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Regulatory T cells (Tregs) have unique immunosuppressive properties and are essential to ensure effective immunoregulation. In animal models, Tregs have been shown to prevent autoimmune disorders and establish transplantation tolerance. Therefore, the prospect of harnessing Tregs, either by increasing their frequency or by conferring allospecificity, has prompted a growing interest in the development of immunotherapies. Here, employing a well‐established skin transplant model with a single major histocompatibility complex mismatch, we compared the therapeutic efficacy of adoptively transfer Treg with or without donor specificity and the administration of IL‐2 to promote in vivo expansion of Treg. We showed that IL‐2 treatment preferentially enhances the proliferation of the allospecific Tregs adoptively transferred in an antigen‐dependent manner. In addition, donor‐specific Tregs significantly increased the expression of regulatory‐related marker, such as CTLA4 and inducible costimulator (ICOS), in the skin allograft and draining lymph nodes compared to endogenous and polyclonal transferred Tregs. Importantly, by combining IL‐2 with donor‐specific Tregs, but not with polyclonal Tregs, a synergistic effect in prolonging skin allograft survival was observed. Altogether, our data suggest that this combination therapy could provide the appropriate conditions to enhance the immunoregulation of alloimmune responses in clinical transplantation.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are involved in graft‐specific tolerance after solid organ transplantation. However, adoptive transfer of polyspecific Tregs alone is insufficient to prevent graft rejection even in rodent models, indicating that graft‐specific Tregs are required. We developed a highly specific chimeric antigen receptor that recognizes the HLA molecule A*02 (referred to as A2‐CAR). Transduction into natural regulatory T cells (nTregs) changes the specificity of the nTregs without alteration of their regulatory phenotype and epigenetic stability. Activation of nTregs via the A2‐CAR induced proliferation and enhanced the suppressor function of modified nTregs. Compared with nTregs, A2‐CAR Tregs exhibited superior control of strong allospecific immune responses in vitro and in humanized mouse models. A2‐CAR Tregs completely prevented rejection of allogeneic target cells and tissues in immune reconstituted humanized mice in the absence of any immunosuppression. Therefore, these modified cells have great potential for incorporation into clinical trials of Treg‐supported weaning after allogeneic transplantation.  相似文献   

Xenogeneic porcine islet transplantation is a promising potential therapy for type 1 diabetes (T1D). Understanding human immune responses against porcine islets is crucial for the design of optimal immunomodulatory regimens for effective control of xenogeneic rejection of porcine islets in humans. Humanized mice are a valuable tool for studying human immune responses and therefore present an attractive alternative to human subject research. Here, by using a pig‐to‐humanized mouse model of xenogeneic islet transplantation, we described the human immune response to transplanted porcine islets, a process characterized by dense islet xenograft infiltration of human CD45+ cells comprising activated human B cells, CD4+CD44+IL‐17+ Th17 cells, and CD68+ macrophages. In addition, we tested an experimental immunomodulatory regimen in promoting long‐term islet xenograft survival, a triple therapy consisting of donor splenocytes treated with ethylcarbodiimide (ECDI‐SP), and peri‐transplant rituximab and rapamycin. We observed that the triple therapy effectively inhibited graft infiltration of T and B cells as well as macrophages, promoted transitional B cells both in the periphery and in the islet xenografts, and provided a superior islet xenograft protection. Our study therefore indicates an advantage of donor ECDI‐SP treatment in controlling human immune cells in promoting long‐term islet xenograft survival.  相似文献   

Cell therapy with autologous donor‐specific regulatory T cells (Tregs) is a promising strategy to minimize immunosuppression in transplant recipients. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) technology has recently been used successfully to generate donor‐specific Tregs and overcome the limitations of enrichment protocols based on repetitive stimulations with alloantigens. However, the ability of CAR‐Treg therapy to control alloreactivity in immunocompetent recipients is unknown. We first analyzed the effect of donor‐specific CAR Tregs on alloreactivity in naive, immunocompetent mice receiving skin allografts. Tregs expressing an irrelevant or anti‐HLA‐A2‐specific CAR were administered to Bl/6 mice at the time of transplanting an HLA‐A2+ Bl/6 skin graft. Donor‐specific CAR‐Tregs, but not irrelevant‐CAR Tregs, significantly delayed skin rejection and diminished donor‐specific antibodies (DSAs) and frequencies of DSA‐secreting B cells. Donor‐specific CAR‐Treg–treated mice also had a weaker recall DSA response, but normal responses to an irrelevant antigen, demonstrating antigen‐specific suppression. When donor‐specific CAR Tregs were tested in HLA‐A2‐sensitized mice, they were unable to delay allograft rejection or diminish DSAs. The finding that donor‐specific CAR‐Tregs restrain de novo but not memory alloreactivity has important implications for their use as an adoptive cell therapy in transplantation.  相似文献   

