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中国民航乘务员体检标准规定单眼裸眼远视力低于0.5(C字表)不合格,在飞行中也不允许戴各种矫正眼镜。笔者认为这一标准过于严格。目前,美国空军已准许飞行员使用软质亲水型角膜接触镜矫正屈光不正。国际民航组织和中国民航均准许现役飞行员使用矫正眼镜,只要矫正后视力达到1.0者,均允许戴镜飞行。中国民航限制空中乘务员戴矫正眼镜飞行的主要原因可能是出于美学的要求。实际上佩戴角膜接触  相似文献   

目的:确切了解乘务员干眼的现状和影响因素,为乘务员保护眼睛,预防干眼相关的眼部损害提供依据。方法对2518名乘务员进行问卷调查和眼科检查,分别按年龄、性别、屈光矫正方式进行患病率的统计,并对结果进行统计学分析。结果乘务员干眼的总患病率达到40.43%,屈光矫正方式为最重要影响因素。结论佩戴角膜接触镜和角膜屈光手术后的乘务员患病率明显增高。因为工作环境和职业特殊性,乘务员患病率较正常地面人群明显增高。  相似文献   

角膜接触镜(contact lens)是一种戴在眼球角膜上用以矫正视力或保护眼睛的镜片,在佩戴、保存等过程中都可能会将细菌带入结膜囊。随着角膜接触镜的广泛应用,使之成为导致眼部感染性疾病的重要危险因素之一[1]。本研究对佩戴角膜接触镜100例(眼)患者进行结膜囊细菌培养,现将结果报告如下。1材料与方法1.1检查对象:随机选择在我院眼科就诊的屈光不正佩戴角膜接触镜患者100例(100眼),其中男32  相似文献   

笔概述了航空环境对角膜接触镜的影响。由HEMA制成的角膜接触镜具有高含水率和透气性能,在高空低气压、缺氧及干燥环境中具有良好的适应性,在高G值作用下,也能较好地贴附于角膜表面并不引起脱落 同时,现代民航客机的密封增压座舱系统能够有效地防护高空环境因素对人体的危害。民航乘务员屈光条件为±3.00D以内无散光,飞行时可使用角膜接触镜,航医应定期检查眼部情况,规定使用每年更换一次镜片。  相似文献   

目的探讨实验法验配角膜塑形镜过夜佩戴后发生光学区中心偏离的原因,为提高验配成功率提供依据。方法应用Tomy-4角膜地形图仪定量分析52例(104只眼)近视眼佩戴角膜塑形镜后1个月、3个月、6个月时偏中心的距离,分析偏中心距离与佩戴前近视屈光度(SPH)、角膜平坦曲率(fiatK)、角膜表面非对称指数(SAI)、角膜表面规则指数(SRI)等参数的关系。结果戴镜1个月、3个月、6月时,偏中心距离分别为(0.465±0.260)mm、(0.452±0.296)mm、(0.471±0.338)mm。戴镜后1个月、3个月、6月时偏中心距离0.5~1.0mm者比例分别为27.88%、26.92%、24.04%.偏中心距离≥1.0ram者比例分别为2.88%、4.81%、4.81%。戴镜1个月、3个月、6个月时左、右眼镜片中心均向颞侧偏斜。光学区偏中心距离与戴镜前屈光度、SAI、SRI、fiatK的相关系数,戴镜1个月时分别为rSPH=0.017,tsar=0.008,rSRI=0.050,rK=0.012;戴镜3个月时分别为确=0.030,rsa,=0.030,rSRI=0.097,rx=0.006;戴镜6个月时分别为r蜊:O.005,rSd产0.095,rSRI=0.069,rx=0.007(P均大于0.05)。结论戴镜后不同时期镜片中心均向颢侧偏斜,镜片偏中心距离与佩戴时间、矫正前近视屈光度、角膜平坦K、SRI、SAI等均无明显相关性.镜片偏中心可能与角膜自然生理形态有关。加强佩戴后的随访.是提高验配成功率的关键.  相似文献   

