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Meiotic defects in a man with non-obstructive azoospermia: case report   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Infertile men have an increased frequency of aneuploid sperm. We have determined that decreased recombination is associated with the production of aneuploid sperm in humans. The aim of this study was to determine whether some cases of infertility are associated with decreased meiotic recombination. Analysis of the early stages of meiosis was performed in a 33-year-old man with non-obstructive azoospermia. Newly developed immunocytogenetic techniques were used to identify the synaptonemal complex (SC) in various stages of prophase. Antibodies to meiotic proteins identified the SC (SYN1/SCP3), the centromere (CREST) and recombination sites (MLH1). Only 36 meiotic spreads were recovered from the infertile man, compared with hundreds available from controls. One-third of the cells were in zygotene compared with 4% in controls, demonstrating an inability of bivalents to synapse and progress to pachytene. The infertile man had a greatly reduced frequency of recombination, with a mean of only 32.7 MLH1 foci/cell (range 1-60) compared with 46.0 (range 21-62) in control donors. A high proportion of cells (73%) contained at least one autosomal bivalent with zero MLH1 foci, compared with only 4.5% in control donors. Discontinuities in the SC were also more prevalent (68% of cells versus 26% in controls). This is the first demonstration of dramatic pachytene-stage abnormalities in an infertile man using these powerful new immunocytogenetic techniques.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Among ICSI children de novo structural chromosome aberrations of male descent are increased. Misrepair of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) is a prerequisite for such aberrations to occur. To date, no absolute assessment of the number of DSBs in human sperm nuclei after gamete fusion has been described. METHODS: Using man-mouse heterologous ICSI and gammaH2AX immunofluorescent staining, capable of detecting a single DSB, the number of lesions in ICSI selected sperm from normozoospermic men (n = 2) and oligozoospermic patients (n = 3) was quantified. A comparison with a subfertile male mouse model (n = 5) has been made. In addition, the fate of morphologically normal ejaculated immotile sperm after ICSI was examined. RESULTS: A significant increase in the fraction of sperm cells bearing DSBs was found in oligozoospermic semen compared with that from normozoospermic men (P < 0.01). The majority of morphologically normal immotile human sperm showed excess gammaH2AX staining and nuclear disintegration. However, some had a non-deviant DSB pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The increased fraction of DSB-positive sperm in both human and mouse oligozoospermic semen is adding to the surmise that semen from oligozoospermic patients has a reduced chromatin quality, causally related to reduced preimplantation embryo development. The use of ejaculated immotile sperm for in vitro reproduction is debatable due to sperm DNA degradation.  相似文献   

Complex chromosome rearrangements are rare aberrations that frequently lead to reproductive failure and that may hinder assisted reproduction. A 25-year-old azoospermic male was studied cytogenetically with synaptonemal complex analysis of spermatocytes from a testicular biopsy and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of lymphocytes. The spermatocytes showed a pentavalent plus a univalent chromosome. Cell death occurred mainly at advanced pachytene stages. The sex chromosomes were involved in the multiple, as shown by their typical axial excrescences. Two autosomal pairs, including an acrocentric chromosome (15), were also involved in the multiple. FISH allowed the definite identification of all the involved chromosomes. An inverted chromosome 12 is translocated with most of one long arm of chromosome 15, while the centromeric piece of this chromosome 15 is translocated with Yqh, forming a small marker chromosome t(15;Y). The euchromatic part of the Y chromosome is joined to the remaining piece of chromosome 12, forming a neo-Y chromosome. The patient shows azoospermia and a normal phenotype. The disruption of spermatogenesis is hypothetically due to the extent of asynaptic segments and to sex-body association during pachytene. This CCR occurred 'de novo' during paternal spermatogenesis. Meiotic analysis and FISH are valuable diagnostic tools in these cases.  相似文献   

