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毛细支气管炎与儿童哮喘相关性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨毛细支气管炎患儿继发儿童哮喘的高危因素.方法 对102例住院治疗的毛细支气管炎患儿病史进行分析,坚持2~7 a的随防观察,就患儿性别、发病年龄、喂养方式、病情严重度、特应性体质、家族过敏和(或)哮喘病史、环境暴露、被动吸烟等因素对日后继发儿童哮喘的影响进行Logistic回归分析.结果 毛细支气管炎患儿102例转为儿童哮喘47例(46.08%),显著高于国内城区普查数据(0.12%~3.34%).多变量Logistic回归分析显示,环境暴露(OR 6.099,95%CI 1.824~20.396)、被动吸烟(OR 49.222,95% CI 8.219~294.774)、患儿特应性体质(OR 45.548,95%CI 6.799~305.117)、家族过敏和(或)哮喘病史(OR 47.921,95%CI 8.626~266.226)与继发哮喘显著相关(Pa<0.01).结论 毛细支气管炎患儿的生活环境、被动吸烟、特应性体质及家族过敏和(或)哮喘病史等均为其日后继发儿童哮喘的重要影响因素,可作为毛细支气管炎预后干预治疗的临床依据.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present retrospective study was to investigate the association of school-age asthma with acute-bronchiolitis and examine the influence of potential risk factors. METHODS: One hundred and eighty-nine children aged 7.5 +/- 2.2 years consecutively hospitalized for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-positive acute bronchiolitis during infancy were evaluated by clinical examination and measurement of peak expiratory flow (PEFR), spirometry, IgE and skin-prick testing. Their pulmonary function was compared with that of 60 non-asthmatic matched controls. RESULTS: Of the entire cohort 57.1% were diagnosed as asthmatic. PEFR, the 1-second forced expiratory volume and forced expiratory flow of 50% vital capacity of children with a history of acute bronchiolitis were statistically significantly lower than in the control group (all P < 0.001). All the aforementioned measurements of children with/without asthma were also significantly lower than controls, while values of asthmatics were significantly lower than those of non-asthmatics. The incidence of asthma in childhood was independently associated with breast-feeding <3 months (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 8.4; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.1-22.4), at least one positive skin prick test (aOR, 7.1; 95%CI: 2.8-18.1), male gender (aOR, 5.0; 95%CI: 2.2-11.5), evidence of moisture in the home environment (aOR, 2.9; 95%CI: 1.3-6.3) and presence of more than one house-resident smoking indoors (aOR, 4.9; 95%CI: 1.8-9.2). CONCLUSION: Children with a history of RSV-bronchiolitis during infancy have an increased risk for developing asthma in childhood, which was independently associated with male gender, breast-feeding <3 months, living in a home environment with moisture damage and/or tobacco smoke by two or more residents and sensitization to at least one aeroallergen. Children with a history of RSV bronchiolitis in infancy had lower spirometry in comparison to matched control group. The difference was more marked for asthmatic ones but remained significant even for non-asthmatic children.  相似文献   

The Childhood Origins of Asthma (COAST) study   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

常规肺通气功能检测在儿童支气管哮喘诊疗中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 通过对比支气管哮喘(哮喘)患儿规范化治疗前后肺功能指标的变化,探讨其大小呼吸道功能改变及改变时间段.通过对比哮喘患儿吸入支气管扩张剂前后肺功能变化,明确哮喘患儿对支气管扩张剂的反应及呼吸道狭窄、呼吸道阻塞的可逆性.方法 采用肺功能测定系统对25例哮喘患儿分别于哮喘急性发作期、正规治疗后缓解期3个月、6个月、1 a行常规肺通气功能测定,比较各期实测值与预测值;并从中选出10例患儿于急性发作期行支气管舒张试验,比较支气管扩张剂雾化吸入前后其肺功能指标变化. 结果 哮喘患儿急性发作期用力肺活量(FVC)、一秒钟用力呼气量(FEV1)、1秒率(FEV 1.0%)、最大呼气流量(PEF)、25%用力呼气肺活量(FEF25)、FEF50、FEF75、中段呼气流速(MMEF75/25)等实测值均较预测值降低,治疗3个月FVC、FEV1等大呼吸道功能指标恢复,治疗1 a、FEF50、FEF75、MMEF75/25等小呼吸道功能指标恢复.哮喘患儿支气管扩张剂雾化吸入后大呼吸道功能指标FEV1、PEF及小呼吸道功能指标FEF50、FEF75、MMEF75/25等均较雾化前恢复.结论 哮喘患儿的肺功能指标在急性期和缓解期存在特异性动态变化,肺功能检测在儿童哮喘的诊断、疗效及病情判断方面具有良好的作用.  相似文献   

