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目的了解MSM人群(男男性接触者)中反串、易装MB亚人群(男性卖淫者)的行为特征及艾滋病相关知识知晓率。方法横断面调查方法,对符合条件的MSM亚人群,由培训过的圈内人员进行面对面调查。结果年龄分布最大39周岁,最小18周岁,平均25±3.91岁,性取向:同性恋、双性恋、未确定、异性恋分别为调查总数的76.3%,19.7%,3.3%,0.7%。艾滋病知识知晓率:答对6道题121人,占79.61%。安全套使用最近一次,使用率55.3%,近一年,坚持每次使用率20.39%。流动性:户籍为本市、本省、外省分别占49.30%,34.90%,14.80%。没去过其他城市60人,占39.50%;曾去过1~3个城市40人,占26.30%;4~6个城市36人,占22.40%;6个以上18人,占11.80%。网络交友:147人上网交友,占96.71%。结论存在艾滋病知识与行为分离现象,网络交友普遍存在,已成MSM主要交友途径所,流动增加疾病传播速度。  相似文献   

Cheng WB  Zhong F  Wen F  Gao K  Liu JW  Luo BL  Xu HF  Wang M 《中华预防医学杂志》2010,44(11):1027-1031
目的 了解广州市男男商业性服务人群(money boys,MB)的HIV、梅毒的感染情况,以及AIDS相关行为特征.方法 通过同志社区小组从12个MB活动场所(包括会所、公园及网络等)招募调查对象152名,共完成调查和采血151名.采用匿名问卷调查获取AIDS相关行为、知识、态度等资料,抽取静脉血进行HIV和梅毒的检测.HIV和梅毒感染不同人群特征的比较应用x2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果 调查对象HIV和梅毒的感染率分别为11.3%(17/151)和19.9%(30/151),过去6个月的同性商业性无保护肛交的发生率为47.0%(71/151),同性非商业性无保护肛交的发生率为43.7%(66/151).AIDS知识知晓率为85.4%(129/151);认为自己没有感染HIV的危险者占34.4%(52/151);不知道中国男男性行为人群AIDS流行情况者占24.5%(37/151);认为MB圈子的HIV流行不严重或不知道者占55.0%(83/151).过去6个月曾在醉酒和(或)吸毒后发生过商业性行为的MB梅毒感染率较未曾发生过的高(分别为33.3%、6.5%;x2=4.26,P=0.039),在性服务时发生过安全套破裂的MB梅毒感染率较没有发生过的高(分别为36.7%、15.7%;x2=6.64,P=0.010).多因素分析显示,在性服务时发生过安全套破裂与梅毒感染相关(x2=6.24,P=0.012;OR=3.11,95%CI=1128~7.57).结论 MB人群HIV和梅毒感染率高,对艾滋病流行的认知不足,危险性行为的发生比较普遍.  相似文献   

男男性接触者性伴网络特征与HIV传播   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的了解男男性接触者(MSM)性伴网络特征,探讨人类免疫缺陷病毒/性传播疾病(HIV/STDs)从该人群向普通人群传播的途径,为开展HIV/STDs的预防与控制提供依据.方法以同性恋酒吧为研究现场,以其中男男性接触者为对象进行匿名问卷调查.调查内容包括社会人口学特征、HIV/STDs感染状况、性伴类型及数量等.结果某市酒吧中MSM的HIV和STDs感染报告率分别为3.4%和10.3%;多性伴现象在MSM中普遍存在,且性伴类型广泛.在最近2个月中,50.0%的MSM有同性偶然性伴,17.8%有同性商业性伴,63.8%目前有同性固定性伴.曾有过异性性伴者为55.7%.拥有3种类型性伴者为19.5%,4种类型性伴者为12.6%.拥有不同类型性伴的MSM亚群之间相互关联,核心亚群为拥有异性性伴和拥有同性商业性伴亚群.结论 MSM以多维的性伴网络相互连接,不仅在MSM人群内部具有HIV/STDs的多向传播通道,而且已经形成了向普通人群传播的桥梁.  相似文献   

