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Contraceptive efficacy of lactational amenorrhea in urban Chilean women.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contraceptive efficacy of breastfeeding was assessed in 236 healthy urban women who were followed at monthly intervals during the first postpartum year. Proportional hazard models were used to evaluate the influence of time postpartum, menstrual status and breastfeeding pattern upon the risk of pregnancy. Time and menstrual status had a highly significant effect on this risk. Those women who remained in amenorrhea had cumulative probabilities of pregnancy of 0.9% and 17% at 6 and 12 months postpartum, respectively. In those who recovered menstrual cycles, the risk rose to 36% and 55% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Milk supplementation also increased significantly the risk when considered alone but not when time and/or menstrual status were included in the analysis. However, amenorrheic women who introduced bottle feeding, had a higher risk of pregnancy after 6 months postpartum than those who remained fully nursing. The analysis was unable to detect a significant influence of the nursing frequency. The results confirm that lactational amenorrhea is an effective contraceptive during the first six months postpartum. The first postpartum bleeding marks a great increase in the risk of pregnancy. Supplementation also increases the risk, particularly in amenorrheic women.  相似文献   

The probability of experiencing the first postpartum bleeding, the first ovulation and the risk of pregnancy during exclusive breastfeeding was assessed in a selected group of urban Chilean women. Admission criteria included having had a normal pregnancy and a vaginal term delivery of a healthy infant and the desire to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible. The risk of bleeding and the recovery of ovulation was assessed in 48 women selected for being amenorrheic and fully nursing at day 75 postpartum and their willingness to participate in the blood sampling protocol. The first bleeding and ovulation was experienced while fully nursing by 28% and 26% of these subjects, respectively, at day 180 postpartum. The probability of experiencing the first bleeding and the probability of pregnancy during full nursing were calculated for 236 women not contracepting who were enrolled during the first month postpartum. The cumulative probability of bleeding and of pregnancy was 52% and 9.4% at day 180 postpartum, respectively. The risk of pregnancy was less than 2% in the subset of amenorrheic cases. In this urban population selected for having the highest motivation and best breastfeeding performance, the association of breastfeeding with infertility was too weak to serve as an effective birth spacer, except for the period of lactational amenorrhea. When the first postpartum bleeding took place before the sixth postpartum month in fully nursing women, it had a good predictive value to indicate the onset of a higher risk period.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) for family planning among mothers who are separated from their infants by work. The study population, 170 urban middle class women who planned to return to work before 120 days postpartum, were interviewed monthly for 6 months postpartum and contacted at 12 months. The study population received clinical support for expressing their milk and exclusively breast-milk feeding the infants and for the use of LAM for birth spacing. The cumulative life table pregnancy rate by 6-month was 5.2%, with 3 pregnancies, one at each of months 4, 5, and 6. LAM for working women, as described in this article, might be associated with a higher pregnancy risk than LAM use among non-working women. Therefore, women using LAM should be informed that separation from the infant might increase their risk of pregnancy.  相似文献   

目的 调查产后返岗女性母乳喂养现况,探讨母乳喂养持续时间的影响因素。 方法 采用一般资料调查表、母乳喂养知识量表、IOWA 婴儿喂养态度量表、母乳喂养家庭支持问卷、母乳喂养支持的员工感知问卷对344名产后返岗女性进行调查,应用Cox回归探讨产后返岗女性母乳喂养持续时间的影响因素。 结果 产后返岗女性6个月纯母乳喂养率为38.7%;母乳喂养持续时间均值为10.07个月;Cox回归显示,家庭月收入、最小孩子年龄、IOWA婴儿喂养态度对母乳喂养持续时间有显著影响(P<0.05)。 结论 产后返岗女性6个月纯母乳喂养率较低,母乳喂养持续时间不容乐观,应重点关注经济水平较低的家庭,完善母乳喂养体系,保障持续母乳喂养的成功实现。  相似文献   

The duration of postpartum amenorrhea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

OBJECTIVE: To assess the intergenerational repetition of breastfeeding duration in a cohort of adolescent mothers who had been prospectively followed up since birth. METHODS: All hospital births occurred in Pelotas (N=5,914), a Southern Brazilian city, in 1982 were studied prospectively. The cohort was visited in 1984 and 1986, and information on feeding practices was gathered. In 2001, a search was conducted in the Live Birth Information System and adolescents born in 1982 who gave birth between January 1995 and March 2001 were identified. Parous adolescents answered a detailed questionnaire on pregnancy-related variables and breastfeeding duration for each child. For multiparous adolescents, the information from the first live born child was used. Poisson regression with robust adjustment of the variance was used in the univariate and multivariable analysis. RESULTS: A total of 446 parous adolescents belonging to the 1982 cohort were identified, of which 420 (94.2%) were interviewed. After adjustment for confounding variables, mothers who had not been breastfed presented a relative risk of 1.34 (95% CI: 0.35; 5.18) of not breastfeeding their children, compared to mothers who were ever breastfed. Similarly, adolescents who were breastfed for less than one month were slightly - but not significantly - more likely to fail to breastfeed their own infants (RR=1.64; 95% CI: 0.70; 4.03). The proportion of adolescent mothers who breastfed for less than six months was higher among those who were themselves breastfed for less than one month (PR=1.29; 95% CI: 1.02; 1.62)]. CONCLUSIONS: Duration of breastfeeding is slightly higher among infants whose mother was breastfed.  相似文献   

