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Short- and long-term synaptic plasticity are considered to be cellular substrates of learning and memory. The mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity especially with respect to morphology, however, are not known. In vitro conditioning in molluscan preparations is a well established form of short-term synaptic plasticity. Five paired presentations of light and vestibular stimulation to the isolated nervous system of Hermissenda results in an increase in excitability of the identified neuron, the type B photoreceptor, indicated by 2 measures, an increase in the input resistance and a cumulative depolarization after the cessation of light stimulus recorded from the cell soma. The terminal branches of type B photoreceptors iontophoretically injected with fluorescent dye were analyzed using computer-aided 3-dimensional reconstruction of images obtained using a confocal microscope under 'blind' conditions. The terminal branches contracted along the centro-lateral axis within an hour after conditioning, paralleling the increase in neuronal excitability. These data suggest that in vitro conditioning in Hermissenda is a form of short-term synaptic plasticity that involves changes in macromolecular synthesis.  相似文献   

We examined whether Ca(2+) induced Ca(2+) release through ryanodine receptors is involved in the conditioning of specific morphologic changes at the axon terminals of type B photoreceptors in the isolated circumesophageal ganglion of Hermissenda. Calcium chelation by bis(2-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid prevented the conformational change at the terminals after five paired presentations of light and vibration, which produce terminal branch contraction of B photoreceptors. Two ryanodine receptor blockers, dantrolene and micromolar concentrations of ryanodine, depressed the increase in excitability due to in vitro conditioning and the increase in intracellular Ca(2+) in response to membrane depolarization. Although the ability to increase intracellular Ca(2+) was depressed, synaptic transmission was preserved in the normal state from hair cells under dantrolene and ryanodine incubation. Ryanodine receptor blockers also prevented contraction at the B photoreceptor axon terminals. These results suggest that the ryanodine receptor has a crucial role in inducing the in vitro conditioning specific changes both physiologically and morphologically, including "focusing" at the B photoreceptor axon terminal.  相似文献   

Hermissenda's neural and behavioral changes produced by light-rotation pairings were assessed as a function of the temporal relations between visual and vestibular stimulation. The results of in vitro simulations of conditioning indicated that simultaneous pairings (synchronous onsets and offsets of light and caudal hair cell stimulation) resulted in significantly greater cumulative depolarization of Type B photoreceptors than did either forward (light preceded hair cell stimulation) or backward (hair cell stimulation preceded light) pairings. Further experiments revealed that the attenuation of cumulative depolarization produced by the forward and backward pairings reflected the asynchrony of stimulus offsets that characterize these conditioning sequences, rather than their onsets. Analogous behavioral experiments revealed that intact animals trained with forward or backward pairings exhibited significantly less conditioning than those trained with simultaneous pairings. Strong parallels between the magnitude of cumulative depolarization from in vitro conditioning studies and the behavioral results for intact animals were also observed in experiments in which stimulus onset synchrony was held constant but offsets were made asynchronous, and vice versa. Thus Hermissenda exhibits a sensitivity to the temporal arrangement of light and rotation, and the results of behavioral conditioning can be predicted accurately from the outcome of in vitro conditioning of the isolated nervous system.  相似文献   

The eyes of the nudibranch mollusc Hermissenda have previously been shown to contain 2 classes of photoreceptors. Type B photoreceptors exhibit increased light responses and membrane excitability after repeated pairings of light and rotation and play an important role in the mediation of associatively produced reductions in phototactic behavior. Type A photoreceptors have also been shown to change with associative training. In previous research, Type A photoreceptors from trained animals were found to have reduced light responses. Because these recordings were obtained from synaptically intact cells, it was not possible to determine whether the effects of associative training reflected changes in synaptic input to Type A photoreceptors or intrinsic changes in somatic conductances. In the present study, intracellular recordings from synaptically isolated Type A photoreceptors were obtained on retention days after training, and pairing-specific decreases in light-induced generator potentials and decreases in resting input resistance were observed. Current- and voltage-clamp analysis of Type A photoreceptors from untrained animals revealed that an important determinant of the steady-state light response was a calcium-activated K+ current (IK-Ca). Thus, Type A photoreceptors also appear to be a primary site for associative information storage in Hermissenda. It is suggested that enhancement of IK-Ca by associative training may contribute to the diminished light response of Type A photoreceptors.  相似文献   

