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Immunochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of large numbers of cells immunoreactive for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) within the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei of gudden. Following injections of Fluoro-Gold into the medial mammillary nucleus, a substantial proportion of the retrogradely labeled neurons within the ventral tegmental nucleus displayed GAD-like immunoreactivity. Conversely, electrolytic or excitotoxic lesions of the ventral tegmental nucleus produced a large decrease in the number of fibers and terminals immunoreactive for GAD within the medial mammillary nucleus. In contrast, electrolytic lesions of the dorsal tegmental nucleus were found to produced a large decrease in GAD-like immunoreactivity which was restricted to the lateral mammillary nucleus. Control lesions placed caudal to the dorsal tegmental nucleus were without effect. These findings suggest that the dorsal and ventral nuclei send a substantial, topographically organized, GABAergic input to the mammillary body.  相似文献   

By means of silver impregnation and an HRP method, courses of the accessory optic tract were examined in albino and pigmented rats. The accessory optic tract is composed of 3 fasciculi: anterior, lateral and dorsal. The anterior fasciculus gives off fibers to the subthalamic nucleus and terminates in the medial terminal nucleus. The lateral fasciculus branches from the main optic tract at the level of the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate body and descends the lateral surface of the crus cerebri to enter the medial terminal nucleus after contributing a few fibers to the lateral terminal nucleus. The dorsal fasciculus originates from the brachium colliculi superioris and descends the posterior surface of the medial geniculate body and the posterolateral surface of the crus cerebri as an independent fasciculus to enter the medial terminal nucleus. This fasciculus supplies many fibers to the dorsal terminal nucleus.  相似文献   

Cortical projections to the nuclei of the cat's accessory optic system were demonstrated by anterograde transport and degeneration methods. Areas 21a, 21b, AMLS and PMLS were found to project to the medial, lateral and dorsal terminal accessory optic nuclei. Selective projections from area PLLS to the lateral terminal nucleus and from areas 17 and 18 to the medial terminal nucleus were noted. No terminal labeling was detected following injections of areas ALLS, DLS, 20a, 20b, 19, 7 or the splenial visual area. The accessory optic system has been implicated in the control of optokinetic nystagmus. Additional evidence supports a role for ipsilateral visual cortical projections in mediating optokinetic pursuit in the naso-temporal direction under monocular conditions. Thus the visual cortical projections we describe may partially underlie the observed functional laterality of monocularly elicited optokinetic pursuit in the cat. The present results further indicate that suprasylvian areas AMLS, PMLS and 21 are the cortical regions primarily responsible for descending visual influences on the cat's accessory optic nuclei.  相似文献   

