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There have been few previous studies of the functional significance of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) lesions made in neonatal rats. To study the role of serotonin (5-HT) in recovery of function, rat pups and adult rats were injected intracisternally with 5,7-DHT or saline and challenged acutely with the 5-HT precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) 4 weeks later as a test of behavioral supersensitivity. Compared to 5,7-DHT lesions in adults, neonatal lesions induced significantly greater 5-HT depletions in brainstem, but 5-HT depletions in other regions were not significantly different in the two groups. Rats with early 5,7-DHT lesions displayed supersensitive behavioral responses to 5-HTP, consisting of all the component myoclonic-serotonergic behaviors seen in rats with 5,7-DHT lesions made as adults. However, there was significantly less 5-HTP-evoked head weaving, truncal myoclonus and shaking behavior in rats treated with 5,7-DHT as neonates. Body weight was reduced both in rats with early and late 5,7-DHT lesions, but reduction persisted in rats with early lesions. These data indicate overall similarity with some differences between neurochemical and behavioral effects of early and late 5,7-DHT lesions made by the intracisternal route. They suggest that recovery mechanisms did not occur or failed to reverse the neurochemical or behavioral consequences of early 5,7-DHT lesions.  相似文献   

The conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm was used to determine a role for serotonin in the nucleus accumbens in the mediation of the rewarding properties of D-amphetamine morphine and diazepam. The effect of these drugs on CPP was examined in controls and in animals with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions of the nucleus accumbans. The results from control animals confirmed that D-amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg, i.p.), morphine (2.0 mg/kg, i.p.) and diazepam (1.0 mg/kg, i.p.) produced place preference for a distinctive environment that had previously been paired with injections of the drug. In animals with 80% reduction of 5-hydroxytryptamine content of the nucleus accumbens, D-amphetamine CPP was unchanged and morphine CPP was attenuated compared with controls. Diazepam CPP was not apparent in animals with the lesion. In separate experiments, characteristic behavioural effects of the drugs under study were examined in control and in animals with lesion. The results showed a tendency for increased amphetamine hyperlocomotion, enhanced morphine activity and analgesia and decreased diazepam anti-anxiety effect in animals with lesions. Thus, the 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions of the nucleus accumbens differently influenced the CPP induced by the drugs studied and, with the exception of diazepam, the various behavioural effects elicited by each drug. The findings suggest that serotonin-containing neurones of the nucleus accumbens are a component of the neural circuitry that mediates the rewarding properties of morphine, probably of diazepam, but not of D-amphetamine.  相似文献   

"Denervation supersensitivity" of serotonin (5-HT) receptors has been proposed to explain the behavioral supersensitivity to 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) which develops after lesions of indoleamine neurons with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). To examine the possible role of receptor recognition sites and second messenger activity in supersensitivity, we measured regional 5-HT2 receptor ligand binding and 5-HT-stimulated phosphoinositide turnover in adult rats with 5,7-DHT lesions made by intracisternal injection and their saline-treated controls. In [3H]ketanserin binding studies of fresh brain tissue two weeks after 5,7-DHT injection, there were no significant changes in frontal cortex, brainstem, or spinal cord in Bmax, Kd, or nH of 5-HT2 receptors, 5,7-DHT lesions did not affect basal levels of [3H]inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation but significantly increased 5-HT-stimulated [3H]IP accumulation in the brainstem (+27%) and cortex (+23%). Because brainstem rather than cortex is involved in 5-HTP-evoked myoclonus, increased 5-HT-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in brainstem following 5,7-DHT lesions in the rat may be relevant to serotonergic behavioral supersensitivity.  相似文献   

The neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) is often used in neonatal rats to induce specific, rapid, and permanent depletion of brain serotonin (5-HT). One assumed benefit of using this drug in neonates is that it is well-tolerated, with pups exhibiting few side effects normally attributed to 5-HT depletion. Here, we present evidence that 5,7-DHT administered neonatally induces seizure-like behavior, decreases weight gain, and increases plasma corticosterone without depletion of brain 5-HT.  相似文献   