1. Light responses were recorded from the photoreceptors of Hermissenda crassicornis. The response to a flash is a complex potential change involving an initial depolarization, a hyperpolarization, and a depolarizing tail. None of the phases of the response are due to synaptic interactions.2. Polarization of the membrane by extrinsic current indicates that three separate conductance changes are associated with the response. The initial depolarization and hyperpolarization are accompanied by conductance increases and the tail with a conductance decrease. The initial depolarization has a positive reversal potential and the hyperpolarizing and tail phase have a reversal voltage more negative than resting potential.3. The different processes that give rise to the conductance changes have similar spectral sensitivities but are affected unequally by light adaptation. Strong light adaptation reduced the depolarizing phases more than the hyperpolarizing phase, so that following an adapting stimulus the cell responded to illumination with a pure hyperpolarization (isolated hyperpolarization).4. Removal of external Na(+) ions greatly reduced the initial depolarization. In Na(+)-free sea water the cell responds to dim flashes with a slow depolarization (isolated tail) that involves a conductance decrease, and has the same reversal potential as the hyperpolarizing response recorded from light adapted cells.5. The amplitude of the isolated hyperpolarization and tail varied inversely with the external K(+) concentration.6. It is concluded that in Hermissenda photoreceptors light initiates processes that result in three distinct permeability changes. Following a brief flash there is: a rapid and transient increase in Na(+) permeability that is responsible for the initial depolarization, a less rapid increase in K(+) permeability that is responsible for the hyperpolarizing phase, and a delayed decrease in K(+) permeability that gives rise to the depolarizing tail.  相似文献   

Classical conditioning of Hermissenda crassicornis requires the paired presentation of a conditioned stimulus (light) and an unconditioned stimulus (turbulence). Light stimulation of photoreceptors leads to production of diacylglycerol, an activator of protein kinase C, and inositol triphosphate (IP(3)), which releases calcium from intracellular stores. Turbulence causes hair cells to release GABA onto the terminal branches of the type B photoreceptor. One prior study has shown that GABA stimulation produces a wave of calcium that propagates from the terminal branches to the soma and raises the possibility that two sources of calcium are required for memory storage. GABA stimulation also causes an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) followed by a late depolarization and increase in input resistance, whose cause has not been identified. A model was developed of the effect of GABA stimulation on the Hermissenda type B photoreceptor to evaluate the currents underlying the late depolarization and to evaluate whether a calcium wave could propagate from the terminal branches to the soma. The model included GABA(A), GABA(B), and calcium-sensitive potassium leak channels; calcium dynamics including release of calcium from intracellular stores; and the biochemical reactions leading from GABA(B) receptor activation to IP(3) production. Simulations show that it is possible for a wave of calcium to propagate from the terminal branches to the soma. The wave is initiated by IP(3)-induced calcium release but propagation requires release through the ryanodine receptor channel where IP(3) concentration is small. Wave speed is proportional to peak calcium concentration at the crest of the wave, with a minimum speed of 9 microM/s in the absence of IP(3). Propagation ceases when peak concentration drops below 1.2 microM; this occurs if the rate of calcium pumping into the endoplasmic reticulum is too large. Simulations also show that both a late depolarization and an increase in input resistance occur after GABA stimulation. The duration of the late depolarization corresponds to the duration of potassium leak channel closure. Neither the late depolarization nor the increase in input resistance are observed when a transient calcium current and a hyperpolarization-activated current are added to the model as replacement for closure of potassium leak channels. Thus the late depolarization and input resistance elevation can be explained by a closure of calcium-sensitive leak potassium currents but cannot be explained by a transient calcium current and a hyperpolarization-activated current.  相似文献   

