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The purpose of the study was to investigate the characteristics of shock attenuation during high-speed running. Maximal running speed was identified for each subject [n=8 males, 25 (SD 4.6) years; 80 (8.9) kg; 1.79 (0.06) m] as the highest speed that could be sustained for about 20 s on a treadmill. During testing, light-weight accelerometers were securely mounted to the surface of the distal antero-medial aspect of the leg and frontal aspect of the forehead. Subjects completed running conditions of 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100% of their maximal speeds with each condition lasting about 20 s. Stride length, stride frequency, leg and head peak impact acceleration were recorded from the acceleration profiles. Shock attenuation was analyzed by extracting specific sections of the acceleration profiles and calculating the ratio of head to leg power spectral densities across the 10–20 Hz frequency range. Both stride length and stride frequency increased across speeds (P<0.05) and were correlated with running speed (stride length r=0.92, stride frequency r=0.89). Shock attenuation increased about 20% per m·s–1 across speeds (P<0.05), which was similar to the 17% increase in stride length per m·s–1. Additionally, shock attenuation was correlated with stride length (r=0.71) but only moderately correlated with stride frequency (r=0.40) across speeds. It was concluded that shock attenuation increased linearly with running speed and running kinematic changes were characterized primarily by stride length changes. Furthermore, the change in shock attenuation was due to increased leg not head peak impact acceleration across running speeds. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility of there being differences in respiratory muscle strength and endurance in elite and competition triathletes who have similar maximal oxygen uptakes (VO2max) and ventilatory thresholds (Thvent). Five internationally-ranked elite, [mean (SD) age 23.8 (1.4) years] and six nationally- and regionally-ranked competition [age 21.1 (1.1) years] male triathletes performed two successive trials: first an incremental cycle test to assess VO2max and Thvent and second 20 min of cycling followed by 20 min of running (C-R) at intensities higher than 85% VO2max. Cardioventilatory data were collected every minute during the two trials, using an automated breath-by-breath system. Maximal expiratory and inspiratory (P Imax) strength were assessed before and 10 min after C-R from the functional residual capacity. Respiratory muscle endurance was assessed 1 day before and 30 min after C-R by measuring the time limit (t lim). The results showed firstly that during C-R, the competition triathletes had significantly (P<0.05) higher minute ventilation [mean (SEM) 107.4 (3.1) compared to 99.8 (3.7) l·min–1], breathing frequency [44.4 (2.0) compared to 40.2 (3.4) ·min–1] and heart rate [166 (3) compared to 159 (4) beats·min–1] and secondly that after C-R, they had significantly lower P Imax [127.1 (4.2) compared to 130.7 (3.0) cmH2O] and tlim [2:35 (0:29) compared to 4:12 (0:20) min] than the elite triathletes. We conclude that, despite similar VO2max and Thvent, the competition triathletes showed less extensive adaptive mechanisms, including those in the respiratory muscles, than did the elite triathletes. This led to higher ventilation, which appeared to be the cause of the faster development of fatigue in the inspiratory muscles in this group. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