Serotonin is suggested to regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and previous studies with serotonin depletion reported either a decrease or no change in adult hippocampal progenitor proliferation. We have addressed the effects of serotonin depletion on distinct aspects of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, namely the proliferation, survival and terminal differentiation of hippocampal progenitors. We used the serotonin synthesis inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) or the serotonergic neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) to deplete serotonin levels. 5,7-DHT selectively decreased hippocampal serotonin levels, while PCPA resulted in a significant decline in both serotonin and norepinephrine levels. We observed a robust decline in the proliferation and survival of adult hippocampal progenitors following PCPA treatment. This was supported by a decrease in the number of doublecortin-positive cells in the neurogenic niche in the hippocampus. In striking contrast, 5,7-DHT did not alter the proliferation or survival of adult hippocampal progenitors and did not alter the number of doublecortin-positive cells. The terminal differentiation of adult hippocampal progenitors was not altered by either PCPA or 5,7-DHT treatment. An acute increase in serotonin levels also did not influence adult hippocampal progenitor proliferation. These results suggest that selective serotonin depletion or an acute induction in serotonin levels does not regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, whereas treatment with PCPA that induces a decline in both serotonin and norepinephrine levels results in a significant decrease in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Our results highlight the need for future studies to examine the role of other monoamines in both the effects of stress and antidepressants on adult hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The role of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) serotonergic afferents in cardiovascular (CV) regulation is yet to be established. However, several findings suggest that in this nucleus the serotonergic endings coming from the nodose ganglia (NG) are involved in the control of blood pressure (BP). The purpose of the present study was to identify the CV effects of the destruction of this NG-NTS serotonergic pathway. For that, the BP, BP variability (BPV) and heart rate (HR) effects of the local microinjection of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), into the NG and NTS were investigated in awake freely moving rats. The local degeneration of serotonergic elements was associated with a significant decrease in the 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid levels within the NG and NTS in 5,7-DHT treated rats. In addition, the microinjection of the neurotoxin in both structures produced a transient and significant increase in BP. This effect was of greater amplitude and associated with an increase in BPV in NG lesioned rats. These results may indicate that the NG-NTS serotonergic pathway participates in the transfer of the messages arising from the aortic baroreceptors. However, the vagal component of the baroreflex assessed with the phenylephrine test was not significantly modified in NG lesioned animals as compared to controls. Consequently, if the present data suggest that the NG-NTS serotonergic pathway plays a depressor role in BP regulation, its involvement in the reflex CV responses triggered by the stimulation of the aortic baroreceptors has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Animals in which 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) was bilaterally injected into the median forebrain bundle (MFB) and sham lesioned animals were allowed access to an apparatus which delivered, upon lever pressing, intravenous D-amphetamine injections. MFB lesioned rats achieved stable self-injections patterns and self-administered more drug per test session than controls. A number of agents known to either directly or indirectly affect 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptor function were administered prior to D-amphetamine access. The responses to these pretreatments in lesioned vs non-lesioned rats were markedly different. Pretreatment with L-tryptophan reduced the number of D-amphetamine self-injections in sham lesioned rats but had no effect in MFB lesioned animals. Fluoxetine pretreatment, likewise, reduced responding in non-lesioned rats and had no observable effect in lesioned animals. Quipazine markedly reduced self-injection in control rats but was not evaluated in the lesioned group. The putative 5-HT antagonists utilized, cyproheptadine and methysergide, unpredictably reduced self-injection frequency of non-lesioned animals in a dose related manner. When MFB lesioned animals were pretreated with cyproheptadine, rapid bursts of lever pressing were observed and 3 of 6 animals thus treated died as a result (presumably amphetamine overdose). In the remaining animals, methysergide produced a similar marked increase in self-injection rate. While these data may suggest that, in some instances, non-serotonergic mechanisms are involved, for the most part it would appear that 5-HT containing neurons are of major import in some aspect of D-amphetamine self-administration.  相似文献   