Current pharmacologic regimens in transplantation prevent allograft rejection through systemic recipient immunosuppression but are associated with severe morbidity and mortality. The ultimate goal of transplantation is the prevention of allograft rejection while maintaining recipient immunocompetence. We hypothesized that allografts could be engineered ex vivo (after allotransplant procurement but before transplantation) by using mesenchymal stem cell–based therapy to generate localized immunomodulation without affecting systemic recipient immunocompetence. To this end, we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro and activated them toward an immunomodulatory fate by priming in inflammatory or hypoxic microenvironments. Using an established rat hindlimb model for allotransplantation, we were able to significantly prolong rejection‐free allograft survival with a single perioperative ex vivo infusion of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells through the allograft vasculature, in the absence of long‐term pharmacologic immunosuppression. Critically, transplanted rats rejected a second, nonengineered skin graft from the same donor species to the contralateral limb at a later date, demonstrating that recipient systemic immunocompetence remained intact. This study represents a novel approach in transplant immunology and highlights the significant therapeutic opportunity of the ex vivo period in transplant engineering.  相似文献   

Allosensitization constitutes a major barrier in transplantation. Preexisting donor‐reactive memory T and B cells and preformed donor‐specific antibodies (DSAs) have all been implicated in accelerated allograft rejection in sensitized recipients. Here, we employ a sensitized murine model of islet transplantation to test strategies that promote long‐term immunosuppression‐free allograft survival. We demonstrate that donor‐specific memory T and B cells can be effectively inhibited by peritransplant infusions of donor apoptotic cells in combination with anti‐CD40L and rapamycin, and this treatment leads to significant prolongation of islet allograft survival in allosensitized recipients. We further demonstrate that late graft rejection in recipients treated with this regimen is associated with a breakthrough of B cells and their aggressive graft infiltration. Consequently, additional posttransplant B cell depletion effectively prevents late rejection and promotes permanent acceptance of islet allografts. In contrast, persistent low levels of DSAs do not seem to impair graft outcome in these recipients. We propose that B cells contribute to late rejection as antigen‐presenting cells for intragraft memory T cell expansion but not to alloantibody production and that a therapeutic strategy combining donor apoptotic cells, anti‐CD40L, and rapamycin effectively inhibits proinflammatory B cells and promotes long‐term islet allograft survival in such recipients.  相似文献   

The innate immune system is a critical regulator of the adaptive immune responses that lead to allograft rejection. It is increasingly recognized that endogenous molecules released from tissue injury and cell death are potent activators of innate immunity. Mitochondria, ancestrally related to bacteria, possess an array of endogenous innate immune‐activating molecules. We have recently demonstrated that extracellular mitochondria are abundant in the circulation of deceased organ donors and that their presence correlates with early allograft dysfunction. Here we demonstrate the ability of mitochondria to activate endothelial cells (ECs), the initial barrier between a solid organ allograft and its host. We find that mitochondria exposure leads to the upregulation of EC adhesion molecules and their production of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Additionally, mitochondrial exposure causes dendritic cells to upregulate costimulatory molecules. Infusion of isolated mitochondria into heart donors leads to significant increase in allograft rejection in a murine heterotopic heart transplantation model. Finally, co‐incubation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with mitochondria‐treated ECs results in increased numbers of effector (IFN‐γ+, TNF‐α+) CD8+ T cells. These data indicate that circulating extracellular mitochondria in deceased organ donors may directly activate allograft ECs and promote graft rejection in transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Donor‐specific antibodies (DSAs) contribute to renal allograft loss. However, biomarkers to guide clinical management of DSA posttransplant or detect humoral alloimmune responses before alloantibodies develop are not available. Circulating T follicular helper (cTfh) cells are CD4+CXCR5+ Tfh‐like cells in the blood that have been associated with alloantibodies in transplant recipients, but whether they precede antibody formation for their evaluation as a predictive biomarker in transplant is unknown. To evaluate the ability of cTfh cells to predict DSA, we used murine transplant models to determine the temporal relationship between cTfh cells, germinal center formation, and DSA development. We observed that donor‐reactive CD4+CXCR5+ cTfh cells expand after allotransplant. These cTfh cells were equivalent to graft‐draining lymph node‐derived Tfh cells in their ability to provide B cell help for antibody production. cTfh cell expansion and differentiation into ICOS+PD‐1+ cells temporally correlated with germinal center alloreactivity and preceded the generation of DSAs in instances of modified and unmodified alloantibody formation. Importantly, delayed costimulation blockade initiated after the detection of ICOS+PD‐1+ cTfh cells prevented DSAs. These findings suggest that cTfh cells could serve as a biomarker for humoral alloreactivity before the detection of alloantibodies and inform therapeutic approaches to prevent DSAs.  相似文献   