The distribution and density of the nonretinal projections to the rabbit medial terminal accessory optic nucleus (MTN) have been studied after injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the MTN in seven rabbits, and confirmation for the presence of certain of these projections has been made in the rabbit or rat by utilizing anterograde transport of tritiated leucine or leucine/proline after appropriate injections into cerebral cortical areas and brainstem nuclei. In seven cases studied by the retrograde axonal transport method, HRP-labeled neurons have been identified: (A) In four visual or preoculomotor nuclei in which available autoradiographic brain series have confirmed the presence of projections to the MTN: (1) The nucleus of the optic tract/dorsal terminal accessory optic nucleus, (2) the interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus (posterior fibers), (3) the periaqueductal gray (including its supraoculomotor portion), and (4) the medial division of the deep mesencephalic nucleus. (B) Within the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, from which a projection to the MTN has been confirmed autoradiographically in the rat by other workers. (C) In brainstem nuclei and cerebral cortical areas in which available autoradiographic brain series fail to confirm the presence of afferents to the MTN: (1) The nucleus reticularis pontis, pars oralis and pars caudalis, (2) the intermediate interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, (3) the nucleus raphe pontis, and (4) five cerebral cortical areas (the area retrosplenialis granularis dorsalis, the striate area, the parietal area 3, the subicular cortex, and the regio praecentralis granularis). Finally, we report retrograde labeling which, on the basis of published connectional data, we believe to result from the spread to and uptake from axons en passant. The false-positive labeling in this category is likely to result from spread of HRP into ventral tegmental nuclei or tracts adjacent to the MTN. Thus, as a result, in the medulla and pons, labeled neurons are found in the medial, lateral, and superior vestibular nuclei, the medullary reticular formation including the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis, the lateral reticular nucleus, the nucleus raphe magnus, the spinal nucleus of V, the nucleus gracilis/nucleus cuneatus, the dorsal and ventral divisions of the parabrachial nucleus, the central pontine gray, the nucleus K of Meessen and Olszewski, and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The projections of the dorsal and lateral terminal accessory optic nuclei (DTN and LTN) and of the dorsal and ventral components of the interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus (posterior fibers; inSFp have been studied in the rabbit and rat by the method of retrograde axonal transport following injections of horseradish peroxidase into oculomotor-related brainstem nuclei. The projections of the ventral division of the inSFp have been further investigated in rabbits with the anterograde axonal transport of 3H-leucine. The data show that the projections of the DTN, LTN, and inSFp are remarkably similar in rabbit and rat. The DTN projects heavily to the ipsilateral medial terminal accessory optic nucleus (MTN), nucleus of the optic tract, and dorsal cap of the inferior olive. The DTN projects sparsely to the ipsilateral visual tegmental relay zone and to the contralateral superior and lateral vestibular nuclei. The LTN and dorsal component of the inSFp are found to share the same basic connections; both project heavily to the ipsilateral nucleus of the optic tract and visual tegmental relay zone and send a moderately sized projection to the ipsilateral MTN. However, while the dorsal component of the inSFp sends significant ipsilateral projections to both rostral and caudal portions of the dorsal cap, only a few LTN neurons appear to follow this example and only by projecting to the rostral part of the dorsal cap. In addition, both the LTN and dorsal component of the inSFp send sparse contralateral projections to the MTN, nucleus of the optic tract, and visual tegmental relay zone; and the dorsal component of the inSFp also provides a sparse contralateral projection to both rostral and caudal portions of the dorsal cap. The ventral component of the inSFp projects heavily to the ipsilateral visual tegmental relay zone and moderately to the ipsilateral MTN and nucleus of the optic tract. The ventral inSFp projects sparsely to the contralateral MTN, the nucleus of the optic tract, and the visual tegmental relay zone. A few of its neurons target the ipsilateral dorsal cap of the inferior olive. Unlike the DTN (present study) and the MTN (Giolli et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 227:228-251, '84; J. Comp. Neurol. 232:99-116, '85a), the LTN and the inSFp of the rabbit and rat lack projections to the superior and lateral vestibular nuclei.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization of retinal terminals within the nucleus of the optic tract of rabbits was investigated with a combination of anterograde tracing and immunocytochemistry. The anterogradely transported WGA-HRP injected in the vitreous of the eye was visualized with the sensitive gold-substituted silver peroxidase (GSSP) method. Glutamate and GABA immunoreactivity were identified with postembedding colloidal gold particles. Retinal ganglion cell terminals (R-terminals) in the nucleus of the optic tract formed asymmetric synapses and contained spherical vesicles and electron lucent mitochondria. R-terminals were observed in large clusters in the neuropil and in synaptic contact with large initial dendrites and somata. Within the clusters of neuropil the R-terminals formed two types of glomeruluslike arrangements: (1) an R-terminal centrally located and surrounded by small dendritic and axonal profiles and (2) several R-terminals surrounding a single dendrite or a group of dendritic profiles, presumably of interneuronal origin. All R-terminals identified with WGA-HRP as well as those exhibiting similar ultrastructural characteristics showed high levels of glutamate immunoreactivity, but no GABA immunoreactivity. The presence of glutamate and the absence of GABA in R-terminals suggest that glutamate is involved in neurotransmission in the pathway from retina to the nucleus of the optic tract of rabbits.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) in ocular following, we traced NOT efferents with tritiated leucine in the monkey and identified the cell groups they targeted. Strong local projections from the NOT were demonstrated to the superior colliculus and the dorsal terminal nucleus bilaterally and to the contralateral NOT. The contralateral oculomotor complex, including motoneurons (C-group) and subdivisions of the Edinger-Westphal complex, also received inputs. NOT efferents terminated in all accessory optic nuclei (AON) ipsilaterally; contralateral AON projections arose from the pretectal olivary nucleus embedded in the NOT. Descending pathways contacted precerebellar nuclei: the dorsolateral and dorsomedial pontine nuclei, the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, and the inferior olive. Direct projections from NOT to the ipsilateral nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (ppH) appeared to be weak, but retrograde tracer injections into rostral ppH verified this projection; furthermore, the injections demonstrated that AON efferents also enter this area. Efferents from the NOT also targeted ascending reticular networks from the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and the locus coeruleus. Rostrally, NOT projections included the magnocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn); the pregeniculate, peripeduncular, and thalamic reticular nuclei; and the pulvinar, the zona incerta, the mesencephalic reticular formation, the intralaminar thalamic nuclei, and the hypothalamus. The NOT could generate optokinetic nystagmus through projections to the AON, the ppH, and the precerebellar nuclei. However, NOT also projects to structures controlling saccades, ocular pursuit, the near response, lgn motion sensitivity, visual attention, vigilance, and gain modification of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Any hypothesis on the function of NOT must take into account its connectivity to all of these visuomotor structures. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It has been previously assumed that the asymmetry of the monocular optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) of lateral-eyed mammals is caused by an absence of visual cortex projections to directional selective neurons in the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system (NOT-DTN). In contrast to this generally accepted hypothesis, we present multiple evidence that OKN-related neurons in the rat NOT-DTN in fact do receive input from the visual cortex. We studied the corticofugal projection to NOT-DTN physiologically, with extracellular single unit recording and electrical stimulation of the optic chiasma and the visual cortex, and anatomically, using retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. In particular we focussed our attention on the NOT-DTN neurons, which control eye movements during OKN. All OKN-related NOT-DTN cells were activated after optic chiasma stimulation. Forty-five percent of these neurons were also activated after stimulation of the visual cortex (VC). The majority of neurons activated from VC (80%) also responded to monocular stimulation of either eye. On the contrary, most of the neurons that responded to stimulation of the contralateral eye only were not activated from VC. After injection of fluorescent latex microspheres into the NOT-DTN, retrogradely labeled neurons were found in areas 17, 18, and 18A of the visual cortex. Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin injected into the visual cortex anterogradely labeled fibres and terminals throughout the NOT-DTN complex. Labeled boutons were found in close proximity to OKN-related NOT-DTN cells, selectively stained after horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections into the inferior olive. Our results demonstrate that NOT-DTN cells in the rat, which are involved in the generation of horizontal OKN, receive a direct input from the ipsilateral visual cortex.  相似文献   

