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Atypical cadherin (Celsr3) and the receptor Frizzled3 (Fzd3) are crucial for the development of axonal tracts in the mouse CNS. Celsr3 and Fzd3 are orthologues of the Drosophila'planar cell polarity' (PCP) genes flamingo/starry night (fmi/stan) and frizzled, respectively. Reasoning that Celsr3 and Fzd3 might interact with PCP orthologues in mammals like they do in flies, we used mRNA in situ hybridization to compare the expression of Celsr3 and Fzd3 with that of dishevelled 1, 2 and 3 (Dvl1-3), van gogh-like 1 and 2 (Vangl1, 2), and prickle-like 1 and 2 (Prickle1, 2), during mouse CNS development, from embryonic day 10.5 to postnatal day 21. With the relative exception of Vangl1, all genes were expressed in the developing CNS. Although Celsr3- and Fzd3-deficient mice have similar phenotypes, Fzd3 expression was more widespread than that of Celsr3. Vangl2 and Dvl2 were preferentially expressed in ventricular zones, in keeping with their role during neural tube closure, where they could be partners of Celsr1. Dvl1 had a broad expression, reminiscent of that of Celsr2, and may be involved in neural maintenance. A large overlap in the expression territories of Dvl genes suggested redundancy. Vangl1 and Prickle1 had expression canvases different from each other and from other candidates, indicating unrelated function. Like Celsr3, Dvl3 and Prickle2 were expressed more strongly in postmitotic neurons than in precursors. Thus, the analogy between the PCP and Celsr3-Fzd3 genetic networks is limited, but may include Dvl3 and/or Prickle2.  相似文献   

神经系统是一个包含有多种类型神经元和无数个突触连接的复杂网络。关于神经元如何识别特定的目标和形成这样一个错综复杂的网络的认识目前仍然很有限。唐氏综合征细胞黏附分子(Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, DSCAM)是免疫球蛋白超家族的成员,与唐氏综合征患者的中枢神经系统病变有密切的关系。DSCAM在神经发育过程中起着重要的作用,包括树突形成、自我回避、轴突导向和分支、轴突目标识别和突触形成等。然而,DSCAM在神经系统中作用的机制和相关信号通路仍不清楚。本文综述了DSCAM在神经发育中的作用,并对未来的研究进行探讨,以期更好地理解DSCAM的功能及其与人类疾病的关系。  相似文献   

There are few studies on the membrane protein Ankfy1. We have found Ankfy1 is speciifcally expressed in neural stem/precursor cells during early development in mice (murine). To further explore Ankfy1 function in neural development, we developed a gene knockout mouse with a mixed Balb/C and C57/BL6 genetic background. Using immunolfuorescence andin situ hybridization, neural defects were absent in mixed genetic Ankfy1 null mice during development and in adults up to 2 months old. However, Ankfy1 gene knockout mice with a pure genetic background were found to be lethal in the C57/BL6 inbred mice embryos, even atfer seven generations of backcross-ing. Polymerase chain reaction conifrmed homozygotes were unattainable as early as embryonic day 11.5. We conclude that Ankfy1 protein is dispensable in neural stem/precursor cells, but could be critical for early embryonic murine development, depending on the genetic background.  相似文献   