目的对中国国际航空公司1609名空中乘务员口腔科的龋齿、补牙情况进行调查,旨在预防和控制空中乘务员中龋病的发生与发展。方法分别对不同性别、不同年龄组进行统计分析,检查项目包括龋坏、缺失、充填、烤瓷冠修复等。结果①空中乘务员半数以上(53.52%)者均有不同程度龋齿补牙情况;②19岁以下男、女空中乘务员患龋率无显著性差别,20岁以上各年龄组女性空中乘务员龋病发生率高于男性;③比较30岁以下和30岁以上患龋率变化呈“激增”状态,30岁以下两组和30岁以上的两组的患龋率变化则相对平稳;④女性空中乘务员的龋齿补牙均数(DMF)、龋均数值均大于男性空中乘务员,40岁以上年龄组DMF、龋均则较接近总体平均水平;⑤第一磨牙患龋率最高,同时有两颗第一磨牙患龋情况在所有第一磨牙患龋的各种情况中最为多见。结论就空中乘务员工作、生活环境的特殊性,对他们龋病易患因素、各年龄组患病率、DMF、龋均数值的差别进行讨论,并提出相应防龋、治龋措施。  相似文献   

目的 评价不同方法用于甲状腺相关眼病引起的眼睑闭合不全的效果,以预防因眼睑闭合不全引起的结膜充血、干燥、流泪、暴露性角膜病变等.方法 将160例甲状腺相关眼病引起的眼睑闭合不全患者随机分两组,对照组采用传统方法妥布霉素滴眼液点患眼加红霉素眼膏涂抹患眼,实验组在对照组的基础上联合3M透明敷料黏贴法保护患眼.观察并比较两组患者角膜上皮缺损改善情况和眼部并发症发生情况.结果 72 h后实验组角膜上皮缺损的总改善率为95.8%,对照组为61.0%,两组比较差别有统计学意义(P<0.05).实验组治疗后眼部不适症状共发生34只眼,发生率23.6%,对照组发生104只,发生率70.3%,两组发生率比较,差别有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 采用妥布霉素滴眼液冲洗加红霉素眼膏涂抹,联合3M透明敷料黏贴法保护患眼,可有效减轻眼部不适,降低并发症发生率,是一种较为理想且操作简便的眼部护理方法.  相似文献   

目的 研究迅速减压对佩戴的软性角膜接触镜、佩戴者视力和角膜的影响.方法 8名(16眼)男性近视志愿者,年龄28~46岁,屈光度为-0.5~-4.25 D,先后佩戴含水量为55%和含水量为38%的软性角膜接触镜,进行2次低压舱模拟迅速减压试验,每次上升速率25 m/s,升至2500 m,停留5 min后在0.3~0.5 ...  相似文献   

本研究采用scl-90自评症状量表和艾森克个性问卷调查了中国国际航空公司123名空中乘务员的心理健康状况及其个性特征。结果表明空中乘务员这一特殊群体与全国正常成人常模相比,心理健康状况较差,有12.38%的人存在着明显的心理症状。空中乘务员的个性特征在精神质(P)和情绪性(N)两项因素上与其心理健康状况有着很大的相关,心理健康状况较差的空中乘务员的P、N值都较高。不同年龄、工作年限的空中乘务员的心理健康水平有显性差异。  相似文献   

目的 研究高空低气压环境对角膜接触镜、佩戴者视力和角膜的影响.方法 8名(16眼)男性近视受试者,屈光度为-0.5~-4.25 D,先后佩戴1种含水量为55%和2种含水量为38%的角膜接触镜,进行3次低压舱模拟高空环境实验,每次上升速率25 m/s,升至2500 m和5300 m各停留20 min,7000m停留20 ...  相似文献   

Extensive research in aviation medicine has been devoted to various aspects of vision, but there has been little attention to the eye problems of flight attendants. Flight attendants, especially contact lens wearers, have complained about eye discomfort in aircraft. The purpose of this study was to evaluate some of the conditions in aircraft that might influence their eye comfort. A questionnaire on eye comfort was developed in conjunction with the Air Safety Department of the Association of Flight Attendants and distributed through its Flightlog magazine. Of the 774 respondents, 95% reported some eye discomfort in aircraft. It is significant that both those who did and who did wear contact lenses reported similar eye problems. The most common eye problems reported were conjunctival redness and dried eyes. Smoking was indicated by the respondents to be the most noticeable factor causing eye symptoms. Aircraft cabin conditions are discussed, including relative humidity, atmospheric oxygen, and ozone concentration. Since air passengers are exposed to the same aircraft conditions as the attendants, they probably would manifest similar eye problems.  相似文献   