重庆市男男性接触人群中HIV一1新近感染者耐药监测   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 调查2006年重庆市男男性接触(MSM)人群的HIV感染率、估计该人群的发病率,并对新近感染的样本进行耐药检测.方法 通过同性爱者场所的业主、志愿者组织以"滚雪球"的方式招募未接受过抗病毒治疗的MSM进行横断面调查.用酶联免疫和蛋白印迹法进行HIV抗体检测,BED-酶联捕获试验(BED-CEIA)进行新近感染检测,并通过间接检测血清阳转后HIV-IgG抗体占总IgG的比例来检测HIV新近感染、估算HIV发病率.耐药检测采用Trugene HIV-1试剂盒扩增出靶HIV-1 pol区基因中288 bp的蛋白酶基因(PR)和630 bp的逆转录酶基因(RT)片段,所得片段进行序列分析,结果由Bayer公司基因型耐药突变解释规则[DR 3.7 IVD(2006/07/27)Guidelines 11.0(2005/12/15)]生成临床耐药报告和突变位点报告,同时序列提交Stanford HIVdb数据库进行判断,得到耐药评分结果.上述两种结果再与用Geno2pheno方法进行耐药性判定的结果比对.结果 重庆市MSM人群2006年HIV感染率为10.4%,估算发病率为7.98%.使用三种方法分析耐药情况,分别有1例、2例、1例出现逆转录酶区(PR)突变,导致其对蛋白酶类抑制剂(PI)产生耐药,得到的该人群流行毒株耐药率分别为4.55%、9.09%和4.55%.结论 重庆市MSM人群的发病率及感染率已处于较高水平,应予以密切关注,原发耐药水平目前尚处于较低水平.  相似文献   

大学生男男性接触人群艾滋病相关知识行为状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]了解大学生男男性接触人群艾滋病知识知晓状况和相关行为特征.[方击]采用滚雪球法选择对象,对选择的大学生MSM人群进行面对面匿名问卷调查,所得资料运用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析.[结果]300名调查对象来源于22所高校,平均年龄(20.8±1.3)岁;艾滋病知识知晓率UNGASS指标为56.0%;首次性行为平均年龄(17.9±1.8)岁,首次同性性行为平均年龄(18.2±1.7)岁;98.7%调查对象最近6个月发生过同性性行为,平均同性性伴3个(中位数);最近6个月发生同性性行为时坚持使用了安全套的比例为44.3%,最近1次同性性行为时使用了安全套的比例为75.0%;9.7%的调查对象最近1年出现过性病症状,50.0%最近1年做过HIV检测;互联网、酒吧/会所、浴池、公园/公厕是寻找同性伙伴的主要场所,其中光顾互联网的频率为3d,光顾酒吧/会所的频率为15 d.[结论]MSM人群中普遍存在的艾滋病相关知识水平高而性伴多、安全套使用率低的知识与行为背离现象,在大学生MSM人群中也广泛存在,急需采取针对性干预措施.  相似文献   

[目的]了解MSM人群中HIV感染者的行为学特征,为调整针对MSM人群的干预策略和探索针对HIV染者的管理模式提供信息.[方法]用SPSS12.0对MSM人群中HIV感染者的问卷调查资料进行整理分析.[结果]HIV感染者年龄较小,平均年龄(19.5±3.8)岁,首次性行为的性伴女性占53.8%,90.4%(94/104)的HIV感染者最近6个月与男性有肛交史,最近6个月发生肛交性行为的男性性伴数为4(中位数).最近6个月与男性发生肛交时只有17.O%(16/94)每次都使用了安全套.29.8%的被调查对象近6个月与女性有性行为史,但只有16.1%的人每次都使用安全套.[结论]MSM人群中的HIV感染者肛交、多性伴、低安全套使用率将加强艾滋病在MSM人群中的传播,探索MSM人群中HIV感染者的管理和干预的模式是当前针对MSM人群干预的重点工作和迫切任务.  相似文献   

