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目的探讨专科护理综合型实验教学新方法,开拓护理实验教学的视野。方法创作实验教学剧本,拍摄成为电教片;放映后收集学生与教师们的评价意见。结果教师对该教学剧的认同率为94.66%;学生的认同率为88.36。结论采取戏剧、电影等艺术的方式,来表达临床专科护理综合型实验课的内容,学生既能学到专科护理理论知识,又能启迪学生创造性思维,培养学生的核心能力,以及人文关怀精神等。  相似文献   

以“全面质量管理”为导向的护理学本科教学改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的根据医疗卫生事业和社会对高级护理人才的需求,以"全面质量管理"为导向,构建有利于护理专业学生综合能力培养的教学模式。方法以"精品、精致、精英"的教学理念,从人才培养目标、课程体系、教学内容与方法、实验实践教学等方面进行全面质量管理、改革和实践。结果通过改革人才培养方案、优化课程体系、创新教学方法和手段、加强教材建设、构建实践教学新体系等各环节为重点的全过程教学质量管理,形成了具有特色的护理学本科教学模式。结论以培养学生"知识、能力、素质"为目标,以师资队伍和教学管理制度建设为保障的、全员参与的教学改革和质量管理符合社会对高级护理人才培养的需求,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在外科护理学辅助教学实践项目中开展创客教育的应用效果.方法 在我校2017级护理专业学生中随机抽取2个班,分别作为试验组和对照组.在32学时的外科护理学辅助教学实践项目中,试验组的54名学生开展创客教育,主要包括情怀故事引入、简单任务模仿、知识要点讲解、扩展任务模仿、创新激发引导、协同任务完成、成功作品分享7...  相似文献   

DEBOUT C., CHEVALLIER‐DARCHEN F., PETIT DIT DARIEL O. & ROTHAN‐TONDEUR M. (2012) Undergraduate nursing education reform in France: from vocational to academic programmes. International Nursing Review Background: France is currently implementing a number of reforms to the healthcare and education systems. Within this context, a comprehensive reform of undergraduate nurse education was launched in 2009, bringing nurse education closer to the higher education environment. It is likely in future to move from being vocational towards becoming an academic educational programme. Aim: In this paper, the 2009 reform of the French pre‐registration nursing curriculum will be analysed in light of the European framework. Process: The pedagogical approach, methods and content of nursing education in France are undergoing an in‐depth reorganization. The main innovation that the reforms introduce is a competency‐based approach. France is joining the group of countries that require first degree‐level entry to the nursing profession. Conclusion: There are still many unanswered questions regarding the competencies and qualifications required by both the academic and clinical educators many of whom have not been previously involved in research or publications. The future status of nursing science is unclear, as is the way in which the nursing profession will be able to retain control over its educational mechanisms.  相似文献   

护理胜任力本位教育——概念及实践   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
吴瑛 《中华护理教育》2009,6(10):435-439
胜任力本位教育是一种与我国职业教育改革、高等教育改革思想和方针相一致的教育理念和教育模式。为此,从胜任力、能力、素质概念的内涵和外延探讨胜任力、能力和素质的异同,从护理教育的角度介绍胜任力冰山模型和胜任力的分类。通过分析胜任力本位教育的发展背景和发展历程,探讨护理胜任力本位教育的实质,介绍胜任力本位教育的实施方法、步骤、原则及常用的教学和评价方法。  相似文献   

为改革中专外科护理教学重医轻护不能满足学员“第一任职”需要的现象。我们在护士专业的外科护理教学中进行了改革的初步尝试:①调整课程设置和内部结构。加强操作技能训练。②改进授课方法,培养学员的自学能力。③教学中注重护士素质培养。调查表明,以上措施为培养合格护士奠定了坚宴的基础。  相似文献   

台湾地区正式护理教育始于1947年三年制护士科,1949年成立护理学系,1979年设立硕士班,1997年设立博士班,并于2005年将台湾地区护理职业学校改制为护理专科学校以提升护理教育最低层级。现有高教技职体系下7类不同护理教育学制并形成完整的升学途径。目前有近6万名护理科、系、所学生,仍以专科学生为主体。2006年成立台湾护理教育评鉴委员会,开始对台湾地区39所护理院校进行系统地评价与鉴定。  相似文献   

