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阿拉伯医药对中国医药学的发展有着重要影响,中阿医药交流过程中,有几种实现途径颇为显著.第一是朝贡(派遣使节),主要是阿拉伯地区的国家派遣使节来到中国,带来本国的药物;中国回赠的物品中也包括当时的一些名贵药材.第二是对外贸易,中国和阿拉伯地区国家的贸易往来,是药物交流实现的主要途径.第三是军事战争,战争在客观上促进了中阿医药的交流.第四是宗教传播.  相似文献   

浅析隋唐时期中外医药交流的若干实现途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国中外医药交流史上,隋唐时期的中外医药交流是极为重要的一页。有几种实现途径颇为显著。第一是贸易通商,互赠礼品。隋唐时期,中国与阿拉伯、伊朗、越南、阿富汗、尼泊尔、克什米尔等国家和地区都有密切的贸易往来。第二是政府派遣使节、留学生。历史上中国与朝鲜、日本曾多次互派使节、留学生,隋唐时期医药交流亦多通过此种途径实现。第三是佛教的传播。佛教传播的过程裹挟着医药的交流。第四是医生、名士的推动。  相似文献   

中国与西亚国家的经济文化交流有着悠久的历史.其中,医药交流是一项重要内容.通过医术和药物的交流,不仅促进了友好关系,而且对双方的医疗卫生事业和社会经济发展都产生了积极而深远的影响.  相似文献   

从 17世纪到 19世纪初 ,在中国华工被运入美洲以前 ,中国与美洲的关系主要在于贸易方面 ,其中也包含着双方的医药交流。16 76年 ,墨西哥方济各会士石铎王录来华 ,携来了《本草补》 ,这是第一部传入中国的西洋药物学专著 (1卷 ) ,书中分石类、水类、木类、草类、兽类、虫类 ,赵学敏在他的《本草纲目拾遗》一书中常引用该书的一些记载。反之 ,中国发明的抗天花传染人痘接种术传到了美国。 172 1年 ,波士顿流行天花 ,CottonMather牧师认为凡接受过人痘接种术的人患天花疾病的很少。同年 ,波尔·斯东医师为自家的儿子和两名奴隶接种人痘术。后…  相似文献   

目的:探讨唐宋元明时期中国与印度尼西亚的传统医药交流。方法:通过古文献的归纳、分析,研究唐宋元明之际中国与印度尼西亚的传统医药交流。结果:印尼作为中国在东南亚地区交流合作的重要伙伴国,双方自古在政治经济文化等各方面都有着友好的交往关系,相随之两国间传统医药也有着长期的补充互利,尤其唐宋元明是古代中印关系发展的高峰。结论:唐宋元明时期中国与印度尼西亚的传统医药交流密切,对后世产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

中国和亚细安地区的医药交流,药多于医。根据中国古籍的记载:泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚和文莱,早在汉晋时期就和中国有药物的交流。隋唐亦然。到了宋元时期,另两个国家:新加坡和菲律宾的古国,也开始和中国接触,并有药物和其他商品的交换。明清时期,亚细安六国和中国朝廷的往来更密切,民间贸易和医药开始大量交流,促成了亚细安地区中医学的产生与发展。  相似文献   

本文综述了越南传统医药的发展简史、药用资源概况以及传统药物现代研究成果,围绕中越两国共有天然药物资源发展情况和两国传统医药在科研、教育、培育种植等领域的合作现状,浅析双方合作优势及尚存不足。依据不足之处分析两国合作思路,通过共同研发特色优势品种、发展现代制药技术、培养人才等措施来取长补短,相互借鉴,以期深化两国传统医药交流合作,促进共有天然药物的继承发扬与可持续发展。  相似文献   

1高职院校开展素质教育的必要性 近年来,我国高职教育异军突起,然而其人才培养质量却呈下降趋势。在"以就业为导向,培养高技能型人才"思想的指导下,部分学校过于强调"技术"本身,忽略学生的可持续发展。  相似文献   

毒广泛存在于自然界,为了对毒更加认识,就其对人体的致病因素、病机、治疗原则以及药物选用方面做了简述,以告诫人门增强防病的能力.  相似文献   

Objectives:To determine the prevalence and characterize prostate cancer (PC) cases in Aseer, Saudi Arabia.Methods:This study involved 883 patients who consulted physicians in Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia, for prostate issues between the years 2008-2018. All patients underwent digital rectal examination and measurement of their serum prostate-specific antigen levels. For patients who presented abnormal digital rectal examination findings and elevated prostate-specific antigen levels, prostate biopsies were recommended. Specimens were histopathologically examined to differentiate between malignant and benign tumors.Results:Among the 883 included patients, 132 (15%) underwent a prostate biopsy and were found to have a tumor. Histopathological examination confirmed malignancy (PC) in 77 (8.7%) patients. The absolute majority of the patients diagnosed with PC (96%) were aged >60 years and almost all of them (92%) were found to have a high prostate-specific antigen level of >4 ng/ml.Conclusion:Prostate cancer appears to be a serious disease in Aseer, Saudi Arabia. Further studies aimed at determining the causes of this type of cancer and understanding its mechanisms are warranted.  相似文献   

探讨老年人糖耐量减低中西医病机,以便为中西医防治老年人糖耐量减低提供理论参考和治疗依据,降低老年糖尿病的发病率;针对老年人糖耐量减低的发病机制,以中医理论为指导并与西医的微观认识相结合来分析老年人糖耐量减低的病机特点;老年人糖耐量减低的中医病理本质为"脾肾亏虚为其本,痰瘀互结为其标",西医以胰岛素抵抗、β细胞功能缺陷为其主要发病机制;老年人糖耐量减低可以从中医虚实、标本方面分析,结合西医临床用药为其治疗另辟蹊径。  相似文献   

