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Objective To compare the electrocortical processing of food pictures in participants with anorexia nervosa (n = 21), bulimia nervosa (n = 22), and healthy controls (HCs) (n = 32) by measuring the early posterior negativity, an event-related potential that reflects stimulus salience and selective attention. Methods We exposed these three groups to a rapid stream of high- and low-calorie food pictures, as well as standard emotional and neutral pictures. Results Event-related potentials in the time range of 220 milliseconds to 310 milliseconds on posterior electrodes differed between groups: patients with eating disorders showed facilitated processing of both high- and low-calorie food pictures relative to neutral pictures, whereas HC participants did so only for the high-calorie pictures. Subjective palatability of the pictures was rated highest by patients with anorexia nervosa, followed by the HC and bulimia nervosa groups. Conclusions Patients with eating disorders show a generalized attentional bias for food images, regardless of caloric value. This might explain the persistent preoccupation with food in these individuals. 相似文献
Sexual abuse in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Few studies have documented the extent and nature of sexual abuse among women who later come to treatment for anorexia nervosa or bulimia. This comparison study reports on a sample of 158 patients admitted to an eating-disorder unit, of whom 60 gave a history of sexual abuse, compared to 98 with no history of abuse. Fifty percent of the anorexic and bulimic patients had suffered sexual abuse, compared to only 28% of patients admitted with other eating-disorder diagnoses; this was a significant difference (p less than 0.001). Of the four types of abuse surveyed, only those patients suffering rape were likely to have sought help from caregivers prior to admission (p less than 0.001). The authors report on likely perpetrators of abuse, age of first abuse, and frequency of depressive symptoms in the abused population. The data from this study strongly suggest that the possibility of sexual assault or abuse must be assessed and the results included in a comprehensive therapy plan for eating-disorder patients. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Ghrelin and leptin are endogenous peripheral proteins involved in the regulation of eating behaviour. In particular, ghrelin stimulates hunger and promotes food ingestion, whereas leptin increases satiety and reduces food consumption. Therefore, alterations in the physiology of these peptides may play a role in the pathogenesis of eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa. In the present study, we investigated ghrelin and leptin responses to food ingestion in patients with bulimia nervosa. METHOD: Nine symptomatic drug-free bulimic women and 12 age-matched healthy women ingested a meal of 1207 kcal (60% carbohydrates, 23% fat and 17% proteins) at 12.00 a.m. and underwent blood sample collection before and 45, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min after the meal. Plasma levels of ghrelin, leptin, insulin and glucose were measured. RESULTS: In healthy women, circulating ghrelin exhibited a drastic decrease after the food intake whereas, in bulimic patients, this response was significantly blunted. No difference between the two subjects groups was observed in post-prandial profiles of plasma leptin, insulin and glucose. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of a leptin response to food ingestion, in both bulimic and healthy women, is compatible with the role of this peptide as long-term rather than short-term modulator of eating behaviour. The blunted ghrelin response to food ingestion may support the occurrence in bulimic subjects of an impaired suppression of the drive to eat following a meal. This may have implications for binge-eating. 相似文献
Cooper MJ 《Clinical psychology review》2005,25(4):511-531
Important developments have taken place in cognitive theory of eating disorders (EDs) (and also in other disorders) since the review paper published by M.J. Cooper in 1997. The relevant empirical database has also expanded. Nevertheless, cognitive therapy for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, although helpful to many patients, leaves much to be desired. The current paper reviews the relevant empirical evidence collected, and the theoretical revisions that have been made to cognitive models of eating disorders, since 1997. The status and limitations of these developments are considered, including whether or not they meet the criteria for "good" theory. New theoretical developments relevant to cognitive explanations of eating disorders (second generation theories) are then presented, and the preliminary evidence that supports these is briefly reviewed. The lack of integration between cognitive theories of EDs and risk (vulnerability) factor research is noted, and a potential model that unites the two is noted. The implications of the review for future research and the development of cognitive theory in eating disorders are then discussed. These include the need for study of cognitive constructs not yet fully integrated (or indeed not yet applied clinically) into current theories and the need for cognitive theories of eating disorders to continue to evolve (as they have indeed done since 1997) in order to fully integrate such constructs. Treatment studies incorporating these new developments also urgently need to be undertaken. 相似文献
The incidence and prevalence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in primary care 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