高等护理人才的培养是护理学科发展的根本保证。通过课程体系的改革,探讨护理专业人才培养的新思路.即要突出护理特色,加强人文教育和社区护理教育,改革实践教学,增设护理科研、医学统计学等课程,以期培养出具有一定创新能力,能较好适应现代护理发展需要的实用型专门人才。  相似文献   

目的探讨对护理实习生进行安全文化教育的方法及效果。方法在359名护理实习生临床实习岗前培训中加入28学时安全文化教育培训,在实习期间组织学生参加院内的安全分析及护理不良事件讨论会。比较培训后3个月与培训前学生的患者安全文化知识及护理不良事件认知情况;与上届学生对比临床实习前6个月发生患者安全及护理不良事件的情况。结果培训后3个月学生的患者安全文化知识及护理不良事件认知情况优于培训前(P<0.01);经过培训的学生临床实习前6个月患者安全及护理不良事件发生率低于上届未经过培训的学生(P<0.05)。结论院校和教学医院应积极对护理实习生进行安全文化教育,以提高学生对患者安全文化知识及护理不良事件认知,减少护理不良事件的发生。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been extensive damage to nursing education and training in Iraq over the last two decades through three international wars, counterinsurgency struggles in the north and south, 13 years of economic sanctions, dictatorship and foreign occupation. Fortunately, there is wide agreement that nursing is a key area for further attention. Many nursing leaders have emigrated and the numbers of nurses working in professional roles in Iraq declined sharply after 1990. ISSUES: The number of nurses per population has always been low in Iraq, and fell off precipitously after foreign workers left. There is less than one nursing staff of any kind for physician today. Few of the nursing staff are qualified to what would be minimal standards of professional practice in many countries. There is a strong educational base for nursing education in three Iraqi universities, but it relates little to other schools or hospitals. Military nurses, now being integrated into the public system of hospital care, are considered to have far more technical skill levels than non-military nurses. ACTIONS: Iraq needs a new generation of well trained nurses to develop primary care and health education activities. Programmes in nursing administration and community health nursing need to be developed. The World Health Organization has supported the development of training centres and short courses for nursing leaders. The former six levels of entry to nursing practice have been streamlined to three. Nursing salaries since the 2003 invasion have been greatly increased. These are good beginnings, and much more remains to be done to restore nursing in Iraq.  相似文献   

1996年北京协和医学院护理学院承担了国家教育部"高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划"中护理专业改革的重点课题,并开始按照新的教育教学模式培养护理本科生。这项改革的目标是:建立与国际护理教育接轨的满足21世纪人类健康需要的护理人才。改革的目的是:以素质教育为核心,培养德才兼备全面发展的护理人才,使学生学会学习、学会生活、学会思考、学会做人。改革的内容是:按照人的生长发育规律建立体现护理学特点的课程体系。改革的措施是:建立合理的领导和管理体制,改善教育教学环境,组建合格的专兼职师资队伍,建立人尽其才的运行机制。改革的成果是:确定科学规范的教学大纲和教学计划,出版与教育改革内容相配套的教材,确立深化教育改革的科研项目和课题,通过了解用人单位对毕业生的评价和学生的真实感受,在理论上和实践上论证以素质教育为核心的教育改革的实际效果。改革的体会是:领导班子统一思想、同心同德、下定决心、不畏困难是推进教育教学改革的关键,兄弟单位的理解和支持是建立教育教学课程体系改革的基础,教学工作与学生工作紧密结合是教育改革的特质,领导的支持、理解、关心和帮助是推进教育教学改革的动力。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe the development of a new education programme in public health for nurses in the European Union (EU). The project, 'Development of a Continuous Professional Education Programme for Nurses in Public Health', is described together with its background and aim, which is to contribute to the development of new competencies of nurses in nursing and public health. For the development of these competencies, the framework for the programme's guidelines is organized around core modules common for all EU countries and elective modules, based on national health needs and policies proposed by each country. An example of the implementation of the programme from Sweden, where the programme has already been offered, is also presented. In addition to the educational programme itself, the opportunities for networking for nurses and teachers from different countries resulting from this effort are discussed. Finally, the evolving nature of public health in nursing is presented in relation to the roles that nurses/midwives already perform in various countries and situations, in order to point out the potential of this programme's contribution to the promotion of health of all European citizens.  相似文献   

