, that the decrease begins in the asymptomatic stage (CDC II) and remains constant during the infection. CD16+ NK cells were further divided into two subsets: CD16+CD8+ and CD16+CD8-. This subdivision shows a severe selective depletion of the CD16+CD8+ subset, but not in the CD16+CD8- subset. The depletion of the CD16+CD8+ subset also appears in the CDC asymptomatic stage and remains constant in CDC stages III and IV. Elsewhere, we observed that CD16+CD8+ lymphocytes are CD3-; complementary analysis of CD3-CD8+ cells showed a depletion comparable to that of the CD16+CD8+ phenotype. Depletion of the CD3-CD8+ subset, which belongs to the NK cell compartment, was observed although the total CD8 population showed a statistically significant increase. We conclude that, in HIV infection, there is a quantitative decrease of the NK CD16+ cell population, which appears to be due to a selective depletion of the CD16+CD8+CD3- compartment. This severe depletion appears to begin early in the infection.  相似文献   

目的探讨弓形虫排泄分泌抗原(ESA)对B16F10黑素瘤小鼠CD4+CD25+Foxp3+T细胞和NK细胞数量和功能的影响,观察ESA对肿瘤生长的作用。方法将传代培养的B16F10黑素瘤细胞接种于C57BL/6小鼠右腋窝皮下,建立荷瘤动物模型。采用ESA腹腔注射进行干预,将实验小鼠分为4组:PBS组、B16F10组、PBS+ESA组、B16F10+ESA组,分别于ESA干预后2、4、6d取脾,流式细胞术检测各组小鼠脾脏CD4+CD25+Foxp3+T细胞和NK细胞占脾细胞的比例;WST-8法检测各组小鼠CD4+CD25+T细胞对CD4+CD25-T细胞增殖的抑制功能;LDH法检测NK细胞杀伤B16F10功能;观测荷瘤鼠肿瘤体积动态变化。结果 ESA干预4、6d后,荷瘤鼠脾脏CD4+CD25+Foxp3+T细胞占脾细胞的比例分别为(1.65±0.18)%和(1.56±0.17)%,与荷瘤对照组[分别为(2.47±0.10)%和(2.82±0.12)%]比较差异均有统计学意义(P均〈0.05);ESA干预可使CD4+CD25+T细胞对CD4+CD25-T细胞的抑制功能下降。抑制作用以干预后4、6d较明显,抑制率分别为50.03%和50.00%,低于荷瘤对照组的75.03%和78.14%(P均〈0.05);荷瘤鼠脾脏NK细胞占脾细胞的比例[(3.58±0.07)%]在ESA干预后6d显著高于荷瘤对照组的(2.61±0.13)%(P〈0.05)。同时NK细胞杀伤B16F10细胞功能也增强,不同效靶细胞比(5∶1、10∶1、20∶1)下分别为26.51%、35.25%、60.19%,明显高于荷瘤对照组的16.81%、24.63%、45.62%(P均〈0.05);ESA干预后,瘤体出现延缓生长,平均出瘤时间较对照组延迟6d,实验终点荷瘤第35天ESA干预组瘤体体积[(6208.34±443.64)mm3]明显小于荷瘤对照组[(9027.46±1362.01)mm3](P〈0.05)。结论弓形虫ESA可通过下调荷瘤鼠CD4+CD25+Foxp3+T细胞比例并抑制其功能和上调NK细胞比例并增强其杀伤功能,发挥抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   

A subset of human T cells has recently been described. These cells express the CD3 complex but they do not carry the classical T-cell receptor (TCR)-alpha/-beta heterodimer on their surface (WT31- CD3+). Instead, they express a TCR-gamma chain associated with another type of polypeptide termed TCR-delta. We report here that a T-cell clone with natural killer (NK)-like activity, WM-14, had a disulfide bridged TCR-gamma homodimer associated with CD3 on its surface. The TCR-gamma chains of WM-14 cells were present in three different glycosylation forms of 43, 40, and 38 kDa, but they appeared to contain the same polypeptide backbone. Since cytotoxicity by WM-14 could be inhibited by anti-CD3 antibodies, we concluded that the TCR-gamma-CD3 complex was involved in the NK-like unrestricted killer activity. Although normal CD3-gamma, CD3-delta, and CD3-epsilon chains were present in this clone, the association with the TCR-gamma homodimer may be the cause of a complete processing of the N-linked oligosaccharides attached to the CD3-delta chain.  相似文献   

The T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) consists of heterodimeric glycoproteins (TCR alpha beta or gamma delta) that demonstrate homology with immunoglobulins. Noncovalently associated with the alpha beta (or gamma delta) heterodimer are at least five nonvariant proteins (CD3-gamma, -delta, -epsilon, -zeta, and -eta), which together comprise the TCR-CD3 complex. The stoichiometry of the antigen receptor has been assumed to be either alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta zeta or alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta. In this paper we provide several lines of evidence that support the notion that the mature TCR-CD3 complex on the cell surface contains two CD3-epsilon polypeptide chains. Transfection of two murine T cell-T cell hybridomas with the human DNA encoding CD3-epsilon protein demonstrated that both murine and human CD3-epsilon chains were present within the same TCR-CD3 complex. Analysis of thymocytes isolated from transgenic mice that expressed high copy numbers of the human CD3-epsilon gene showed that the heterologous human CD3-epsilon subunits were coexpressed with murine CD3-epsilon in the same TCR-CD3 complex. Since CD3-epsilon was shown to form disulfide-linked homodimers both in human and murine T cells, the two CD3-epsilon subunits present in the TCR-CD3 complex were in direct contact with one another. The presence of two CD3-epsilon polypeptide chains in close proximity to one another in the TCR-CD3 complex may have important implications for its assembly and its signal transduction mechanisms.  相似文献   

A distinctive variable region 14-positive (V14+) alpha chain (V alpha 14+) of the T-cell antigen receptor is predominantly expressed in multiple mouse subspecies. The V alpha 14 family has two members, V alpha 14.1 and V alpha 14.2, which differ by only three amino acids at positions 50-52. Based on the EcoRI restriction fragment length polymorphism of the gene encoding V alpha 14, mice can be divided into three groups: type I with an 11.2-kilobase (kb) fragment, type II with a 2.0-kb fragment, and type III with the 2.0-kb and 11.2-kb fragments. Usage of V alpha 14-J alpha 281, where J alpha 281 is an alpha-chain joining segment, with a one-base N region dominates at the level of 0.02-1.5% of alpha chains in all laboratory strains, Mus musculus castaneus, and Mus musculus domesticus but not in Mus musculus molossinus, Mus musculus musculus, and Mus spicilegus samples. The preferential V alpha 14-J alpha 281 expression seems to be due to positive selection because the V-J junctional region is always glycine, despite the ability of the V alpha 14 gene to associate with J alpha other than J alpha 281. As V alpha 14-J alpha 281 expression is independent of known major histocompatibility complex antigens, including H-2, TLA, Qa, and HMT, the selecting ligand must be a monomorphic molecule of the mouse, expressed in a subspecies-specific manner. Additional observations, such as the expression of homogeneous V alpha 14-J alpha 281 in athymic mice, suggest that the positive selection of V alpha 14+ T cells occurs extrathymically.  相似文献   

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