The cellular and synaptic organization of the eye of the nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda is well-documented. The five photoreceptors within each eye are mutally inhibitory and can be classified into two types: A and B based on electrophysiological and anatomical criteria. Two of the three type B and two type A photoreceptors can be further identified according to their medial or lateral positions within each eye. In addition to reciprocal synaptic connections between photoreceptors, photoreceptors also project to second-order neurons in the cerebropleural ganglion. The second-order neurons receive convergent synaptic input from two additional sensory pathways; however, it has not been previously established if lateral A, lateral B, or medial B photoreceptors converge onto the same second-order neurons. To determine the specific synaptic organization of these components of the visual system, we have examined monosynaptic connections between identified lateral and medial type A and B photoreceptors and second-order cerebropleural (CP) interneurons. We found that monosynaptic connections between identified lateral A and lateral and medial B photoreceptors and CP interneurons follow a labeled-line principle. Illumination of the eyes or extrinsic depolarizing current applied to identified photoreceptors evoked excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs, respectively) in different CP interneurons. The PSPs in CP interneurons followed one-for-one spikes in the photoreceptors and could be elicited in artificial seawater solutions containing high divalent cations. Identified photoreceptors projected to more than one CP interneuron and expressed both excitatory and inhibitory connections with the different CP interneurons. In examples where a monosynaptic connection between a lateral B photoreceptor and a CP interneuron was identified, lateral A, medial A, or medial B photoreceptors did not project to the same CP interneuron. Moreover, when connections between medial B and CP interneurons were identified, lateral A, medial A, and lateral B connections were not found to project to the same CP interneuron. Similar results were obtained for a lateral A and CP interneuron connection. These results indicate that divergent labeled-lines exist between specific photoreceptors and second-order CP interneurons and potential convergence of synaptic input from primary and secondary elements of the visual system must occur at sites that are postsynaptic to the CP interneurons.  相似文献   

Light paired with serotonin (5-HT) in vivo produces both short and long-term enhancement of generator potentials in identified B-photoreceptors in Hermissenda. The contribution of protein kinase C to the induction of enhancement was assessed by pretreatment with 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), which produces a depletion or down-regulation of protein kinase C. Presentation of light and 5-HT after an 8 h pretreatment with TPA blocked the induction of enhancement of light-evoked generator potentials. Typical enhancement produced by light and 5-HT was observed after pretreatment with an inactive phorbol (4 alpha-phorbol). These results indicate that activation of protein kinase C is an important step in the induction of enhancement.  相似文献   

In Hermissenda crassicornis, the memory of light associated with turbulence is stored as changes in intrinsic and synaptic currents in both type A and type B photoreceptors. These photoreceptor types exhibit qualitatively different responses to light and current injection, and these differences shape the spatiotemporal firing patterns that control behavior. Thus the objective of the study was to identify the mechanisms underlying these differences. The approach was to develop a type B model that reproduced characteristics of type B photoreceptors recorded in vitro, and then to create a type A model by modifying a select number of ionic currents. Comparison of type A models with characteristics of type A photoreceptors recorded in vitro revealed that type A and type B photoreceptors have five main differences, three that have been characterized experimentally and two that constitute hypotheses to be tested with experiments in the future. The three differences between type A and type B photoreceptors previously characterized include the inward rectifier current, the fast sodium current, and conductance of calcium-dependent and transient potassium channels. Two additional changes were required to produce a type A photoreceptor model. The very fast firing frequency observed during the first second after light onset required a faster time constant of activation of the delayed rectifier. The fast spike adaptation required a fast, noninactivating calcium-dependent potassium current. Because these differences between type A and type B photoreceptors have not been confirmed in comparative experiments, they constitute hypotheses to be tested with future experiments.  相似文献   

Twelve- and 28-month-old Fischer 344 rats of both sexes received five 60-trial sessions of Pavlovian conditioning in which the CS was a 75 dB, 10,000 Hz tone, and the US was a 0.5-mA, 0.5-sec duration footshock. Right foreleg flexion was measured as the conditioned response (CR). Other animals received a random sequence of unpaired tones and footshock and served as pseudoconditioning control groups. Interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 1.5 and 3.5 sec were studied. The longer ISI resulted in higher rates of responding in both the conditioning and pseudoconditioning groups. However, with the exception of the young males, all animals showed significantly higher levels of responding in the conditioning groups. Females also showed faster acquisition and higher levels of responding than males. A significant sex by age by sessions interaction occurred, suggesting that old males may be somewhat retarded in acquiring the leg flexion CR compared to the other groups of animals. Old males were also slower to reach a criterion of 5 successive CRs than either young males or young or old females.  相似文献   