Active antibody‐mediated rejection (AMR) is a potentially devastating complication and consistently effective treatment remains elusive. We hypothesized that the reversal of acute AMR requires rapid elimination of antibody‐secreting plasma cells (PC) with a proteasome inhibitor, bortezomib, followed by the sustained inhibition of PC generation with CTLA4‐Ig or belatacept (B/B). We show in mice that B/B therapy selectively depleted mature PC producing donor‐specific antibodies (DSA) and reduced DSA, when administered after primary and secondary DSA responses had been established. A pilot investigation was initiated to treat six consecutive patients with active AMR with B/B. Compassionate use of this regimen was initiated for the first patient who developed early, severe acute AMR that did not respond to steroids, plasmapheresis, and intravenous immunoglobulin after his third kidney transplant. B/B treatment resulted in a rapid reversal of AMR, leading us to treat five additional patients who also resolved their acute AMR episode and had sustained disappearance of circulating DSA for ≤30 months. This study provides a proof‐of‐principle demonstration that mouse models can identify mechanistically rational therapies for the clinic. Follow‐up investigations with a more stringent clinical design are warranted to test whether B/B improves on the standard of care for the treatment of acute AMR.  相似文献   

Tolerance induction to prevent allograft rejection is a long‐standing clinical goal. However, convincing and dependable tolerance identification remains elusive. Hypothesizing that intragraft RNA expression is informative in both rejection and tolerance, we profile intrarenal allograft RNA expression in a mixed chimerism renal allograft model of cynomolgus monkeys and identify biologically significant tolerance. Analysis of 67 genes identified 3 dominant factors, each with a different pattern of gene expressions, relating to T cell–mediated rejection (TCMR), chronic antibody‐mediated rejection (CAMR), or Tolerance. Clustering these 3 factors created 9 groups. One of the 9 clustered groups, the Tolerance cluster, showed the lowest probability of terminal rejection, the longest duration of allograft survival, and the lowest relative risk of terminal rejection. The Tolerance factor consists of a novel set of gene expressions including cytokine and immunoregulatory genes adding mechanistic insights into tolerance. The Tolerance factor could not be identified within current pathologic diagnostic categories. The TCMR and CAMR factors are dominant to the Tolerance factor, causing rejection even if the Tolerance factor is present. These 3 factors determine the probability of terminal rejection or tolerance. This novel a posteriori approach permits identification of pathways of rejection, including tolerance.  相似文献   

Donor‐specific antibodies (DSAs) are major mediators of renal allograft injury, and strategies to inhibit DSAs are important in promoting long‐term graft survival. Triptolide exhibits a wide spectrum of antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive activities, and in autoimmune diseases it inhibits autoantibody levels. In this study, we investigated the suppressive role of triptolide in the generation of DSAs in transplant recipients. We found that triptolide treatment of skin allograft recipients in mice significantly suppressed the development of circulating anti‐donor‐specific IgG and effectively alleviated DSA‐mediated renal allograft injury, which led to prolonged allograft survival. In vitro studies revealed that triptolide inhibited the differentiation of B cells into CD138+CD27++ plasma cells; reduced the levels of IgA, IgG, and IgM secreted by plasma cells; and repressed somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination of B cells. Moreover, triptolide‐treated recipients showed reduced numbers of B cells, plasma cells, and memory B cells in spleens and decreased numbers of T, B, natural killer (NK) cells, and macrophages infiltrating grafts. These findings highlight the importance of triptolide in suppressing DSAs and establish triptolide as a novel therapeutic agent for antibody‐mediated allograft rejection.  相似文献   