The use of lactational amenorrhea as a fertility regulating method   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Resumen Hace muchos años que se conoce el efecto regulador de la fertilidad ejercido por el amamantamiento. Sin embargo, este efecto ha sido tanto sobrestimado como subestimado. Ello se debe principalmente al desconocimiento de los acontecimientos asociados con el amamantamiento que determinan su efecto anticonceptivo. Se sabe ahora que el amamantamiento en sí no es un método anticonceptivo particularmente eficaz o seguro. Por otra parte, el período de amenorrea asociado con el amamantamiento, que se denomina comúnmente amenorrea de la lactancia, proporciona un grado importante de efecto anticonceptivo. Este efecto anticonceptivo de la amenorrea de la lactancia se advierte en particular durante los primeros 6 meses del posparto. El uso de la amenorrea de la lactancia durante los primeros 6 meses del posparto por parte de mujeres que amamantan todo el tiempo o durante la mayor parte del tiempo se conoce como método de amenorrea de la lactancia, o LAM. Es muy importante para los proveedores de servicios y para las clientas comprender la diferencia entre el uso sólo del amamantamiento y el uso de la LAM para regular la fertilidad, ya que su eficacia anticonceptiva es considerablemente diferente.
Résumé L'effet de l'allaitement sur la fécondité est connu depuis de nombreuses années. Cet effet a cependant été à la fois surestimé et sous-estimé, surtout en raison des connaissances lacunaires que nous avons sur les événements associés à l'allaitement responsables de l'effet contraceptif. On sait maintenant que l'allaitement en soi n'est pas un moyen de contraception particulièrement efficace et fiable. D'autre part, la période d'aménorrhée associée à l'allaitement, communément appelée aménorrhée de lactation, offre un haut degré d'effet contraceptif. Cet effet est particulièrement sensible pendant les 6 premiers mois du postpartum. Le recours à cette aménorrhée de lactation pendant les 6 premiers mois après l'accouchement par des femmes allaitant entièrement ou presque leurs nouveaux-nés est dénommé Méthode de l'aménorrhée de lactation (LAM). Il est essentiel que les services de contraception et leurs clientes saisissent la différence entre le recours au seul allaitement et la méthode LAM pour une régulation de la fécondité: leur efficacité contraceptive diffère énormément.

Presented at the IX World Congress on Human Reproduction, Philadelphia, USA, 28 May–2 June 1996  相似文献   

A study was conducted in two communities in the rural Philippines to determine whether breastfeeding mothers could intensify their nursing enough to increase the period of lactational amenorrhea. Women in one community were exposed to a breastfeeding education program before the birth and during lactation, while women in the other community served as a comparison group. Increased breastfeeding was observed in the group that received breastfeeding education, beginning in the sixth month postpartum. Bottle use began earlier and was more common in the comparison group, but the introduction of solid foods at five to six months was similar. No difference in the duration of postpartum amenorrhea (a proxy for the duration of infertility) was observed between the groups.  相似文献   



Burnout is a mental condition defined as a result of continuous and long-term stress exposure, particularly related to psychosocial factors at work. This paper seeks to examine the psychometric properties of the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ) for validation of use in a clinical setting.


Data from both a clinical (319) and general population (319) samples of health care and social insurance workers were included in the study. Data were analysed using both classical and modern test theory approaches, including Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis.


Of the 638 people recruited into the study 416 (65%) persons were working full or part time. Data from the SMBQ failed a CFA, and initially failed to satisfy Rasch model expectations. After the removal of 4 of the original items measuring tension, and accommodating local dependency in the data, model expectations were met. As such, the total score from the revised scale is a sufficient statistic for ascertaining burnout and an interval scale transformation is available. The scale as a whole was perfectly targeted to the joint sample. A cut point of 4.4 for severe burnout was chosen at the intersection of the distributions of the clinical and general population.


