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In the genus Strongyloides, larval development external to the host is known to be markedly affected by a variety of environmental factors. This investigation focuses on the effect of temperature on Strongyloides ratti. Low temperature (15°C) was shown to favor direct development, producing infective larvae, while high temperature (25°C) favored indirect development, producing free-living females and males. Different courses of development were brought about by either a 16-h temperature stimulus at 15°C or a 6-h temperature stimulus at 25°C. Moreover, eggs were not susceptible to the cold-temperature stimulus of 15°C, while newly hatched larvae were. The results indicate that the developmental course of S. ratti larvae external to the host is determined at a relatively early stage before the first molt.  相似文献   

The need for new anthelmintic with no chemical residues is becoming urgent. In a program aiming at the evaluation of plant as sources of new active molecules, the anthelmintic activities of the essential oils (EOs) obtained from either Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides seeds or Newbouldia laevis leaves were evaluated against Strongyloides ratti by analyzing the results of two in vitro bioassays. These two plants and their tested parts were retained after an ethnopharmacology survey that confirmed their use by small-scale farmers for treatment of small ruminants affected by digestive helminths. The plants were harvested in Benin, and their EO were obtained by hydrodistillation. The EO yield of extraction was 0.65% (w/w) of for Z. zanthoxyloides seeds and 0.05% (w/w) for N. laevis. The chemical compositions of the two EOs were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The major constituents of the EO from Z. zanthoxyloides consisted of the following compounds: γ-terpinene (18 %), undecane (15 %), valencene (8.3 %), decanal (8.3 %), and 3-carene (6.7 %). In contrast, the major constituents of the EO from N. laevis leaves consisted of the following compounds: β-caryophyllene (36 %) and eugenol (5.8 %). An egg-hatching inhibition (EHI) assay was developed and a larval migration inhibition assay was used on S. ratti to examine the effects of the EOs and to evidence their inhibitory concentrations (IC50 and IC90) values on this nematode. Furthermore, the toxicity of the two EOs on Vero cell line was evaluated. When tested on S. ratti egg hatching, the two EOs resulted in similar IC50 values (19.5 and 18.2 μg/ml for Z. zanthoxyloides and N. laevis, respectively), which were about sevenfold higher than that of the control (thiabendazole, IC50 = 2.5 μg/ml). Larval migration was inhibited at similar concentrations for: Z. zanthoxyloides (IC50 = 46 μg/ml), N. laevis (IC50 = 51 μg/ml), and the control [levamisole (IC50 = 36 μg/ml)]. No cytotoxicity was found on Vero cells because both EOs had IC50 values higher than 50 μg/ml. Therefore, we have concluded that the EOs from two plants, used in folk medicine, may contain compounds with anthelmintic activity and could be used as improved traditional medicines or, at least, as food additives in a combined treatment for the control of helminth infections.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to clarify the prevalence of Blastocystis hominis and Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Ryukyu University Hospital, Okinawa, Japan, between January 2004 and November 2006. Stool samples collected from 3,292 patients were examined by the direct smear method, formalin–ether sedimentation method, and agar plate culture method. The prevalence rate of B. hominis and S. stercoralis infection was 1.0 and 3.4%, respectively. The prevalence rate of B. hominis infection in patients aged >80 years old was significantly higher than that in patients <80 years old (P < 0.001). The prevalence rate of S. stercoralis infection was significantly higher in patients with B. hominis infection compared with those without (P < 0.001). This study demonstrated a prevalence rate for B. hominis and S. stercoralis infection and an association between B. hominis and S. stercoralis infection in Okinawa, Japan.  相似文献   

Galba truncatula snails were experimentally infected with either of two different isolates of Fasciola gigantica, originating from Egypt or China, to determine the influence of these isolates on the characteristics of snail infections. The survival rates of G. truncatula on day 30 post-exposure were 90.0% and 60.2% in the Egyptian and Chinese groups, respectively. The frequency of cercaria-shedding snails within the Egyptian group was 79.8%, whereas in the Chinese group it was 22.4%. The parasite origin had a significant effect on the durations of the prepatent and patent periods. The mean number of cercariae shed from the Egyptian group was significantly greater than that shed from the Chinese group (a mean of 275.5 per cercaria-shedding snail compared with 29.0). These results could be explained by the fact that G. truncatula might be a natural intermediate host for F. gigantica in Egypt, and the greater adaptability of the Egyptian miracidia of F. gigantica to unusual snail hosts. These results demonstrate the influence of the geographic origin of the parasite on the success of trematodes infecting snails.  相似文献   

Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the major causative agent of American tegumentary leishmaniasis, a disease that has a wide geographical distribution and is a severe public health problem. The cysteine proteinase B (CPB) from Leishmania spp. represents an important virulence factor. In this study, we characterized and localized cysteine proteinases in L. (V.) braziliensis promastigotes. By a combination of triton X-114 extraction, concanavalin A-affinity, and ion exchange chromatographies, we obtained an enriched fraction of hydrophobic proteins rich in mannose residues. This fraction contained two proteinases of 63 and 43 kDa, which were recognized by a CPB antiserum, and were partially sensitive to E-64 in enzymatic assays with the peptide Glu-Phe-Leu. In confocal microscopy, the CPB homologues localized in the peripheral region of the parasite. This data together with direct agglutination and flow cytometry assays suggest a surface localization of the CPB homologues. The incubation of intact promastigotes with phospholipase C reduced the number of CPB-positive cells, while anti-cross-reacting determinant and anti-CPB antisera recognized two polypeptides (63 and 43 kDa) derived from phospholipase C treatment, suggesting that some CPB isoforms may be glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored. Collectively, our results suggest the presence of CPB homologues in L. braziliensis surface and highlight the need for further studies on L. braziliensis cysteine proteinases, which require enrichment methods for enzymatic detection.  相似文献   

Lemuricola (Madoxyuris) bauchoti Chabaud, Brygoo et Petter, 1965 is redescribed from material collected from the ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta, from the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in Madagascar using the scanning electron microscope. This is a new host record and the first oxyurid reported from the ring-tailed lemur. Previously, records of each species of the subgenus Madoxyuris have been restricted to a single host species, but the close relationship between these nematodes and their Strepsirrhini hosts will only be proven when additional records fill in the gaps in their distribution.  相似文献   

The present work describes a detailed physiological and molecular characterization of the mechanisms of transport of carboxylic acids in Kluyveromyces lactis. This yeast species presents two homologue genes to JEN1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: KlJEN1 encodes a monocarboxylate permease and KlJEN2 encodes a dicarboxylic acid permease. In the strain K. lactis GG1888, expression of these genes does not require an inducer and activity for both transport systems was observed in glucose-grown cells. To confirm their key role for carboxylic acids transport in K. lactis, null mutants were analyzed. Heterologous expression in S. cerevisiae has been performed and chimeric fusions with GFP showed their proper localization in the plasma membrane. S. cerevisiae jen1Δ cells transformed with KlJEN1 recovered the capacity to use lactic acid, as well as to transport labeled lactic acid by a mediated mechanism. When KlJEN2 was heterologously expressed, S. cerevisiae transformants gained the ability to transport labeled succinic and malic acids by a mediated mechanism, exhibiting, however, a poor growth in malic acid containing media. The results confirmed the role of KlJen1p and KlJen2p as mono and dicarboxylic acids permeases, respectively, not subjected to glucose repression, being fully functional in S. cerevisiae. O. Queirós and L. Pereira contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Repeat induced point mutation (RIP) is a gene silencing mechanism present in fungal genomes. During RIP, duplicated sequences are efficiently and irreversibly mutated by transitions from C:G to T:A. For the first time, we have identified traces of RIP in transposable elements of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum, two biotechnologically relevant fungi. We found that RIP in P. chrysogenum has affected a large set of sequences, which also contain other mutations. On the other hand, RIP in A. niger is limited to only few sequences, but literally all mutations are RIP-like. Surprisingly, RIP occurred only in transposon sequences that have disrupted open reading frames in A. niger, a phenomenon not yet reported for other fungi. In both fungal species, we identified two sequences with strong sequence similarity to Neurospora crassa RID. RID is a putative DNA methyltransferase and the only known enzyme involved in the RIP process. Our findings suggest that both A. niger and P. chrysogenum either had a sexual past or have a sexual potential. These findings have important implications for future strain development of these fungi.  相似文献   

The benzene extract of Citrullus vulgaris was tested against Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti for the larvicidal activity and ovicidal properties. The crude benzene extract was found to be more effective against A. stephensi than A. aegypti. The LC50 values were 18.56 and 42.76 ppm respectively. The LC50 values for silica gel fractions (bioactive fractions I, II, III and IV) were 11.32, 14.12, 14.53 and 16.02 ppm respectively. The mean per cent hatchability of the egg rafts were observed after 48 h post treatment. The crude extract of benzene exerted 100% mortality at 250 ppm against A. stephensi and at 300 ppm against A. aegypti. The silica gel fractions I and II afforded 100% mortality at 100 ppm and III and IV exerted the hatchability rate of 4.9 and 5.3% at the same concentration against A. stephensi.  相似文献   