Novel approaches are currently offered for the diagnostic workup and therapeutic management of allergic rhinitis and asthma. New predictive biomarkers of allergy and asthma are available. Primary and secondary prevention, earlier intervention, and modification of the natural history of allergic rhinitis and asthma are being intensively investigated. This review highlights advances in the understanding of the etiology, diagnosis, and management of atopic airway diseases in childhood, as well as prenatal and early‐life risk factors and strategies for prevention.  相似文献   

目的探讨哮喘病情与肺功能指标变化特点,为哮喘规范化治疗提供客观依据。方法采用肺功能测定系统对25例哮喘患儿于急性期、缓解期6个月及1年分别行常规肺通气功能测定,比较各期实测值与预计值比值之间的差异。结果哮喘患儿的症状与肺功能指标呈现出一致性,急性期大气道指标用力肺活量(FVC)、1秒钟用力呼气量(FEV1)、最大呼气峰流量(PEF)及75%、50%、25%肺活量时用力呼气流速(FEF25、50、75)、中段呼气流速(MMEF75/25)等实测值与预计值比值均降低,治疗6个月后FVC、FEV1等大气道功能指标基本恢复,1年后小气道功能指标FEF50、75及MMEF75/25等指标恢复。结论肺功能指标在哮喘的病情评估方面具有重要作用,对于哮喘治疗具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   

白细胞介素-1β基因多态性与儿童哮喘的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨IL-1β基因第5外显子多态性与儿童哮喘的相关性。方法采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析方法,检测55例哮喘患儿和35例健康儿童IL-1β基因第5外显子基因型和等位基因频率,比较两组IL-1β基因第5外显子的基因型和等位基因分布频率。结果哮喘组和健康组3种基因型CC、CT、TT分布频率分别为92.7%、7.3%、0;85.7%、14.3%、0,两组基因型分布差异无显著性(P>0.05)。哮喘组和健康组C和T等位基因分布频率分别为96.4%、3.6%;92.9%、7.1%,两组等位基因分布频率差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论IL-1β基因第5外显子多态性可能与儿童哮喘易感性无关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血清IL-17、白三烯B4(LTB4)水平及外周血中性粒细胞(PMN)计数在支气管哮喘(哮喘)发病中的作用.方法 选择哮喘急性发作患儿60例为哮喘组,其中轻度发作组29例,中重度发作组31例;另选择健康儿童24例为健康对照组.采用ELISA法检测各组儿童血清LTB4、IL-17水平,全自动血液分析仪检测其外周血PMN计数,检测哮喘患儿肺功能.结果 1.哮喘轻度发作组、中重度发作组与健康对照组3组间血清IL-17、LTB4水平比较差异有统计学意义(Pa=0.000).哮喘轻度发作组、中重度发作组血清IL-17水平与健康对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(Pa<0.001);哮喘轻度发作组血清LTB4水平与健康对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),哮喘中重度组血清LTB4水平与健康对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).哮喘轻度发作组血清IL-17、LTB4水平与中重度发作组比较差异均有统计学意义(Pa<0.001).2.哮喘组与健康对照组外周血WBC总数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),PMN百分比及淋巴细胞百分比比较差异均有统计学意义(Pa=0.000).3.哮喘患儿血清IL-17水平与LTB4水平呈正相关,哮喘患儿血清IL-17、LTB4水平与FEV1及PEF均呈负相关,与PMN百分比呈正相关.结论 IL-17、LTB4及PMN在哮喘的急性发作、加重中起重要作用,共同参与哮喘的炎症过程.  相似文献   