Id1, Id2, and Id3 mRNA are expressed mainly in the proliferating ependymal cell zone of the mouse brain during embryogenesis. In this study, the expression pattern and cell phenotypes of the Id family mRNA were examined in postnatal and adult rat brain. The expression of Id1 and Id3 mRNA in rat brain was observed in the cortex layer 1, corpus callosum, ventricular/ subventricular zone (VZ/ SVZ), and the CA1-4 layers of the hippocampus at postnatal day 1 (P1) through P14, whereby it declined at 2 months. In general, the developmental pattern of Id1 mRNA coincided with the pattern observed for Id3 mRNA. Similar to Id1 and Id3, Id2 mRNA was highly expressed in the corpus callosum, VZ/ SVZ, and the hippocampus. Examination of Id2 mRNA revealed high levels in the cortex and caudate putamen at P1 through P14, whereas a decline was observed in its expression in the adult cortex. In P5 rat cerebellum, all Id mRNA examined were found in the internal granular cell layers; however, at this time point, only Id2 mRNA expression was detected in the differentiating zone of the external granular cell layers, preferentially localizing to adult Purkinje cells. Furthermore, only Id2 mRNA expression in brain was observed in NF+ neurons at P5. Examination of S100α+ and GFAP+ astrocytes, revealed the presence of all three mRNAs, whereas the expression of Id2 and Id3 mRNA was absent in O4+ immature oligodendrocytes. These data suggest that the spatial and temporal kinetic patterns during development, as well as cellular specificity, of the Id gene family may play a critical role in neural precursor cell proliferation and cell divergence. GLIA 24:372–381, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The photosensitive microvilli of Drosophila photoreceptors R1-R6 are not aligned in parallel over the entire length of the visual cells. In the distal half of each cell, the microvilli are slightly tilted toward one side and, in the proximal half, extremely toward the opposite side. This phenomenon, termed rhabdomere twisting, has been known for several decades, but the developmental and cell biological basis of rhabdomere twisting has not been studied so far. We show that rhabdomere twisting is also manifested as molecular polarization of the visual cell, because phosphotyrosine-containing proteins are selectively partitioned to different sides of the rhabdomere stalk in the distal and proximal sections of each R1-R6 photoreceptor. Both the asymmetrical segregation of phosphotyrosine proteins and the tilting of the microvilli occur shortly before eclosion of the flies, when eye development in all other aspects is considered to be essentially complete. Establishment of rhabdomere twisting occurs in a light-independent manner, because phosphotyrosine staining is unchanged in dark-reared wild-type flies and in mutants with defects in the phototransduction cascade, ninaE(17) and norpA(P24). We conclude that antiphosphotyrosine immunofluorescence can be used as a light microscopic probe for the analysis of rhabdomere twisting and that microvilli tilting represents a type of planar cell polarity that is established by an active process in the last phase of photoreceptor morphogenesis, just prior to eclosion of the flies.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma (GBM) is by far the most common and most malignant primary adult brain tumor (World Health Organization grade IV), containing a fraction of stem‐like cells that are highly tumorigenic and multipotent. Recent research has revealed that GBM stem‐like cells play important roles in GBM pathogenesis. GBM is thought to arise from genetic anomalies in glial development. Over the past decade, a wide range of studies have shown that several signaling pathways involved in neural development, including basic helix–loop–helix, Wnt–β‐catenin, bone morphogenetic proteins–Smads, epidermal growth factor–epidermal growth factor receptor, and Notch, play important roles in GBM pathogenesis. In this review, we highlight the significance of these pathways in the context of developing treatments for GBM. Extrapolating knowledge and concepts from neural development will have significant implications for designing better strategies with which to treat GBM.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of pleiotropic neuronal and glial cytokines in the regulation of presenilin (PS) gene expression in human neural cells, both presenilin-1 (PS1) and presenilin-2 (PS2) mRNA levels were analysed by Northern blotting in SK-N-SH neuroblastoma, IMR-32 neuroblastoma, NTera2 teratocarcinoma-derived differentiated neurones (NTera2-N) and U-373MG astrocytoma cells following exposure to proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, or IL-1beta), anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 or TGF-beta1), dibutyryl cyclic AMP or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). The constitutive expression of PS1 (3.0 kb) and PS2 (2.3 kb) mRNA was identified in all these cell lines, in which PS1 mRNA levels were unaltered following treatment with any cytokines and factors examined. By contrast, PS2 mRNA expression was upregulated substantially in SK-N-SH cells by exposure to TNF-alpha and in U-373MG cells by treatment with IFN-gamma, whereas it was downregulated in both NTera2-N and U-373 MG cells following exposure to IL-1beta or PMA. The levels of PS2 mRNA remained unchanged in IMR-32 cells after these treatments. These results indicate that PS1 and PS2 genes are expressed constitutively in a panel of human neural cell lines where PS2 mRNA expression is affected by a distinct set of cytokines via cell type-specific mechanisms that do not alter PS1 mRNA levels, suggesting the existence of separated regulatory systems controlling the expression of PS1 and PS2 genes in human neural cells.  相似文献   

Receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) is an evolutionarily conserved scaffolding protein within the tryptophan-aspartate (WD) repeat family of proteins. RACK1 can bind multiple signaling molecules con-currently, as well as stabilize and anchor proteins. RACK1 also plays an important role at focal adhesions, where it acts to regulate cell migration. In addition, RACK1 is a ribosomal binding protein and thus, reg-ulates translation. Despite these numerous functions, little is known about how RACK1 regulates nervous system development. Here, we review three studies that examine the role of RACK1 in neural development. In brief, these papers demonstrate that (1) RACK-1, theC. elegans homolog of mammalian RACK1, is re-quired for axon guidance; (2) RACK1 is required for neurite extension of neuronally differentiated rat PC12 cells; and (3) RACK1 is required for axon outgrowth of primary mouse cortical neurons. Thus, it is evident that RACK1 is critical for appropriate neural development in a wide range of species, and future discoveries could reveal whether RACK1 and its signaling partners are potential targets for treatment of neurodevelop-mental disorders or a therapeutic approach for axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