Objectives:To analyze the clinical and epidemiological characteristics for 224 of in-hospital coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mortality cases. This study’s clinical implications provide insight into the significant death indicators among COVID-19 patients and the outbreak burden on the healthcare system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).Methods:A multi-center retrospective cross-sectional study conducted among all COVID-19 mortality cases admitted to 15 Armed Forces hospitals across KSA, from March to July 2020. Demographic data, clinical presentations, laboratory investigations, and complications of COVID-19 mortality cases were collected and analyzed.Results:The mean age was 69.66±14.68 years, and 142 (63.4%) of the cases were male. Overall, 30% of the COVID-19 mortalities occurred in the first 24 hours of hospital admission, while 50% occurred on day 10. The most prevalent comorbidities were diabetes mellitus (DM, 73.7%), followed by hypertension (HTN, 69.6%). Logistic regression for risk factors in all mortality cases revealed that direct mortality cases from COVID-19 were more likely to develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (odds ratio [OR]: 1.75, confidence intervel [CI: 0.89-3.43]; p=0.102) and acute kidney injury (OR: 1.01, CI: [0.54-1.90]; p=0.960).Conclusion:Aging, male gender and the high prevalence of the underlying diseases such as, DM and HTN were a significant death indicators among COVID-19 mortality cases in KSA. Increases in serum ferritin, procalcitonin, C-reactive protein (CRP), and D-dimer levels can be used as indicators of disease progression.  相似文献   

Objectives:To provide a detailed study of demographic, baseline comorbidities, clinical features, and outcome for Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients.Methods:A record-based case-series study conducted from March 23 to June 15, 2020 in King Saud Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Demographic data, clinical presentation, laboratory investigations, complications, and in-hospital outcome of COVID-19 patients collected with analysis of the clinical characteristics for survivors and deceased.Results:A total of 768 patients were included. The mean age was 46.36±13.7 years and 76.7% were men. Approximately 96.3% reported more than one comorbidity; diabetes mellitus was the most frequent (46.4%). Fever (84.5%), cough (82.3%), and shortness of breath (79.8%) were the main presenting symptoms. During the follow-up, pneumonia reported in 68.6%, acute respiratory distress syndrome in 32.7%, septic shock in 20.7%, respiratory failure in 20.3%, and acute kidney injury in 19.3%. Approximately 45.8% of enrolled patients required intensive care unit admission. Lung disease (odd ratio [OR]=3.862 with 95% confident interval [CI] (2.455-6.074), obesity (OR=3.732, CI=2.511-5.546), smoking (OR=2.991, CI=2.072-4.317), chronic kidney disease (OR=2.296. CI=1.497-3.521), and diabetes mellitus (OR=2.291, CI=1.714-3.063) are predictors of ICU admission. Fatality ratio was 89/2084 (4.27%). Men were more prevalent in dead group.Conclusion:Coronavirus disease 2019 places a huge burden on healthcare facilities, particularly in patients with comorbidity. Coronavirus disease 2019 patients who are obese and smokers with history of diabetes mellitus have a high risk of death.  相似文献   

五行是早期阴阳家的创说,其来源众说纷纭,目前主要认为以其与生产实践的关系考察五行的起源较为科学,即<尚书·洪范>云:"五行:一曰水,二曰火,三曰木,四曰金,五曰土.水曰润下,火曰炎上,木曰曲直,金曰从革,土曰稼穑[1]."在古代农业生产社会,土即稼穑,是最重要的一种农业生产活动.而农业生产活动必以水为首,重视灌溉;次为火、木、金,即火种、耒耕、刀耕等生产活动.<管子·四时>中第一次比较完整地提出了五行相生思想,并将阴阳理论和五行理论有机地融为一体,建立了完整的阴阳五行说体系[2].而<黄帝内经>则吸取了阴阳五行说的思想,并用以阐释人体的生理、病理等医学问题,形成了中医学的五行脏腑观.  相似文献   

Objectives:To estimate the prevalence of insufficient physical activity and excessive screen time among adolescents living in cities participating in the Healthy Cities Program (HCP) and cities not running the program in the Qassim region of Saudi Arabia.Methods:We surveyed 1133 adolescents from the Qassim region using systematic random sampling between April and September 2017. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to investigate the predictors of insufficient levels of PA and excessive screen time.Results:The prevalence of <60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity/day was 82.4% and <3 days of vigorous intensity physical activity/week among adolescents was 59%. There was no significant association between living in healthy cities (HCPs) and insufficient levels of physical activity. The odds of excessive screen time were higher in HCPs than in cities not running the program (NHCPs) (OR: 1.49). The odds of insufficient daily PA (OR: 2.19) are higher among girls than boys. Increasing age is positively associated with insufficient weekly PA (OR: 1.19). The prevalence of excessive recreational screen time is 84.6% with higher odds in HCPs than in NHCPs (OR: 1.51).Conclusion:Our findings report a lack of evidence of any impact of the HCP on adolescents’ physical activity behaviors. This outcome warrants a further in-depth evaluation of the process and outcomes of the HCP in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

在我国有关“介入医学”的专著、论文大量涌现 ,而《中图法》(第四版)中只把该学科的介入疗法单独提出,并设置在放射疗法类目注释中.介入疗法不同于放射疗法,应增设介入医学类目,拟提出4种方案.  相似文献   

从现代心理学与传统中医理论的视角,探讨情绪在个体心身疾病过程中的致病机制,以期在未来的心身医学与治未病的发展过程中,将心理干预纳入疾病治疗与疾病预防体系,实现个体的"内外兼治"、"标本兼治",从而使得个体获得身心一体的健康。  相似文献   

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