鼻炎与支气管哮喘发病的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨小儿鼻炎与支气管哮喘发病的关系。方法鼻炎患者130例分成2组,单纯鼻炎组60例,鼻炎并哮喘组70例,分析两组年龄、性别、既往湿疹史、毛细支气管炎史、吸烟家族史、哮喘家族史、变应原检测、外周血总IgE及嗜酸性粒细胞(EOS)计数等方面的差别。并用Logistic回归分析进一步确定鼻炎患者发生哮喘的危险因素。结果将两组比较,发现既往毛细支气管炎史、哮喘家族史、母亲哮喘及变应原屋尘、粉尘螨阳性在鼻炎并哮喘组中更多见。此外,外周血总IgE和EOS计数在鼻炎并哮喘组高于单纯鼻炎组。Logistic回归分析发现,外周血总IgE和EOS计数增高是鼻炎并哮喘的重要的危险因素。结论若鼻炎患者存在既往毛细支气管炎史、哮喘家族史、变应原检测阳性,尤其是外周血总IgE和EOS计数增高者,应视为哮喘的前驱表现,需及早防治。  相似文献   

呼出气冷凝液(EBC)检测技术是目前诊断、评估肺部疾病新的检测方法。EBC是通过收集呼吸道上皮细胞表面覆盖的液体,这是一种非侵入性、操作简单、重复性较好的方法,适合在婴幼儿及儿童哮喘病情评估中使用。哮喘患儿呼吸道炎症或损伤时,EBC pH值、炎性介质、细胞因子等也会随之发生相应的变化,这些炎性标志物变化可作为诊断、评估儿童哮喘的病情和疗效的良好指标。  相似文献   

Rhinitis is a common problem with important comorbidities. In order to search the association between rhinitis, allergic phenotypes and other risk factors in Turkish children, a parental questionnaire about allergic diseases and risk factors, and skin prick test (SPT) with 13 inhalant allergens were performed in a population-based sample of 2774 children aged 9-11 yr. Bronchoprovocation testing with hypertonic saline (HS)and total IgE analysis were limited to a subsample of 350 children. Rhinitis was defined as a problem with sneezing, rhinorrhea, or nasal congestion when the child did not have a viral respiratory infection. The prevalences of ever rhinitis, current (last 12 months) rhinitis (CR), and ever hay fever were 36.3%, 30.6%, and 8.3%, respectively. SPT positivity rate was 20.4% among children with CR. Current wheezing and flexural dermatitis were significantly associated with CR. CR significantly increased the risk of asthma among both atopic and non-atopic subjects [odds ratio (OR), 3.98; 95% CI, 1.81-8.76; and OR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.82-4.26, respectively]. The association between CR and bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) was not significant. The multiple logistic regression analysis revealed family atopy (OR=2.25, 95% CI=1.79-2.83, p<0.001), current indoor heating with gas stove (OR=1.78, 95% CI=1.18-2.64, p=0.006) and dampness/molds at home during the first year of life (OR=1.70, 95% CI=1.25-2.31, p=0.001) as significant risk factors for CR. Turkish school children showed a high prevalence of rhinitis with a preponderance of non-atopics. The highly significant association between rhinitis and asthma independent of atopic sensitization emphasize the importance of non-atopic forms of rhinitis.  相似文献   

Factors that might influence lung function bronchodilator response by 2 yr of age is largely unknown, thus we aimed to assess this in the 'Environment and Childhood asthma' (ECA) study in Oslo. A clinical investigation at mean age 26 months was attended by 516 (84%) children included in a nested case-control study [children with recurrent bronchial obstruction (rBO)] (n = 265) and controls without a history of lower respiratory disease (n = 251). Tidal lung function measures before and after inhaled nebulized salbutamol (bronchodilator response) (when clinically without BO) were obtained in 46%. Clinical characteristics and personal and family history of allergic/respiratory diseases (asthma risk factors) were ascertained by structured interview and clinical examination. Allergic sensitization was assessed by skin prick test/specific IgE antibody analyses to common allergens. Mean (95% CI) per cent change in time to reach peak flow/total expiratory time (t(PTEF)/t(E)) from before to after salbutamol was significantly larger in children with rBO [17.3 (9.4-25.3) than controls (-2.2 (-7.7 to 3.0)]. The bronchodilator response increased significantly (p = 0.001) with increasing number of asthma risk factors, but was not significantly associated with allergic sensitization, parental 'atopy', or maternal smoking alone. Children treated with inhaled corticosteroids had greater bronchodilator response than those treated with bronchodilators alone. Bronchodilator response in asymptomatic 2-yr-old children was most closely associated with the presence of rBO, but increasing number of asthma risk factors and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids were associated with increased bronchodilator response.  相似文献   