Flight attendants frequently use ophthalmic solutions (eye-drops) to relieve their eye discomfort while working in the aircraft. The purpose of this paper is to present some insight concerning the use of ophthalmic solutions by flight attendants. This paper follows Part I, a survey that evaluated some of the environmental conditions in the aircraft that influenced eye comfort. A questionnaire was developed in conjunction with the Air Safety Department of the Association of Flight Attendants. The common eye problem characterized by conjunctival redness and eye irritation occurred with 95% of the 774 respondents. Furthermore, 60% of these respondents indicated that they have used eyedrops while in flight. The majority of the respondents were using an ocular decongestant; however, this author suggests that the use of artificial tears would be more effective in relieving eye discomfort in the aircraft.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational exposures in female aircrew may cause adverse pregnancy outcomes and menstrual disturbances. We studied reproductive health among female flight attendants. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional health survey among an occupational cohort of current and former flight attendants using a postal questionnaire including items on pregnancy outcome, menstrual characteristics, and infertility. We investigated these factors by occupational status (in service or not). RESULTS: The questionnaire was sent to 3036 women with a response rate of 64% (74% for current and 48% for former flight attendants). Spontaneous abortion rates were similar for pregnancies of women in service and not (12.6 vs. 11.4%; p = 0.58). Induced abortion rates were lower for in-service pregnancies (7.9%) compared with pregnancies of women not in service (21.1%) (p < 0.001). Menstrual irregularities in the year preceding the survey for women under 40 yr were more frequent among current than former flight attendants (20.6% vs. 10.4%, p = 0.02). Fertility problems were reported by 20.6% of respondents. An association between infertility and irregular menstrual cycles was found: odds ratio 1.6; 95% confidence limits 1.1, 2.4. CONCLUSIONS: Active flight attendants had a lower rate of induced abortions than former flight attendants, but the spontaneous abortion rate was similar between the two groups. Active flight attendants reported more menstrual irregularities, which are a risk factor for infertility. Lack of comparison with working women in other occupations precludes a conclusion that flight attendants are at greater occupational risk of reproductive disorders. Future studies of reproductive health in flight attendants should address personal and work-related risk factors in more detail and include comparison occupational groups.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Flight attendants working on long-haul international commercial airline operations exposed to ergonomic stressors are likely to experience work-related musculoskeletal symptoms (WMS). To date, however, no studies investigating the extent of WMS experienced by this specific population have been published. The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence and severity (frequency, duration, and intensity) of WMS experienced by female flight attendants working on long-haul international flights for one major airline. METHODS: A cross-sectional, mailed survey was conducted with female flight attendants randomly selected from a union membership list. Inclusion criteria were female flight attendants who had worked at least one long-haul international flight in the prior 3 mo and had worked at least 75 flight hours in the prior month. A total of 185 eligible flight attendants returned completed questionnaires (63% response rate). WMS in nine body regions were measured by the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Symptom Survey. RESULTS: The prevalence of WMS by body region ranged from 50% to 86%. Almost all (97%) of the flight attendants in this study experienced some level of WMS during the past year. The WMS tended to involve more than one body region, and the lower back was the most commonly affected body region. DISCUSSION: Female flight attendants working on long-haul international flights at one major airline showed a high prevalence of WMS, suggesting the need for replication studies with other airlines and the need for investigation into the risk factors associated with this substantial problem.  相似文献   

Cancer incidence and mortality among flight personnel: a meta-analysis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND: Increased cancer risk among flight personnel have previously been noted, including breast cancer among flight attendants and acute myeloid leukemia among pilots. Hypothesis: Exposure to cosmic radiation and other physical or chemical agents may pose health risks for flight personnel. METHODS: We performed an exhaustive search for published and unpublished cohort studies of flight personnel from 1986-98. We combined relative risks (RR) for selected causes from four mortality and/or incidence studies of pilots and two incidence studies of flight attendants, using standard meta-analytic methods. Heterogeneity among the combined studies was explored and adjustments were made for possible confounding by socioeconomic status (SES), where indicated, using correction factors from published studies. RESULTS: SES-adjusted combined RRs were elevated (>1.2) among male pilots for mortality from melanoma 11.97 (95%, CI: 1.02-3.82)] and brain cancer [1.49 (0.89-2.20)], and for cancer incidence of the prostate [1.65 (1.19-2.29)] and the brain [1.74 (0.87-3.30)]. Among female flight attendants, increases were seen for incidence of all cancers [1.29 (0.98-1.70)], melanoma [11.54 (0.83-2.87)], and breast cancer [1.35 (1.00-1.83)]. CONCLUSIONS: Flight personnel appear to be at increased risk for several types of cancer. Both occupational exposures and well-established non-occupational risk factors may contribute to this increased risk. To better control for confounding factors and to identify exposures potentially amenable to preventive measures, future studies should compare risks within cohorts by flight routes, work history, and exposure to cosmic and UV radiation, electromagnetic fields, and chemical substances.  相似文献   

