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在解剖 1例成年男性标本时 ,发现其双侧示指固有伸肌起点变异 ,现报道如下。双侧示指固有伸肌位于示指伸肌腱尺侧 ,起自腕背伸肌支持带 ,起点处右侧宽 1.0cm ,左侧宽 1.2cm ,肌腹位于手背部 ,肌纤维向远端移行为肌腱止于示指近节指骨背面指背腱膜。左侧肌总长 8.8cm ,其中肌腹长 5 .6cm ,宽 2 .2cm ;肌腱长 3 .2cm ,宽 0 .3cm。右侧肌总长 8.7cm ,其中肌腹长5 .4cm ,宽 1.8cm ;肌腱长 3 .3cm ,宽 0 .3cm。该肌由骨间后神经分支支配 ,动脉供血来自腕背动脉网 ,静脉回流至腕背静脉。在临床工作中 ,尤其是行示指固有伸…  相似文献   

先天性示指伸肌缺如1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
示指固有伸肌及指伸总肌肌腱共同止于中节指骨底的背面,在此行成肌腱扩张部接受蚓状肌止腱及骨间肌止腱共同行成伸肌腱帽,起伸指功能。临床上因示指伸肌先天性缺如而影响伸指功能的极为罕见,我院于1997年6月收治1例先天性示指伸肌缺如,行伸指功能重建术,术后3个月复查,右示指活动范围正常。 患儿,男,7岁。因自幼右手示指伸指功能障碍入院。检查:右手大小与左手相同,右手各指感觉、血运及拇中环小指活动均正常,但示指掌指关节及近指间关节主动伸指受限,屈曲正常,被动活动范围正常;远指间关节主被  相似文献   

作者在解剖操作中于一男性尸体上发现一例双侧拇长展肌双肌腹、三肌腱,拇长展肌肌腹与拇短伸肌肌腹相融合变异,与早前报道的一例相关变异案例相比[1],此变异的肌腱数移行为3根(早前报道的为2根),同时出现了两肌肌腹融合的情况(早前报道并未涉及),故此变异类型较为罕见,现报道如下。1一般资料左侧拇长展肌(图1)于肌腹中下1/3处分出第  相似文献   

作者在解剖1例成年男性标本时,发现其右桡侧腕短伸肌双副腱变异(图1).现报道如下:  相似文献   

作者在解剖一具成年男性尸体时,发现其小指伸肌腱与指伸肌腱起于同一块肌肉。现报道如下。  相似文献   

尸体解剖中,发现2例出现中指伸肌,报道如下:例1男尸,约30岁,身长176cm,全身肌肉发达。变异肌肉是双倒性的,位于前臂后群肌深层,示指伸肌的尺侧。起于示指忙肌起点以下尺骨头以上的尺骨后外侧骨面,肌纤雏附着点上下相距9cm.肌束渐次向下集中,在伸肌支持带上方1cm处移行为肌腱。肌腱在指伸肌腱的深方和示指仲肌腱的足例向下通过由伸肌支持带构成的骨纤维管道。  相似文献   

<正>在制作一左上肢肌肉标本过程中,见其示指伸肌缺如图。为积累国人肌肉变异资料,现报道如下(图)。1正常示指伸肌起自拇长伸肌远侧的桡、尺骨背面及邻近的骨间膜,其肌腱与指伸肌肌腱一起通过伸肌支持带深面,穿过伸肌腱鞘,在第掌骨头对面2与到示指的指伸肌腱尺侧部联合。该标本前臂后群肌指伸肌深面和拇长伸肌内侧无起自桡、尺骨至示  相似文献   

尸体解剖发现 1例左示指固有伸肌起自掌背 ,由于临床常用示指固有伸肌腱移位修复拇长伸肌腱断裂 ,故此变异有一定临床意义 ,报道如下 :成年男性尸体标本 ,左示指固有伸肌腱较对侧细小 ,肌腹长 3cm ,在腕背侧韧带以远该肌起于第 3掌骨基底 ,腱位于示指伸肌腱内侧走向示指背侧 ,与示指伸肌腱融合为指伸肌腱扩张部 (附图 )。该肌的血供来自腕背动脉弓的分支 ,骨间后神经发出分支至拇长伸肌后 ,于指伸肌腱深面穿腕背第 4骨纤维管以终末支进入该肌。右示指固有伸肌起点正常。标本上模拟手术 ,以起点变异的示指固有伸肌腱移位修复拇长伸肌腱。于…  相似文献   