To study the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the decrease of post-triathlon diffusing capacity (DLco), blood rheologic properties (blood viscosity: b; changes in plasma volume: PV) and atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) were assessed in ten triathletes during cycle-run (CR) and run-cycle (RC) trials at a metabolic intensity of 75% of maximal oxygen consumption (O2max). The DLco was measured before and 10 min after trials. ANF and PV were measured at rest, after the cycle and run of CR and RC trials, and at the end of and 10 min after exercise. RC led to a greater DLco decrease, a lower ANF concentration and a lower PV than did CR, whereas for both CR and RC b was increased throughout exercise and 10 min after. In addition, after CR the DLco decrease was inversely correlated (r=–0.764; P<0.01) with PV. The association of decreased plasma volume, increased b, and lower ANF concentrations after RC suggested that lower blood pulmonary volume may have caused the greater decrease in Dlco as compared with CR. The inverse correlation between PV and DLco reinforces the hypothesis that fluid shifts limit the post-exercise DLco decrease after the CR succession in triathletes. Lastly, cycling in the crouched position might increase intra-thoracic pressure, decrease thorax volume due to the forearm position on the handlebars, and weaken peripheral muscular pump efficacy, all of which would limit venous return to the heart, and thus result in low pulmonary blood volume. Compared with cycling, running appeared to induce the opposite effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological effects of 3000-m swimming on subsequent 3-h cycling time trial performance in ultraendurance triathletes. Eight highly trained ultraendurance triathletes [mean (SEM) age 34 (2) years, body fat 12.5 (0.8)%, maximum oxygen consumption 63.2 (2.1) ml · kg−1 · min−1] completed two randomly assigned trials 1 week apart. The swim/bike trial (SB) involved 3000 m of swimming [min:s 52:28 (1:48)] immediately followed by a 3-h cycling performance at a self-selected time-trial pace. The control trial (CON) consisted of an identical 3-h cycling time trial but without prior swimming. Subjects consumed an 8% carbohydrate (CHO)/electrolyte beverage during both trials at the rate of 60 g CHO · h−1 and 1 l · h−1. No significant differences were evident between CON and SB on the dependent measures (CON vs SB): power output [, 222 (14) W vs 212 (13) W], heart rate [f c, 147 (5) beats · min−1 vs 143 (4) beats · min−1; %f cmax 80.0 (1.6)% vs 78.4 (1.5)%], oxygen uptake [3.10 (0.12) l · min−1 vs 2.97 (0.15) l · min−1], minute ventilation [82.5 (4.4) l · min−1 vs 77.3 (3.7) l · min−1], rating of perceived exertion [14.6 (0.4) vs 14.0 (0.1)], blood lactate [6.1 (0.5) mmol · l−1 vs 4.8 (0.5) mmol · l−1], and blood glucose [5.0 (0.2) mmol · l−1 vs 5.3 (0.1) mmol · l−1; all non-significant at the P > 0.05 level]. However, the CON respiratory exchange ratio was significantly greater than for SB [0.91 (0.01) vs 0.89 (0.01); P < 0.05], suggesting that the SB trial required a greater reliance on lipid as a fuel substrate. Hence, the main finding in the present study was that 3000 m of swimming had no significant performance effect (in terms of ) on subsequent 3-h cycling performance in ultraendurance triathletes. Accepted: 2 March 2000  相似文献   

Studies of arm movements suggest that interference with motor learning occurs when multiple tasks are practiced in sequence or with short interim periods. However, interference with learning has only been studied during training periods of 1–7 days and it is not known if interference with learning continues during long-term multitask training. This study investigated muscle recruitment in highly trained triathletes, who swim, cycle and run sequentially during training and competition. Comparisons were made to highly trained and novice cyclists, i.e. between trained multidiscipline, trained single-discipline and novice single-discipline athletes, to investigate adaptations of muscle recruitment that occur in response to ongoing multitask, or multidiscipline, training. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of five leg muscles, tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius lateralis and soleus muscles, was recorded during cycling using intramuscular fine-wire electrodes. Differences were found between trained triathletes and trained cyclists in recruitment of all muscles, and patterns of muscle recruitment in trained triathletes were similar to those recorded in novice cyclists. More specifically, triathletes and novice cyclists were characterised by greater sample variance (i.e. greater variation between athletes), greater variation in muscle recruitment patterns between pedal strokes for individual cyclists, more extensive and more variable muscle coactivation, and less modulation of muscle activity (i.e. greater EMG amplitude between primary EMG bursts). In addition, modulation of muscle activity decreased with increasing cadence (i.e. the amplitude and duration of muscle activity was greater at higher movement speeds) in both triathletes and novice cyclists but modulation of muscle activity was not influenced by cadence in trained cyclists. Our findings imply that control of muscle recruitment is less developed in triathletes than in cyclists matched for cycling training loads, which suggests that multidiscipline training may interfere with adaptation of the neuromuscular system to cycling training in triathletes.  相似文献   

Delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common response to exercise involving significant eccentric loading. Symptoms of DOMS vary widely and may include reduced force generating capacity, significant alterations in biochemical indices of muscle and connective tissue health, alteration of neuromuscular function, and changes in mechanical performance. The purpose of the investigation was to examine the effects of downhill running and ensuing DOMS on running economy and stride mechanics. Nine, well-trained distance runners and triathletes participated in the study. Running economy was measured at three relative intensities [65, 75, and 85% of maximal aerobic capacity (O2peak)] before (RE1) and 48 h after (RE2) a 30-min downhill run (−10%) at 70%O2peak. Dependent variables included leg muscle soreness, rate of oxygen consumption (O2), minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio, lactate, heart rate, and stride length. These measurements were entered into a two-factor multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The analysis revealed a significant time effect for all variables and a significant interaction (time × intensity) for lactate. The energy cost of locomotion was elevated at RE2 by an average of 3.2%. This was coupled with a significant reduction in stride length. The change inO2 was inversely correlated with the change in stride length (r= −0.535). Lactate was significantly elevated at RE2 for each run intensity, with a mean increase of 0.61 mmol l−1. Based on these findings, it is suggested that muscle damage led to changes in stride mechanics and a greater reliance on anaerobic methods of energy production, contributing to the change in running economy during DOMS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the pacing strategies adopted by women and men during a World Cup ITU triathlon. Twelve elite triathletes (6 females, 6 males) competed in a World Cup Olympic distance competition where speed and heart rate (HR) were measured in the three events. The power output (PO) was recorded in cycling to determine the time spent in five intensity zones ([0–10% VT1]; [10% VT1–VT1]; [VT1–VT2]; [VT2–MAP] and ≥MAP) [ventilatory threshold (VT); maximal aerobic power (MAP)]. Swimming and running speeds decreased similarly for both genders (P < 0.05) and HR values were similar through the whole race (92 ± 2 and 92 ± 3% of maximal HR for women and men, respectively). The distribution of time spent in the five zones during the cycling leg was the same for both genders. The men’s speed and PO decreased after the first bike lap (P < 0.05) and the women spent relatively more time above MAP in the hilly sections (45 ± 4 vs. 32 ± 4%). The men’s running speed decreased significantly over the whole circuit, whereas the women slowed only over the uphill and downhill sections (P < 0.05). This study indicates that both female and male elite triathletes adopted similar positive pacing strategies during swimming and running legs. Men pushed the pace harder during the swim-to-cycle transition contrary to the women and female triathletes were more affected by changes in slope during the cycling and running phases.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether the increase in the energy cost of running (Cr), previously reported to occur at the end of a prolonged run, could be influenced by the ingestion of either an artificially sweetened placebo (Pl) or a 5.5% carbohydrate (CHO) solution. Ten well-trained triathletes completed three testing sessions within a 3-week period. The aim of the first session was to determine maximal oxygen uptake (O2 max) and the velocity associated with ventilatory threshold (νVT). The second and the third sessions were composed of two submaximal treadmill runs (20 min long, 0% grade, performed at νVT), before and after an 80-min overground run, also conducted at νVT. During these submaximal tests, the subjects ingested (in a random order) either a Pl or CHO solution prior to the first submaximal run and every 20 min after that. During the first session, ventilatory threshold (VT) occurred at [mean (SD)] 81.2 (2.5)% O2 max and 16.5 (0.6) km · h−1. A significant effect of exercise duration was found on Cr (ΔCr) at the end of the run, whatever the solution ingested (ΔCr= 5.7% and 7.01% for CHO and Pl, respectively). A reduction in the respiratory exchange ratio (from 0.98 to 0.90) was observed only at the end of the Pl trial. In this study, Cr seems to be affected only to a minor extent by substrate turnover. Moreover, the increase in the demand for oxygen, estimated from the increase in ventilation, accounted for only a minor proportion of the increase in Cr (11% and 17% for CHO and Pl, respectively). No correlation was found between the changes in Cr and the changes in the other physiological parameters recorded. These results suggest, indirectly, that Cr increases during a 2-h run at 80% O2 max in well-trained subjects can be explained mainly by alterations in neuromuscular performance, which lead to a decrease in muscle efficiency. Accepted: 29 June 1999  相似文献   