Neuronal cell bodies in the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system (MTN) were labeled with WGA-HRP which was injected ipsilaterally into the occipital cortex in the rat. We suggest that the label was first transported anterogradely to the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract, then moved transneuronally from axon terminals of occipital cortical neurons to axon terminals of MTN neurons, and finally transported retrogradely to reach cell bodies of MTN neurons.  相似文献   

The nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) and the dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract (DTN) have been recognized to be relevant structures for optokinetic and vestibuloocular reflexes. NOT-DTN neurons relay visual information to the vestibular nuclei via the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and to the flocculus via the dorsal cap of the inferior olive. It has been previously shown that in carnivores the NOT-DTN receives information from primary visual cortical areas in addition to the direct retinal input. In this study we demonstrate the presence and some functional characteristics such as latency and evicacy of considerable cortical projections to the NOT-DTN in macaque monkeys. In anaesthetized and paralyzed monkeys NOT-DTN neurons were identified physiologically and tested for cortical input by electrical stimulation in various cortical areas. Successful sites of stimulation to activate NOT-DTN neurons orthodromically lie in the primary visual cortex (V1) and in the motion-processing areas in the superior temporal sulcus (STS). In contrast, electrical stimulation in area V4 and in parietal areas in most cases did not yield orthodromic responses. Overall latencies of action potentials elicited by stimulation in V1 were 0.5 ms longer than those elicited from STS. These short latency differences between V1 and STS stimulation suggest a direct projection from both V1 and STS to the NOT-DTN. The physiological results were supported by the results of anatomical experiments by using horseradish peroxidase as anterograde tracer. Both injections into V1 and into the lower bank of STS resulted in anterogradely labelled fibers and terminals around the recording sites of direction-specific NOT-DTN neurons. This paper is a first step in clarifying the significance of corticofugal projections from individual areas involved in the analysis of visual motion for the optokinetic reflex.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone-immunoreactive nerve terminals heavily innervate the dorsal motor nucleus and nucleus of the solitary tract, whereas cell bodies containing thyrotropin-releasing hormone residue most densely in the hypothalamus and raphe nuclei. By using double-labeling techniques accomplished by retrograde transport of Fluoro-Gold following microinjection into the dorsal motor nucleus/nucleus of the solitary tract combined with immunohistochemistry for thyrotropin-releasing hormone, it was demonstrated that thyrotropin-releasing hormone-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the dorsal motor nucleus/nucleus of the solitary tract reside in the nucleus raphe pallidus, nucleus raphe obscurus, and the parapyramidal region of the ventral medulla, but not in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. The parapyramidal region includes an area along the ventral surface of the caudal medulla, lateral to the pyramidal tract and inferior olivary nucleus and ventromedial to the lateral reticular nucleus. Varying the position of the Fluoro-Gold injection site revealed a rostral to caudal topographic organization of these raphe and parapyramidal projections.  相似文献   