[目的]了解男男性接触者(MSM)有关艾滋病的预防知识、高危行为情况,为在该人群中开展有针对性的干预工作提供依据。[方法]2006年3~7月,对到济南市疾病预防控制中心自愿接受艾滋病咨询的400名MSM进行调查,并对其中282人进行抗-HIV和梅毒抗体检测。[结果]调查400人,各项艾滋病防治知识的知晓率均在70%以上,60%以上的相关知识通过报纸、杂志、电视、广播获取;首次性行为的年龄为(19.93±2.87)岁,34.75%的调查对象同时与女性有性行为,16.00%的与11~50个同性发生过性行为;近6个月与女性进行阴道交、肛交时每次使用安全套的占27.50%(22/80)和16.67%(2/12),与男性进行肛交或接受肛交时每次使用安全套的占30.94%(116/375)和33.79%(99/293)。检测282名MSM,HIV感染率为1.06%,梅毒感染率为9.57%。[结论]济南市MSM中存在着艾滋病流行,并有向普通人群扩散的潜在危险。  相似文献   

[目的]了解玉溪市男男性接触者(MSM)艾滋病性病知识、态度、行为(KABP)现状,初步探索艾滋病防治工作效果。[方法]由调查员深入到MSMs活动场所开展外展服务,在知情同意原则下,进行艾滋病性病KABP问卷调查。[结果]调查的MSMs人群中,中年、未婚所占比例居多,职业分布广泛;2009、2010年艾滋病知识知晓率基本相同(P0.05)分别为88.6%、95.2%;文化程度(OR=1.70,1.39~2.07)、年龄(OR=1.03,1.01~1.09)两个因素影响了该人群的艾滋病知识知晓率;第一次发生性行为的年龄、第一次与男性发生性行为的年龄均偏小,均在20岁左右;第一个性伙伴是男性比例占到35.7%;存在多性伴现象,多的达3个性伴;两年比较,最近六个月与同性(80.0%左右)、异性(35.0%~45.0%之间)发生性行为的比例均相同(P均0.05);最近六个月与同性发生过商业性行为的比例基本相同(P0.05),2009年为10.0%,2010年为11.4%;两年间,最近一次与同性发生肛交性行为时使用安全套的比例较高,达64.0%以上;最近一次与异性发生性行为时使用安全套的比例较低,仅在18.6%~28.6%之间;两年的调查均显示该人群中有吸毒行为者占2.9%~5.7%。[结论]MSMs群体是HIV传播的桥梁人群,可能导致HIV传播的危险因素较多,如对部分艾滋病知识认识存在误区、多性伴、发生同/异性间性行为年龄偏小、存在商业性男性者、安全套使用率偏低、群体中有部分静脉注射吸毒者等。因此,应加强主动监测,采取确实有效地干预措施,积极控制HIV/STD在该人群中的传播。  相似文献   

男男性接触者性行为及梅毒、HIV感染分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 调查河北省唐山市男男性接触者人群梅毒、HIV感染及性行为现状,了解其流行特征,为制定干预措施提供科学依据.方法 采用横断面调查方法,对唐山市男男性接触者人群进行匿名问卷调查,并对自愿参加检测的人员采集血样进行梅毒和人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的血清学检测.结果 共调查120人,有效问卷114份;最近半年内与男性肛交每次均使用安全套仅占17.92%;采集血样77份,梅毒感染率为29.87%,HIV感染率为7.79%.结论 唐山市男男性接触者人群中梅毒、HIV感染率较高,安全套使用率低,存在梅毒等性传播疾病向一般人群扩散危险,社会后果严重,应及时采取有效措施.  相似文献   

目的 了解当地男男性接触者(MSM)的行为学特征.方法 通过同性恋网站发布资料进行问卷调查.结果 口交、肛交、相互手淫是MSM的主要性行为方式;口交中每次均使用安全套率为5.8%,肛交中每次均使用安全套率为25.7%;有126人(18.8%)曾主动检测过HIV抗体;有513人表示愿意参加免费体检.结论 互联网调查为开展现场调查及MSM人群的健康促进提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