脑组织移植和神经干细胞研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了近年来广泛开展的神经组织和细胞移植的各种主要方法及其进展。着重对神经干细胞这一神经科学的前沿课题进行了详细的复习。并对神经干细胞的研究方法,神经营养因子和神经干细胞的关系,神经干细胞的分化诱导及共临床方面的应用前景作了阐述。  相似文献   

At least two-thirds of spinal cord injury cases are anatomically incomplete, without complete spinal cord transection, although the initial injuries cause complete loss of sensory and motor functions. The malleability of neural circuits and networks allows varied extend of functional restoration in some individuals after successful rehabilitative training. However, in most cases, the efficiency and extent are both limited and uncertain, largely due to the many obstacles of repair. The restoration of function after anatomically incomplete injury is in part made possible by the growth of new axons or new axon branches through the spared spinal cord tissue and the new synaptic connections they make, either along the areas they grow through or in the areas they terminate. This review will discuss new progress on the understanding of the role of axon guidance molecules, particularly the Wnt family proteins, in spinal cord injury and how the knowledge and tools of axon guidance can be applied to increase the potential of recovery. These strategies, combined with others, such as neuroprotection and rehabilitation, may bring new promises. The recovery strategies for anatomically incomplete spinal cord injuries are relevant and may be applicable to traumatic brain injury and stroke.  相似文献   

神经干细胞由于其多分化的潜能被广泛运用于临床治疗各种疾病,其治疗方式主要有两种:一种是植入外源性神经干细胞[1];另一种是促进内源性神经干细胞增殖[2].无论哪种方式,弄清控制神经干细胞增殖、分化、迁移以及影响其疗效的相关因素都极为重要.  相似文献   

Using a set of recombinantly expressed proteins, distinct domains of the mouse extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C, hereafter called tenascin, have been identified to confer adhesion, anti-adhesion, and changes in morphology of neuronal cells. In short-term adhesion assays (1 hr), cerebellar and hippocampal neurons adhered to several domains, encompassing the fibronectin type III-like (FN III) repeats 1–2 and 6–8, as well as to the alternatively spliced FN III repeats and to tenascin itself. Although no short-term adhesion to the EGF repeats containing fragment could be detected under the conditions used, it was anti-adhesive for neuronal cell bodies and repellent for growth cone advance and neuritogenesis. FN III repeats 3–5 were repellent only for growth cones but not for neuronal cell bodies. Neurite outgrowth promoting activities at early stages and induction of a polarized neuronal morphology at later stages of differentiation were associated with the EGF repeats and the FN III repeats 6–8. These observations suggest differential effects of particular domains of the tenascin molecule on distinct cellular compartments, i.e., cell body, axon and dendrite, and existence of multiple neuronal receptors with distinct intracellular signaling features. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Here we report developmental characteristics of clonal cell line 2Y6f1, which was established from an adult p53(-/-) mouse cerebellum. 2Y6f1 began as a homogeneous population of small polygonal epithelial cells, but during passages it gradually became heterogeneous, containing cells of varying size and shape that expressed either neuron- or astrocyte-specific proteins. Supplements to the culture medium altered the levels of some of the cell type markers. For example, addition of insulin increased expression of neurofilaments, while cholera toxin increased that of glial fibrillary acidic protein. In a colony assay, 2Y6f1 cells gave rise to both homogeneous and heterogeneous colonies, consistent with the idea that they contained multipotent neural progenitor cells. Establishment of subclones that were exclusively neuronal or astroglial in differentiation further supported the conclusion that 2Y6f1 cells have many features that may qualify them as bona fide stem cells and make them a useful new model in neural stem cell biology.  相似文献   