The effect of intracerebral injections of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) and 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on the serotonin (5-HT)-immunoreactive (IR) cell bodies 11 and fibers in the adult rat hypothalamus was studied with 5-HT immunocytochemistry. In rats pretreated with pargyline and l-tryptophan, 5-HT-IR cells were seen in the ventromedial part of the dorsomedial nucleus (DMN) and 5-HT-IR fibers in all hypothalamic areas. In the ventrolateral part of the DMN the 5-HT-IR fibers were of a much finer type than those seen in other hypothalamic areas. Five days after unilateral injection of 5,7-DHT into the dorsolateral hypothalamus, the 5-HT-IR cells were absent from the DMN, and there was a decrease in the number of 5-HT-IR fibers throughout the hypothalamus ipsilateral to the injection. Contralateral to the injection there was evidence of selective 5-HT fiber degeneration but the 5-HT-IR cells and the group of fine fibers in the ventrolateral DMN remained. Unilateral injection of 6-OHDA into the dorsolateral hypothalamus had no effect on the 5-HT-IR fibers or cell bodies in the hypothalamus.Twelve days after unilateral injection of 5,7-DHT into the rostral midbrain, the majority of 5-HT-IR fibers in the ipsilateral hypothalamus had disappeared. The 5-HT-IR cell bodies in the DMN and the group of fine 5-HT-IR fibers in the ventrolateral DMN remained on both sides of the hypothalamus. These results support our previous finding of a group of 5-HT-IR cell bodies in the ventromedial DMN of the hypothalamus, and suggest that these cells innervate the ventrolateral part of the same nucleus. Evidence that these cells constitute a new 5-HT cell group, B-10, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of neonatal alterations in 5-HT signalling on the regulation of endocrine stress response in adult rats. The neonatal blockade of 5-HT transmission by 5,7-DHT or ritanserin treatment did not alter the density of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) binding sites in the hippocampus, although a 5,7-DHT-induced lesion was clearly shown to decrease in 5-HT content by greater than 80% in the hippocampus. In addition, the animals pretreated with the blockade of 5-HT transmission during early life did not exhibit a hyperresponsiveness of the adrenocortical response to stress. On the other hand, the neonatal administration of the 5-HT uptake inhibitor, clomipramine, was shown to lower the stress responsiveness of the adrenocortical axis in adulthood.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to further explore the anatomical and neurochemical background of differences in response to the conditioned aversive stimuli. The different patterns of behavioral coping strategies (a conditioned freezing response and ultrasonic vocalization) were analyzed in animals differing in their response to the acute painful stimulation, a foot-shock (HS: high sensitivity rats, LS: low sensitivity rats, and MS: medium sensitivity rats, according to their behavior in the flinch-jump pre-test), and correlated with plasma corticosterone levels, expression of c-Fos protein, and distribution of 5-HT innervation, in different brain structures. It was found that HS rats showed significantly more freezing behavior, whereas LS animals vocalized much more intensively. The behavior of LS group (less freezing response and stronger vocalization) was related to activation of prefrontal cortex (PFCX), increased activity of adrenal glands and stronger serotonin immunostaining in the PFCX, in comparison with HS animals. The more passive strategy of coping with the aversive event of HS group was related to increased activity of amygdalar nuclei and some areas of the hippocampus, and stronger 5-HT immunostaining in the baso-lateral nucleus of the amygdala, in comparison with LS rats. The present findings suggest that animals more vulnerable to stress might have innate deficits in the activity of brain systems controlling the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis that would normally allow them to cope with stressful situations. It appears also that response to pain may determine other patterns of emotional behavior, probably reflecting different activation thresholds of some brain structures controlling anxiety, e.g. prefrontal and secondary motor cortex.  相似文献   

The present study examined the development of tolerance to morphine analgesia under conditions in which morphine was administered in the presence or absence of pain induced by subcutaneous injection of 50 μl of 2.5% formalin into the hind paw of rats. Animals were injected with morphine (25 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline for 3 consecutive days either in the presence of pain (10 min after formalin injection) or in the absence of pain (6 h prior to formalin injection). On the 4th day, tolerance to the analgesic effect of test doses of morphine (6 or 10 mg/kg) was assessed in the formalin and tail-flick tests, respectively. Significant tolerance in both tests was observed in animals receiving morphine in the absence of pain during the tolerance induction period, but not in animals receiving morphine in the presence of pain.  相似文献   

