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BackgroundNumerous factors, including learning styles, affect the learning process of nursing students. Having insights about students' learning styles helps promoting the quality of education. The aim of this study was to explore the Iranian baccalaureate nursing students' learning styles in clinical settings.MethodsA qualitative design using a content analysis approach was used to collect and analyze data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen Iranian baccalaureate nursing students selected using a purposive sample method.FindingsDuring data analysis, it was found that nursing students employed different clinical learning styles such as ‘thoughtful observation,’ ‘learning by thinking,’ and ‘learning by doing’.ConclusionStudents adopt different learning strategies in clinical practice. Designing teaching strategies based on students' learning styles can promote students' learning and maximize their academic and clinical practice success. Nursing educators, curriculum designers, and students can use the findings of this study to improve the quality of nursing education in both the classroom and clinical settings.  相似文献   

LOCK L.R. (2011) Selecting examinable nursing core competencies: a Delphi project. International Nursing Review 58 , 347–353 Aim: To establish a set of core competencies that could be practically examined in a pre‐registration practical examination for Indonesian candidates completing their pre‐service education. Background: Indonesia is planning to institute a register for nurses to ensure a minimum standard of safe practice for new nurses completing their pre‐service education. A proposed route to registration includes the practical examination of a minimum set of core competencies. This Delphi project aimed to reduce 192 existing standard competencies to an examinable group of 12 core competences that all nurses registering in Indonesia must meet. Method: A modified Delphi method was used by 12 expert Indonesian nurses and a facilitator to determine which standard competencies should be considered core. Results: Five Delphi rounds were used. One hundred and ninety‐two standard competencies were reduced to a core set of 12. Selected competencies are assessable in a practical examination and can be used to determine a minimum level of safe practice for all nurses seeking to register at the completion of their pre‐service education. Conclusion: The expert panel met the project aim and provided a set of examinable competencies/activities that they consider will demonstrate the fundamental safety of new registered nurses. The subsequent responsibility for setting up a register for nurses in Indonesia now rests with the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The Indonesian National Nursing Association is working with the Ministry of Health to determine the route and criteria for registration in order to establish a common level of competence for nurses across the country exiting their pre‐service education.  相似文献   

目的了解在模式病房实习的护理本科生的真实学习感受,分析采用模式病房进行临床教学的效果。方法采用深度访谈法,收集了8名护理本科生在模式病房实习的感受,并用现象学分析法进行分析。结果护理本科生真实学习感受有3个方面:①模式病房的实习模式更能促进学生能力提高;②模式病房实习能帮助学生树立正确的护理观念;③适应模式病房的实习需要一定的基础。结论模式病房实习方式在培养护理专业学生能力方面具有传统模式不可比拟的优越性,但学生在进入实习前需要做好必要的准备。  相似文献   

护理本科生临床实践体验的质性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探索和理解护理本科生临床实践中遇到的问题及心理状态,为本科护生临床实践教学管理提供依据。方法采用质性研究中的诠释现象学研究法(hermeneutic phenomeno--logical method),对65g本科护生的反思日记和反思小组讨论会的内容进行分析。结果经分析,萃取出4个主题:人际关系、知识和技能、情感体验、实习环境。结论护理教育者应加强本科护生人文素质和人际沟通能力的培养,同时,应采取措施,降低本科护生在知识技能和职业情感方面的认知失调。  相似文献   

AimNursing students have both positive and negative experiences during clinical education. This study was conducted to identify experiences of nursing students during clinical education in mental health clinics.DesignThis phenomenological qualitative design study was conducted with 4th year undergraduate nursing students from a university in Turkey to identify their experiences specifically in mental health clinics.MethodsThe data were collected using focus groups interviews with 40 nursing students and assessed with the 7-stage phenomenological analysis method described by Colaizzi.ResultsThree main themes were determined: (i) the need for supportive interventions to cope with negative emotions; (ii) difficulty in translating theoretical knowledge into practice; and (iii) the lack of role model nurses and teaching staff.ConclusionsThe results of this study indicate that supportive interventions should be given to nursing students before clinical education. Also, the duration of clinical education, the teaching methods to be used and role model nurses and teaching staff effectiveness in clinical education should be planned carefully.  相似文献   

目的了解高职护理专业男生临床实习前后不同的心理体验,为有针对性地制订护理教育措施提供依据。方法采用半结构访谈法,分别在实习前后对9名男生进行两次深入访谈,将资料进行整理、分析,提炼出主题。结果高职护理专业男生对于从事护理专业的意向倾向于消极,对护理专业的价值认同感低,存在很大的岗位流失率倾向。结论护理教育者应从入学前教育、学校教育、临床教育这一连续过程中做好男生的教育和培养,帮助他们树立正确的职业态度和职业价值观,增强职业认同感。  相似文献   