ABCB1 is a human ABC transporter originally characterized by its ability to cause resistance to chemotherapy drugs in cancer cells, and later found to be functionally expressed in human neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) in vitro. Here, we performed a detailed examination of ABCB1's expression on human NSPCs in vitro and in human fetal brain tissues, and analyzed the cellular properties of the human NSPCs expressing ABCB1. We confirmed that ABCB1 was expressed on the surface of human NSPCs, and its level correlated well with those of Nestin and CD133. The population of fluorescence‐activated cell sorter–sorted human NSPCs expressing high levels of ABCB1 showed enrichment of proliferating cells, higher expression of 246 genes (e.g., RGS6, IGFBP7, GFAP, TNC, Hes1), and lower expression of 71 genes (e.g., STMN2, DLX5, BASP1, DCX, CD24) compared with human NSPCs expressing low or no ABCB1. In situ, ABCB1 was selectively expressed in cells in the ventricular or subventricular regions of lateral ventricles that expressed Nestin in human development. These findings suggest that ABCB1 is predominantly expressed in immature human fetal NSPCs in vitro and at early developmental stages in vivo, and that it may be a useful marker for human NSPCs. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is secreted by the choroid plexuses located in the lateral, third and fourth ventricles. The fluid flows through the ventricular system, passing over all the regions of germinal activity. CSF contains growth factors and other neurotrophic factors, which are important for cell survival and proliferation. It has been shown that nerve growth factor deprivation induces apoptosis in the developing cerebral cortex. In this study, disruption of normal CSF flow on neural cell survival in the developing cortex has been investigated. Draining CSF from the ventricles of the brain during development increases the number of neural cell deaths and thinning of the cerebral cortex compared with normal ones. These data from our study indicate that normal CSF circulation is important for the survival of cells in the developing cerebral cortex and thus of CSF in the normal chick cerebral cortex development.  相似文献   

Primary cell cultures from cerebral cortex, striatum and ventral mesencephalon obtained from rat fetal (embryonic day 17, E17) or postnatal (day 2, PN2) donors were grown either in media conditioned by subcultured astroglia from the same regions, an artificial trophic medium, normal human amniotic fluid, or in normal human cerebrospinal fluid. To estimate the presence of neuronal-like and non-neuronal cells, cell morphology and immunocytochemistry against microtubule-associated proteins and β-tubulin were taken into consideration. The percentage of emitting neural cells and length of cell processes were determined after 24 hr in culture. Growth of cell processes in neuronal and non-neuronal cells from prenatal striatum was minimal compared with that in cerebral cortex and ventral mesencephalon, regardless of the culture condition. Nerve growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor or epidermal growth factor did not significantly modify cell growth in E17 cultures, except for epidermal growth factor, which reduced the number of emitting cells in striatal cultures and increased it in cerebral cortex ones. Cultures derived from postnatal striatum showed a significant increase in neurite length when grown in an astroglial conditioned medium as compared to cultures derived from prenatal (E17) striatum. Results suggest significant regional differences in the brain regarding growth of cell processes at age E17, and reversal of striatal ability to grow cell processes by postnatal day 2. Reduced growth of cell processes showed by E17 striatum cultures was rather independent of the culture media. This fact could suggest that such early regional differences would depend on characteristics of sublineages present at this developmental stage, which would modulate the organization of regional neuropils. The restricted growth of cell processes in cultures from E17 striatum, no longer present in postnatal striatum, suggests that inputs to the striatum may modify expression of cell lineages at later stages of development.  相似文献   

Although there is a sizable amount of research focusing on adult neural progenitor cells (NPCs) as a therapeutic approach for many neurodegenerative diseases, including multiple sclerosis, little is known about the pathways that govern NPC survival and apoptosis. Fas, a member of the death receptor superfamily, plays a well‐characterized role in the immune system, but its function in neural stem cells remains uncertain. Our study focuses on the effects of Fas on NPC survival in vitro. Activation of Fas by recombinant Fas ligand (FasL) did not induce apoptosis in murine NPCs in culture. In fact, both an increase in the amount of viable cells and a decrease in apoptotic and dying cells were observed with FasL treatment. Our data indicate that FasL‐mediated adult NPC neuroprotection is characterized by a reduction in apoptosis, but not increased proliferation. Further investigation of this effect revealed that the antiapoptotic effects of FasL are mediated by the up‐regulation of Birc3, an inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP). Conversely, the observed effect is not the result of altered caspase activation or FLIP (Fas‐associated death domain‐like interleukin‐1beta‐converting enzyme inhibitory protein) up‐regulation, which is known to inhibit caspase‐8‐mediated cell death in T cells. Our data indicate that murine adult NPCs are resistant to FasL‐induced cell death. Activation of Fas increased cell survival by decreasing apoptosis through Birc3 up‐regulation. These results describe a novel pathway involved in NPC survival. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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