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一、病史摘要 患者女,56岁,已婚,院号0851。因渐起兴奋,话多,认为被害,伴睡眠差36年于1998年11月4日第4次入院。 患者1962年参加高考落榜,觉“当头一棒”,心中不悦,渐沉默少语,夜眠差。被送至本市某专科医院治疗后好转(具体情况不详)。1965年下放苏北农场,不久又出现精神异常,表现敏感多疑,认为有人害自己。  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”三个字的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、“征”用法混乱的原因进行了认真的分析和总结。对于目前如何使用“症”、“证”、“征”,我们倾向于人民卫生出版社郭有声同志的观点,具体如下:(1)“症”用于症状和并发症,如临床症状、症状鉴别诊断及手术并发症等;(2)“证”用于适应证和禁忌证,如手术适应证和手术禁忌证等;(3)“征”用于综合征、征象、体征和指征,如帕金森综合征、手术指征等。  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、“征”的用法混乱的原因进行了认真的分析和总结。对于目前如何使用“症”、“征”、“证”,我们倾向于人民卫生出版社郭有声同志的观点,具体如下:(1)“症”用于症状和并发症,如临床症状、症状鉴别诊断及手术并发症等;(2)“证”用于适应证和禁忌证,如手术适应证和手术禁忌证等;(3)“征”用于综合征、征象、体征和指征,如帕金森综合征、手术指征等。  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”三个字的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、“征”用法混乱的原因进行了认真的分析和总结。对于目前如何使用“症”、“证”、“征”,我们倾向于人民卫生出版社郭有声同志的观点,具体如下:  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、“征”的用法混乱的原因进行了认真的分析和总结。对于目前如何使用“症”、“征”、“证”,我们倾向于人民卫生出版社郭有声同志的观点,具体如下:  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、“征”的用法混乱的原因进行了认真的分析和总结。对于目前如何使用“症”、“征”、“证”,我们倾向于人民卫生出版社郭有声同志的观点,具体如下:(1)“症”用于症状和并发症,如临床症状、症状鉴别诊断及手术并发症等。  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、“征”的用法混乱的原因进行了认真的分析和总结。对于目前如何使用“症”、“征”、“证”,我们倾向于人民卫生出版社郭有声同志的观点,具体如下:(1)“症”用于症状和并发症,如临床症状、症状鉴别诊断及手术并发症等;(2)“证”用于适应证和禁忌证,如手术适应证和手术禁忌证等;(3)“征”用于综合征、征象、体征和指征,如帕金森综合征、手术指征等。  相似文献   

在“症”、“证”、“征”的用法上在专业杂志上发表论文时出现用字不准,就显得不够规范。因此,在文字编辑过程中,根据国家规定的标准词义对“症”、“证”、  相似文献   

<正>最近是股民们的盛世,股市一路飘红,听着周围好几个朋友说被套牢的钱已经解套了,甚至还净赚了不少。有趣的是中国富豪的排行榜也像股市一样连连翻新,先是胡润百富榜发布马云超越了万达的王健林以250亿美元的身家登上中国财富榜首富,没过几个月,12月12日彭博亿万富豪(图1)指数又显示由于阿里巴巴股价上涨,马云资产再度扩张,以286亿美元资产净值超过了李嘉诚的283亿美元,成为亚洲新首富。尽管随  相似文献   

随着神经影像学技术的发展,弥漫性或多灶性脑白质改变日益引起人们的关注。神经病理学研究表明,这类白质改变通常表现脱髓鞘、反应性胶质增生和小动脉硬化,其严重程度与放射学改变呈正相关。对于这种白质改变的命名还比较混乱,有人称之为脑白质疏松(leukoaraiosis,LA),有人称之为白质脑病(leukoencephalopathy)。  相似文献   

读贵刊9:182,1983年常大权、魏条灵同志的“暂时性球性遗忘症3例报告”一文,颇受启发。作者在躯体检查方面做得比较全面,为该症的病因假说提供了一些证据。但在该症的命名上将“global”译为“球性”值得商榷。英语有“一词多义”的特点,翻译时要结合上下文或所述事物的性质来选择词义。“global”在这里应作“全面的”、“普遍的”解。如果译为“球性”,使人联想该症与延髓病变有关。神经病学中的“球”习  相似文献   