Laws and policies can affect the HIV risk of key populations through a number of direct and indirect pathways. We investigated the association between HIV prevalence among men who engage in transactional sex and language in the penal code protecting sexual minorities, including men who have sex with men (MSM), and sex workers. HIV prevalence among men who engage in transactional sex was assessed through meta-analysis of published literature and country surveillance reports. Meta-regression was used to determine the association between HIV prevalence and protective laws for sexual minorities and sex workers. Sixty-six reports representing 28 countries and 31,924 individuals were included in the meta-analysis. Controlling for multiple study- and country-level variables, legal protection for sexual minorities was associated with a 10.9% (95% CI: 3.8–18.0%) and sex workers associated with a 7.0% (95% CI: 1.3–12.8%) decrease in country-level HIV prevalence among men who engage in transactional sex. Laws that seek to actively protect sex workers and MSM may be necessary to decrease HIV risk for this key population.  相似文献   

目的了解男男性行为者(MSM)女性性行为现状,分析影响因素。方法采用应答推动抽样法和自编的《绵阳市男性健康调查表》于2009年6—9月对四川省绵阳市400名MSM人群进行了询问式匿名问卷调查。结果 400名MSM人群中,142人第1个性伴是女性,占35.5%;近6个月与女性发生过性行为73人,占18.3%,平均性伴为(1±2.42)人;其中与妻子发生性行为的有13人,占3.3%,与女朋友有性行为29人,占7.3%,与女性商业性工作者有性行为3人,占0.8%;近1次女性性行为安全套使用率为47.9%(35/73),近6个月女性性行为安全套每次使用者占30.1%(23/73);多因素非条件logistic回归分析表明,学历、婚姻状况、性取向、户籍、首次性交对象、性伴居住城市数、近6个月有男性商业性伴(买性)是近6个月女性性行为的主要影响因素(χ2=4.970、0.455、15.419、8.628、11.759、7.379、5.335,P<0.05或P<0.01),高中及以下学历、在婚、双向性取向、首次性对象为女性、性伴居住城市数≥2个、近6个月有男性商业性伴、本市户籍者近6个月女性性行为较多。结论 MSM人群女性性行为所占比例较高,受人口特征、首次性行为对象、城际流动等因素影响,高危性行为较普遍,是艾滋病传播的重点潜在桥梁人群。  相似文献   


Although seroprevalence studies have shown that Thai male sex workers are at heightened risk of HIV infection, no sustained preventive strategies have so far targeted homosexually active men in Thailand. In this paper, we bring together data from qualitative research carried out in Pattaya (McCamish and Sittitrai 1995, 1997) and Bangkok (Storer 1999a, 1999b), with data generated during a bar-based intervention in Bangkok (Carl, unpublished report), to develop a taxonomy of sites in which the recruitment of male commercial sex can occur. We also examine the sexual networks of Thai male sex workers and their clients in order to demonstrate the overlap of commercial and non-commercial male-male sex sites, and the intersection of male commercial sex with heterosexual sex. Previous interventions directed towards Thai male sex workers been non-continuous; largely restricted to high-profile tourist areas, have not acknowledged the importance of recreational sex; and have not built up a capacity for ongoing intervention. With a change of focus, interventions directed towards sex workers could reduce the risks of HIV infection among both organized and freelance sex workers as well as their commercial and male and female casual sex partners. First, however, there needs to be a commitment to well planned and long range interventions directed by and at male sex workers.  相似文献   

目的了解绵阳市城区男男性行为者(MSM)性伴现况。方法采用应答者趋动招募抽样法(RDS),在MSM活动场所定时、定点进行性伴及相关因素招募和寻问式匿名现场调查。结果共调查MSM 400人,首次插入性性行为平均(18±3.59)岁。最近6个月与男性发生过性行为占88.4%(352/398),平均(2±3.29)人;买性占4.7%(17/359),平均(1±2.49)人;卖性占2.5%(9/355),平均(4±6.19)人;与女性发生过性关系占18.3%(73/400),平均(1±2.42)人。调查者中不同婚姻状况、性取向、首次插入性行为年龄、认识当地MSM朋友数、性伴居住城市数、近6月男男肛交安全套使用,艾滋病知识是否来自书籍、来自学校,是否知道性伴没有健康问题、是否知道性伴健康状况者,近6个月男男肛交用安全套等因素与男男肛交数有关。多因素Logistic回归分析,最终进入回归模型的有婚姻、认识当地MSM朋友数、首次插入性行为年龄、性伴居住城市数、不知道性伴健康状况共5个(P<0.05),在婚(OR=5.074)、认识当地MSM朋友数≥9人(OR=2.192)、不知道性伴健康状况(OR=1.235)、首次插入性行年龄≤24岁(OR=6.948~9.871)者近6月肛交人数较多,性伴居住城市数≤1个者肛交人数较少。结论绵阳城区MSM首次性行为较早,多种性伴共存,多性伴普遍。  相似文献   