The in vitro cell-mediated responses to group B streptococci (GBS) and the relationship of cell-mediated immunity to specific humoral immunity to type III GBS were investigated. Blood was obtained from 20 adult volunteers, and lymphocytes were isolated and cultured in microtiter plates. Each well contained 2 x 10(5) lymphocytes, 15% autologous serum, and either GBS (cell-to-organism ratio of 1:10, 1:1, or 1:0.1), phytohemagglutinin, streptokinase-streptodornase, or RPMI 1640. Cells were harvested at 5, 6, or 7 days, and DNA synthesis was quantitated. Serum antibody titers were determined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Maximal lymphocyte responses occurred at 6 days of culture and at a cell-to-organism ratio of 1:1. Individuals with significant antibody titers to type III GBS, as well as those with undetectable antibody, responded to GBS (stimulation index greater than 10). There was a significant difference (P less than 0.001) between mean antibody concentrations in responders (stimulation index greater than 10) and nonresponders (stimulation index less than 10). Thus, the in vitro responses to GBS may be both to a specific antigen and to a nonspecific mitogen and may be important in host immunity to GBS.  相似文献   

Formation of short-term memory in day-old chickens trained on an aversive discrimination task was successfully blocked by 4 mM monosodium glutamate and isotonic potassium chloride (KCl). Memory was suppressed as early as 5 min after learning and temporal parameters associated with the actions of these drugs were similar to those reported for 1 to 2 mM KCl [6]. The findings were attributed to the depolarizing action of these drugs preventing the K+ conductance change hyperpolarization postulated to underlie short-term memory formation. In addition, isotonic KCl administered before learning resulted in loss of discrimination early after training rather than amnesia per se. This was possibly due to cortical spreading depression by isotonic KCl. However, spreading depression appears irrelevant to the behavioral effects of isotonic KCl and glutamate on memory formation.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship of cardiovirulence in mice (HAM/ICR, Swiss ND-4) of four coxsackievirus B4 strains to previously describedin vitro markers (t, d, DS, DEAE-D, G, PS) has been determined. A relationship between plaque size and acardiovirulence was demonstrated in the HAM/ICR coxsackievirus B4 mouse system.  相似文献   

Wistar rat pups were trained in an olfactory associative conditioning task on postnatal Day 6, 12, or 20. The training consisted of 20 pairings of a novel odor (peppermint) with footshock (1.5 mA, 1 s) with an intertrial interval of 3 min. Additional pups were trained in either unpaired or naive control conditions. On the day following training, pups were either tested for their behavioral response to the conditioned odor in a two-odor choice test, or injected with 14C-2-deoxyglucose and exposed to the odor for examination of olfactory bulb neural responses to the odor. The results demonstrate that, although pups at all ages learned to avoid the odor, only pups trained during the first postnatal week had a modified olfactory-bulb glomerular-layer response to the odor. These results suggest that although olfactory memory is correlated with modification of olfactory bulb glomerular layer function in newborns, these changes are not required for normal memory in older pups. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Hooded rats from 15 to 30 days of age were trained with a Pavlovian trace fear conditioning procedure in order to study the development of their capacity to learn associations between events separated in time. For both the auditory and visual systems, the associative processes necessary to learn about temporally contiguous events emerged earlier during ontogenesis than the processes necessary to integrate events separated in time. Furthermore, the ability of the rats to integrate events separated by increasingly long intervals continued to improve as they got older. We suggest that the emergence of the capacity to integrate temporally separate events reflects the maturation of memory processes that retain representations of stimulus events over time, and that these processes continue to mature for a considerable period after the basic associative processes have become functional.  相似文献   

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