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Psychometric evaluation of the Hemodialysis Stressor Scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report updates the psychometric information available on the Hemodialysis Stressor Scale. The tool is a 29-item scale that rates the incidence and severity of stressors associated with hemodialysis treatment of end-stage renal disease. Six items are classified as physiologic stressors and 23 as psychosocial stressors. Alpha homogeneity coefficients achieved acceptable standards for reliability. Content validity is demonstrated by the varied sources used to ascertain pertinent items for the scale. Construct validity of the scale was investigated by factor analysis (N = 174). A two-factor solution to evaluate the validity of the physiological-psychosocial dichotomy showed insufficient support for this simplistic dichotomous classification of hemodialysis stressors. A subsequent unrestricted factor solution to explore the multidimensionality of the scale yielded eight factors, but only three were significant, so a three-factor solution was subjected to rotation. The content of the 6 physiological and 9 psychosocial items loading significantly on Factor I characterized this factor as psychobiological; Factor II consisted of 12 psychological and social stressors; Factor III pertained to 8 dependency and restriction stressors. The three-factor solution was seen as the best-fitting solution with this particular data set because it was conceptually clear, informative, and parsimonious.  相似文献   

The Writing-To-Learn Attitude Survey (WTLAS) was developed to measure the effects of using writing-to-learn activities in the classroom, but adequate psychometric data have not been reported for the measure. Using the pretest scores from 149 basic and RN-to-BSN nursing students enrolled in a Nursing Management and Leadership course, the reliability and validity of the WTLAS were evaluated. The initial 30-item measure demonstrated acceptable reliability, but the item intercorrelations suggested revision of the subscales was appropriate. After exploratory factor analyses, the WTLAS was revised to 21 items and consists of two factors: Apprehensions about Writing Abilities and Perceived Benefits of Writing-To-Learn Activities. Both subscales possess acceptable internal consistency reliability and conceptually sound, significant correlations with a separate measure of writing apprehension. The revised WTLAS appears to have adequate psychometric properties for further use in the evaluation of students' perceptions of writing-to-learn activities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide a comparative evaluation of psychometric properties for three or more HIV disease-specific quality-of-life (QoL) instruments. METHODS: Four instruments were selected using the following criteria: multiple publiations of instrument, focus of instrument on QoL, psychometric validation publication or comparison with prevoiusly validated questionnaire, stages of HIV/AIDS used or evaluated in the study, and inclusion of sample items or the instrument in at least one publication. The four HIV-specific QoL instruments were: HIV/AIDS-Targeted Quality of Life Instrument, Medical Outcomes Study HIV questionnaire (MOS-HIV), Functional Assessment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, and HIV Overview of Problems -- Evaluation System. These instruments were evaluated using combined criteria derived from McHorney and Tarlov and Shumaker et al. The criteria include: administration, content, depth, reliability, validity, and responsiveness. A letter grade scale (A,B,C,D) was used in rating the criteria. RESULTS: No instrument demonstrated ideal psychometric properties. The MOS-HIV questionnaire was the only instrument that published results for seven of the eight categories. Therefore, a decision cannot be made about the best instrument to use for measuring QoL in an HIV-positive patient. CONCLUSIONS: Published data for these questionnaires had common limitations of sample size, study design, and population demograhpics, Hence, further testing of these questionnaires is recommended before use in any study to determine suitability, reliability and validity.  相似文献   