Genetic variants associated with adult lung function could already exert the effects on childhood lung function. We aimed to examine the associations of adult lung function‐related genetic variants with childhood lung function and asthma, and whether these associations were modified by atopic predisposition, tobacco smoke exposure, or early growth characteristics. In a population‐based prospective cohort study among 3347 children, we selected 7 and 20 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with adult forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1) and FEV 1/forced vital capacity (FEV 1/FVC ), respectively. Weighted genetic risk scores (GRS s) for FEV 1 and FEV 1/FVC were constructed. At age 10, FEV 1, FVC , FEV 1/FVC , forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% (FEF 25‐75), and forced expiratory flow at 75% (FEF 75) of FVC were measured, and information on asthma was obtained by parental‐reported questionnaires. The FEV 1‐GRS was associated with lower childhood FEV 1, FEV 1/FVC , and FEF 75 (Z ‐score (95% CI ): ?0.03 (?0.05, ?0.01), ?0.03 (?0.05, ?0.01), and ?0.04 (?0.05, ?0.01), respectively, per additional risk allele). The FEV 1/FVC ‐GRS was associated with lower childhood FEV 1/FVC and FEF 75 (Z ‐score (95% CI ): ?0.04 (?0.05, ?0.03) and ?0.03 (?0.05, ?0.02), respectively, per additional risk allele). Effect estimates of FEV 1‐GRS with FEF 25‐75, FEV 1, FEF 75, and FVC , and of FEV 1/FVC ‐GRS with FEV 1/FVC and FEF 25‐75 were stronger among children exposed to non‐atopic mothers, smoking during pregnancy or in childhood, or those born with a lower birthweight, respectively (P ‐values for interaction < .05). Genetic risk scores were not associated with asthma. Adult lung function‐related genetic variants were associated with childhood lung function. Maternal atopy, smoking during pregnancy or in childhood, and birthweight modified the observed effects.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood eosinophils, nasal eosinophils, serum immunoglobulin G,A,M,E, allergic skin tests, RAST tests, viral antibody and secretory IgA levels were studied in one hundred asthmatic children who had had their first asthma attack before 24 months of age. Viral and bacterial infections were detected in 26 of 79 episodes of attacks. Parainfluenza was most frequently associated, and next in frequency were respiratory syncycial virus, mycoplasma pneumoniae and measles. The serum IgE and IgM level was higher than the normal range for age. In 16.9% serum IgA showed a lower level than in normal children. The allergic skin test by scratch method was positive in 47.6% to egg white, 39.7% to house dust, 44.1% to Dermatophagoides farinae. The RAST test showed similar results. Secretory IgA in saliva was examined by the method of enzyme linked immunoassay. Secretory IgA in infants with egg allergy was lower than in normal healthy children. The predisposition to the development of atopic disease with, maturationally related decreases in secretory IgA could be explained by the ingress of allergic materials.  相似文献   

Associations between parental educational level and possible risk factors for atopic disease during the first months of life were explored in a cohort of 4089 neonate children born 1994–96 in Stockholm, Sweden. Reports concerning a number of life style factors during pregnancy and after the baby was born were obtained by questionnaire. There was a strong negative association between duration of education and maternal smoking during pregnancy, parental smoking after the baby was born and keeping of cat and dog (p‐trend < 0.001), respectively. For example, smoking during pregnancy was reported by 6.7% (95% CI 5.5–7.9) of mothers with college or university degree and by 22.2% (95% CI 20.1–24.5) of those with the shortest education. Indicators of dampness and poor ventilation were also more common in homes of those with the shortest education. The results show that the educational level has an influence on risk factors for development of atopic disease in childhood and indicates a need of deeper understanding of life style in different socioeconomic groups. The data also indicate that various possible confounding factors need to be thoroughly investigated when analysing studies of risk factors for allergic disease in childhood.  相似文献   

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