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Sun XY  Li XG  Gao H  Wang DG  Zhou XQ 《中华病理学杂志》2007,36(11):791-792
患者女,55岁。因无意问扪及下腹包块伴肛门坠胀感3个月,于2007年4月16日入院。体检:心肺检查未见异常,右下腹可触及一实性包块,大小6.0cm×6.0cm×5.0cm,质软,轻压痛,与子宫关系密切。B超示“右附件类实性包块,子宫后壁肌层多发性低回声结节。”临床诊断:子宫肌瘤,卵巢肿瘤,行子宫切除术。术中见子宫后壁偏左侧多发结节,直径0.1~4.0cm,右卵巢有一鹅蛋大小肿物。[第一段]  相似文献   

男性假两性畸形合并精原细胞瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者,40岁,已婚,原发闭经,未生育。因盆腔肿物在外院行“双侧附件+大网膜切除术”,术后3个月来我院复查。体检:女性体态,四肢发育正常,无胡须,喉结不突出,腋毛稀少,乳腺发育正常。妇科检查:女性外阴,阴毛稀少,阴蒂不大.阴道短小。术中见右“卵巢”肿物13cm×10cm×9cm,左“卵巢”大小3cm×2.5cm×2cm,未见子宫。术前外院外周血激素资料不详。其父母非近亲结婚,[第一段]  相似文献   

患者 男.63岁。因高血压3个月,左肾区疼痛伴肉眼血尿10余天,恶心、呕吐半天于2006年7月18日入院。体检:左肾区叩痛,血压210/100mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。B超检查:左肾近下极见5.7cm×5.2cm多囊性肿物;左肾门区见3.5cm×3.5cm实性肿物,突人肾盂内;右肾上腺见3.0cm×2.8cm圆形均质回声结节,包裹在肾上腺内。临床诊断为左肾多发性肿瘤,右肾上腺肿瘤。遂行左肾全切及右肾上腺肿瘤摘除术。手术中血压无波动,手术后血压135/75mmHg。  相似文献   

Gao HW  Wu Y  Yao M  Chen SF  Xu CJ 《中华病理学杂志》2007,36(5):349-350
患者女,67岁。因发现右侧乳房内鸡蛋黄大小肿块1个月于2006年2月16日入院。体检:右乳腺内上象限触及约3.0cm×3.0cm×2.0cm肿物,质硬,触之无痛感,活动度差,与周围组织界限尚清楚。无乳头溢液,双侧腋窝淋巴结未触及肿大。乳腺钼靶摄片:右乳房内上象限2.5cm×2.5cm高密度影,界限清楚,内见细小钙化灶。彩色超声检查:右乳房内上象限探及1个2.9cm×2.0cm界限清楚、实性低回声结节。近边缘处回声不均匀,探及1.0cm×0.9cm形态不规则的暗区。暗区内探及条状分隔带,未探及明显血流信号。  相似文献   

患者男,31岁。因右腰痛伴小便带血1年余于2005年8月8日入院。入院前行放射治疗1个月。体检:右肾区扣击痛,右肋缘下可触及肿大肾体,质硬。B超检查:膀胱充盈差,壁光滑,右肾上极探及9.5cm×6.9cm实性不均质回声团块,左肾未见异常,右肾实性占位。患者曾于6月6日行肾脏CT扫描:右肾上中极肿块约12cm×12cm×11cm大小,外上缘突破肾包膜与腹膜及肝下内缘分界不清,其内密度欠均匀,腹膜后无明显肿大淋巴结。诊断:右肾癌周围侵犯。7月25日肾脏CT扫描:右肾中上部可见一约8.0cm×6.5cm大小弱低密度肿块,CT值约28Hu,其内可见不规则更低密度灶肿块,上缘向后上膨突并与肝脏分界不清,肾门及腹膜后无肿大淋巴结,与前片比较瘤灶明显缩小,诊断:右肾癌放疗后所见。在连续硬膜外麻醉下行右肾切除术,手术所见:右侧腹膜后肾脏区巨大肿块,与肝脏下缘粘连,质地硬。将右肾完整切除送检。  相似文献   

目的:报道跟腱止点伴跟骨及皮肤缺损游离大收肌腱骨皮瓣修复的效果。方法:于2002年10月-2004年7月对4例因摩托车后轮绞伤至足跟腱伴跟骨止点及皮肤缺损的患者,采用吻合血管大收肌.骨皮瓣,修复跟腱重建止点并修复跟区皮肤缺损。足跟区皮肤缺损面积为6.5cm×10cm-7cm×11cm,跟腱缺损长度为5-7cm。切取隐动脉皮瓣面积为8cm×11cm-8cm×12cm,切取大收肌腱长度为6-8cm。结果:4例复合组织瓣全部成活,术后随访6421个月,皮瓣感觉恢复S3~S4,双足提踵试验均阴性,单足提踵试验阴性3例,4例病例步态均恢复正常。结论:吻合膝降血管大收肌.骨皮瓣修复跟腱跟骨复合组织缺损,疗效满意,是目前较理想的修复方法。  相似文献   

