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药品与生物材料在生物安全性评价方法上有着很大的区别.临床上广泛运用内毒素法检查药品热原,然而,运用细菌内毒素法进行部分组成成分较为复杂的生物材料的热原试验是否适当有待明确.本研究在2005版药典的基础上,分别运用内毒素法和家兔法对两种组织工程支架材料进行热原试验的比较研究,实验结果表明运用内毒素法得到的试验结果为阴性,... 相似文献
目的本试验对样品管腔支架(镍钛)和支架输送系统进行热原检测.方法采用细菌内毒素检查和家兔检查法.结果细菌内毒素试验表明,两样品不合格;热原试验表明,两样品合格.结论导致鲎试剂凝集不一定就能引起生物体的热原反应.出现这种不相一致结果的原因很多.所以在评价生物材料和医疗器械时,建议做热原试验. 相似文献
目的 氯霉素注射液的研究。方法 采用细菌内毒素检查法和家兔升温法两种方法进行对比分析。结果 氯霉素沐射液对人体不会产生热原反应。结论在药品检测中,用细菌内毒素检查法可代替家兔升温法对氯霉素注射液做热原检查。 相似文献
目的:观察复尔康注射液给予动物后的热原反应,对复尔康注射液的安全性进行评价。方法:采用家兔法进行热原检查。结果:复尔康注射液静脉给药后无热原反应。结论:复尔康注射液静脉注射给药安全可靠。 相似文献
本文通过给家兔静脉注射分离纯化的EC,,观察了EC对正常体温、ET性发热时体温及血清Fe~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cu~(2+)含量的影响。结果显示,EC能降低正常体温及ET性发热时升高的体温;同时,EC能抑制ET性发热的第二热峰的形成;但EC不能拮抗ET引起的血清Fe~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cu~(2+)含量的改变。上述结果提示,EC可能参与了正常及发热时的体温调节过程,但可能不参与ET所致的其它急性期反应调节。 相似文献
目的探讨烧伤早期合并感染情况下实验动物血液流变性变化。方法采用成组配对设计,复制单纯烫伤组和烫伤复合内毒素血症组实验动物模型,每组各7只大耳白兔,检测时相分为致伤后即刻(0h)、致伤后8、24h,模型复制成功后检测各时相全血黏度、血浆黏度、血沉值、红细胞比容、纤维蛋白原、红细胞刚性指数、红细胞聚集指数、血沉K值和全血还原黏度、内毒素水平等指标。结果两组实验动物0h相各指标无显著性差异(P>0.05),8h和24h时相有显著性变化。烧伤复合内毒素组动物全血黏度、还原黏度、刚性指数、聚集指数、血沉和血沉K值明显升高(P<0.05),而纤维蛋白原和血浆黏度值轻微下降(P<0.05),红细胞比容无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论内毒素影响了烧伤早期家兔的血液流变性质,造成了对机体进一步的损害。 相似文献
目的:探讨脑热清(NRQ)口服液对内毒素性发热家兔的解热作用。方法:复制大肠杆菌内毒素性发热家兔模型,用数字温度计测量家兔的直肠温度,并采用放免法测定血浆内皮素的含量及血清肿瘤坏死因子(TNFα)的含量,用发色底物法测定血浆组织纤溶酶原激活物(t-PA)和组织纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂(PAI)的活性,同时取肺、肾、肝组织,观察形态改变。结果:①NRQ对内毒素性发热家兔有显著的解热效应(P<0.01);②NRQ可明显抑制发热家兔内皮素、TNFα的含量上升(P<0.01),同时可降低PAI活性(P<0.01)、提高t-PA的活性(P<0.01);③光镜显示,NRQ可减轻发热家兔肺、肾、肝血管扩张充血、淤血病理形态的改变。结论:NRQ可能通过调节发热家兔促凝和抗凝物质的平衡、抑制致热性细胞因子释放达到解热作用。 相似文献
生物材料在医学领域广泛应用,材料的安全性评价是极其重要的一环。研究生物材料体内外试验方法的相关性,以探求与体内动物试验相关性好的体外评价方法。采用体外DNA法与体内肌肉埋植试验对七种生物材料的组织毒性进行了评定,并应用Spearman秩相关统计方法作相关性分析。结果表明:两种方法有良好相关性。 相似文献
本研究用静脉注射内毒素复制家兔双相热模型,观察双相热各期颈动脉血浆和脑脊液cAMP含量的变化及其与体温变化的关系,结果如下:1.内毒素非热限剂量一次静脉注射引起典型双相热。脑脊液cAMP含量在两个热相高峰期相应出现两个上升波,间歇期体温下降时,脑脊液cAMP含量相应降低,退热后恢复正常。血浆cAMP含量仅在第一热相增高。2.相关检验表明,脑脊液cAMP含量与体温变化呈显著正相关。血浆cAMP含量仅在第一热相与脑脊液cAMP含量相关。以上结果与内生致热原双相热相似,提示内毒素可能主要通过内生致热原以某种方式影响体温调节中枢cAMP的变化,导致双相热型的出现 相似文献
内生致冷原对家兔内毒素性发热第二热相的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为验证内生致冷原(EC)能否影响内毒素(ET)性发热第二热相或热限水平,并确实脑脊液中cAMP水平是否与EC的降温作用有关,作者用90只新西兰兔进行实验。观察:①输注人尿或等量生理盐液对正常家免体温的影响,检测EC效应期血浆和脑脊液中cAMP的含量;②在第二热峰出现前输注人尿或生理盐液对第二热相的影响,检测EC效应期血浆及脑脊液中cAMP的含量。结果表明:①人尿明显降低正常家兔的直肠温度,而等量生理盐液则无此作用,且两者均引起血浆及脑脊液中cAMP浓度的明显下降,提示EC的降温作用与脑cAMP浓度下降可能无重要关系;②人尿(EC)抑制ET性发热第二热相的形成,从而降低热限水平,变双相热为单相热,同量生理盐水无此作用,两者都能降低血浆和脑脊液中cAMP的水平,但EC不及NS明显,表明EC抑制第二热相或降低热限水平的作用也与cAMP浓度变化无重要关系,作者推论cAMP不是ET性发热第二热相的唯一成因。 相似文献
R A Lawrence 《Computers in biology and medicine》1984,14(3):357-362
A program for the TI-59 calculator to be used in analysis of variance and testing of significance of differences between each mean and every other mean by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test is presented. The test is both simple and powerful for data involving more than two treatment groups in a completely random design. Up to six groups with any number of replicates may be analyzed with this program. 相似文献
G. F. Springer M.D. P. R. Desai M. S. Murthy E. F. Scanlon 《Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany)》1979,57(18):961-963
