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The authors encountered 108 cases of vesicoureteral reflex (VUR) in 231 cases of neurogenic bladder complicating spina bifida. Bladder compliance and percent volume (% vol.) were measured pre- and postoperatively and the patients were divided into four groups retrospectively according to the treatment. Ninety-five percent of low-grade VUR (grades I and II) disappeared spontaneously with conservative therapy or after augmentation cystoplasty without antireflux surgery; 92% of high-grade VUR (grade III or more) required ureteral reimplantation with or without bladder augmentation. Reflux did not recur in any case of ureteral reimplantation with bladder augmentation, however, it did recur in 20.4% of the cases of simple ureteral reimplantation without bladder augmentation. Percent volume and bladder compliance in cases of recurrence following simple ureteral reimplantation were significantly lower than in the successful cases. This study suggests that low-grade VUR can resolve spontaneously with conservative therapy or with a suitable maneuver to improve bladder compliance. High-grade reflux in cases of preserved bladder volume (% vol.>75%) and compliance (>7 ml/cmH2O) can be treated successfully with simple ureteral reimplantation, however, in cases of low volume (% vol.<60%) and low compliance (<4 ml/cmH2O), reimplantation with bladder augmentation is recommended. Accepted: 6 January 1998  相似文献   

ObjectiveAbsorbable staples facilitate detubularization and reconfiguration of the bowel when performing augmentation colocystoplasty. We compared the outcomes of stapled sigmoid augmentation with standard sutured colocystoplasty.Materials and methodsBetween 2003 and 2011, 108 children underwent bladder augmentation at our institution. Colocystoplasty was used in 30 patients (27.8%). Medical charts of children who underwent stapled (n = 8) or sutured (n = 22) sigmoid augmentation were compared with regard to patient demographics and surgical complications, including anastomotic leak and urolithiasis.ResultsEight children with underwent stapled sigmoid colocystoplasty. Average age at surgery was 8 years (range 4–17 years). Time to detubularize and refashion the bowel segment prior to augmentation was consistently under 5 min. Average length of follow-up was 44 months (range 12–80 months). One patient experienced anastomotic leak. Two of eight children (25%) in the stapled anastomosis cohort developed bladder stones. Twenty-two patients underwent standard sigmoid augmentation during the same time period (average age 8.2 years; range 4–16 years). One of 22 (4.5%) experienced anastomotic leak. Seven of 22 (31.8%) developed cystolithiasis.ConclusionsComplications from stapled sigmoid anastomosis are similar to those from standard colocystoplasty. Use of absorbable staples decreases operating time by avoiding bowel spatulation and suturing, and should be considered in pediatric patients undergoing colocystoplasty.  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析我院神经源性膀胱患儿经间歇性清洁导尿(CIC)治疗和长期随访的临床资料,总结这一方法 的治疗效果.方法 2001年1月至2006年5月共治疗57例.男38例,女19例,年龄3个月至17岁.反复尿路感染病例35例,尿失禁45例.上尿路扩张积水SFU分级3~4级38侧,0~2级39侧.尿动力检查逼尿肌无收缩或功能低下12例,逼尿肌过度活动10例,括约肌关闭功能不全39例.逼尿肌括约肌不协调或括约肌过度活动20例.结果 57例中36例获长期随访.完全采用CIC排尿27例,采用crede动作辅助排尿4例.两者均有5例.导尿2~3次2例,4~6次25例.6次以上5例.每次尿量80~400 ml.36例患儿中31例治疗前有反复发热性尿路感染,导尿后21例有菌尿,8例出现发热性尿路感染.治疗前尿失禁Likert评分平均为2.25,治疗后为4.04,t检验差别有统计意义.治疗前SFU分级2级以下为30侧,3级以上为42侧,治疗后2级以下40侧,3级以上32侧.卡方检验差别有统计学意义.结论CIC在神经源性膀胱的治疗中有重要意义,它对控制尿路感染.缓解尿失禁,改善上尿路扩张积水都有明显效果.  相似文献   

Aim: To examine the ability of children and youth with myelomeningocele to independently manage clean intermittent catheterization. Methods: There were 50 participants with myelomeningocele (5–18 years); 13 of them had also participated in a previous hospital‐based study. Their abilities and interest in completing the toilet activity were examined at home or in school using an interview and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Actual performance was observed and rated. Background variables were collected from medical records and KatAD+E tests. Results: In total, 48% were observed to perform the toilet activity independently, in comparison with 74% who self‐reported independence. Univariate analyses found KatAD+E could predict who was independent. COPM failed to do so. Ability to remain focused and ambulation were predictors of independence, but age, sex and IQ were not. Multivariable analysis found time to completion to be the strongest predictor of independence. Four children were independent in their familiar environment, but not in the hospital setting, and six of 13 children maintained focus only in their familiar environment. Conclusions: Interviews were not sufficiently accurate to assess independence in the toilet activity. Instead, observations including time to completion are recommended. The execution of the toilet activity is influenced by the environmental context.  相似文献   

目的 通过超声测定膀胱壁厚度和尿动力学检查测定膀胱功能,评价隐形脊柱裂患儿膀胱厚度和功能及上尿路损害的相关性,探讨用膀胱壁厚度评估隐性脊柱裂患儿上尿路损害的可能性.方法 选取超声检查确诊上尿路扩张的隐性脊柱裂患儿22例,年龄(8.8±4.9)岁,并选择同期超声检查无上尿路扩张的隐性脊柱裂患儿29例作为对照组,年龄(9.3±5.3)岁.所有患儿均行尿动力学检查,记录最大膀胱容量,充盈期最大逼尿肌压力,逼尿肌漏尿点压和逼尿肌过度活动最高压力.在膀胱充盈至预测正常膀胱容量的60%时行超声检查测量逼尿肌厚度.同时根据超声检查是否扩张将患儿分为有和无上尿路损害组,比较两组膀胱壁厚度的差异,并分析膀胱厚度与尿动力学参数相关性,计算膀胱壁厚度预测上尿路损害统计学指标.结果 上尿路损害组平均膀胱壁厚度(3.4±0.25)mm,显著高于无上尿路损害组的(2.5±0.45)mm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).膀胱壁厚度与逼尿肌过度活动最高压力、逼尿肌漏尿点压和充盈期最大逼尿肌压力均呈正相关(r=0.87、0.91和0.85,P<0.0001,P<0.0001和P=0.017).膀胱壁厚度≥3.0 mm预测上尿路损害的灵敏度为90.9%,特异性为79.4%,阳性预测值76.9%,阴性预测值为92.0%.受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)显示超声测量膀胱壁厚度能高度预测隐形脊柱裂患儿上尿路损害的发生,曲线下面积(AUC)为0.929.结论 超声测定隐形脊柱裂患儿膀胱壁厚度可以帮助预测上尿路损害,膀胱壁厚度大于3.0 mm提示隐性脊柱裂患儿上尿路损害可能性大.  相似文献   

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