A revised 18 item version of the SMBQ satisfies modern measurement standards. Using its cut point it offers the opportunity to identify potential clinical cases of burnout.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE--The study aimed to investigate some aspects of breast feeding, namely-lactation amenorrhea, the average interval between pregnancies, and the extent of knowledge that an average Saudi woman has about breast feeding. DESIGN--This was a cross sectional study in which a pretested questionnaire was used to collect the information. SETTING--The study was conducted in the Taif area between January and April of 1990. Seventy nine primary health care centres participated. PARTICIPANTS--Altogether 1019 of 2400 women contacted who agreed to participate and met the criteria were studied. Eligible subjects were defined as Saudi women, between 16 and 40 years old, who came with their infants for vaccination, and had delivered between one week and 12 months previously. Each mother had at least one other child. MEASUREMENT AND MAIN RESULT--At birth, the percentage of infants who were initially breast fed was 98% but within three days of delivery over two thirds (68.9%) of the mothers gave other supplementary liquids to their infants. At the time of interview more than half (55.1%) of mothers had lactation amenorrhea. The mean (SD) lactation amenorrhea period and birth interval were 5.95 (5) and 26.8 (14.1) months, respectively. Mothers obtained information on breast feeding mainly from their doctors and television. Within families, husbands had the primary role in encouraging their wives to breast feed, followed by the mother and then by the mother in law. It was found that a high percentage (94.2%) of women had breast fed their previous child. CONCLUSION--The lack of adequate information on breast feeding and the short interval between births are local problems which should be considered by the health authorities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the association between breastfeeding duration and maternal smoking before, during, and after pregnancy. METHODS: Data from the 2000-2001 Oregon Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System were used. Early weaning was defined as not breastfeeding at 10 weeks postpartum. RESULTS: At 10 weeks after pregnancy, 25.7% of mothers who initiated breastfeeding no longer breastfed. After controlling for confounders, quitters (mothers who quit smoking during pregnancy and maintained quit status after pregnancy) and postpartum relapsers (mothers who quit smoking during pregnancy and resumed smoking after delivery) did not have significantly higher risk for early weaning than nonsmokers. However, persistent smokers (mothers who smoked before, during, and after pregnancy) were 2.18 times more likely not to breastfeed at 10 weeks (95% confidence interval=1.52, 2.97). Women who smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day postpartum (i.e., heavy postpartum relapsers and heavy persistent smokers) were 2.3-2.4 times more likely to wean their infants before 10 weeks than were nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal smoking is associated with early weaning. Stopping smoking during pregnancy and decreasing the number of cigarettes smoked postpartum may increase breastfeeding duration.  相似文献   

There is good evidence that lactational amenorrhea (LAM) is an effective method of fertility regulation during the first 6 months postpartum, provided no other food is given to the baby and the mother remains amenorrheic. However, although breast-feeding is strongly promoted in many maternity hospitals that also run postpartum family planning progams, LAM is rarely included among the contraceptive options being offered.This paper presents the results of an operational study which compared the prevalence of contraceptive use and the cumulative pregnancy rate at 12-months postpartum among 350 women observed before and 348 women studied after introducing LAM as an alternative contraceptive option offered to women following delivery at the Instituto Materno–Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP), in Recife, Brazil.The percentage of women not using any contraceptive method was significantly lower (p<0.0001) after the intervention (7.4%) than before (17.7%). This difference remained statistically significant after controlling for age, number of living children, marital status and years of schooling. The proportion pregnant one year postpartum was also significantly lower (p<0.0001) after the introduction of LAM (7.4%) than before (14.3%), but the difference was no longer significant after controlling for the same variables. It is concluded that LAM is a useful addition to family planning postpartum programs.  相似文献   