Increase in energy cost of running at the end of a triathlon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of the present study was to verify the increase in energy cost of running at the end of a triathlon. A group 11 trained male subjects performed a triathlon (15-km swimming, 40-km cycling, 10-km running). At least 1 week later the subjects ran 10-km as a control at the same pace as the triathlon. Oxygen uptake ( O2), ventilation ( E) and heart rate (HR) were measured during both 10-km runs with a portable telemetry system. Blood samples were taken prior to the start of the triathlon and control run, after swimming, cycling, triathlon run and control run. Compared to the control values the results demonstrated that triathlon running elicited a significantly higher (P < 0.005) mean O2 [51.2 (SEM 0.4) vs 47.8 (SEM 0.4) ml·min–1·kg] E [86 (SEM 4.2) vs 74 (SEM 5.3) l·min–1], and HR [162 (SEM 2) vs 156 (SEM 1.9) beats·min–1)]. The triathlon run induced a greater loss in body mass than the control run [2 (SEM 0.2) vs 0.6 (SEM 0.2) kg], and a greater decrease in plasma volume [14.4% (SEM 1.5) vs 6.7% (SEM 0.9)]. The lactate concentrations observed at the end of both 10-km runs did not differ [2.9 (SEM 0.2) vs 2.5 (SEM 0.2) m·mol·l–1]. Plasma free fatty acids concentrations were higher (P < 0.01) after the triathlon than after the control run [1.53 (SEM 0.2) to 0.51 (SEM 0.07) mmol·l–1]. Plasma creatine kinase concentrations rose under both conditions from 58 (SEM 12) to 112 (SEM 14) UI·l–1 after the triathlon, and from 61 (SEM 7) to 80 (SEM 6) UI·l–1 after the control run. This outdoor study of running economy at the end of an Olympic distance triathlon demonstrated a decrease in running efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary To study the influence of weight carrying on the cardiorespiratory system during dynamic exercise (walking) four conditions, i.e., rest, and treadmill exercise at 25, 50, and 75% of the individual VO2max, were combined with weight carrying of 10, 20, and 30 kg. In all experiments oxygen uptake, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation were measured. For each dynamic exercise condition and for the rest condition regression lines are calculated showing the relation between weight load and oxygen uptake, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation. From the slopes of these regression lines it can be seen that in rest (standing position) weight carrying does not influence oxygen uptake, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation. In dynamic exercise oxygen uptake, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation increase linearly with the amount of weight carried. To a large extent this increase is independent of the dynamic work load. In this study it was found that each kilogram extra weight increases oxygen uptake with 33.5 ml/min, heart rate with 1.1 beats/min and pulmonary ventilation with 0.6 l/min. In dynamic work for loads higher than 50% of VO2max the relationship between weight carried and pulmonary ventilation is no longer a linear one. For the subjects studied it is assumed that oxygen consumption per kilogram weight is not different for body weight or extra weight carried.Students of the Department of Physical Education, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Summary Short-course sprint triathlons have become popular in recent years, often as a precursor to the longer full-course triathlons. We undertook a study investigating the haematological and biochemical changes that occur in novice triathletes between the start and finish and after each of the three legs of a short sprint triathlon involving swimming, cycling and running. The changes that occurred in the triathlon included a significant (P<0.003) decrease in weight from 71.7 kg, SD 7.9 to 70.3 kg, SD 7.6. Throughout the time span of the triathlon, the white blood cell count increased significantly (P<0.001), as did the platelet count (P<0.005) and plateletcrit (P<0.001). There were no significant changes during the period of the race in any of the other haematological variables measured. The biochemical variables measured were glucose, triglycerides, sodium, potassium, calcium, lactate dehydrogenase, creatinine and aspartate aminotransferase. Triglyceride, calcium and potassium values did not change between the pre- and post-race samplings. All other biochemical parameters showed a significant change (P<0.05 or better). Changes that occurred in the haematological and biochemical parameters between stages were many and varied. There was also a significant change in plasma volume during the swimming event (P< 0.001), but this returned to normal during the later stages of the triathlon. In conclusion the changes that occurred during the triathlon were many and were similar to those reported elsewhere in the literature for longer events. The novice triathletes who participated, found this short triathlon to be as stressful as the full-course triathlon is for the more experienced athlete. We feel, however, that this type of event is useful as a precursor to the longer type of events.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation was carried out on the effect of lecithin (phosphatidylcholine, 90%) on the plasma choline concentrations during continuous strain in 10 top level triathletes (4 women and 6 men), trial I, and 13 excellent adolescent runners (3 girls and 10 boys), trial II. Venous blood, collected before and immediately after the race, was separated and plasma was assayed by an improved high performance liquid chromatography method for choline. Each study comprised three experiments. In trial I the triathletes performed two periods of bicycle exercise each lasting 2 h at an average speed of 35 km · h–1, and in the second study (trial II) the subjects were subjected to severe physical stress on two occasions during cross-country races of durations between 30–60 min according to their ages. The participants received either a placebo or 0.2 g lecithin · kg body mass–1, 1 h before each exercise. As a control the same dose of lecithin was administered without any exercise (both trials I and II). Bicycle exercise without lecithin supply decreased plasma choline concentrations in all the triathletes, on average by 16.9% (P0.01). When lecithin was given before exercise, average plasma choline concentrations remained at the same level as the initial values. The supply of lecithin without exercise led to a significant increase of the plasma choline concentrations, on average by 26.9% (P0.01). In trial II, when running without a supply of lecithin, the mean plasma choline concentrations in the adolescent runners remained stable which may have been due to the duration of the physical stress. When lecithin was given before exercise, plasma choline concentrations increased, on average by 18.9% (P0.01). The administration of lecithin without exercise led in these participants to an increase in plasma choline concentrations, on average by 54% (P0.001).It was found from the present study that a combination of both lecithin intake and hard physical stress prevented in most subjects a decrease in plasma choline and this could affect performance.Presented in part at the Symposium: 29. Wissenschaftlicher Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE), Stuttgart-Hohenheim (March 1992)  相似文献   