H W Hoek 《Psychological medicine》1991,21(2):455-460
General practitioners using DSM-III criteria have studied the incidence and prevalence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in a large (N = 151,781) representative sample of the Dutch population. The incidence rate for anorexia nervosa is 6.3 and for bulimia nervosa 9.9 per year per 100,000 population. The prevalence of bulimia nervosa is three times higher in larger cities than in smaller urbanized or rural areas, while anorexia nervosa is found with almost equal frequency in areas with a different degree of urbanization. 相似文献
Energy intake during the weight gain phase and the weight maintenance phase was examined in three groups of inpatients: 64 anorectic restrictors (AN-R), 37 anorectic bulimics (AN-B), and 74 normal-weight bulimics (BN). The influence of body composition and other variables such as weight, exercise, and bingeing and purging frequencies on energy intake was analyzed. Eating disorder subgroups were found to differ in energy intakes to gain weight and to maintain weight within a target weight range. Anorectic restrictors consumed significantly more energy to gain weight than did the anorectic bulimics (a mean of 3055 kcals per day vs. a mean of 2788 kcal per day). Energy intake for weight gain was inversely related to admission body mass index (BMI) and to admission fat-free mass. Bingeing and purging frequencies did not predict caloric intake for either weight gain or maintenance for anorectics. Energy intake of the anorectic patients when they were maintaining weight within a target weight range did not differ between restrictors and anorectic bulimics (means of 2204 and 2134 kcal/day, respectively). Energy needed to maintain weight within a target weight range was predicted by the amount of fat-free mass at target weight and by the mean number of calories ingested per week during weight gain. Bulimics consumed fewer calories than either of the two anorectic groups during the weight maintenance phase (1538 kcal/day). Other than BMI at hospital admission, bulimics' energy intakes were unrelated to all demographic and eating disorder-related variables, including body composition. 相似文献
The anterior insula has been proposed to play a crucial role in eating disorders. However, it is still poorly understood how the anterior insula is involved in anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), which are characterized by opposite motivational responses to food. We applied a cue-reactivity paradigm using blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging in women with AN (N=18) and BN (N=20) and age-matched healthy controls (N=20). We defined the left anterior insula as a region-of-interest and performed seed-based functional connectivity and effective connectivity MRI analysis. In response to food images compared to non-food images, both the AN group and BN group demonstrated increased activity in the left anterior insula. In the AN group, the left anterior insula demonstrated significant interactions with the right insula and right inferior frontal gyrus. In the BN group, the left anterior insula demonstrated significant interactions with the medial orbitofrontal cortex. The distinct patterns of functional and effective connectivity of the anterior insula may contribute to the different clinical features of AN and BN. 相似文献
To examine the distribution of different polymorphisms in genes of the 5-HT system in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN), we analyzed the distribution of a polymorphism (-1438G/A) and the presence of known mutations in 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor genes in 168 Italian female patients affected by AN and BN. Patients with AN restricting type (ANr) only, unlike those with AN binge eating/purging type (ANp) and BN purging type (BNp), showed a statistically significant difference in 5-HT2A-1438A/A genotype frequency with respect to controls. With regard to the other polymorphisms, no differences were found in the studied groups with respect to controls. 5-HT2A promoter polymorphism is probably implicated in the susceptibility to eating disorders and its involvement is more significant in ANr, when compared with ANp and BNp. 相似文献
Martin Grunwald Christine Ettrich Frank Busse Bianka Assmann Angelika D?hne Hermann-Joseph Gertz 《Archives of clinical neuropsychology》2002,17(5):485-496
BACKGROUND: A functional disturbance of the right parietal cortex (PC) is supposed to be responsible for the distorted body image in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). Based on this assumption, we investigated changes in haptic perception with a new experimental design. METHOD: Thirty-two subjects (16 AN patients and 16 healthy controls) were asked to readjust a given angle adjustment without visual feedback. This arrangement allowed to measure the deviation of the adjusted angle from the locked angle on an interval scale. RESULTS: AN patients performed worse when they were asked to readjust the angle with the right hand, i.e., the deviation of the readjusted angle from the given angle was higher compared to the healthy controls for right side tasks. CONCLUSIONS: The capacitive strain of the right PC is substantially stronger in right side tasks with the consequence that the functionally disturbed right PC of AN patients cannot provide enough processing resources. 相似文献
Ralph Grabhorn Hanna Stenner Ullrich Stangier Johannes Kaufhold 《Clinical psychology & psychotherapy》2006,13(1):12-19