先证者 ( 5) 女 ,5 1岁。因上腹胀伴纳差 1年余 ,加重 1月 ,于 2 0 0 0年 12月 6日入院。查体 :T 36 .2℃ ,P80次 /分 ,Bp15 0 / 10 0 mm Hg(1mm Hg=0 .133k Pa)。双肺呼吸音清晰。心率80次 /分、律齐、无病理性杂音。血常规、肝功能、血糖、胸片等正常。尿常规 :蛋白 +,红细胞 ++。心电图正常。肝脏 B超可见肝右叶 6个囊肿 ,最大 10 .5 cm× 6 cm× 8cm ;肝左叶 4个囊肿 ,最大 9cm× 8cm× 5 cm。肾脏 B超可见 4个囊肿 ,最大6 cm× 5 cm× 3cm。临床诊断 :肝肾囊肿。住院第 3日手术中探及肝右叶有 8个囊肿 ,均予切除。肾囊肿拟近期手…  相似文献   

绒毛叶状分割性子宫平滑肌瘤1例及文献复习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 临床资料患者女性 ,4 0岁 ,因月经次数减少半年 ,下腹部包块就诊。体检发现右下腹有包块 ,并有少量腹水。妇科检查发现右侧附件区 10cm× 10cm× 5cm包块 ,活动度可 ,无固定轻度触痛 ,子宫略大 ,左侧附件无异常。B超示 :右侧附件区见囊实性肿块呈多结节状 ,12cm× 10cm× 6cm。拟诊右阔韧带恶性肿瘤———肉瘤可能。其他检查均未见明显异常。月经史 :末次月经 2 0 0 1年 11月 19日 ,月经周期 6 /30d。于2 0 0 1年 12月 18日手术 ,术中送右侧附件及子宫全切标本。术中冷冻诊断为左侧卵巢及子宫平滑肌瘤 ,局部水肿黏液变性。术后随访 3个…  相似文献   

患者男,64岁。因发现右胸壁肿物逐渐长大3年余于2005年1月2日入院。胸部X线示右侧胸壁实性肿物,边界清楚;双肺未见异常。B超示肝囊肿;胆囊结石;双肾异常回声,不除外慢性肾疾病可能,右肾多发小囊肿。术中见肿物大小18cm×14cm×12cm,质地硬,似有包膜。表面血管丰富。[第一段]  相似文献   

忠者女,39岁。囚抽搐昏迷5d,伴近10年癫痫病史,于2006年5月5日入院。CT示:右侧颞顾叶占化,大小2.0cm×1.5cm×1.0cm,内见斑片状高密度影,剧嗣旱低密度水肿区,右侧脑室受雎变形。[第一段]  相似文献   

Properties of chemoreceptors of tongue of rat   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

A further analysis of already published data supports the position that retardates of low ability level less frequently have retarded siblings, retarded parents, and parents low in occupational level than do retardates higher in ability level. The analysis supports the position that there are two types of retarded individuals, persons retarded as a result of gene or chromosomal anomalies, brain injury, etc., who more frequently occur in the lower-level retardate group, and persons whose retardation represents polygenic segregation, who more frequently occur in the higher-level group.  相似文献   

Modes of Inheritance of Errors of Refraction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Eighteen families in which both parents had refractions within the range of +4·0 D to −4·0 D and axial lengths seen in emmetropia (22·3-26·0 mm) showed coefficients of correlation of the order 0·5 indicative of polygenic inheritance. Such coefficients were seen for axial length (0·407) and for the cornea (0·487), but not for the lens (which is known to be yoked to the axial length). No such coefficients were seen in 19 families in which one of the parents had axial length outside the emmetropic range (nine families with long axes and 10 with short axes).

The pattern of polygenic inheritance for emmetropia (completely correlated optical components) and errors of refraction up to 4·0 D (inadequately correlated components: correlation ametropia) follows that seen in stature and other measurable characters. In contrast the high refractive errors with their abnormal axial lengths (component ametropia) are—like the extremes in stature—pathological anomalies with monofactorial inheritance.


Editorial note. This article is published as part of a discussion. Particular issues of the article are disputable. First of all, this concerns the so-called “folder” method of introduction of international standards for medical devices to domestic medical practice (i.e., by direct translation of the standards and their publication as standardizing documents). Nevertheless, at least one of the problems, the problem of coordination between domestic state standards for medical devices and international recommendations of ISO and IEC, is undoubtedly of topical importance. Advancement of new health service legislation which is to be approved by law-makers will definitely introduce corrections into the present situation. The Editorial Board of Meditsinskaya Tekhnika believes this article will lessen these problems and to be welcomed by readers.  相似文献   

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