Diploid spermatozoa represent 0.2-0.3% of all spermatozoa in the normal population and cause 8.3% of diandric triploids. Errors in meiosis I and II are the most common mechanisms by which diploid spermatozoa are produced. Endoreduplication before meiosis has been suggested as a possible origin for tetraploid meiocytes, which might, in turn, produce diploid sperm. Synaptonemal complex (SC) spreads of a fertile man were immunolabelled (SCP3, MLH1 and CENP) and hybridized with subtelomere-specific multiplex fluorescent in situ hybridization (stM-FISH) assay for SCs identification. The unexpected finding of a tetraploid pachytene cell and the identification of all of its SCs demonstrate that synapsis and crossover events can occur in human tetraploid cells. Moreover, it indicates that diploid sperm may also originate from mitotic errors (endoreduplication) occurring before meiosis.  相似文献   

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a well-recognized, but uncommon, cause of azoospermia and infertility in men. Commonly this is due to undertreatment of excessive adrenal androgen secretion which suppresses gonadotrophin stimulation of the testes. A less common complication of CAH is development of adrenal tissue within the testes; this is important to recognize because it may be confused with malignancy leading to unnecessary surgery. In this case report, a man is described with simple virilizing CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency who presented with azoospermia and was found to have adrenal rests. Investigations concluded that there was adequate adrenal suppression with glucocorticoids and that azoospermia was due to obstruction by adrenal rest tissue, strategically situated at the hilum of the testes. Spermatozoa were able to be retrieved by testicular aspiration from the man and these were used to successfully establish a pregnancy using intracytoplasmic sperm injection of his wife's oocytes.  相似文献   

The birth of 12 healthy infants to fathers with non-mosaic Klinefelter's syndrome has been reported so far. The spermatozoa for these pregnancies was obtained from frozen-thawed ejaculate in one pregnancy (twins) and from the testis in the remaining 10 infants. All of them had a normal karyotype. We describe a patient with non-mosaic Klinefelter's syndrome from whom a testicular biopsy was obtained and motile spermatozoa were collected. Of 16 oocytes that were injected, 14 fertilized and cleaved. Three embryos were transferred, resulting in a triplet pregnancy. Karyotype analysis from chorionic villous sampling revealed 46,XX, 46,XY and 46,XXY from the three fetuses. The affected 46,XXY fetus was reduced on the 14th gestational week. The pregnancy culminated with the birth of a healthy male and female, on the 36th gestational week, weighing 3600 and 2660 g respectively. This case report proves the presence of hyperploid spermatozoa in the seminiferous lumen, and strengthens the necessity of genetic diagnosis of the embryos or fetuses in such pregnancies to fathers with non-mosaic Klinefelter's syndrome.  相似文献   

An episomal DNA vector (YpJA18), encoding two selectable recombinant yeast genes (TRP1, URA3), was constructed to assess the fidelity of DNA repair in haploid repair-competent (RAD) wild-type yeast and several radiation-sensitive mutants. Either a DNA double-strand break (DSB) or a double-strand gap of 169 bp (DSG) was introduced by restriction enzymes in-vitro within the coding sequence of the URA3 gene of this vector. To eliminate transfer artefacts, selection was first applied for the undamaged TRP1 gene followed by counter selection for URA3 gene activity, which indicated correct repair of the DSB and DSG. Correct repair of the damaged URA3 gene was found to be about 90% in RAD cells (normalized for the expression of undamaged URA3 in TRP + transformants). Plasmids isolated from the transformants (URA + TRP +) carry both unique sites (ApaI and NcoI) within the URA3 gene indicating the precise restitution of the 169-bp gap. An excision-repair-defective rad4-4 mutant repaired these lesions as correctly as RAD cells, whereas the mutants rad50-1, rad51-1 and rad54-1, proven to be defective in DSB repair and mitotic recombination, showed less than 5% correct repair of such lesions. In contrast, a representative of the RAD6 epistasis group of genes, the rev2-1 mutant which is sensitive towards UV and ionizing radiation, had a significantly reduced ability (about 20%) for the correct repair of both DSBs and DSGs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We report a very rare case of the successful delivery of a healthy infant fathered by an infertile chimera. METHODS: ICSI was performed using frozen sperm. The karyotypes of peripheral lymphocytes were examined with a G-banding stain. RESULTS: Chromosomal analysis prior to ICSI revealed a 46, XX [28]/46, XY [2] karyotype chimera. As an infant, the subject was diagnosed as a true hermaphrodite, and underwent a hysterectomy and oophorectomy. A small number of sperm were found in minced testicular tissue, and they were stored for ICSI. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a successful pregnancy and delivery of a healthy infant fathered by an infertile chimera (46, XX/46, XY) following ICSI using frozen testicular sperm.  相似文献   