Summary One intradermal (i.d.) injection of human erythrocyte T antigen in the upper outer arm contralateral to any breast lesion elicits a delayed tuberculin-type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH) in breast carcinoma patients. It is necessary to inject simultaneously but separately the same quantity of MN antigen (about 6–8 cm apart), from which the T Antigen has been prepared, since particularly patients with Stage I breast carcinoma (Internatl. nomenclature) and those with benign breast disease may significantly react to it. The extent of reaction to MN antigen must be subtracted from the reaction to T antigen before interpreting results. DTH response to T antigen was 85% accurate among 67 patients with ductal breast carcinoma of all Stages (including non-invasive), 95% accurate (5% so far falsely positive) among 95 patients with benign breast disease and it was 100% accurate (no false positives) among 36 healthy persons tested. Among 18 patients with the comparatively rare and less ominous lobular and tubular breast carcinomata, the DTH reaction was positive in 8 of 16 (50%) patients with lobular, and in none of 2 patients with tubular breast carcinoma.This work is supported by U.S. National Cancer Institute Grants CA 19083 and CA 22540, and by the Hearst Foundation. GFS is Julia S. Michels Investigator in Surgical Oncology. 相似文献
Gilissen R Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ van Ijzendoorn MH Linting M 《Developmental psychobiology》2008,50(6):615-625
This study explores the relation between variations in the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR; long vs. short allele), the child's attachment representation (assessed with the Attachment Story Completion Task, reflecting the security of the parent-child relationship), and electrodermal reactivity during a public speaking task, the Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C) in a sample of 92 7-year-old. Electrodermal reactivity during the TSST-C was not directly associated with variations in 5-HTT. However, there was a significant gene-environment interaction effect of 5-HTT and attachment security on electrodermal reactivity. Results are interpreted in terms of cumulative protection: Children with a secure attachment representation as well as long 5-HTT alleles appeared to be less stressed during the TSST-C. 相似文献
目的:研究高考学生考试焦虑现状与班级环境之间的关系。方法:采用《我的班级》和《考试焦虑量表》对365名高考学生进行调查。结果:1高考学生的考试焦虑为中等程度,高考学生的考试焦虑在学生类型和性别上差异不显著;而在学科类型上,文科生的考试焦虑要显著高于理科生(t=2.338,P0.05);2高考应届班与往届班班级环境在师生关系(t=-2.308,P0.05)、秩序和纪律(t=-14.303,P0.001)、竞争(t=-3.052,P0.01),以及学习负担(t=7.100,P0.001)方面差异显著,在同学关系方面差异不显著;3高考班级环境各维度与学生考试焦虑均显著相关,并且能够显著预测学生考试焦虑,其中同学关系的解释率最高。结论:高考学生存在一定程度的考试焦虑状况,并且高考班级环境是影响学生考试焦虑的重要因素,应该注重高考班级环境建设。 相似文献
Grégoire S Etienne M Gaulmin M Caussade F Neuzeret D Ardid D 《Neuroscience research》2012,72(2):194-198
We developed an automated technique based on the detection of pain-related behaviours (like licking or biting) and small activities (mostly grooming) in the formalin pain test. By comparing automated and manual scoring, we determined that the interphase score was mostly independent of pain-related behaviours and it was used as an index of sedative events. The non-pain-related behaviours, still present during the second phase, were eliminated in order to visualize only pain-related behaviours. This new method, validated using classical analgesic (morphine) and sedative drugs (diazepam) could be used to discriminate sedative from analgesic effects of pharmacological treatments in the formalin test. 相似文献
