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目的 探讨偏振光皮肤镜下玫瑰花瓣征的诊断意义。方法 回顾北京大学第三医院皮肤科2014年9月至2017年3月偏振光皮肤镜资料库中图片,选出出现玫瑰花瓣征的皮损,进一步选出有组织病理支持的皮损,分析玫瑰花瓣征与疾病的相关性。将上述有组织病理诊断的皮损分为光线性角化病(AK)组及非AK组,比较两组间临床和皮肤镜特征的差异,并用非参数检验比较AK与非AK组间、不同部位间玫瑰花瓣征数量的差异。结果 回顾性分析4 956例皮损的皮肤镜图像,144例(2.91%)出现玫瑰花瓣征,其中74例经组织病理确诊,37例为AK(50.00%);AK组与非AK组间在皮损部位(是否位于面部,χ2 = 23.786,P < 0.001;是否位于曝光部位,χ2 = 12.921,P < 0.001)以及皮肤镜下表面鳞屑(χ2 = 7.056,P = 0.008)、角栓(χ2 = 6.167,P = 0.013)、毛囊口周围白晕(χ2 = 4.893,P = 0.027)出现频率方面差异有统计学意义。玫瑰花瓣征的数量在面部与非面部皮损间(Z = -2.581,P = 0.010)、曝光与非曝光部位皮损间(Z = -2.098,P = 0.036)差异有统计学差异。结论 玫瑰花瓣征最常见于AK;若位于面部或曝光部位的皮损表现出玫瑰花瓣征,且皮肤镜下可见鳞屑、角栓或毛囊口周围白晕,诊断AK的概率显著提高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨皮肤镜在面部光线性角化病鉴别诊断中的应用价值.方法 从北京大学第三医院皮肤镜数据库选取经病理确诊的面部光线性角化病皮损作为病例组,同时选取临床曾疑诊光线性角化病,但病理证实为其他疾病的面部皮损作为对照组,比较两组间各皮肤镜特征的差异,以病理为金标准,用诊断试验方法评价皮肤镜诊断面部光线性角化病的价值.结果 病例组43个皮损,对照组22个皮损.病例组中基底假网状红斑(38/43,88.37%)、毛囊口周围白晕(39/43,90.70%)、毛囊口黄色角栓(41/43,95.35%)、表面黄白色鳞屑或角化物团块(42/43,97.67%)、玫瑰花瓣征(26/43,60.47%)、毛囊口周围粗大的不规则线状血管(19/43,44.19%)、毛囊口周围细小、线状-波浪状血管(29/43,67.44%)及周边色素加深(14/43,32.56%)的出现频率显著高于对照组(均P<0.05).在这8个皮肤镜特征中,毛囊口周围白晕、基底假网状红斑、毛囊口黄色角栓及玫瑰花瓣征单独诊断面部光线性角化病的约登指数最高,分别为0.54、0.52、0.50和0.38,表面黄白色鳞屑或角化物团块灵敏度最高(97.67%),周边色素加深特异度最高(95.45%).基底假网状红斑、毛囊口黄色角栓及毛囊口周围白晕3个特征联合诊断价值最高,其灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为90.70%、81.82%、90.70%、81.82%,约登指数为0.73,与病理诊断的符合率为80.00%.结论 面部光线性角化病具有较特异的皮肤镜表现,基底假网状红斑、毛囊口周围白晕、毛囊口黄色角栓3个皮肤镜特征联合诊断价值最高.  相似文献   

皮肤镜是一种皮肤显微镜,具有无创性、放大性和便携性,但皮肤镜并不单纯是放大镜:借助于偏振光的原理,皮肤镜在放大皮肤表面形态的同时,能够观察到皮下真皮浅层的血管分布、毛囊结构等,在毛发疾病中可用于观察毛囊型及毛囊间型的皮肤镜特点,以及毛干和毛根处头皮情况等相关内容。常见的脱发疾病有其特异性或非特异性的皮肤镜征象,掌握这些皮肤镜征象将有助于常见脱发疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断,如非瘢痕性斑状脱发的鉴别诊断、急性弥漫性脱发的鉴别诊断等;而斑秃患者的黑点征、感叹号发与断发的存在与否对临床治疗具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的:总结面部脂溢性皮炎和酒渣鼻的皮肤镜特征,并评估皮肤镜在二者鉴别诊断中的意义。方法:收集2014年1月—6月在该科就诊的17例面部脂溢性皮炎和19例酒渣鼻患者,行皮肤镜检查,评估皮肤镜下皮损背景、血管形态、血管分布、毛囊性异常等特征出现的频率,以及各特征对于诊断两种疾病的敏感度及特异度。结果:面部脂溢性皮炎常见的皮肤镜表现为红色或黄红色背景,灶性分布的非典型血管或线性分支状血管,毛囊周围淡黄红色油滴状晕,后者在之前的文献中尚无报道;酒渣鼻在皮肤镜下常表现为深红色背景,线性分支状血管弥漫性分布组成多角形血管网,部分患者可见毛囊性脓疱。结论:面部脂溢性皮炎和酒渣鼻具有不同的皮肤镜特征,皮肤镜在二者的诊断和鉴别诊断中具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