The concepts of the nursing process have been assigned as important plans for the curricula and continuing education programs in the nursing discipline. This paper focuses on the main characteristics of the educational methods applied in training programs in the nursing process or nursing care plan. The original studies were extracted from the PubMed, ProQuest, Scopus, Science Direct and, Web of Science databases, following two-step screening by two reviewers. Accordingly, 21 papers were included in the study based on inclusion criteria. According to the results, 42.85% of educational methods were computer-based while 57.15% were non-computer based. Computers were used as the main educator (14.28%) or as an assisted-tool (25.57%). The lecture-based training, as one of the non-computer based educational tools, was the most frequent method observed across the studies (33.3%). There are two frequently used measures of evaluating the educational programs learner's knowledge of nursing process (28.75%) and their attitude toward the program (23.80%). The results suggested that in order to improve educational methods for the nursing process, computers, mobile phones, and other available technologies should be integrated with the traditional educational methods. Also, comprehensive measures should be applied for evaluating them.  相似文献   

目的分析角色实践法在护理教育学课程教学中的实施效果。方法采用目的抽样,抽取参与护理教育学课程角色实践教学的20名学生进行访谈,运用质性研究的内容分析法对学生参与角色实践教学的感受进行分析。结果学生通过角色实践获得了对角色过程的真切体验,掌握了角色实践的全过程,并在实践中体会了学习的主体性和自主性。结论角色实践法具有良好的教学效果,为护理教育学课程教学的方法改革和创新提供了初步借鉴经验。  相似文献   

目的探讨高职护理美学课程线上教学的方法与效果。方法组建线上教学团队,构建线上教学内容,设计线上教学活动模式,依托某学习教育开发平台对高职365名护理专业学生进行线上教学。用学生考核成绩和在线学习数据评价教学效果。结果学生期末成绩为(87.12±3.67)分。学生平均视频任务点完成率为98.8%,平均签到成功率为95.5%,参与课堂讨论发表观点次数人均22.9次,课后作业完成率为96.3%。结论学生护理美学课程的期末成绩和课堂参与度尚可。  相似文献   

本文探讨怎样构建现代医学护理模式,以利适应发展护理学科。  相似文献   

我校成人护理学历教育“专升本”课程设置的评价和建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价和分析成人护理"专升本"的教学计划设置和内容,使课程设置和教学内容更加适合成人护理教育的需求。方法选择我校2005-2009年5届护理专业"专升本"毕业生30名进行访谈,请学生对在学习期间所学课程的课程设置和课程内容的满意度进行评价,并就如何改进教学提出相应的意见和建议。结果课程设置和课程内容总体上满意,有些课程和内容存在着重复问题;有些课程本专科阶段均未学到,如社区护理学;建议将某些课程作为选修课开设。关注较多、争议较大的课程是中医护理学、康复护理学、护理教育、临床营养学。被访者普遍认为,中医护理学的课程内容应该加大中医保健和养生方面的内容;大部分在内外科工作的学生认为康复护理在临床广泛应用,应再增加学时;临床营养学的内容应该注重实用性。访谈中学生对实习地点的灵活安排比较认可,但是对实习内容的安排不太满意。结论成人护理"专升本"阶段的专业培养目标要逐步科学化和规范化;课程设置要体现社会的需要和护理学发展的需要;教师应针对"专升本"的课程设置特点注意课程内容的选择和深度的把握;建议毕业实习的内容应增加毕业论文的书写与指导;"专升本"教育可以尝试性地开设护理专业选修课。  相似文献   

小组合作学习模式在护理教育学实践课教学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
探讨小组合作学习在护理教育学实践课教学的应用。将小组合作学习模式应用于12个班890名学生的护理教育实践课教学,以问卷调查其效果。结果显示小组合作学习能增强学生团结协作,提高其学习兴趣和积极性,并能促进其认知发展,提高多种能力。  相似文献   

该文分析了我校涉外护理专业对外合作办学的现状,以及学生英语基础偏低、师资力量匮乏、缺乏适合的教材等主要教学问题,提出应该夯实学生英语基础、提升教师素质、加强教材建设、完善规范性评估体系等建议,以期为进一步优化高职护理专业的对外合作办学提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨开设《社会护理学》课程的必要性、可行性、教学方法和课程评价等,以提高本科护理专业学生的社会护理能力,积极拓展社会护理实践,以满足人民群众日益增长的健康需求,适应21世纪护理教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

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