Effects of i.c.v. administration of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) on biochemistry and behavior were studied in awake Sprague-Dawley rats. It was found that 5,7-DHT depletion of striatal tissue levels of serotonin (5-HT) does not diminish extracellular levels until substantial depletions occur. This finding is similar to those observed after 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the brain dopamine systems. Although varying amounts of 5,7-DHT produced serotonin depletions in striatal tissue, decreases in extracellular levels were only observed at tissue depletions greater than 60% compared to saline-injected control subjects. Thus, the effects of serotonin lesions which produce only moderate depletions may not be the result of decreased extracellular serotonin, but instead may be the result of compensatory changes in remaining neurons which maintain normal extracellular serotonin concentrations. Different degrees of striatal serotonin depletion were associated with opposite behavioral effects. Moderate levels of serotonin depletion (50-75%) produced evidence of increased anxiety, while these effects were no longer seen in rats with more severe 5-HT depletions (>75%).  相似文献   

5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) is unique as a serotonin (5-HT) neurotoxin in that i.p. injection of neonatal rats increases concentrations of 5-HT in brainstem while depleting 5-HT in cortex, hippocampus and spinal cord. To study the mechanism of this effect we measured the 5-HT transporter or uptake site, a presynaptic marker, using [3H]paroxetine binding. There were significant regional differences in Bmax of vehicle-injected rats: brainstem, diencephalon > striatum, cortex, spinal cord > hippocampus, cerebellum. There were also regional differences in the ontogeny of bindings sites: at postnatal day 7, [3H]paroxetine sites were 39% of adult levels in cortex compared to 63% in brainstem. Thirty days after 100 mg/kg 5,7-DHT i.p., Bmax of [3H]paroxetine binding was significantly increased in brainstem (+67%) and diencephalon (+136%), whereas it decreased in cortex (-59%), hippocampus (-94%) and spinal cord (-99%), striatum (-41%) and cerebellum (-37%). KD remained unaltered. In dose-response studies (0-200 mg/kg), 50 mg/kg was the threshold dose for Bmax effects and 200 mg/kg was lethal. In weekly time-course studies, changes were apparent 1 week after 5,7-DHT lesions. Binding site increases in diencephalon and brainstem were not maximal until 3 weeks after injection, whereas percent decreases in cortical sites remained unchanged at each week studied. Lesion effects on the ontogeny of [3H]paroxetine binding sites were region-dependent: cortical sites continued to increase with age but spinal sites did not. There was no significant recovery in spinal cord.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A synthetic peptide, corresponding to the N-terminal decapeptide (+Y11C12) of the rat 5-hydroxytryptamine2C(5-HT2C) receptor protein was used to produce a sheep polyclonal antiserum. Western blot analysis showed that the resultant antibody G241 recognised two membrane proteins, one (55 kDa) approximating the molecular mass of the 5-HT2C receptor (52 kDa) and a second (63 kDa), which may be a glycosylated form of the receptor protein. HEK 293 cells transfected with human 5-HT2CcDNA displayed intense cell surface immunoreactivity with the 5-HT2Cantiserum, which was completely prevented by incubating the antibody with the synthetic 5-HT2C peptide (10 μM), whilst neither non-immune serum nor untransfected cells displayed any immunoreactivity. A radioimmunoassay was developed to quantify the regional distribution of 5-HT2C-like immunoreactivity (LI) in the adult rat brain. The choroid plexus contained five-fold higher levels of 5-HT2C-LI than any brain region but high levels were found in the frontal cortex, septum, hypothalamus, and striatum, intermediate levels in the thalamus and midbrain, and lower levels in brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord. In rat cortical membranes, the Bmax value from [3H]-mesulergine binding was ten-fold lower than 5-HT2C-LI levels determined by radioimmunoassay, which may reflect measurement of internalised receptor protein by radioimmunoassay which is not detected with conventional 5-HT2Cligands. Ten days after depletion of 5-HT with the serotonergic neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), there was a significant increase in 5-HT2C-LI in the choroid plexus and the ventral cervical spinal cord, suggesting that receptors therein are located post-synaptic to destroyed serotonergic nerve terminals. In contrast, the significant reduction in 5-HT2C-LI observed in the midbrain, brainstem, and dorsal thoracic spinal cord following 5,7-DHT implies that 5-HT2Creceptors may be located on 5-HT nerve terminals in these regions. Synapse 27:45–56, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Administration of 0.3% aluminum in drinking water elevated serum aluminum concentrations 8-fold in rats. Further, chronic treatment with aluminum for 2-3 mon, in both developing and adult rats, significantly decreased the levels of MAP-2 in brain, as determined by quantitative immunoblot analysis. Aluminum treatment also decreased the level of brain spectrin, but only in the hippocampus of adult rats. These were selective effects, since the levels of tubulin, tau and the three proteins of the neurofilament triplet were unaltered. In the aluminum-treated adult rats MAP-2 levels were significantly decreased in the hippocampus and brainstem to 71% and 56% of control values, respectively. In developing rats, MAP-2 levels were significantly decreased in the cortex and brainstem (65 and 64% of control values, respectively) but not in the hippocampus. In support of these findings, immunohistochemical examination revealed that the intensity of hippocampal MAP-2 immunoreactivity was significantly decreased to 88% of control values with aluminum treatment in adult rats. To determine a possible mechanism by which MAP-2 levels are reduced, the effect of aluminum on calpain-induced proteolysis of MAP-2 was examined in vitro. At the aluminum concentrations tested, there was no apparent effect on calpain-induced proteolysis of MAP-2. In the developing rats, aluminum administration significantly increased the hippocampal cyclic AMP concentration, as reported previously in adult aluminum-treated rats, and decreased the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate concentration. These results demonstrate that chronic oral aluminum administration to rats selectively decreases the levels of MAP-2 in specific brain regions independent of calpain proteolysis. This decrease may be associated with increased cyclic AMP and protein phosphorylation, and the impairment of cognition previously observed in this model of aluminum intoxication.  相似文献   