在毛发领域,皮肤镜主要用于观察毛干和毛囊单位形态、皮肤表面结构的颜色、血管形态和病原体等.常见的脱发疾病有其特殊的皮肤镜征象,可用于诊断、鉴别诊断及疾病活动程度和治疗结果的评判,例如瘢痕性和非瘢痕性脱发的鉴别诊断、急性弥漫性脱发的病因判断等.  相似文献   

目的总结面部激素依赖性皮炎和脂溢性皮炎的皮肤镜特征,评估皮肤镜在二者鉴别诊断中的意义。方法选择2015年9月-2016年1月本院收治的面部激素依赖性皮炎(FCAD,47例)和脂溢性皮炎(SD,39例),分析该两组疾病皮肤镜下特点(背景颜色、血管形态、血管排列方式、毛囊异常、鳞屑表现及其他相关指征)。结果该两组疾病患者均见玫瑰花团结构。FCAD患者皮肤镜下见红色或深红色背景下的多形性或分支状血管呈网状或不规则性分布,点状或线状血管比例较低。SD患者为黄红色或红色背景下的多形性或点状血管呈不规则性或簇状排列,多见黄色鳞屑,部分可见毛囊周围黄红色油滴状晕样结构,毛囊角栓。结论 FCAD患者和SD患者皮肤镜下特征截然不同,皮肤镜检查有助于诊断和鉴别诊断该两组疾病。  相似文献   

正毛发疾病的皮肤镜诊断具有无创性和快捷性,能够提供毛囊单位在皮面开口处、皮表微细结构、毛干形态、毛细血管和发根形态的信息。而且常见的脱发疾病具有与病理改变相关联的特征性皮肤镜征象,可用于脱发疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断工作,在一定程度上减少活检和病理检查的机率。本共识详细阐述了常见脱发疾病的皮肤镜征象,重点在于提供瘢痕性和非瘢痕性脱发诊断和鉴别诊断的依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨皮肤镜在基底细胞癌鉴别诊断中的应用价值。方法选取北京大学第一医院行皮肤镜检查并经病理确诊的基底细胞癌皮损为病例组,并随机选取色素程度和部位与基底细胞癌相似的其他色素性皮损作为对照组。以病理检查结果为金标准,用诊断试验方法评价皮肤镜诊断基底细胞癌的能力,计算提示黑素细胞性皮损的指征在基底细胞癌中的出现情况,并比较不同色素程度的基底细胞癌在皮肤镜下的差异。结果病例组86例,对照组68例。基底细胞癌皮肤镜经典诊断模式的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为98.84%、89.71%、92.39%、98.39%,Youden指数为0.88,与病理诊断的符合率94.81%。色素网、多发褐色至黑色小球或小点、毛囊口周围色素在黑素细胞性皮损中的比例显著高于基底细胞癌(P〈0.05),蓝白幕样结构见于61.63%的基底细胞癌。蓝黑色斑片和蓝白幕样结构在重色素组基底细胞癌中出现频率显著高于低色素组(P〈0.01)。结论皮肤镜诊断色素性基底细胞癌的经典模式在中国人群也显示出良好的诊断能力,研究提出的几个指征如周边色素栅状排列、周边色素加深、毛囊口周围色素加深或减退,在鉴别诊断中的价值尚需大样本研究证实。  相似文献   

随着皮肤镜诊断技术的发展,越来越多的研究关注皮肤镜在非色素性皮肤病中的应用,并已积累大量资料[1?3]。鳞状细胞肿瘤(squamous cell neoplasms)是皮肤非色素细胞肿瘤的重要组成部分,与色素性肿瘤相比,非色素性肿瘤的皮肤镜特征较难评估。本共识涉及的鳞状细胞肿瘤包括:光线性角化病(actinic keratosis,AK)、鲍恩病(Bowen disease)、角化棘皮瘤(keratoacanthoma,KA)、鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma,SCC)。皮肤镜可为此类疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断提供线索,减少误诊……  相似文献   

