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During the conduct of autopsies performed on residents of Mexico City during the 1960s (20 males, 19 females) and 1990s (30 males and 18 females), concentrations of manganese in lung were studied with atomic absorption spectrometry. Concentrations of manganese were not significantly greater in the samples obtained in the 1990s (1.87+/-0.8 microg/gm [mean +/- standard deviation]) than in samples from the 1960s (1.72+/-1.2 microg/gm). Concentrations were not correlated with gender, smoking habit, age, or cause of death; however, there was a correlation with occupation. The findings suggest that manganese exposure via air does not represent a health hazard to residents of Mexico City, given that lung concentrations of manganese remained stable during the 30-y period studied. Investigators should monitor concentrations of manganese in suspended particles to follow-up on these findings.  相似文献   

Warnes AM 《Health & place》1999,5(1):111-118
Age, sex and cause-specific death rates for the elderly population of 16 western European countries are examined for 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990. Over the 30 years, the all-cause rates have fallen by around 23-41% depending on age and sex. Mortality from stroke has declined substantially and from cardiovascular disorders has recently fallen, but cancer health rates have increased among men. A comparison of the UK death rates with the west European and Swiss rates finds relative improvement in the UK for male mortality, but that female mortality at the younger ages has worsened sharply. Cardiovascular and stroke mortality is now exceptionally high in the UK among females aged 60-64 years and the 1980s trends for the 60-64 and 70-74 years age groups were unfavourable for several other causes of death.  相似文献   

The concepts of community care and primary care in UK health policy have emerged over a number of decades. This paper uses historical methods to investigate the changing definitions of community care and primary care in health policy since the 1960s. It draws on published primary and secondary sources including government documents, journals and the professional press. While policy makers have tended to separate community and primary care, the roles of the professions have tended to cut across the two sectors. The emergence and substantially separate development of the two concepts in policy and professional practice between 1960 and 1990 is described and analysed, illustrating the structural constraints on integration but noting the increasing tendency for the boundaries to be called into question. The second part of the paper examines the impact of the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act, the implementation of reforms during the 1990s and the policies currently being implemented by the Labour government. Community care and primary care have continued to be treated separately in the minds of policy makers. Policy for the former has been largely driven by governments' concern to control social security and NHS spending, whilst primary care policy largely focused on the role of general practitioners (GPs) in implementing market reforms. The new Labour government has put renewed emphasis on public health and reducing fragmentation, stressing partnership and cooperation. But the continued dominance of general practice in primary care policy may continue to be an obstacle to the integration of community care and primary care.  相似文献   

Consumption figures for 15 major commodities (cereals, wheat, rice, maize, potato, pulses, olive oil, other vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, wine, meats, animal fats, milk + products, and fish + seafood) were collected from FAO Food Balance Sheets during the 1960s (1961-1969) and late 1990s (1995-1999). For some nutritionists the "model Mediterranean diet" is the Italian or Greek diet of the 1960s, for others the concept of Mediterranean countries is more general. Analysis shows: (1) In the 1960s, Australia consumed more meat, milk, animal fat than Italy or Greece and less cereals, wheat, pulses, olive oil, vegetables, fruits and wine. (2) In the 1960s, Australia's olive oil, vegetables, fruits and wine consumption were within the range for all 18 Mediterranean countries (i.e. Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco). (3) In the 1990s, food consumptions have evolved; Australia's wine and milk consumption is now similar to Italy and Greece; consumption of wheat, olive oil, vegetables, fruits and fish are lower; consumption of potato, pulses, other vegetable oils and meat are higher than Italy or Greece. (4) Australia's consumption of the 15 commodities is within the range of all Mediterranean countries in the late 1990s, except wheat consumption was lower.  相似文献   

口头尸检作为一种重要的推断死因工具,它和常规尸检结合之后更有利于了解死因的构成等重要信息,为卫生政策的制定和健康措施提供良好的依据。本文拟从口头尸检的基本特点、内容、研究现状及与法医学常规尸检的关系等方面进行综述,旨在让大家更好地了解和利用口头尸检,以更好地为大众健康服务。  相似文献   