Tolerance induction by means of costimulation blockade has been successfully applied in solid organ transplantation; however, its efficacy in vascularized composite allotransplantation, containing a vascularized bone marrow component and thus a constant source of donor‐derived stem cells, remains poorly explored. In this study, osteomyocutaneous allografts (alloOMCs) from Balb/c (H2d) mice were transplanted into C57BL/6 (H2b) recipients. Immunosuppression consisted of 1 mg anti‐CD154 on day 0, 0.5 mg CTLA4Ig on day 2 and rapamycin (RPM; 3 mg/kg per day from days 0–7, then every other day for 3 weeks). Long‐term allograft survival, donor‐specific tolerance and donor–recipient cell trafficking were evaluated. Treatment with costimulation blockade plus RPM resulted in long‐term graft survival (>120 days) of alloOMC in 12 of 15 recipients compared with untreated controls (median survival time [MST] ≈10.2 ± 0.8 days), RPM alone (MST ≈33 ± 5.5 days) and costimulation blockade alone (MST ≈45.8 ± 7.1 days). Donor‐specific hyporesponsiveness in recipients with viable grafts was demonstrated in vitro. Evidence of donor‐specific tolerance was further assessed in vivo by secondary donor‐specific skin graft survival and third‐party graft rejection. A significant increase of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells was evident in tolerant animals. Donor cells populated peripheral blood, thymus, and both donor and recipient bone marrow. Consequently, combined anti‐CD154/CTLA4Ig costimulation blockade‐based therapy induces donor‐specific tolerance in a stringent murine alloOMC transplant model.  相似文献   

The broad application of ß cell transplantation for type 1 diabetes is hindered by the requisite of lifelong systemic immunosuppression. This study examines the utility of localized islet graft drug delivery to subvert the inflammatory and adaptive immune responses. Herein, we have developed and characterized dexamethasone (Dex) eluting Food and Drug Administration‐approved micro‐Poly(lactic‐co‐glycolic acid) micelles and examined their efficacy in a fully major histocompatibility complex‐mismatch murine islet allograft model. A clinically relevant dose of 46.6 ± 2.8 μg Dex per graft was confirmed when 2 mg of micelles was implemented. Dex‐micelles + CTLA‐4‐Ig (n = 10) resulted in prolonged allograft function with 80% of the recipients demonstrating insulin independence for 60 days posttransplant compared to 40% in empty micelles + CTLA‐4‐Ig recipients (n = 10, = .06). Recipients of this combination therapy (n = 8) demonstrated superior glucose tolerance profiles, compared to empty micelles + CTLA‐4‐Ig recipients (n = 4, < .05), and significantly reduced localized intragraft proinflammatory cytokine expression. Histologically, increased insulin positive and FOXP3+ T cells were observed in Dex‐micelles + CTLA‐4‐Ig grafts compared to empty micelles + CTLA‐4‐Ig grafts (< .01 and < .05, respectively). Localized drug delivery via micelles elution has the potential to alter the inflammatory environment, enhances allograft survival, and may be an important adjuvant approach to improve clinical islet transplantation outcomes.  相似文献   

Enhancing skin allograft longevity lessens the need for new allografts before optimal intervention is available. Reduced activity of ADAMTS13 (an enzyme that cleaves the pro‐thrombotic and proinflammatory von Willebrand factor) and presence of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) have been implicated in liver and lung allograft failures. The effect of ADAMTS13 treatment and the impact of NETs on skin allografts, however, remain unexplored. Here, we adopted a murine model of complete mismatch full‐thickness skin transplant by grafting dorsal skin from BALB/c mice to C57BL/6J background mice. Recombinant human ADAMTS13 (rhADAMTS13) treatment of graft recipients increased allograft survival. Western blot and immunofluorescence microscopy revealed the presence of NETs in allografts of vehicle, but surprisingly, not in rhADAMTS13‐treated mice, 3 days after surgery. Recapitulating the observations in mice, NETs were also observed in all the examined allografts from burn patients. Intriguingly, knocking out peptidylarginine deiminase 4 (PAD4, a key enzyme for NET formation) or DNase 1 treatment (which cleaves NETs) also prolonged allograft survival. In summary, rhADAMTS13 lessens inflammation in allografts by reducing NET burden, resulting in enhanced allograft survival. RhADAMTS13 and anti‐NET treatments could be new therapeutic strategies to promote skin allograft longevity and, hence, the survival of patients with severe burns.  相似文献   