We conducted a qualitative study of male sex work in St. Petersburg Russia with a focus on social vulnerabilities, HIV-risk perception and HIV-related behaviours. In-depth interviews were conducted with individuals knowledgeable about male sex work through their profession and with male sex workers themselves. Male sex work involves a variety of exchanges, including expensive vacations, negotiated monetary amounts or simply access to food. Methods of finding clients included the Internet, social venues (e.g. gay clubs and bars) and public places (e.g. parks). Use of the Internet greatly facilitated male sex work in a variety of ways. It was used by both individuals and agencies to find clients, and appeared to be increasing. Men often reported not being professionally connected to other male sex workers and limited disclosure about their work. Many were aware of the work-related risks to personal safety, including violence and robbery by clients. Perceived risk for HIV was mostly abstract and several exceptions to condom use with clients were noted. Alcohol use was reported as moderate but alcohol was consumed frequently in association with work. These data suggest that the most salient risks for male sex workers include professional isolation, threats to personal safety, limited perceived HIV risk and sub-optimal levels of condom use.  相似文献   

Access to biomedical HIV prevention technologies such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) requires individuals to disclose risk behavior to clinicians, but experiences of discrimination and medical mistrust may limit disclosure among male sex workers and other MSM. We explored experiences of perceived discrimination, medical mistrust, and behavior disclosure among male sex workers compared to other men who have sex with men (MSM). We conducted 56 interviews with MSM and compared findings about medical mistrust, discrimination, and disclosure for 31 men who engaged in sex work vs. 25 men who did not. MSM who engaged in sex work reported more medical mistrust and healthcare discrimination due to issues beyond MSM behavior/identity (e.g., homelessness, substance use, poverty). MSM who did not report sex work described disclosing sex with men to clinicians more often. Both subgroups reported low PrEP awareness, but willingness to disclose behavior to obtain PrEP. Medical mistrust and perceived discrimination create barriers for sexual behavior disclosure to clinicians, potentially impeding access to PrEP and other forms of biomedical HIV prevention. These barriers may be higher among male sex workers compared to other MSM, given overlapping stigmas including sex work, substance use, homelessness, and poverty. An intersectionality framework for understanding multiple stigmas can help to identify how these dynamics may limit access to biomedical HIV prevention among male sex workers, as well as suggesting strategies for addressing stigmas to improve the delivery of PrEP and other HIV prevention approaches in this population.  相似文献   

BackgroundWith the fourth highest HIV burden globally, Nigeria is characterized as having a mixed HIV epidemic with high HIV prevalence among key populations, including female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs. Reliable and accurate mapping of key population hotspots is necessary for strategic placement of services and allocation of limited resources for targeted interventions.ObjectiveWe aimed to map and develop a profile for the hotspots of female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs in 7 states of Nigeria to inform HIV prevention and service programs and in preparation for a multiple-source capture-recapture population size estimation effort.MethodsIn August 2018, 261 trained data collectors from 36 key population–led community-based organizations mapped, validated, and profiled hotspots identified during the formative assessment in 7 priority states in Nigeria designated by the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Hotspots were defined as physical venues wherein key population members frequent to socialize, seek clients, or engage in key population–defining behaviors. Hotspots were visited by data collectors, and each hotspot’s name, local government area, address, type, geographic coordinates, peak times of activity, and estimated number of key population members was recorded. The number of key population hotspots per local government area was tabulated from the final list of hotspots.ResultsA total of 13,899 key population hotspots were identified and mapped in the 7 states, that is, 1297 in Akwa Ibom, 1714 in Benue, 2666 in Cross River, 2974 in Lagos, 1550 in Nasarawa, 2494 in Rivers, and 1204 in Federal Capital Territory. The most common hotspots were those frequented by female sex workers (9593/13,899, 69.0%), followed by people who inject drugs (2729/13,899, 19.6%) and men who have sex with men (1577/13,899, 11.3%). Although hotspots were identified in all local government areas visited, more hotspots were found in metropolitan local government areas and state capitals.ConclusionsThe number of key population hotspots identified in this study is more than that previously reported in similar studies in Nigeria. Close collaboration with key population–led community-based organizations facilitated identification of many new and previously undocumented key population hotspots in the 7 states. The smaller number of hotspots of men who have sex with men than that of female sex workers and that of people who inject drugs may reflect the social pressure and stigma faced by this population since the enforcement of the 2014 Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act, which prohibits engaging in intimate same-sex relationships, organizing meetings of gays, or patronizing gay businesses.  相似文献   