The projections of the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) of the accessory optic system have been studied in the rabbit and rat following injection of 3H-leucine or 3H-leucine/3H-proline into the MTN and the charting of the course and terminal distribution of the MTN efferents. The projections of the MTN, as demonstrated autoradiographically, have been confirmed in retrograde transport studies in which horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been injected into nuclei shown in the autoradiographic series to contain fields of terminal axons. The following projections of the MTN have been identified in the rabbit and rat. The largest projection is to the ipsilateral nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus (DTN) of the accessory optic system. Labeled axons course through the midbrain reticular formation and the superior fasiculus, posterior fibers of the accessory optic system, to reach the nucleus of the optic tract and the DTN in both rabbit and rat. Axons also run forward to traverse the lateral thalamus and to distribute to rostral portions of the nucleus of the optic tract in rat only. A second, large projection is to the contralateral dorsolateral portion of the nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus of the ventral tegmental area together with an adjacent segment of the midbrain reticular formation. The patchy terminal field observed has been named the visual tegmental relay zone (VTRZ). This fiber projection courses within the posterior commissure and along its path to the VTRZ, provides terminals to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, both bilaterally. A third, large MTN projection distributes ipsilaterally to the deep mesencephalic nucleus, pars medialis, and the oral pontine reticular formation. Further, this projection also supplies input to the medial nucleus of the periaqueductal gray matter, bilaterally in the rabbit and rat, and in the rabbit also to the ipsilateral superior and lateral vestibular nuclei. A fourth projection crosses the midline and courses caudally to reach, contralaterally, the dorsolateral division of the basilar pontine complex and the above nuclei of the vestibular complex. A fifth projection of the MTN utilizes the medial longitudinal fasciiculus to reach the rostral medulla, in which its axons distribute ispilaterally to the dorsal cap, its ventrolateral outgrowth, and the beta nucleus of the inferior olivary complex. There is also a contralateral contingent of this projection that leaves the medial longitudinal fasciculus to innervate a small rostral segment of the contralateral dorsal cap.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using classical neuroanatomical retrograde tracing methods we investigated the retinal ganglion cells projecting to the nucleus of the optic tract and dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system (NOT-DTN) in macaque monkeys. Our main aim was to quantify the strength of the projection from the ipsilateral retina to the NOT-DTN. We therefore examined the number, distribution, and soma size of retinal ganglion cells involved in this projection. Electrophysiologically controlled small injections into the NOT-DTN revealed a clearly bilateral retinal projection originating mainly from the central retina but also involving peripheral retinal regions. Labelled cells were found nasally in the contralateral retina and temporally in the ipsilateral retina with some overlap in the fovea. The projection from the ipsilateral retina was 36-43% of that from the contralateral retina. On average, only 1-6% of the local population of ganglion cells projected to the NOT-DTN. Small soma size and large dendritic fields imply that in monkey rarely encountered, 'specialized' ganglion cells provide the direct retinal input to the accessory optic system (AOS). These results are discussed with respect to the symmetry of monocular horizontal optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in primates.  相似文献   

In this study the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) projection to the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) was investigated in pigmented rats at the light and electron microscopical levels with a new combination of techniques. MTN terminals were anterogradely labeled with Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). Preembedding immunocytochemistry, followed by gold intensification, was used to visualize PHA-L. Postembedding immunocytochemistry with 15 nm immunogold particles was carried out to demonstrate the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Both PHA-L and GABA labeling can be easily discriminated at the electron microscopical level even when present in the same neuronal profiles. Light microscopically MTN-NOT fibers proved to have several branches with many varicosities. MTN terminals were found concentrated in terminal fields. Electron microscopically, it was shown that MTN boutons display characteristics resembling F-type terminals, i.e., terminals with dark mitochondria, pleomorphic vesicles, and symmetrical synapses. All NOT afferents originating from the MTN contained GABA and made multiple contacts exclusively with GABA negative NOT somata and dendrites. These results indicate the existence of a strong and direct inhibitory input onto GABA negative projection neurons in the NOT. This substantiates earlier physiological and morphological reports. It was further demonstrated that the location and organization of MTN terminals in the neuropil differ from that of the retinal input: MTN terminals are largely separated from retinal terminals. MTN terminal fields contain large amounts of GABA positive F terminals in contrast to retinal terminal areas. MTN terminals take part in irregularly shaped agglomerations of terminals, which contain many F terminals and dendritic processes and are surrounded by a glial sheet. Retinal terminals are found grouped together in small circular arrangements contacting a central dendrite.  相似文献   

The distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was mapped by peroxidase immunocytochemistry in the spinal cords of seven Macaca fascicularis monkeys and two cats. The animals were perfusion fixed with different chemicals. Those that were perfused with either a Zamboni fixative or 5% acrolein had significantly greater immunoreactivity outside the sacral cords; those fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde had little in nonsacral regions. VIP-like immunoreactive (VIP) axons and terminals were found in the superficial dorsal horn, reticular nucleus of lamina V, intermediomedial nucleus, and lamina X at all levels from C2 to S4; a few axons and terminals were also seen in the ventral horn. Axons were found in Lissauer's tract at all levels, and axons appeared in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral white matter at midthoracic levels; in the lumbosacral cord the number and extent of axons in the lateral and ventral white matter increased progressively in a caudal direction. VIP neurons were identified in thoracic intermediate gray lateral to the central canal and in the intercalatus (IC) and intermediolateral (IML) nuclei. Electron microscopy of the VIP terminals in laminae I and II of the cervical cord revealed they contain small round vesicles and many large granular vesicles; some are glomerular terminals and most form asymmetrical synaptic contacts onto dendrites. These results indicate VIP is much more widely distributed in the spinal cord than previously thought; VIP may be associated with both visceral thoracic and lumbosacral afferents, and with other afferents in the cervical cord; VIP neurons are present in the thoracic intermediate gray; and VIP axons in the ventral and lateral white matter indicate that the spinal cord is supplied in part by VIP sources other than primary afferents.  相似文献   

Subcortical projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei were studied in the rat, with special reference to projections from the mammillary nuclei, by retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The medial mammillary nucleus (MM) projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the entire anterior thalamic nuclei, whereas the lateral mammillary nucleus projects bilaterally to the anterodorsal nucleus (AD) of the anterior thalamic nuclei. A topographic relationship was recognized between the MM and the anterior thalamic nuclei. The dorsal region of the pars mediana of the MM projects to the interanteromedial nucleus (IAM), whereas the ventral region projects to the rostral part of the anteromedial nucleus (AM). The dorsal and the ventral regions of the pars medialis project to the dorsomedial part of the AM at its caudal and rostral levels, respectively. The dorsomedial region of the pars lateralis projects to the ventral AM. The ventrolateral region of the pars lateralis projects to the ventral part of the anteroventral nucleus (AV) in such a manner that rostral cells project rostrally and caudal cells project caudally. The pars basalis projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the dorsolateral AV and bilaterally to the AD. The rostrolateral region of the pars posterior projects to the lateral AV, whereas the medial and the caudal regions of the pars posterior project to the dorsomedial AV. The rostrodorsal part of the nucleus reticularis thalami was found to project to the anterior thalamic nuclei; cells located rostrally in this part project to the IAM and AM, whereas cells located caudodorsally project to the AV and AD. The laterodorsal tegmental nucleus projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the AV, especially to its dorsolateral part. The present study demonstrates that subdivisions of the subcortical structures are connected to the subnuclei of the anterior thalamic nuclei, with a clear-cut topography arranged in the dorsoventral and the rostrocaudal dimensions.  相似文献   