Studies using gene-linkage analysis have suggested that abnormal recombination during meiosis may lead to the production of aneuploid gametes; however, there is little direct evidence of a link between the two in human males. We analysed spermatocytes in the pachytene stage from a man with extremely high aneuploidy rates in his sperm. Testicular tissue specimens of the infertile man and two vasectomy reversals were processed with immuofluorescent techniques to visualize synaptonemal complex and recombination foci and fluorescent in situ hybridization on spermatocytes and sperm with probes for chromosomes 13, 21, 18, X and Y. We observed no recombination between sex chromosomes in the infertile man, while in two controls, we observed recombination rates of 79.3 and 81.0% between the sex chromosomes. This was associated with a total sex aneuploidy rate of 41.61% in testicular sperm of the infertile man (0.44 and 0.62% in two controls). Recombination on chromosome 21 was reduced in the infertile man, with 10.62% of spermatocytes showing no recombination (0 and 1.67% in two controls), as well as chromosome 13, with 53.98% having < or =1 recombination foci (22.05 and 21.67% in two controls). This was associated with increased aneuploidy for those chromosomes. Chromosome 18 aneuploidy was slightly increased, although there was no apparent decrease in recombination. These results provide the first evidence of both recombination and non-disjunction abnormalities in the same individual. This is also the only reported case of an infertile man who shows no recombination between the sex chromosomes, despite the formation of the sex body.  相似文献   

Non-random de novo autosomal chromosomal rearrangements have not been shown to cause exocrine or gonadal dysfunction. We report on two siblings, a brother and a sister, both with de novo chromosomal rearrangements and gonadal deficiency including premature ovarian failure. They had normal phenotypes without additional manifestations of known chromosomal breakage syndromes (except for the gonadal dysfunction) and normal alpha-fetoprotein dosage level. The association of sperm abnormalities in the brother and ovarian dysfunction in the sister suggested an increased spontaneous chromosomal instability. Since the co-occurrence of chromosomal anomalies and reproductive failures may not be coincidental, we performed repeated chromosomal analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes prior to proposing ICSI for IVF (for the brother). In both sibs, infertility was associated with random and non-random de novo autosomal chromosomal abnormalities. We discuss the possible relationship between these unusual clinical and cytogenetic features and their potential links to ataxia-telangiectasia.  相似文献   

Balanced reciprocal translocations are the most common structural abnormalities; most involve two autosomes while a few involve a gonosome (X or Y chromosome) and an autosome. These rearrangements are usually associated with infertility and/or a higher risk of chromosomal imbalances among offspring. This 26 years old man was first seen because of a 3-year history of primary infertility. He had been found to have a translocation, t(X;18)(q11;p11.1), inherited from his mother when he was 9 years old. Semen analysis showed a very severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT). A total of 447 spermatozoa were analysed using three-colour fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The alternate segregation pattern, leading to a normal or balanced chromosomal content, was found in 54.36% of the spermatozoa studied. The frequencies of Adjacent I, Adjacent II, 3:1 segregation and diploidy (or 4:0 segregation) were 8.28, 5.14, 22.37 and 2.01%, respectively. Balanced reciprocal translocations between an autosome and the X chromosome lead to important disruptions in human spermatogenesis. Almost all the males with an X-autosome translocation have azoospermia. The man reported here had very severe OAT and is the first in whom the meiotic segregation pattern was analysed. This case further emphasizes the interest in performing FISH studies in infertile males with a chromosomal translocation to provide them with a personalized imbalance risk.  相似文献   