A common assumption about the corpus callosum transection (CCX) is that it only affects behaviors heavily relying on interhemispheric communication. However, cerebral laterality is ubiquitous across motor and perceptual, cognitive and emotional domains, and the corpus callosum is important for its establishment. Several recent studies showed that the partial denervation of the sensorimotor isocortex through CCX derepressed neural growth processes that were sensitive to motor demand (experience-dependent neural plasticity). We investigated whether the facilitatory effects of CCX on cortical neural plasticity, shaped by differential housing, extended beyond the motor domain. Adult rats were housed in enriched (EE), standard (SE) or impoverished environments (IE) for 10 weeks, that is, 2 weeks before they underwent CCX or sham surgery, and, then, 8 weeks throughout the experiments. After they recovered from surgery, the behavioral performance of rats was tested using open-field, spontaneous alternation in the T-maze, paw preference, Morris water maze, and tone fear conditioning. The results indicated that the effects of CCX and housing on open-field behavior were independent, with CCX increasing the time spent in the center of the field at the beginning of the observation (i.e., emotionality), and EE and IE increasing rearing (emotionality) and reducing teeth-chattering (habituation), respectively. CCX reduced the frequency of spontaneous alternation, denoting spatial working memory deficits, while housing did not influence this performance. Neither CCX, nor housing significantly affected paw preference lateralization, although CCX was associated with a leftward bias in paw preference. In the Morris water maze, housing had effects on spatial acquisition, while CCX reduced activity, without interfering with spatial memory. CCX did not influence tone fear conditioning, but context fear conditioning seemed to benefit from EE. We conclude that CCX in adult rats has subtle, but specific behavioral effects pertaining to emotionality, spatial working memory, and, possibly, aversively motivated exploration, and these effects are either independent or only peripherally interact with the effects of housing.  相似文献   