Transfer coefficients for 137Cs from the Chernobyl accident were determined for milk (Fm) and meat (Ff) of cows and sheep in Hungary. Fm and Ff for both cows and sheep fed forage harvested within 1 mo of the accident were lower than results reported for worldwide fallout from weapons tests. Forage harvested 60 d or later after the accident produced an Fm similar to results from feeding soluble 134Cs. The results are interpreted to indicate three distinct categories of Fm about 2.0 X 10(-3), 4.0 X 10(-3) and 1.4 X 10(-2) d L-1, respectively, for Chernobyl fallout, worldwide fallout and soluble Cs isotopes or 137Cs contained in plants from soil uptake.  相似文献   

During the conduct of autopsies performed on residents of Mexico City during the 1960s (20 males, 19 females) and 1990s (30 males and 18 females), concentrations of manganese in lung were studied with atomic absorption spectrometry. Concentrations of manganese were not significantly greater in the samples obtained in the 1990s (1.87 ± 0.8 μg/gm [mean ± standard deviation]) than in samples from the 1960s (1.72 ± 1.2 μg/gm). Concentrations were not correlated with gender, smoking habit, age, or cause of death; however, there was a correlation with occupation. The findings suggest that manganese exposure via air does not represent a health hazard to residents of Mexico City, given that lung concentrations of manganese remained stable during the 30-y period studied. Investigators should monitor concentrations of manganese in suspended particles to follow-up on these findings.  相似文献   

Crohn's disease has been predominant in Jewish patients in some countries (USA, UK, Sweden). The purposes of this study were: to continue to map the morbidity in Israel and the trends of the rate over time. The mean annual incidence rate in the Kinneret sub-district among Jews was 1.96/100,000 during 1960–1990 and 2.98/100,000 in the last decade. The prevalence rate in 1990 among Jews was 45.9/100,000 and was twofold among European-American-born compared to other ethnic groups. No cases were found among Arabs, although they make up about 25% of the area's population. The conclusions are: (1) morbidity rate of Crohn's disease increased over time, and (2) in the last decade incidence rates among Jews of Asian-African origin are similar to, or even higher than those of European-American origin.  相似文献   

对我县1990~1999年55例孕产妇死亡原因及其变化趋势进行分析表明,10年间平均死亡率为99.65%/10万。前5年在100/10万间徘徊,平均为106.24/10万,后5年呈逐年下降趋势,平均死亡率为85.68/10,到1999年降为56.35/10万,基本达到省下达控制标准的60/10万以内。构成孕产妇死亡的前4位因依次为:产后出血、妊高征、产褥感染、羊水栓塞,占全部死亡的83.64%,其  相似文献   

Vanadium concentrations in lung tissue were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry from autopsy specimens taken from residents of Mexico City during the 1960s and 1990s (20 males and 19 females, and 30 males and 18 females, respectively). Samples from the 1990s had significantly increased mean vanadium concentrations (mean +/- standard deviation: 1.36 +/- 0.08), compared with those from the 1960s (1.04 +/- 0.05). Concentrations were not correlated with gender, smoking habit, age, cause of death, or occupation. These findings suggest that vanadium in ambient air is increasing and it represents a potential health hazard for Mexico City residents. Air pollution monitoring efforts should include vanadium concentrations in suspended particles to follow-up the findings reported herein. Researchers need to acquire a better knowledge of the levels of airborne vanadium exposure at which risk to human health occurs.  相似文献   