对2例纤维毛囊瘤的临床、皮肤镜及病理特点进行探讨.纤维毛囊瘤为罕见病,可表现为单发和多发2种形式,临床中易被误诊,皮肤镜对其无创性诊断有重要价值.多发性纤维毛囊瘤可为Birt-Hogg-Dubé综合征(BHD综合征)的主要皮肤异常表现.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The accuracy of clinical diagnosis of nonpigmented, facial actinic keratosis (AK) is often suboptimal, even for experienced clinicians. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the dermoscopic features of nonpigmented AK located on the head/neck that may assist the clinical diagnosis. METHODS: Forty-one nonpigmented AKs on facial sites were examined by dermoscopy for any consistent underlying features. Lesions were gathered from skin cancer centres in Australia, Austria, Italy and the U.S.A. All cases were diagnosed histopathologically. RESULTS: Four essential dermoscopic features were observed in facial AK: (i) erythema, revealing a marked pink-to-red 'pseudonetwork' surrounding the hair follicles (95%); (ii) white-to-yellow surface scale (85%); (iii) fine, linear-wavy vessels surrounding the hair follicles (81%); and (vi) hair follicle openings filled with yellowish keratotic plugs (66%) and/or surrounded by a white halo (100%). These features combined, in 95% of cases, to produce a peculiar 'strawberry' appearance. CONCLUSIONS: A dermoscopic model of 'strawberry' pattern is presented, which may prove helpful in the in vivo diagnosis of nonpigmented, facial AK. A limitation of this study is the lack of testing of the specificity of the described dermoscopic criteria in differentiating nonpigmented AKs from other nonpigmented skin lesions at this site.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of pigmented actinic keratosis can be complicated in clinical practice. The differential diagnosis with lentigo maligna melanoma can be difficult due to common clinical and dermoscopic characteristics. We present 5 cases of pigmented actinic keratosis in 4 patients. The most common dermoscopic finding was a grayish-brown granulation with a perifollicular distribution, present in all lesions, followed by rhomboidal structures in 4 cases, and an annular-granular pattern in 3. In no case were asymmetrical pigmented follicular openings observed. We draw attention to key findings that aid preoperative diagnosis of pigmented actinic keratosis.  相似文献   

Pigmented squamous cell carcinoma is a rare variant of squamous cell carcinoma. We report a case of pigmented squamous cell carcinoma with dermoscopic examination probably arisen from actinic keratosis in a 101-year-old woman who was surgically treated under general anesthesia. In addition, we discuss indications of general anesthesia in elderly patients with skin cancer, differential diagnosis and dermoscopic features of pigmented squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Actinic keratosis (AK) is a keratinocytic neoplasm that typically develops on sun‐damaged skin of elderly individuals. Only a few reports so far have described the dermoscopic diagnostic features of AK, mainly focusing on facial non‐pigmented AKs. A typical feature of facial non‐pigmented AK is a composite pattern named “strawberry pattern”, characterized by a background erythema/red pseudonetwork consisting of unfocused, large vessels located between the hair follicles, associated with prominent follicular openings surrounded by a white halo. Dermoscopic characteristics of pigmented AK on the face include multiple slate‐gray to dark‐brown dots and globules around the follicular ostia, annular‐granular pattern and brown to gray pseudonetwork. Recognizing specific dermoscopic features of AK can be useful in guiding the clinician in the differential diagnosis of AK with melanocytic skin lesions such as LM and non‐melanocytic lesions. Histopathologic examination should be performed whenever clinical and/or dermoscopic differential diagnosis is inconclusive.  相似文献   

【摘要】 日光性雀斑样痣、脂溢性角化病及扁平苔藓样角化病是常见的良性表皮增生性疾病,其皮肤镜特征对于明确诊断、与其他皮肤肿瘤相鉴别、避免不必要的活检和手术以及动态监测皮损变化等都有一定帮助。本共识对这3种疾病的皮肤镜特征进行了总结。日光性雀斑样痣的皮肤镜特征主要为皮损边界清晰、虫蚀状边缘、模糊的色素网、指纹模式、棕色均质模式、假性网络。脂溢性角化病的皮肤镜特征主要为皮损边界清晰、粟粒样囊肿、粉刺样开口、脑回状模式、发夹样血管、摇晃试验中皮损整体移动。扁平苔藓样角化病的皮肤镜特征主要为胡椒粉样或颗粒模式以及周围可见日光性雀斑样痣、脂溢性角化病或光线性角化病的皮肤镜特征。  相似文献   