Psychological test data, including the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Symptom Check List (SCL-90R) and the Derogatis Stress Profile (DSP), was analyzed for male veterans who had been previously diagnosed as suffering from either psychogenic or biogenic erectile dysfunction. Consistent with previous studies, there were no significant differences found between the two groups on the MMPI profile scores and the selected research scales. However, there were also no differences found on either the SCL-90R or the DSP, further questioning the use of objective psychometric instruments in discriminating the etiology of sexual dysfunction.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this paper is to report a psychometric evaluation of the Hendrich Fall Risk Model. BACKGROUND: Thoroughly developed and tested instruments for assessment of fall risk are needed to identify patients at risk of falling, to enable the implementation of preventative measures. METHOD: Data from 1977 patients/residents in 45 nursing homes and 7197 patients from 47 hospitals were evaluated in a cross-sectional survey. The internal consistency of the Hendrich Fall Risk Model was examined using the Kuder-Richardson Test. The dimensions of the model were revealed by exploratory factor analysis and the Care Dependency Scale was used to investigate construct validity. Using Spearman Rho the sum of weighted items was correlated with the sum of unweighted items to obtain information about the practicability of a weighted total score. The study was carried out in 2003. RESULTS: The internal consistency of the model was not high (alpha = 0.54). Additionally, factor analysis showed that the model had more than one dimension. The correlation between the fall risk model and Care Dependency Scale was quite high for hospital patients and the total group (Spearman Rho = -0.71 or -0.76 respectively, P < 0.01) and medium for nursing home residents (Spearman Rho = -0.51, P < 0.01). The total scores of the weighted and unweighted items correlated highly (Spearman Rho = 0.96, P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The use of this risk model is not recommended for nursing homes. For hospitals, we advise the use of unweighted items.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the Energy Conservation Strategies Survey (ECSS), a tool that was specifically designed to determine if people with multiple sclerosis who attended the six-week energy conservation course actually implemented the strategies taught to them. DESIGN: The instrument ECSS was administered at six weeks and seven weeks post intervention to evaluate the test-retest reliability, while data from six weeks post intervention were utilized to assess the internal consistency of the ECSS. SETTING: Community locations in Illinois and Minnesota, USA. SUBJECTS: Data from 53 participants with multiple sclerosis living in the community were utilized for the psychometric study. MEASURES: Energy Conservation Strategies Survey. RESULTS: The internal consistency of 0.92 reveals that all the items are consistent with each other and measure a single construct. Inferential analyses using intraclass correlation coefficient indicates good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.79). CONCLUSION: Findings of the study suggest that the ECSS exhibits high internal consistency and good test-retest reliability. The study implies that the ECSS could be valuable in measuring changes in behaviour over time among people with multiple sclerosis after the completion of the six-week energy conservation course provided by occupational therapists.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine evidence for the reliability and validity of the Scorable Self-Care Evaluation (SSCE), an 18-item assessment of observed and perceived self-care performance commonly used with persons with psychiatric disabilities. METHOD: As part of a longitudinal study, 70 adults with psychiatric disabilities were administered two cognitive measures, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the Logical Memory subscales of the Weschler Memory Scale, at baseline, and the SSCE at follow-up. After transforming the weighted item scores, intraclass correlation coefficients were used to examine inter-rater reliability and Rasch analysis was used to examine internal consistency of the SSCE. Spearman rank-order correlations were used to examine construct validity. RESULTS: High interrater reliabilities were found for the four subscale scores (ICCs ranging from .96 to 1.00, p < .001) and the total scores (ICC = .98, p < .001) of the SSCE. Rasch analysis indicated that no items misfit; however, some items showed a weak distribution across all possible scores. The SSCE subscale and total scores correlated to varying degrees with the cognitive measures. CONCLUSION: The SSCE has the potential to be a reliable and valid clinical measure, as demonstrated by the results of the current study. However, these results were only achieved using a transformation of the current scoring system for the SSCE, pointing to the need for further revision of the test items and scoring system.  相似文献   



Quality of sleep in patients with cancer is regarded as of utmost importance. The aim of the present study was to assess psychometric properties and feasibility of the Greek version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (GR-PSQI).  相似文献   

Despite the recent emergence of psychosocial interventions and other forms of practical treatments, antipsychotic medication remains the cornerstone of treatment for schizophrenia, as it is recognized to be effective in reducing relapse rates. Nevertheless, the side-effects of psychotropic medication make adherence to treatment regimens difficult for many clients and, until recently, little has been done by mental health nurses to consistently monitor or manage these symptoms. This report describes how the integration of knowledge and clinical skills in psychopharmacology optimized one client's concordance with medication. It reports on 'John's' treatment experience with medication and addresses the role that mental health nurses can play in appraising pharmaceutical effects, and assessing and working with side-effects, using a medication-management multidisciplinary team approach.  相似文献   

AimTo study the psychometric properties of the Positions on Nursing Diagnosis (PND) scale.BackgroundThe PND is a scale to measure nurses' attitudes toward nursing diagnosis. In previous studies, reliability of the scale was supported but its construct validity is still unclear with studies reporting both one-factor and three-factor models.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of 262 nurses enrolled from one general public hospital and three long-term care facilities in Italy. Construct validity was assessed with confirmatory factor analysis. Criterion and contrasting-group validities were tested, as well as internal consistency reliability.ResultsConfirmatory factor analysis showed the adequacy of a one-factor model of the PND scale. Criterion and contrasting-group validities were supportive, as was internal consistency reliability.ConclusionsThe PND is a valid and reliable scale to measure nurses' attitudes toward nursing diagnosis. Its use in practice and research is recommended.  相似文献   