Vanadium concentrations in lung tissue were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry from autopsy specimens taken from residents of Mexico City during the 1960s and 1990s (20 males and 19 females, and 30 males and 18 females, respectively). Samples from the 1990s had significantly increased mean vanadium concentrations (mean ± standard deviation: 1.36 ± 0.08), compared with those from the 1960s (1.04 ± 0.05). Concentrations were not correlated with gender, smoking habit, age, cause of death, or occupation. These findings suggest that vanadium in ambient air is increasing and it represents a potential health hazard for Mexico City residents. Air pollution monitoring efforts should include vanadium concentrations in suspended particles to follow-up the findings reported herein. Researchers need to acquire a better knowledge of the levels of airborne vanadium exposure at which risk to human health occurs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This report presents revised birth and fertility rates for 1991-99, as well as previously published revised rates for 2000-2001, based on populations consistent with the April 1, 2000, census. Revised rates for Hispanic subgroups (Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and other Hispanic) are also included in this report. Rates are presented by age, race, and Hispanic origin of mother; by age, race, Hispanic origin, and marital status of mother; by age and race of father; and by age of mother and by State. This report also presents new rates by age and Hispanic origin (subgroups) of mother for 2000 and 2001. The revised rates are compared with previously published rates that used July 1 population estimates based on the 1990 census. METHODS: Populations for most rates were produced for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) under a collaborative arrangement with the U.S. Census Bureau. Populations for teenage subgroups 15-17 and 18-19 years by race and Hispanic subgroups were produced by NCHS. The populations reflect the results of the 2000 census. This census allowed people to report more than one race for themselves and their household members, and also separated the category for Asian or Pacific Islander persons into two groups (Asian and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander). These changes reflected the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) 1997 revisions to the standards for the classification of Federal data on race and ethnicity. Because only one race is currently reported in birth certificate data, the 2000 census populations were "bridged" to the single race categories specified in OMB's 1977 guidelines for race and ethnic statistics in Federal reporting, which are still in use in the collection of vital statistics data. RESULTS: Revised population-based birth and fertility rates from 1991 to 1999, based on the 2000 census, are with few exceptions lower than the rates previously published based on populations projected from the 1990 census. As expected, the differences in rates for American Indians, Hispanics, and Asian or Pacific Islanders were considerable. However, revised rates for most other population subgroups (i.e., non-Hispanic whites and blacks) differed little from those previously published. Regardless of the magnitude, the differences between the 2000-based and 1990-based rates progressively diverged through time so that previously published trends were generally retained but lower. Because of this shift, especially for Hispanic women, the differentials in fertility among population subgroups remain, but were somewhat reduced.  相似文献   

Trends in socioeconomic differences in infant and perinatalmortality in Amsterdam were studied for the period 1854–1990,using published and unpublished material, at the aggregate andat the individual level. Absolute and relative socioeconomicmortality differences (SEMD) per data-set were calculated usinginequality indices developed by Pamuk. The results show a decreaseof the absolute differences in both infant and perinatal mortality.For infant mortality, this is mainly due to the overall declineof the infant mortality rate. Relative differences in infantmortality did not decrease during the study period. This isthe result of separate developments in 3 time periods. Fromapproximately 1850 to approximately 1910 an increase in relativedifferences can be seen, a trend which is reversed from approximately1910 to the end of World War II. After World War II relativedifferences seem to stabilize at the same level. For perinatalmortality, for which only data from the post-World War II periodare available, the decrease in the absolute differences is dueboth to the overall decline of the perinatal mortality rateand to a decline of relative differences between socioeconomicgroups. It is conduded that although SEMD in infant and perinatalmortality have declined in an absolute sense, they still existand that the relative position of deprived groups concerninginfant mortality was not ameliorated during the study period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the decline in birthweight-specific infant mortality rates in Tohoku, Tokai and Kyushu regions between 1989 to 1990 and 1995 to 1998. METHODS: Information for both births and infant deaths from any diseases were collected for two periods in the Tohoku, Tokai and Kyushu regions. The first involved a cohort of singleton livebirths (n = 404, 158) in the three regions in 1989, whose birth certificates were linked with infant death certificates. The second was for singleton livebirths (n = 1,503,230) in the same regions between 1995 and 1998, and infant deaths from any diseases were identified based on vital statistics. RESULTS: Overall infant mortality rate from any diseases declined 16%, from the 3.86/1000 of the first group to the 3.24/1000 of the second group. A shift to a lower birthweight distribution weakened the improvement in the overall mortality rate, so that birthweight standardized mortality rates were reduced more than crude ones. Based on birthweight adjusted relative risk, neonatal, postneonatal and infant mortality rates for each birthweight group were improved by almost uniform ratio, that is 31%, 12% and 23% respectively. Improvement of survival of infants with birthweight of a 2500 or more accounted for most of the decline in the infant mortality rates in the 1990s. Mortality rates from "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" and "congenital anomalies" decreased remarkably, whereas the sudden infant death syndrome increased. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that reduction of mortality rates in the infant period in Japan in the 1990s was attributable to decline in birthweight-specific mortality rates and weakened by a shift to a lower birthweight distribution over time. Normal birthweight infants showed the greatest improvement.  相似文献   

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