The interactions between respiration, heart rate and blood pressure variability (HRV, BPV), are considered to be of paramount importance for the study of the functional organisation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The aim of the reported study is to detect and classify the intermittent phase locking (PL) phenomena between respiration, HRV and BPV during cardiorespiratory synchronisation experiments, by using the following time-domain techniques: Poincaré maps, recurrence plots, time-space separation plots and frequency tracking locus. The experimental protocol consists of three stages, with normal subjects in paced breathing at 15, 12 and 8 breaths min−1. Transient phenomena of coordination between respiration and the major rhythms of HRV and BPV (low and high frequency, LF and HF) have been detected and classified: no interaction between LF and HF rhythms at 15 breaths min−1; short time intervals of stable 1∶2 frequency and phase synchronisation during the 12 breaths min−1 stage; 1∶1 PL during the 8 breaths min−1 stage. 1∶1 and 1∶2 PL phenomena occurred when the respiration frequency was quite close to the LF frequency or when it was about twice the LF frequency, respectively. The complex organisation of the ANS seems to provoke transient rather than permanent PL phenomena between the co-ordinating components of respiration and cardiovascular variability series.  相似文献   

Aim of this work was to examine the effects of decoupled two-legged cycling on (1) submaximal and maximal oxygen uptake, (2) power output at 4 mmol L−1 blood lactate concentration, (3) mean and peak power output during high intensity cycling (30 s sprint) and (4) isometric and dynamic force production of the knee extensor and flexor muscles. 18 highly trained male competitive male cyclists and triathletes (age 24 ± 3 years; body height 179 ± 11 cm; body mass 78 ± 8 kg; peak oxygen uptake 5,070 ± 680 mL min−1) were equally randomized to exercise on a stationary cycle equipped either with decoupled or with traditional crank system. The intervention involved 1 h training sessions, 5 times per week for 6 weeks at a heart rate corresponding to 70% of VO2peak. VO2 at 100, 140, 180, 220 and 260 and power output at 4 mmol L−1 blood lactate were determined during an incremental test. VO2peak was recorded during a ramp protocol. Mean and peak power output were assessed during a 30 s cycle sprint. The maximal voluntary isometric strength of the quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles was obtained using a training machine equipped with a force sensor. No differences were observed between the groups for changes in any variable (P = 0.15–0.90; effect size = 0.00–0.30). Our results demonstrate that a 6 week (30 sessions) training block using decoupled crank systems does not result in changes in any physiological or performance variables in highly trained competitive cyclists.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the following: 1) the effects of continuous exercise training and interval exercise training on the end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PETCO2) response during a graded exercise test in patients with coronary artery disease; and 2) the effects of exercise training modalities on the association between PETCO2 at the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT) and indicators of ventilatory efficiency and cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with coronary artery disease.


Thirty-seven patients (59.7±1.7 years) with coronary artery disease were randomly divided into two groups: continuous exercise training (n = 20) and interval exercise training (n = 17). All patients performed a graded exercise test with respiratory gas analysis before and after three months of the exercise training program to determine the VAT, respiratory compensation point (RCP) and peak oxygen consumption.


After the interventions, both groups exhibited increased cardiorespiratory fitness. Indeed, the continuous exercise and interval exercise training groups demonstrated increases in both ventilatory efficiency and PETCO2 values at VAT, RCP, and peak of exercise. Significant associations were observed in both groups: 1) continuous exercise training (PETCO2VAT and cardiorespiratory fitness r = 0.49; PETCO2VAT and ventilatory efficiency r = -0.80) and 2) interval exercise training (PETCO2VAT and cardiorespiratory fitness r = 0.39; PETCO2VAT and ventilatory efficiency r = -0.45).


Both exercise training modalities showed similar increases in PETCO2 levels during a graded exercise test in patients with coronary artery disease, which may be associated with an improvement in ventilatory efficiency and cardiorespiratory fitness.  相似文献   

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