Pigmented actinic keratosis and melanoma may exhibit overlapping clinical features, thus representing a diagnostic challenge for dermatologists. Although the differentiation between these two entities is traditionally done by histopathology, dermoscopy has been utilized as a useful additional aid for improving the clinical diagnostic accuracy of such pigmented skin lesions. We report the clinical and dermoscopic features of two pigmented actinic keratoses to discuss the difficulties in their preoperative differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的:分析拔毛癖患者的临床表现、皮肤镜影像及组织病理特征。方法:收集46例拔毛癖患者临床资料,对其中36例患者毛发进行皮肤镜观察并与62例斑秃患者进行比较;对其中5例皮损进行病理活检。结果:46例拔毛癖患者中男女比例为1:1.88,平均年龄为11.74岁,最常见脱发部位为头顶部。拔毛癖皮肤镜下最常见表现为黑点征(94.44%)和断发(94.44%)。拔毛癖患者病理组织主要表现为退行期毛囊增多、色素管型、毛囊周围出血、毛软化,炎症轻微。结论:皮肤镜是诊断、鉴别诊断拔毛癖的有力工具,组织病理检查则有助于确诊。  相似文献   

The diagnosis of seborrheic keratosis is, in general, a clinical one, but in some cases, the differential diagnosis between pigmented seborrheic keratosis and malignant melanoma is difficult. Dermoscopy may improve the early diagnosis of vulvar melanoma and thus play a role in the preoperative classification of pigmented lesions at this particular site. We report the first case of a pigmented seborrheic keratosis of the vulva clinically mimicking a malignant melanoma, whose dermoscopic features have been investigated together with their pathologic correlates. Dermoscopically our case shows the absence of comedo-like openings and the presence of the pseudo-network. Dermoscopy is therefore a useful method for the differential diagnosis of pigmented lesions even in the vulva.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dermoscopic features of congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) have been mostly assessed by high-resolution video-dermoscopy. However, optical dermoscopy with the 10-fold magnification is largely available. In some instances, the differential diagnosis between large CMN and Becker nevus (BN) may be difficult. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this work were: (1) to assess by dermoscopy with the 10-fold magnification the morphological features which have been previously suggested as useful for the identification of CMN in high-resolution video-dermoscopy; (2) to search and point out the dermoscopic features of BN; (3) to explore dermoscopic differences between CMN and BN. METHODS: The subjects were observed among about 23,000 consecutive young men assessed at the Draft Council's Medical Unit of the Italian Navy in Taranto for compulsory recruitment and referred to the Department of Dermatology of the Italian Navy Hospital for dermatological examination. Lesions were examined by the same observer using a dermatoscope with a 10-fold magnification, and both the dermoscopic criteria stated by the international Consensus Net Meeting on Dermoscopy and dermoscopic features previously suggested as useful for the identification of CMN by video-dermoscopy were recorded in a predisposed patient's card. RESULTS: There were 127 male subjects, median age 19 years, with 127 CMN, measuring > or = 1.5 to < or = 19.9 cm in 78% and > or = 20 cm in 22% of cases, and 64 male subjects, median age 19 years, with 64 BN. In the sample of medium-sized and large CMN, dermoscopic features previously identified as characteristic of congenital lesions (i.e. target network, focal thickening of network lines, target globules, skin furrow hypopigmentation, focal hypopigmentation, hair follicles, perifollicular hypopigmentation, vessels and target vessels) were observed in sufficiently high rates. In the BN group, network, focal hypopigmentation, skin furrow hypopigmentation, hair follicles, perifollicular hypopigmentation and vessels were the main dermoscopic features. Focal thickening of network lines, globules, target globules, homogeneous diffuse pigmentation, hyperpigmented areas, blotches and target vessels were more frequently observed in CMN than in BN. CONCLUSIONS: (1) The same dermoscopic features observed in small and medium-sized CMN by video-dermoscopy with high magnifications are also detectable in medium-sized and large CMN, employing the dermoscopy with the 10-fold magnification. (2) Network, focal, skin furrow and perifollicular hypopigmentation, hair follicles and vessels could be considered as peculiar dermoscopic features of BN. (3) Major differences in the frequency of dermoscopic characteristics were detected between CMN and BN, and dermoscopy seems to provide some diagnostic aid in differentiating CMN from BN in equivocal cases.  相似文献   

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