This article is based on the findings from a cross-sectional study of women (N = 163) who were at least two weeks postpartum and attending primary care clinics in Arica, Chile. The researcher in this study examined the prevalence of history of violence and its association with postpartum depression. The Women Abuse Screen and the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale-Spanish version were used to assess interpersonal violence and postpartum depression. A history of violence was reported by 64% of the women. Of those who experienced abuse, 44% reported ongoing abuse during their pregnancy. Women who experienced violence screened positive for elevated symptoms categories of postpartum depression such as anxiety/insecurity, emotional lability, and mental confusion compared to women who had not experienced violence. Postpartum depression symptom reporting decreased with increasing number of pregnancies (OR = 0.70, 95% CI 0.54-0.97) and greater social support (OR = 0.64, 95% CI 0.46-0.88). Postpartum depression symptom reporting increased with smoking (OR = 1.71, 95% CI 1.00-2.86), and with reporting history of violence (OR = 1.79, 95% CI 1.24-2.34). Acknowledgment of the strong association between domestic violence and postpartum depression should lead to routine screening during prenatal and postpartum periods as a way to isolate risk for postpartum depression.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding, together with its two related postpartum variables--amenorrhea and abstinence--govern both the tempo and quantum of fertility in traditional African societies. Decline in breastfeeding also implies decline in postpartum amenorrhea and abstinence practice. Changes in breastfeeding practices in tropical Africa, therefore, has fertility implications and consequences. This paper examines how breastfeeding is functionally related to postpartum amenorrhea and abstinence in Ilorin, an urban community in Nigeria. Results indicated that the effect of breastfeeding on fertility, through its relationship with postpartum abstinence, might be more important than its effect through lactational amenorrhea in this society. This is more true among women with little or no education than among women with secondary or higher education. The population or family planning implications of these relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary women experience more menstrual cycles than their predecessors, and their menstrual patterns are modified by contraceptives. Amenorrhea is one side effect that has recently been advocated as desirable. This qualitative study investigated Brazilian women's views regarding the suppression of menstruation using hormones. Data were collected through eight focus groups, following a semistructured guideline. Sixty-four women, 21-51 years old, all menstruating regularly and all of whom had already initiated sexual activity and had no perceived infertility participated. Discussions were recorded, transcribed and entered into the computer, using the Ethnograph V 5.0 software to aggregate similar patterns. Thematic content analysis revealed that menstruation and amenorrhea were both seen with ambiguity. Although regarded as a nuisance, menstruation was associated with femaleness, youth, fertility and health. Most women, although they would like to be free from menstruation, feared negative consequences of induced amenorrhea and even regarded the proposition as a male intrusion into what they consider a natural female condition.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding is the recommended feeding for all healthy infants. The aim of our study was to assess the current state of breastfeeding prevalence, duration and behaviour in Bavaria, Germany as a basis for targeting breastfeeding promotion measures. The Bavarian Breastfeeding Study is a prospective cohort study of 3822 mothers who delivered in April 2005 in Bavaria, Germany. Breastfeeding duration and determinants such as socioeconomic status, attitudes towards breastfeeding, birth mode and breastfeeding problems were assessed by questionnaires 2-6 d after birth and 2, 4, 6, and 9 months after birth. The initial breastfeeding rate was 90 %. After 4 months 61 % still breastfed (any breastfeeding). In the multivariate analyses the main influencing factor reducing breastfeeding initiation was the partner's negative attitude towards breastfeeding (OR 21.79; 95 % CI 13.46, 35.27). No initial breastfeeding was also associated with lower education, maternal grandmother's negative attitude and pre-term birth. Protective factors were primary breastfeeding experience and information on breastfeeding before birth. Breastfeeding duration < 4 months was strongly associated with breastfeeding problems (OR 7.56; 95 % CI 6.21, 9.19), smoking, lower education, partner's negative attitude and Caesarean section. Since the attitude of family members is an important influencing factor on breastfeeding rates, breastfeeding promotion should also target the partners of pregnant women and the families of newborn infants. Public health interventions such as more effective support for the management of breastfeeding problems, especially in lower social status families, should be implemented and their effectiveness should be critically evaluated.  相似文献   

Research about inequities between native and immigrant women regarding the quality of health care is still scarce. Initiation of breastfeeding in hospital is considered a quality care indicator. In this study, we explore the association between the geographical origin of the women and the establishment of breastfeeding in Spanish hospitals. Prevalence of breastfeeding initiation is higher for women from Latin America, Eastern Europe, Maghreb or sub-Saharan Africa than for Spanish women, and lower for Chinese women. Compared with Spanish women the odds of not breastfeeding in hospital were lower in all these immigrant groups but more than five times higher for Chinese immigrants. Culturally adapted health services are necessary to maintain breastfeeding rates in most immigrant groups. Moreover, it seems urgent to identify the factors influencing patterns of breastfeeding in Chinese immigrants and to develop innovative strategies to encourage breastfeeding initiation in hospital.  相似文献   

While the nutritional, immunological and anti-bacterial benefits of breast milk are incontestable, the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding is more apparent in the aggregate than at the level of the individual. Nevertheless, it has recently been recommended that lactating women not consider adopting contraception until the earliest of their first post-partum menstruation, the introduction of supplementary feeding or their child's reaching six months of age. This article employs microsimulation to quantify the implications of this recommendation for the spacing of births and, in particular, for the proportion of birth intervals that are unacceptably short. The findings are not encouraging. The implementation of this protocol would not produce better birth spacing than a simpler strategy of initiating contraception early in the post-partum period and, unless implemented perfectly, the outcomes would be considerably worse. Breastfeeding should be viewed not as a method of birth control but as the best form of infant nourishment. Efficient contraception is the best way to ensure that children in modernizing societies can reap the benefits of breastfeeding, without being endangered by being weaned too early because of a new pregnancy.  相似文献   

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