Through multiple mechanisms, regulatory B cells (Breg) have been shown to play an important role in the development of allograft tolerance. However, a careful understanding of the role of antigen‐specificity in Breg‐mediated allograft tolerance has remained elusive. In experimental models of islet and cardiac transplantation, it has been established that Bregs can be induced in vivo by anti‐CD45RB ± anti‐TIM1antibody treatment, resulting in prolonged, Breg‐dependent allograft tolerance. The importance of Breg antigen recognition has been suggested but not confirmed through adoptive transfer experiments, using tolerant WT C57BL/6 animals challenged with either BALB/c or C3H grafts. However, the importance of receptor‐specificity has not been formally tested. Here, we utilize the novel ovalbumin‐specific B cell receptor transnuclear (OBI) mice in multiple primary tolerance and adoptive transfer experiments to establish that Breg‐dependent allograft tolerance relies on antigen recognition by B cells. Additionally, we identify that this Breg‐dependent tolerance relies on the function of transforming growth factor‐β. Together, these experiments mark important progress toward understanding how best to improve Breg‐mediated allograft tolerance.  相似文献   

Costimulatory blockade‐induced murine cardiac allograft survival requires intragraft accumulation of CD11b+Ly6CloLy6G? regulatory myeloid cells (Mregs) that expand regulatory T cells (Tregs) and suppress effector T cells (Teffs). We previously showed that C5a receptor (C5aR1) signaling on T cells activates Teffs and inhibits Tregs, but whether and/or how C5aR1 affects Mregs required for transplant survival is unknown. Although BALB/c hearts survived >60 days in anti‐CD154 (MR1)‐treated or cytotoxic T‐lymphocyte associated protein 4 (CTLA4)‐Ig–treated wild‐type (WT) recipients, they were rejected at ~30 days in MR1‐treated or CTLA4‐Ig–treated recipients selectively deficient in C5aR1 restricted to myeloid cells (C5ar1fl/flxLysM‐Cre). This accelerated rejection was associated with ~2‐fold more donor‐reactive T cells and ~40% less expansion of donor‐reactive Tregs. Analysis of graft‐infiltrating mononuclear cells on posttransplant day 6 revealed fewer Ly6Clo monocytes in C5ar1fl/flxLysM‐Cre recipients. Expression profiling of intragraft Ly6Clo monocytes showed that C5aR1 deficiency downregulated genes related to migration/locomotion without changes in genes associated with suppressive function. Cotransfer of C5ar1fl/fl and C5ar1fl/flxLysM‐Cre myeloid cells into MR1‐treated allograft recipients resulted in less accumulation of C5ar1?/? cells within the allografts, and in vitro assays confirmed that Ly6Chi myeloid cells migrate to C5a/C5aR1‐initiated signals. Together, our results newly link myeloid cell–expressed C5aR1 to intragraft accumulation of myeloid cells required for prolongation of heart transplant survival induced by costimulatory blockade.  相似文献   

We recently developed a high throughput T cell receptor β chain (TCRβ) sequencing‐based approach to identifying and tracking donor‐reactive T cells. To address the role of clonal deletion in liver allograft tolerance, we applied this method in samples from a recent randomized study, ITN030ST, in which immunosuppression withdrawal was attempted within 2 years of liver transplantation. We identified donor‐reactive T cell clones via TCRβ sequencing following a pre‐transplant mixed lymphocyte reaction and tracked these clones in the circulation following transplantation in 3 tolerant and 5 non‐tolerant subjects. All subjects showed a downward trend and significant reductions in donor‐reactive TCRβ sequences were detected post‐transplant in 6 of 8 subjects, including 2 tolerant and 4 non‐tolerant recipients. Reductions in donor‐reactive TCRβ sequences were greater than those of all other TCRβ sequences, including 3rd party‐reactive sequences, in all 8 subjects, demonstrating an impact of the liver allograft after accounting for repertoire turnover. Although limited by patient number and heterogeneity, our results suggest that partial deletion of donor‐reactive T cell clones may be a consequence of liver transplantation and does not correlate with success or failure of early immunosuppression withdrawal. These observations underscore the organ‐ and/or protocol‐specific nature of tolerance mechanisms in humans.  相似文献   

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