本刊对重大科研成果,新技术、新方法的创立及罕见病例的报道将使用“时讯”栏目,在最短的时间内予以发表。确保创新成果不失时效。凡要求以“时讯”栏目发表的论文,作者应提供关于论文创新性的书面说明和省级查新报告。经审核同意后我刊将在收到稿件后2个月内刊出。为活跃办刊学术气氛,希望持不同学术观点的文稿能在本刊进行争鸣与讨论,使某些问题在讨论中达到共识,同时也欢迎对本刊已发表过的文稿进行追踪、讨论。提出读者的不同研究结果或看法。  相似文献   

The space between the importance (the ethical necessity) of living together in difference and the difficulty of actually doing so is a fertile area for psychoanalytic relational exploration. In this article, to explore some of the psychoanalytic implications of the psychological and emotional challenges of living with radical cultural difference, I use empirical data about the experiences of men and women who are, or have been, in intercultural marriages and relationships. I argue that the experiences narrated by participants in radically “othered” intercultural marriages and relationships are a microcosm of wider transglobal clashes, configurations, inequalities, and connections, and that these experiences highlight the necessity of theorizing and practicing a process-oriented psychoanalysis that eschews single, preemptive answers to the complex questions of living together in difference and takes seriously the ethical question of the capacity and willingness to live with degrees of lack, dislocation, uncertainty, and alienation.  相似文献   

Sixteen children said to be "borderline" were referred for comprehensive evaluation. None met DSM III criteria for borderline personality disorder. Referring psychiatrists and psychologists seemed to base their impressions on the child's disorganized thinking and irrational, erratic behavior, problems that were better understood and treated from a developmental perspective. The borderline label had a negative impact on some children, and was not helpful for treatment planning or disposition. Clear guidelines for the application of this ambiguous and controversial diagnostic term in child psychiatry are nonexistent.  相似文献   

“Anxietas Tibiarum”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Background Symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) have been observed. However, it is unclear whether rates of threshold depression and anxiety disorders according to DSM-IV criteria in such patients are also elevated. Methods 238 RLS patients were assessed with a standardized diagnostic interview (Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV) validated for subjects aged 18–65 years. Rates of anxiety and depressive disorders were compared between 130 RLS patients within this age range and 2265 community respondents from a nationally representative sample with somatic morbidity of other types. Results RLS patients revealed an increased risk of having 12-month anxiety and depressive disorders with particularly strong associations with panic disorder (OR=4.7; 95% CI=2.1–10.1), generalized anxiety disorder (OR=3.5; 95% CI= 1.7–7.1), and major depression (OR=2.6; 95% CI=1.5–4.4). In addition, lifetime rates of panic disorder and most depressive disorders as well as comorbid depression and anxiety disorders were considerably increased among RLS patients compared with controls. Conclusions The results suggest that RLS patients are at increased risk of having specific anxiety and depressive disorders. Causal attributions of patients suggest that a considerable proportion of the excess morbidity for depression and panic disorder might be due to RLS symptomatology.  相似文献   

人们对“痫”字很感生疏。“痫”的读音Xian也不同于“癎”的读音Jian,全国绝大多数地区都不读癫痫为dian xian。“癫痫”这个词语完全游离于人民生活之外,这一异体字规范显然已违背语言文字的全民性及其发展规律。(方便起见,部分繁体部首“门”用简体)考证祖国医典,发现“癎”字不但为当  相似文献   

护理工作应从“尊重”和“理解”做起   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Investigations aimed at identifying the clinical characteristics that discriminate tardive dyskinesia (TD) from non-TD patients have yielded disparate findings. We have suggested, based on pharmacological and neuroradiological studies, that TD in schizophrenia may be a covariate of positive symptoms while drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) may relate to negative symptoms. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined in 47 institutionalized schizophrenic patients the relationship of TD and DIP with psychopathology clusters rated on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. We found that involuntary movements of TD were significantly associated with the activation cluster (p <.01), whereas DIP was significantly associated with the anergia cluster (p <.01). These findings thus support the position that TD is a specific facet of the positive syndrome in schizophrenia, while DIP is a specific feature of the negative syndrome. Clinically, the data suggest that schizophrenic patients with predominant positive symptoms may be at increased risk for TD, while those with prominent negative features could be at increased risk for DIP. In analogy with the positive/negative dichotomy, we propose that TD could be regarded as a “positive,” while DIP as a “negative” movement disorder.  相似文献   

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