Postnatal development of the visual cortex is modulated by experience, especially during the critical period. In rats, a stable neuronal population is only acquired after this relatively prolonged period. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the most important angiogenic factor and also has strong neuroprotective, neurotrophic and neurogenic properties. Similar effects have been described for rearing in enriched environments. Our aim is to investigate the vascular and neuronal effects of combining VEGF infusion and environmental enrichment on the visual cortex during the initial days of the critical period. Results showed that a small percentage of Cleaved Caspase-3 positive cells colocalized with neuronal markers. The lesion produced by the cannula implantation resulted in decreased vascular, neuronal and Caspase-3 positive cell densities. Rearing under enriched environment was unable to reverse these effects in any group, whereas VEGF infusion alone partially corrected those effects. A higher effectiveness was reached by combining both the procedures, the most effective combination being when enriched-environment rearing was introduced only after minipump implantation. In addition to the angiogenic effect of VEGF, applied strategies also had synergic neuroprotective effects, and the combination of the two strategies had more remarkable effects than those achieved by each strategy applied individually.  相似文献   

Animals in which 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) was bilaterally injected into the median forebrain bundle (MFB) and sham lesioned animals were allowed access to an apparatus which delivered, upon lever pressing, intravenousd-amphetamine injections. MFB lesioned rats achieved stable self-injections patterns and self-administered more drug per test session than controls. A number of agents known to either directly or indirectly affect 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptor function were administered prior tod-amphetamine access. The responses to these pretreatments in lesioned vs non-lesioned rats were markedly different. Pretreatment withl-tryptophan reduced the number ofd-amphetamine self-injections in sham lesioned rats but had no effect in MFB lesioned animals. Fluoxetine pretreatment, likewise, reduced responding in non-lesioned rats and had no observable effect in lesioned animals. Quipazine markedy reduced self-injection in control rats but was not evaluated in the lesioned group. The putative 5-HT antagonists utilized, cyproheptadine and methysergide, unpredictably reduced self-injection frequency of non-lesioned animals in a dose related manner. When MFB lesioned animals were pretreated with cyproheptadine, rapid bursts of lever pressing were observed and 3 of 6 animals thus treated died as a result (presumably amphetamine overdose). In the remaining animals, methysergide produced a similar marked increase in self-injection rate. While these data may suggest that, in some instances, non-serotonergic mechanisms are involved, for the most part it would appear that 5-HT containing neurons are of major import in some aspect ofd-amphetamine self-administration.  相似文献   

Different forms of anxiety-related behavior have been reported after a single drug use of many abused substances, however, less is known about how males and females are affected differently from exposure to various drugs. Furthermore, chronic prenatal methamphetamine (MA) exposure was shown to predispose the animal to an increased sensitivity to drugs administrated in adulthood. Using the Elevated plus-maze test (EPM), the first aim of the present study was to examine how male and female rats are affected by acute drug treatment with subcutaneously (s.c.) administrated (a) MA (1 mg/kg); (b) drugs with a similar mechanism of action to MA: amphetamine (AMP, 1 mg/kg), cocaine (COC, 5 mg/kg), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 5 mg/kg); and (c) drugs with different mechanisms of action: morphine (MOR, 5 mg/kg), and Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, 2 mg/kg). The second aim was to determine if prenatally MA-exposed (5 mg/kg) animals show an increased sensitivity to adult drug treatment. The parameters analyzed were divided into two categories: anxiety-related behavior and anxiety-unrelated/exploratory behavior. Our results showed in female rats a decreased percentage of the time spent in the closed arms (CA) after MA, and an increased percentage of the time spent in the open arms (OA) after MA, AMP, and COC treatment, indicating an anxiolytic-like effect. In females, MDMA and THC treatment increased the percentage of the time spent in the CA. An increased percentage of the time spent in the CA was also seen after MOR treatment in females as well as in males, indicating an anxiogenic-like effect. As far as the interaction between prenatal MA exposure and adult drug treatment is concerned, there was no effect found. In conclusion, it seems that: (a) in some cases female rats are more vulnerable to acute drug treatment, in terms of either anxiogenic- or anxiolytic-like effects; (b) prenatal MA exposure does not sensitize animals to the anxiety-related effects of any of the drugs.  相似文献   

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