Genetic abnormalities, including partial deletions of the Y-chromosome,are commonly detectable in men with non-obstructive azoospermia(NOA). NOA can be treated using testicular sperm extraction(TESE) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Recentstudies have shown that the presence of deletions involvingthe AZFc region do not appear to affect the chance of retrievingspermatozoa or have a significant impact on fertilization orpregnancy rates with ICSI. We investigated the effect of Y-chromosomepartial deletions on the chance of sperm retrieval with TESE.Eighty attempts at sperm retrieval were performed using TESEon men who were previously evaluated for Y-chromosome partialdeletions. Y-chromosome analysis was performed using a polymerasechain reaction (PCR)-based technique with 35 sequence-tagged-sites.Of the 80 men, nine (11%) had partial Y-chromosome deletionsdetected. Two azoospermic men with AZFc deletions had successfulsperm retrieval, ICSI and a subsequent clinical pregnancy. Sevenmen had deletions involving the AZFb region (three men had isolatedAZFb deletions, one had AZFa, AZFb and AZFc deleted, and threehad AZFb and AZFc deleted). None of the seven men had spermatozoaextracted by TESE, a result that is significantly differentfrom the overall 64% (47/73) sperm retrieval rate achieved atour centre (P = 0.001). Two men with AZFb deletions had cellsconsistent with round spermatids identified and injected intooocytes without effecting any normal fertilizations. Althoughpreliminary, these results suggest that the presence of an AZFbdeletion is a significantly adverse prognostic finding for TESE.Men with AZFb deletions should be apprised of these resultsbefore attempting TESE-ICSI. Alternatives such as donor inseminationor adoption should be considered or therapy delayed until improvedresults with round spermatid injections are likely.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Factors influencing success of sperm retrieval in azoospermic patients and outcome of ICSI were evaluated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Uni- and multifactorial analysis were performed using logistic and stepwise analysis, following surgical sperm retrieval by percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (55 cycles) or testicular sperm extraction (142 cycles) in 52 and 123 patients with obstructive azoospermia (OA) and non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) respectively. ICSI cycles using fresh or cryopreserved-thawed sperm were included. Sperm were retrieved to allow ICSI in 100 and 41% of OA and NOA patients, with no significant correlation with patients' age or FSH level. Occurrence of pregnancy was significantly correlated with female age (90th quantile: 38 years), number of oocytes retrieved (10th quantile: five oocytes) and number of oocytes injected (10th quantile: four oocytes). Sperm origin (epididymal versus testicular), status (fresh or thawed), male partner's age, and serum FSH had no significant effect upon implantation rate, pregnancy rate per embryo transfer or spontaneous miscarriage rate. CONCLUSIONS: In OA patients ICSI should be planned in conjunction with surgical sperm retrieval. In contrast, the lack of efficient non-invasive parameters to predict sperm retrieval in NOA suggests that elective surgical sperm retrieval may be offered to these patients prior to ovarian stimulation of their partners, especially when donor back-up is not an alternative. Female factors such as age and ovarian reserve have significant impact upon clinical success rates.  相似文献   

Integration of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) is a common event in cervical carcinogenesis, although mechanisms of integration are poorly understood. We have tested the hypothesis that an increased number of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) affect HPV16 episome maintenance and integration in cervical keratinocytes. Increased DSBs were generated over prolonged periods of up to 50 population doublings in the unique polyclonal cervical keratinocyte cell line W12, which stably maintains HPV16 episomes. This was achieved using repeated treatments with short interfering RNA to obtain sustained depletion of Ku70, a key mediator of DNA non-homologous end joining. An increase in DSBs was seen shortly after commencement of Ku70 depletion. Continuous depletion was reproducibly associated with loss of HPV16 episomes and also with a new viral integration event, which was rapidly selected in outgrowing W12 cells. Despite the prolonged presence of DSBs, high-level chromosomal instability (detected by marked changes in genomic copy number) was not observed until cells containing the new integrant were almost fully selected, with no evidence of such chromosomal instability prior to integration. Our data show that increased DNA DSBs are associated with HPV16 episomal loss and integration in cervical keratinocytes. We found no evidence to support the notion that major chromosomal instability precedes HPV16 integration, although such instability is an important consequence of the integration event.  相似文献   