Objective: The close relationship between social anxiety and eating disorders has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent years. Shame has been identified as the key emotional symptom in the link between social anxiety and social phobia. While shame is commonly recognized as a meaningful construct for understanding eating disorders, empirical research into this issue has been lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the strength of influence shame and social anxiety have in the psychopathology of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa compared with other clinical groups. Furthermore, the issue of whether shame can account for clinical group differences in the experienced levels of social anxiety was examined. Method: The sample consisted of 120 female inpatients, divided into four groups of 30 according to individual diagnoses: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, anxiety disorders and depression. The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and the Internalized Shame Scale (ISS) were used to measure the target constructs for this investigation. Results: Patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa have higher scores in internalized global shame than patients with anxiety disorders and depressions. In contrast to anorectic patients, however, patients with bulimia also have higher scores than the other two groups in the area of social performance anxiety; they also differ significantly from the anxiety disorders in terms of interaction anxiety. Once shame was partialled out, group differences of social anxiety were shown to disappear. Discussion: Both shame and social anxiety have to be regarded as important influencing factors in anorexia and bulimia nervosa, with shame making a significant contribution to the explanation of social anxieties. The interaction between shame and social anxiety as well as its relevance for eating disorders are discussed. With regards to the therapeutic implications, it would seem reasonable not only to focus on treating shame affect but also to specifically adopt a therapeutic strategy targeting social anxiety fears. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The baseline EEG sleep patterns of 10 young depressed patients, 20 patients with anorexia nervosa, 10 patients with bulimia nervosa, and 10 healthy subjects were found to be indistinguishable, except for an increased REM density in the depressed patients. In eating disorder patients, a concomitant major depressive episode had no influence on EEG sleep. The results of the cholinergic REM sleep induction test revealed a significantly faster induction of REM sleep in the depressed patients when compared with the eating disorder patients and the control subjects. This indicates a subthreshold hypersensitivity of the REM sleep triggering cholinergic transmitter system in depressives, but not in eating disorder patients. 相似文献
Serotonin alterations in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: new insights from imaging studies 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Kaye WH Frank GK Bailer UF Henry SE Meltzer CC Price JC Mathis CA Wagner A 《Physiology & behavior》2005,85(1):73-81
Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are related disorders with relatively homogenous presentations such as age of onset and gender distribution. In addition, they share symptoms, such as extremes of food consumption, body image distortion, anxiety and obsessions, and ego-syntonic neglect, raises the possibility that these symptoms reflect disturbed brain function that contributes to the pathophysiology of this illness. Recent brain imaging studies have identified altered activity in frontal, cingulate, temporal, and parietal cortical regions in AN and BN. Importantly, such disturbances are present when subjects are ill and persist after recovery, suggesting that these may be traits that are independent of the state of the illness. Emerging data point to a dysregulation of serotonin pathways in cortical and limbic structures that may be related to anxiety, behavioral inhibition, and body image distortions. In specific, recent studies using PET with serotonin specific radioligands implicate alterations of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors and the 5-HT transporter. Alterations of these circuits may affect mood and impulse control as well as the motivating and hedonic aspects of feeding behavior. Such imaging studies may offer insights into new pharmacology and psychotherapy approaches. 相似文献
Elsa Vitale Letizia Lotito Rosita Belinda Maglie 《Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology》2013,35(1):39-50
Recent clinical reports have shown an increasing number of patients afflicted by eating disorders in the western world. There are numerous causes and mechanisms leading to eating disorders that affect the psychoneuroendocrinoimmune system. In this study, we define a novel psychoneuroendocrinoimmune nursing approach for anorexic and bulimic patients’ treatment. According to the specific diagnostic items deriving from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases, and clinical guidelines in eating disorders formulated by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, we carried out a qualitative study on the nursing treatment chosen by 210 international centers considered as a sample. This study was based on a no structured interview via e-mail to better understand the nursing approach in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Thanks to the selected centers’ answers, four different levels of nursing care were identified, that include:
the nursing role analyzing the spectrum of patients’ problems;
the nursing intervention in inpatient care;
the nursing intervention in outpatient care;
the day hospital treatment.