The ventral and dorsal medial geniculate (MGV and MGD) constitute the major auditory thalamic subdivisions providing thalamocortical inputs to layer IV and lower layer III of auditory cortex. No quantitative evaluation of this projection is available. Using biotinylated dextran amine (BDA)/biocytin injections, we describe the cortical projection patterns of MGV and MGD cells. In primary auditory cortex the bulk of MGV axon terminals are in layer IV/lower layer III with minor projections to supragranular layers and intermediate levels in infragranular layers. MGD axons project to cortical regions designated posterodorsal (PD) and ventral (VA) showing laminar terminal distributions that are quantitatively similar to the MGV-to-primary cortex terminal distribution. At the electron microscopic level MGV and MGD terminals are non-γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic with MGD terminals in PD and VA slightly but significantly larger than MGV terminals in primary cortex. MGV/MGD terminals synapse primarily onto non-GABAergic spines/dendrites. A small number synapse on GABAergic structures, contacting large dendrites or cell bodies primarily in the major thalamocortical recipient layers. For MGV projections to primary cortex or MGD projections to PD or VA, the non-GABAergic postsynaptic structures at each site were the same size regardless of whether they were in supragranular, granular, or infragranular layers. However, the population of MGD terminal-recipient structures in VA were significantly larger than the MGD terminal-recipient structures in PD or the MGV terminal-recipient structures in primary cortex. Thus, if terminal and postsynaptic structure size indicate strength of excitation then MGD to VA inputs are strongest, MGD to PD intermediate, and MGV to primary cortex the weakest.  相似文献   

In birds, displaced ganglion cells (DGCs) constitute the exclusive source of retinal input to the nucleus of the basal optic root (nBOR) of the accessory optic system. Tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity was examined in the pigeon retina after injections of rhodamine-labeled microspheres into the nBOR. A population of about 400 DGCs was observed in each case to exhibit both TH immunoreactivity and rhodamine bead fluorescence. This corresponded to about 10-15% of the total number of identified DGCs in each retina. Double-labeled cells were medium- to large-size (12 to 20 microns in the largest axis) and were always located at the border between the inner nuclear and the inner plexiform layers. Their dendrites could be followed horizontally in lamina 1 of the inner plexiform layer for up to 300 microns from the cell body. The distribution of double-labeled DGCs appeared to be mostly peripheral, matching the overall distribution of identified DGCs. Larger DGCs (21-28 microns) were never seen to contain TH immunoreactivity. Examination of brain sections revealed plexuses of thin varicose TH-positive axons in all subdivisions of the nBOR. Unilateral enucleation produced an almost complete elimination of TH immunoreactivity in the contralateral nucleus. Such results suggest the existence of a population of catecholaminergic DGCs projecting into the accessory optic system of the pigeon. They also support the emerging hypothesis concerning the neurotransmitter heterogeneity of ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina.  相似文献   

Using a preembedding double immunoreactive technique by immunostaining with antirat beta-endorphin and antisynthetic glutamic acid decarboxylase antisera sequentially, the synaptic relationships between beta-endorphinergic neuronal fibers and GABAergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of the rat were examined at the ultrastructural level. Although both beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive fibers and glutamic acid decarboxylase-like immunoreactive neurons can be found in the mediodorsal and medioventral parts of the dorsal raphe nucleus, the synapses between them were found only in the mediodorsal part. Most of the beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive neuronal fibers contained many dense-cored vesicles. The synapses made by beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive neuronal axon terminals on glutamic acid decarboxylase-like immunoreactive neurons were both symmetrical and asymmetrical, with the latter predominant, especially in the axo-dendritic synapses. Perikarya with beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity were found only in the ventrobasal hypothalamus. These findings suggest the possibility that the beta-endorphin-producing neurons in the ventrobasal hypothalamus could influence GABAergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus directly by synaptic relationships.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y, produced in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, plays a key role in the central regulation of anterior pituitary and appetitive functions. The pleiotropic nature of neuropeptide Y in these mechanisms indicates the existence of heterogeneity in the hypothalamic neuronal population producing neuropeptide Y. In this study, we report the coexistence of neuropeptide Y and the amino acid transmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), in neuronal perikarya of the arcuate nucleus. Fluorescent double immunolabeling for neuropeptide Y and glutamic acid decarboxylase was carried out on vibratome sections collected through the hypothalamic arcuate nuclei of animals that were pretreated with colchicine. It was found that about one third of the neuropeptide Y-producing arcuate nucleus perikarya co-expressed glutamic acid decarboxylase. This population of neuropeptide Y-containing GABAergic neurons were distributed longitudinally within the arcuate nucleus located predominantly in its dorsomedial aspects. These results show that there are at least two distinct populations of neuropeptide Y-producing neurons in the arcuate nucleus: a subset of neuropeptide Y and GABA-co-producing neurons located in the dorsomedial arcuate nucleus and a subset of non-GABAergic neuropeptide Y cells located in the ventral arcuate nucleus. This heterogeneity in the neuropeptide Y-producing perikarya of the hypothalamus may help explain adverse neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of arcuate nucleus neuropeptide Y.  相似文献   

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