Chardon K Telliez F Bach V Leke A Delanaud S Bouferrache B Libert JP Gaultier C 《Respiratory physiology & neurobiology》2004,140(2):145-153
Body temperature interacts with respiratory control, but it is unclear what sites or mechanisms mediate those interactions. We hypothesized that warm and cool thermal conditions affect the decrease in ventilation (VE) seen during the hyperoxic test (HT), a breathing response believed to reflect the strength of the peripheral chemoreceptor drive. A breath-by-breath analysis during a 30 s HT was performed in eight premature neonates (postconceptional age: 36 +/- 1 weeks) under neutral, warm, and cool thermal conditions. Quiet sleep (QS) and active sleep (AS) were scored by neurophysiological criteria. The VE fall was higher in AS than in QS, and warm and cool conditions significantly enhanced the response only in AS (-24.2 +/- 6.0, -39.1 +/- 9.1, and -37.5 +/- 14.1% in neutral, warm, and cool conditions, respectively). Central control mechanisms of the respiratory chemoreflex may explain the increase in peripheral chemoreceptor drive during AS in response to thermal challenges, which may produce increased breathing instability leading to apnea in early life. 相似文献
A latent class discrimination method is proposed for analyzing autonomic responses on the concealed information test. Because there are significant individual differences in autonomic responses, individual response patterns are estimated on the pretest. Then an appropriate discriminant formula for the response pattern of each individual is applied to the CIT test results. The probability that the individual concealed information is calculated by comparing the discriminant formula value of the crime-related item to that of non-crime-related items. The discrimination performance of the latent class discrimination method was higher than those of the logistic regression method and the discriminant analysis method in an experimental demonstration applying the three methods to the same data set. 相似文献
The sensitivity of the hemolysis-in-gel (HIG) test with rubella antigen is not improved by chemical linkage of the virus to the erythrocytes, and after such modification, IgM specific antibodies are not detectable. In the influenza HIG test with tetraazotized o-dianisidine (TOD), chromic chloride and potassium periodate as coupling reagents, increased sensitivity was observed with allantoic fluid of infected eggs as antigen. If Tween-ether treated hemagglutinin is used in the HIG test, zones of hemolysis are detectable only after treatment of the erythrocytes with TOD, chromic chloride and potassium periodate. 相似文献
Phytohaemagglutinin-induced leukocyte migration inhibition was studied in 72 children and compared with phytohaemagglutinin skin testing. The methods were used for screening the cell-mediated immune response. The in vitro method, which requires only 10-15% of the number of migrating cells as compared with other migration techniques, proved to be more sensitive, but gave some false-positive results when compared with other immunological parameters. Nevertheless, application of the microdroplet leukocyte migration is advantageous, used either simultaneously with the skin test, or as a single screening method in prematures, mature newborns and young infants, where application and/or evaluation of the skin tests is difficult. 相似文献