Recent clinical reports have shown an increasing number of patients afflicted by eating disorders in the western world. There are numerous causes and mechanisms leading to eating disorders that affect the psychoneuroendocrinoimmune system. In this study, we define a novel psychoneuroendocrinoimmune nursing approach for anorexic and bulimic patients' treatment. According to the specific diagnostic items deriving from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases, and clinical guidelines in eating disorders formulated by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, we carried out a qualitative study on the nursing treatment chosen by 210 international centers considered as a sample. This study was based on a no structured interview via e-mail to better understand the nursing approach in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Thanks to the selected centers' answers, four different levels of nursing care were identified, that include: the nursing role analyzing the spectrum of patients' problems; the nursing intervention in inpatient care; the nursing intervention in outpatient care; the day hospital treatment. All four prove to be especially useful in the nursing practice. 相似文献
Psychiatric comorbidity in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: nature,prevalence, and causal relationships
Eating disorders are complex, multifactorially determined phenomena. When individuals with eating disorders present for treatment with comorbid conditions, case conceptualization is further complicated and, as a result, it may be difficult to determine optimal psychological or pharmacological treatment. This article reviews the evidence of the association between eating disorders (anorexia nervosa [AN] and bulimia nervosa [BN]) and Axis I depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), substance abuse, and Axis II personality disorders, for the purposes of increasing awareness about the different options for case conceptualization. Although other diagnoses comorbid with eating disorders are of interest to clinicians (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] and social phobia), their comprehensive review is currently premature due to a lack of empirical scrutiny. Finally, future directions for research, including suggestions for the use of particular assessment tools and more sophisticated research designs, are discussed. 相似文献
The aims of this article are to critically examine the conceptualization and measurement of recovery, within the eating disorder outcome literature, and suggest possible ways of developing the clinical utility of outcome research. First, definitions and measures of recovery operationalized in outcome studies are critically reviewed, highlighting the variety of definitions and measures used in outcome research. Two important caveats in the outcome literature are identified: absence of clients' views on their recovery from outcome evaluations and dissociation of outcome research from negotiated interpersonal and organizational meanings of recovery. These caveats form the focus of the second section of the article. A need for greater integration between research and clinical perspectives on recovery is identified, and the final section of the article suggests several proposals for enhancing current research on recovery from eating disorders. These proposals particularly advocate development of methods and measures that can accommodate diversity of clients' experiences of recovery, while remaining informative to both researchers and clinicians. 相似文献
This study examined psychophysiological stress responses to idiosyncratically relevant stress in bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED), in relation to autonomic cardiac control and nutritional status. A total of 81 women with BN, BED and healthy controls (HC) took part in an in sensu exposure to idiosyncratic stress. Psychological and peripheral physiological parameters were measured, and tonic heart rate variability, nutritional status, and types of stress were determined. In response to stress exposure, both eating disordered groups showed a stronger reactivity of sadness, and the BED group showed a stronger reactivity of insecurity than the HC group. Desire to binge was increased in the context of interpersonal stress. Stress exposure led to increased cardiovascular activity and reduced electrodermal activity that did not differ by group. The BN-specific symptomatology moderated the association between autonomic cardiac control and psychophysiological stress responses. The results suggest common and specific psychophysiological processes in symptom maintenance through life stress in BN and BED. 相似文献
The present studies concerned a perceptual mechanism that could partially explain the anorexic's severe eating restraint despite continuing hunger. If a woman values a thin body, unrealistic perception of food's fattening effects should increase the aversiveness of ingesting food and foster restraint in eating. The first study considered the perceived thinness/fatness of women's bodies without and with food cues present. College women who (1) shared the stress-generating personality characteristics of anorexics (AP); and (2) judged models as fatter after food cues were introduced (enhancers) reported more stress than AP non-enhancers; no effect of enhancement upon stress was observed in controls. This moderator effect was replicated in a second study. Thus, women with the personality characteristics and high stress that put them at-risk for anorexia also displayed the perceptual distortion involved in the proposed mechanism. Self-ratings verified the same perceptual mechanism in the high-stress AP woman's perception of her own body. 相似文献