胸骨肌在我国早有报道,一般认为西南地区出现率较高。笔者用层次解剖法解剖一具成年男性尸体标本时,切开胸前壁皮肤,剥除皮下浅层后,发现在胸骨左、右缘外侧2.0cm处各有一块垂直走行的带状肌,上端起于锁骨内1/3下方的胸肌筋膜,向下止于第8~7肋软骨膜;肌的中部为薄肌腹,两端为肌腱。左侧胸骨肌长14.0cm,肌腹长9.2cm,上段肌腱长3.3cm,下段肌腱长1.5cm,肌腹中段宽2、0cm,厚0.3cm,上段宽1.6cm,厚0.1cm,下段宽1.9cm,厚0.1cm。  相似文献   

作者于解剖学教学过程中,在解剖制作一成年男性大体标本时,发现其右侧示指伸肌先天性缺如(图1),为积累国人肌肉变异资料,现报道如下:  相似文献   

Variants on muscles and tendons of the forearm or hand occur frequently in human beings. They are often discovered during educational cadaveric dissections and surgical procedures. Knowledge of such anomalies is necessary to the surgeons in order to avoid possible damage to adjacent muscles' tendons' blood vessels or nerves. Here we describe a rare muscular variant, the extensor indicis brevis originating from the ligaments of the proximal row of dorsal carpal bones.  相似文献   

A variation of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (ECRB) origin was discovered during a cadaveric dissection. The identified ECRB originated from the fascia/tendon of the extensor digitorum communis (EDC), without any of its origin at the usual location on the lateral epicondyle. The ECRB tendon inserted onto the third metacarpal base. A branch of the posterior interosseous nerve innervated the ERCB. This is the first report of an ECRB originating from the EDC fascia/tendon. This unique variation of the ECRB origin may be of clinical interest, especially in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow).  相似文献   

我们在解剖学教学过程中,在1例中年男性尸体标本上发现右侧指深屈肌的内侧有一块变异的长腱小肌(图1),经查阅文献资料,本例所见异常未见记载,为积累国人肌肉变异资料,现报道如下:  相似文献   

Anatomical variations of the fingers extensor tendons are not uncommon and have been described by several authors. Participation of intertendinous band of fascia in this kind of variation can change muscle functionality. However, this element is scarcely described in the literature. In this case report, we describe the finding of an accessory tendon located between the extensor digitorum communis muscle tendon, destined for the index finger, and the extensor pollicis longus tendon. In an anatomical analysis, we observed a connection between the radial portion of the accessory tendon and the ulnar portion of the extensor pollicis longus tendon by intertendinous fascia. This finding corresponds anatomically to the supernumerary muscle denominated extensor indicis radialis, but due to the fascial connections observed with the extensor pollicis longus, this muscle would behave functionally as a supernumerary muscle denominated extensor pollicis et indicis communis. This report suggests that participation of fascia in muscular variation in this anatomical segment is essential to establish the correct morpho-functional denomination of muscular variants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the existence of the extensor indicis et medii communis in detail. Thirty-one randomly selected adult cadavers (62 upper extremities) were examined for this project (22 males and 9 females between the ages 38 and 87). The muscle was observed in 3 of 62 hands, an incidence of 4.8%. One was in the right and the other two were in the left hands. Mean length and width of the muscle belly were 4.5 +/- 0.8 and 0.8 +/- 0.3 mm, respectively. Although the muscle did not have a junctura tendinum attachment between its two tendons, in one hand, the tendon to the index finger gave a thin slip to the tendon of the extensor digitorum communis for the same finger. Knowledge of variant muscle may be important when one is assessing the traumatized or diseased hand.  相似文献   

目的:旨在为、趾短伸肌去神经游离移植修复腭裂、腭咽闭合不全、面瘫等提供形态学基础。方法:①对22只足标本的、趾短伸肌的形态变异及神经支配进行解剖观察;②在109例手术中以神经刺激仪确认、趾短伸肌的神经,并测肌的长度,体积及重量。结果:①、趾短伸肌与长腱合并机会分别为55.7%、62.8%;趾短伸肌发出腱至第5趾的占76.9%;②肌的神经支配三种类型比率分别是24.4%、32.8%、42.7%;③肌的长度在8.3~13.1cm,体积1.8~3.1cm3,重量1.9~3.2g。结论:、趾短伸肌肌腱有与长腱合并的变异,趾短伸肌腱常有发出第五趾者;神经支配有三型;肌的长度、重量、体积适合肌肉游离移植的成活,是腭裂、腭咽闭合不全、尿道上裂及面瘫等外科治疗可靠的组织移植材料。  相似文献   

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