Azoospermia factor (AZF) region microdeletions, which account for about 10-15% of patients with oligoazoospermia, seem to lack a close genotype-testicular phenotype correlation. Although many genetic and non-genetic factors may contribute to this outcome, it was thought that a spontaneous regression of testicular germ cells might also play a relevant role. The opportunity for carrying out two different testicular biopsies one year apart in an AZFc-microdeleted patient enabled corroboration of this possibility. Indeed, the first biopsy showed a spermatocyte maturation arrest with mean Johnsen scores of 4 and 3.9 in the right and left testes respectively. One year later, the right testicular biopsy showed a picture of Sertoli cell-only syndrome in 90% of the tubules examined, and of spermatogonial maturation arrest in the remaining tubules, with a mean Johnsen score of 2.1. The almost complete absence of germinal cells was confirmed by four left testicular sperm aspirations (TESA), conducted at the same time as the biopsy during an intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle, which showed the almost exclusive presence of Sertoli cells (85% of the whole cell population). No spermatozoa could be retrieved by TESA or testicular biopsy. To our knowledge, this is the first case of a spontaneous regression of the germinal cell epithelium over time in a patient with a Yq microdeletion without the apparent intervention of any cause known to affect the germinal epithelium.  相似文献   

The deoxyribonucleases (DNases) have been shown genetically to be important in the vital processes of DNA repair and recombination. The NUD1 gene, which codes for an endo-exonuclease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was analyzed for its role in the DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair processes. While the nud1 strain is only slightly sensitive to ionizing radiation, expression of the HO-endonuclease to introduce a DSB at the MAT locus in that strain results in cell death. Cell survival is inversely proportional to the duration of HO-endonuclease expression. Analysis of the surviving colonies from the nud1 strain indicated that many of the survivors are sterile and that the proportion of these sterile survivors increases with the time of HO-endonuclease expression. On the other hand, the surviving colonies from the isogenic NUD1 strain are mating-proficient. Interestingly, double mutants of nud1 rad52 are more resistant to ionizing irradiation than the rad52 strain and have a cell-survival fraction of 32% for rad52-1 nud1 and 9% for rad52::URA3 nud1 following prolonged HO-endonuclease expression, indicating that nud1 has a suppressor effect on the DSB-induced lethality in rad52. Polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that many of the nud1 survivors contained small alterations within the MAT locus, suggesting that the survivors arose through the process of non-homologous end-joining. These results suggest that the endo-exonuclease acts at a DSB to promote DNA repair via the homologous recombination pathway. Received: 20 July / 20 September 1998  相似文献   

A 35-year-old male was found to have a 45,XY,-14,der(18)t(14;18)(q11;p11.3) karyotype during the investigations for a couple with infertility for 8 years. Two sperm samples were obtained and analysed in triple fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the D18Z1 and LSI IGH/BCL2 probes. The frequency of gametes exhibiting a normal or balanced chromosomal equipment was 87.26 and 90.97% in samples 1 and 2, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between the results of meiotic segregation of both samples. These proportions are close to those observed among Robertsonian translocation carriers. They can probably be explained by the formation of trivalent in cis configuration during meiosis I between the derivative chromosome and the normal chromosomes 14 and 18, as in Robertsonian translocation carriers. These results suggest that the configuration adopted at pachytene strongly determines the segregation mode that will be preferentially followed during anaphase I.  相似文献   

By using aspiration from the vas deferens, apparently good qualityspermatozoa can be obtained for in-vitro fertilization (IVF)in cases of non-treatable anejaculation. Being squeezed fromthe epididymis during aspiration, the spermatozoa may be immatureand their fertilizing capacity lower than that of ejaculatedspermatozoa. Our case report describes a couple who achievedpregnancy when intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) was carriedout with frozen-thawed spermatozoa aspirated from the vas deferensof a man whose anejaculation was associated with diabetes mellitus.In the aspiration, 50x106 spermatozoa were obtained. One halfof them was frozen, and the other half was used fresh for conventionalIVF, resulting in total fertilization failure of all the oocytes.The second treatment was ICSI, in which eight out of 11 oocytesinjected with frozen-thawed spermatozoa showed normal fertilization.The second frozen embryo transfer resulted in a normal pregnanc.  相似文献   

This case report describes the management of a chronically malnourished woman during her first and second pregnancies. The emphasis of the management is on the investigation of her dysphagia and subsequent bypassing of her colonic interposition by the formation of a percutaneous gastrostomy. The case highlights spontaneous conception with a body mass index of 14 and the safety of enteral feeding during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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