综合ICU中专护生的带教管理方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨综合ICU中专护生的带教管理方法,提高带教质量。方法对120名中专护生采用做好岗前培训,合理安排实习计划,采用“专项授课一跟班实践一考核评价”实施带教,并组织护生参与护理查房。用自行设计的调查表进行自我评价。结果实习之初有20.5%的护生认为自己能熟练或较熟练地掌握实习内容,实习4周后有91.9%的护生认为自己能熟练或较熟练地掌握实习内容。结论采用上述带教方法可以提高中专护生的带教效果。  相似文献   

杨丽杨杨  杨永丽 《现代护理》2006,12(30):2925-2926
目的调查不同层次毕业实习护生在临床实习过程中自我保护意识的现状。方法采用问卷调查法于2006年3月~2006年4月对100例实习护生进行调查,其中本科护生21例,大专护生40例,中专护生39例。结果不同层次实习护生在身体健康和法律法规两方面存在差别(P<0.01),在心理和社会因素方面,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论本科生的自我保护意识强于大、中专学生,建议在实习前应加强对大、中专实习护生护理理论知识和相关法律知识的培训,提高大、中专护生的自我健康防护意识和法律方面的自我保护意识。  相似文献   

目的 了解新生儿科护士实施以家庭为中心护理(family centered care,FCC)的真实体验,探讨实施过程中存在的困难与需求,为开展大范围FCC提供参考。 方法 采用半结构式访谈法,选取2019年1月—3月在上海市某三级甲等医院新生儿科工作的61名护士进行访谈,运用Colaizzi 7步分析法对资料进行整理分析,提炼主题。结果 提炼出新生儿科护士实施FCC体验的3个主题:护士在实施FCC过程中表现出多重情感体验;实施FCC对新生儿父母有众多帮助;现阶段实施FCC仍存在诸多障碍。 结论 实施FCC是新生儿护理模式的发展趋势,实施过程中要重视护士的压力与需求,保持与新生儿父母的有效沟通,但技能的掌握需要组织的指导与支持,并需提供学习的途径与平台。  相似文献   

目的 界定老年护理核心能力的定义,构建测评老年护理核心能力的工具.方法 用质性研究方法,对文献回顾、专家咨询和实地访谈的结果进行分析.结果 老年护理核心能力强调护士从事老年护理工作须具备的专业知识、技能、态度,价值观、判断力、个人特质,法律责任及伦理素养的有机整合和实践能力的统一.核心能力由7个一级指标、48个二级指标组成.结论经预试验证实该测评量表适合我国国情,具有良好内容效度和信度,可用于测评我国护士老年护理核心能力.  相似文献   

护理本科生实习中期压力的现象学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨护理本科生实习中期对实习压力的体验,了解其价值观念、情感感受及就业意向,为护理教育者引导护理本科生缓解实习压力提供依据.方法 采用半结构式深入访谈法,了解12名护理本科实习学生对实习压力的体验.采用阅读、分析、反思、分类、提炼5个步骤分析访谈资料,并提炼主题.结果 护理本科生实习压力源包括4个主题:工作负荷、工作性质、人际关系及个人前途.结论护理本科生实习期间存在较大压力,护理教育者应探索积极有效的方式,指导其缓解实习压力.  相似文献   

AimThis paper aims to describe caring perceptions and behaviors among student nurses in Italy as they progress through their nursing education.BackgroundAs nursing students are potential nurses of the future, there is an expectation that in addition to appropriate academic qualifications, they will develop appropriate caring behaviors/attitudes. However, there has been some evidence that the educational process does not always modify their caring perceptions/behaviors or that the direction of the change is not always positive.DesignA qualitative longitudinal design with three data collection points, was performed from October 2013 to October 2016 at the University of Verona, Trento Campus.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted at the time of entry into a 3-year bachelor’s degree program in nursing and at the end of the second and third years. Observation of the students during their clinical practice was carried out at the end of each of the three years of education. Thirty students commenced the study and 24 finished. Data were analyzed using a phenomenological approach.ResultsThe iterative process of analyzing interviews and observations resulted in nine themes collectively from all three stages: establishing a trusting relationship with the patient, satisfying the patient’s needs, paying attention, being respectful, being competent, giving time, being concerned with the emotional dimension, acting within context to facilitate caring actions and giving information.ConclusionsAt the end of the third year the students’ concept of caring was enhanced; their initial generic or lay view of caring turned into an intentional, competent, conscious, accountable and realistic caring approach.  相似文献   

校院联合培养护士核心能力的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨“校院联合,定向培养,提升护士核心能力”的护理人才培养模式,厦门医学高等专科学校与厦门长庚医院建立校院联合办学的模式,以技术应用能力为支撑制订新型人才培养方案,采取课程精简、融合、重组等多种形式,优化课程结构,从而建立具有鲜明护理专业特色、提升护士核心能力的新课程体系。采取灵活多样的护理教学方法.实行实验训练、见习、实习带教厦门长庚医院“一贯制”。  相似文献   

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