The present study was designed to investigate the role of X-ray cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1) and apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) polymorphisms in apoptosis and the risk of ulcerative colitis (UC).  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen of immunocompromised hosts. In cystic fibrosis (CF), P. aeruginosa causes acute and chronic lung infections that result in significant morbidity and mortality. P. aeruginosa possesses several traits that contribute to its ability to colonize and persist in acute and chronic infections. These include high resistance to antimicrobials, ability to form biofilms, plethora of virulence products, and metabolic versatility. In P. aeruginosa, a cell-to-cell communication process termed quorum sensing (QS) regulates many of these factors that contribute to its pathogenesis. Recent evidence suggests that the CF lung environment presents a specialized niche for P. aeruginosa. The relationship of P. aeruginosa QS, biofilm formation, and the CF lung environment is discussed.  相似文献   



The current treatment of onchocerciasis relies on the use of ivermectin which is only microfilaricidal and for which resistant parasite strains of veterinary importance are increasingly being detected. In the search for novel filaricides and alternative medicines, we investigated the selective activity of crude extracts of Margaritaria discoidea and Homalium africanum on Onchocerca ochengi, a model parasite for O. volvulus. These plants are used to treat the disease in North West Cameroon.  相似文献   

An EST showing high values of identity with genes coding for small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) was selected from an EST library collection of Trichoderma virens T59. The cDNA gene (hsp23) with a sequence size of 645 bp long was amplified by PCR. The expression of this gene was evaluated in cultures grown at temperatures ranging from 4 to 41°C. An increased level of expression was detected when the fungus was grown at extreme temperatures (4, 10 or 41°C). A high-expression level was also observed when the fungus was grown in 10% ethanol for 4 h. The hsp23 gene was present as a unique copy in the T. virens genome, and a homologous gene was also present in other five investigated Trichoderma species. Strain T. harzianum T34 was transformed with the hsp23 gene from T. virens T59 under the control of the pki (pyruvate kinase) promoter from T. reesei and the ble (phleomycin resistance) gene as selection marker. Statistically significant differences were detected between the strains T34 and two selected transformants in the biomass quantities obtained after heat shock treatment and in the colony diameters after incubation at 4°C for 2 months.  相似文献   

In the present study activity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized using Plumeria rubra plant latex against second and fourth larval instar of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi was determined. Range of concentrations of synthesized AgNps (10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 0.3125 ppm) and aqueous crude latex (1,000, 500, 250, 125, 62.50, 31.25 ppm) were tested against larvae of A. aegypti and A. Stephensi. The synthesized AgNps from P. rubra latex were highly toxic than crude latex extract in both mosquito species. The LC50 values for second and fourth larval instars after 24 h of crude latex exposure were 1.49, 1.82 ppm against A. aegypti and 1.10, 1.74 ppm against A. stephensi respectively. These figures were 181.67, 287.49 ppm against A. aegypti and 143.69, 170.58 ppm against A. stephensi respectively for crude latex extract. The mortality rates were positively correlated with the concentration of AgNPs. The characterization studies of synthesized AgNPs by UV–Vis spectrophotometry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Particle size analysis (PSA) and zeta potential confirmed the spherical shape and size (32–200 nm) of silver nanoparticles alongwith stability. Toxicity studies carried out against non-target fish species Poecilia reticulata, the most common organism in the habitats of A. aegypti and A. stephensi showed no toxicity at LC50 and LC90 doses of the AgNPs. This is the first report on mosquito larvicidal activity of latex synthesized nanoparticles.  相似文献   



Leishmania (Viannia) shawi was characterized only recently, and few studies concerning the immunogenic and protective properties of its antigens have been performed. The present study aimed to evaluate the protective potential of the five antigenic fractions isolated from L. (V.) shawi promastigotes in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Crohn disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease characterized by chronic transmural, segmental, and typically granulomatous inflammation of the gut. Recently, two novel candidate gene loci associated with CD, SLC22A4 and SLC22A5 on chromosome 5 known as IBD5 and DLG5 on chromosome 10, were identified through association analysis of Caucasian CD patients. We validated these candidate genes in Japanese patients with CD and found a weak but possible association with both SLC22A4 (P=0.028) and DLG5 (P=0.023). However, the reported genetic variants that were indicated to be causative in the Caucasian population were completely absent in or were not associated with Japanese CD patients. These findings imply significant differences in genetic background with CD susceptibility among different ethnic groups and further indicate some difficulty of population-based studies.  相似文献   

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