More and more mission specialists are being trained to operate in the Space Shuttle and to eventually maintain a permanent station in space. Since up to 48% of the general population wears a visual correction of some sort, it is logical to assume that this percentage will also be found in the astronaut population. This paper proposes that the soft contact lens can be worn successfully in the space environment. The contact lens of choice is the continuous-wear soft contact lens which is proving to be quite successful for the general public. These lenses must be fitted at least 6 months before space flight in order to make sure they can be worn successfully.  相似文献   

In order to perform safety-critical roles in emergency situations, flight attendants should meet minimum health standards and not be impaired by factors such as fatigue. In addition, the unique occupational and environmental characteristics of flight attendant employment may have consequential occupational health and safety implications, including radiation exposure, cancer, mental ill-health, musculoskeletal injury, reproductive disorders, and symptoms from cabin air contamination. The respective roles of governments and employers in managing these are controversial. A structured literature review was undertaken to identify key themes for promoting a future agenda for flight attendant health and safety. Recommendations include breast cancer health promotion, implementation of Fatigue Risk Management Systems, standardization of data collection on radiation exposure and health outcomes, and more coordinated approaches to occupational health and safety risk management. Research is ongoing into cabin air contamination incidents, cancer, and fatigue as health and safety concerns. Concerns are raised that statutory medical certification for flight attendants will not benefit either flight safety or occupational health.  相似文献   

Pregnancy outcomes among female flight attendants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flight attendants have been reported to be at increased risk for menstrual abnormalities and for spontaneous fetal loss. This study examined Washington State birth certificates for associations between adverse pregnancy outcomes and maternal employment as a flight attendant. Current pregnancy outcomes (low birthweight, prematurity, low Apgar scores, and abnormal sex ratio) were not significantly related to occupation. Flight attendants reported their preceding pregnancy resulted in a spontaneous fetal loss nearly twice as often as other women (relative risk = 1.9, 95% confidence interval = 1.3-2.7). However, when comparison was restricted to other employed women, the risk was lower (RR = 1.3, 95% CI = 0.9-1.9). A clinically significant pregnancy risk among flight attendants cannot be excluded on the basis of this study, but the apparent excess risk of spontaneous fetal loss in this and particularly in a previous study could be explained at least in part by methodologic limitations.  相似文献   

Inflight occupational injuries suffered by flight attendants are an important cause of medical disabilities. Mexicana Airlines has made an evaluation of this problem from 1983 to 1987. The injuries most frequently observed were contusions, skin cuts, sprains, fractures, spine disorders, and severe barotitis. The anatomic regions commonly affected were the hands, feet, and spine. These injuries are responsible for 15,573 work days lost for the average of 1,631 flight attendants. This study identified some unsafe actions and conditions in the flight attendants' working environment. The company has initiated an extensive training program to avoid unsafe actions and to eliminate certain unsafe conditions where possible.  相似文献   

目的探讨影响眼球开放伤后发生眼内炎的危险因素。方法回顾性分析眼球开放伤480眼,分析清创缝合时间、伤口位置、伤口长度、异物存留、晶状体破裂对眼内炎发生率的影响。结果共52眼发生眼内炎,发生率为10.8%。清创缝合时间>24 h、角膜或角膜缘伤口、异物存留和晶状体破裂显著增加眼球开放伤眼内炎的发生率,差异具有统计学意义;伤口长度>20 mm可增加眼球开放伤后眼内炎发生率,但差异没有统计学意义。结论延误初次清创缝合、伤口靠前、异物存留和晶状体破裂可增加眼球开放伤后发生眼内炎的风险。  相似文献   

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