目的 了解高校学生MSM性伴相关状况,分析其寻找性伴的相关因素,为开展高校艾滋病预防干预工作提供参考。方法 依托青岛市MSM民间组织的艾滋病自愿咨询检测点,2016年10月采用滚雪球法招募青岛市部分高校学生MSM,按照现况调查估算样本量为267人,采用自填式问卷调查,收集其人口学特征、性伴状况等信息,采用SPSS 17.0软件统计分析调查内容。结果 共招募304名高校学生MSM,完成调查300名,来自24所高校,平均年龄20.7岁,同性性伴主要为熟人,第1个同性性伴和最近1个同性性伴为熟人的分别占58.7%(176/300)和62.3%(187/300)。通过互联网来寻找性伴占86.0%(258/300)。喜欢选择男性作为性伴占88.3%(265/300),喜欢选择在校就读学生作为性伴占42.7%(128/300)。结论 高校学生MSM主要通过互联网寻找性伴,同性性伴主要为熟人,喜欢选择男性在校学生作为同性性伴。艾滋病防治工作应该关注高校学生人群MSM及其性健康。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析我国14个城市男男性行为者(men who have sex with men,MSM)艾滋病感染状况及艾滋病知识、态度及行为特征.方法 采取整群抽样法在全国内抽取14个大中城市,采用同伴推动抽样法(RDS)选取6101例MSM进行问卷调查,同时采集血液检测人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和梅毒螺旋体.采用SPSS等软件对数据进行统计学分析.结果 6101例MSM中,HIV感染率为6.3%(384/6101),梅毒感染率为14.0%(854/6101),艾滋病防治知识知晓率为59.7%(3644/6101),最近6个月内付钱获得性行为、为获得金钱而发生性行为的比率分别为6.2%(378/6101)和11.2%(683/6101),最近1个月与男性伴性行为时均使用安全套的比率为39.2%(2392/6101),最近1次与男性伴性行为时使用安全套的比率为65.2%(3978/6101).结论 调查的MSM中HIV感染率高,艾滋病防治知识较为缺乏,高危行为普遍存在,应尽快采取措施干预HIV在MSM中的传播.  相似文献   

Sexually explicit media may perpetuate racial and sexual norms among men who have sex with men. While men may be exposed to sexually explicit media in the online settings where they seek sex with other men, no studies to our knowledge have explored the relationship between the racial and sexual content of advertisements appearing in these spaces. In 2011, using a detailed codebook, 217 sexually explicit advertisements on a male sex-seeking website were coded for themes, actor characteristics and sexual acts depicted. Multivariable logistic regression models examined the association between skin colour, theme, sexual acts and condomless sex acts. Nearly half (45%) featured a ‘thug’ theme (a style emphasising Black masculinity/hip-hop culture), 21% featured a college theme and 44% featured condomless sex. Advertisements featuring only Black men, advertisements featuring Black men with men of other skin tones and advertisements depicting a thug theme were positively associated with depictions of condomless sex. Online sexually explicit advertisements featuring Black themes and actors more frequently depicted condomless sex than advertisements with White men alone. Future research should examine whether depictions of Black men engaging in condomless sex in online advertisements influence the sexual norms and cognitions of Black men who have sex with men and their partners.  相似文献   

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