The eICU technology system has been implemented nationwide to facilitate efficient and safe care for patients. The purpose of this study was to provide psychometric evidence of the reliability and validity of an instrument, the Nurses' Attitudes Toward eICU Scale (NATES). The study involved 117 registered nurses working in critical care units that had not yet implemented eICU technology. The reliability for the total scale was .91. Factor analysis results supported construct validity and indicated that five factors accounted for 67.3% of variance in the data: Cost and Benefit; Patient Care and Quality; Anxiety and Confidence: Effort; and Anger and Fear. The NATES showed promise as a psychometrically sound instrument for assessing nurses' attitudes toward eICU technology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the validity, repeatability and stability of the Motor Readiness Questionnaire for Stroke (MRQS). SUBJECTS: One hundred and eighty-seven stroke patients (160 men; 143 white; mean age = 57.5+/-8.8; mean time since stroke = 10.1+/-7.3 months) at a rehabilitation hospital in the Midwestern United States. DESIGN: Prospective survey, in which the MRQS was administered to each patient once. The MRQS was also administered to 25 subjects twice to measure test-retest reliability. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The MRQS, a transtheoretical model-based, 23-item self-report survey was administered to examine reliability (internal consistency and stability), validity (concurrent) and factor structure. RESULTS: The MRQS showed good reliability for its component scales and total score, and the previously identified MRQS factor structure was confirmed. Stability and concurrent validity were also high. CONCLUSIONS: The MRQS appears to adequately capture stroke patients' motivational readiness and has ability to discriminate between individuals in various stages of readiness. MRQS scores appear to be repeatable over time. However, more research is needed before the MRQS is used.  相似文献   

To ensure the semantic equivalence of the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS)-Spanish Version, multiple methods were used, including back-translation, the committee approach, pretest techniques, and alternate forms equivalence. The back-translation process involved eight translators who represented the four predominant Hispanic groups in the United States. In the committee approach the Hispanic translators convened together to discuss the results of the back-translations and to come to group consensus on problematic items. In pretesting the PDSS-Spanish Version was field-tested with five Hispanic mothers, and it was determined that it accurately captured the connotative meanings of the screening scale. Alternate forms equivalence of the two language versions of the PDSS was assessed with a sample of 30 bilingual Hispanic mothers. Alpha reliability estimates ranged from 0.94 to 0.99. Though lengthy, this systematic procedure was needed to guarantee the production of a fully equivalent linguistic version of the PDSS.  相似文献   

We investigated the factor structure and psychometric properties, of the Inventory of Negative Thoughts in Response to Pain (INTRP) with a sample of 99 men and 125 women. Confirmatory factor analyses provided support for the empirically derived three factors: Negative Self-Statements, Negative Social Cognitions, and Self-Blame. The factor scales had satisfactory internal consistency reliability. We found no differences between men and women on the factor scales. The INTRP factor scales did not relate significantly to age, ethnicity, marital status, or educational level. We examined the relationships between the INTRP and specific pain-related indices using partial correlational analyses, and we conducted stepwise multiple regression analyses to evaluate the relative contributions of the INTRP factor scales and self-report measures of depression and anxiety to the prediction of three pain indices.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evidence of psychometric support is needed for use of the Differentiation of Self Inventory with adolescents as a clinical assessment instrument to evaluate psychotherapeutic progress and outcomes, and for its use as a research instrument to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions on the basis of Bowen family systems theory. OBJECTIVE: To examine the reliability and validity of the 46-item, self-report Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI) for use with adolescents. METHOD: An ex post facto research design was used to determine the psychometric properties of the DSI for adolescents, and to test theoretically grounded hypotheses drawn from Bowen theory that linked differentiation of self with chronic anxiety and symptom development. The DSI, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Symptom Pattern Scale were administered to an ethnically diverse sample of 363 adolescents 14 to 19 years of age. RESULTS: The DSI full scale demonstrated good internal consistency reliability, with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of.84. Factor analysis yielded a six-factor structure, representing the multidimensionality of the DSI items among adolescents. As hypothesized, differentiation of self mediated the relation between chronic anxiety and symptom development (p <.001), indicating that greater differentiation of self predicted fewer symptoms over and above chronic anxiety, and lending support to the construct validity of the DSI in adolescent populations. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the use of the DSI with adolescents. Future longitudinal studies are needed for definitive causal conclusions regarding the role that differentiation of self plays as a mediator between the relation of chronic anxiety and symptom development.  相似文献   

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