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目的:在建立大鼠上颌骨牙种植模型的基础上,探讨口服辛伐他汀对种植体周围骨整合的影响。方法:3月龄雌性SD大鼠在上颌骨第一磨牙前方植入0.8 mm×2.0 mm纯钛种植体,随机分为对照组和实验组,每日分别给予生理盐水和辛伐他汀灌胃。术后1、2、4周检测大鼠体质量、血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和骨钙素(BGP)表达量,HE染色、microCT检测观察术后种植区新骨形成情况,并对各组之间的成骨差异进行统计分析。结果:辛伐他汀实验组的大鼠体质量要轻于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组血清ALP和BGP明显高于对照组,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 HE染色表明,2周时实验组新骨明显增加,对照组有少量新骨形成;microCT显示,4周时两组间骨小梁厚度、骨小梁数目、骨体积百分比:实验组>对照组,骨小梁间距:实验组<对照组,且差异都有统计意义( P<0.05)。结论:口服辛伐他汀对种植体周围新骨的形成有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

种植牙骨整合研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着生物医学工程技术的发展,种植牙越来越受到患者的信赖,他舒适、方便,有利于功能表达.其植入颌骨后与周围组织的结合情况直接关系到种植的成败,对其与组织界面的形态学观察是判断能否达到种植成功的基本手段和重要指标.两者的结合对种植成功与否是至关重要的.不论生物学封口起什么样的作用,种植牙若不能与骨产生骨性结合必定导致种植失败.Linkow等甚至认为,只有骨组织才会诱导种植失败.Branemark于本世纪60年代末提出了骨整合(Osseointegration)的概念:即所谓骨整合是指种植牙与具有活性的骨组织产生持久性的骨性接触,界面无纤维介入.不过骨整合种植牙并不是其骨内  相似文献   

目的 从组织学角度观察骨挤压技术对于去势所致骨质疏松症大鼠行种植后骨整合的影响。方法 72只3月龄SD大鼠随机分为2组,一组36只行去势(Ovx)手术。另一组作为对照组行假手术。120天后测量大鼠体重及骨密度,确定建立骨质疏松大鼠模型。处死对照组,将原试验组36只大鼠作为新的研究对象随机分为实验组和对照组,每只大鼠胫骨近骺端植入纯钛种植体。实验组经过骨挤压,对照组不经骨挤压。分别于术后28天、56天、84天处死动物、取材。切片进行光学显微镜观察和骨计量学测量。结果 28天和56天实验组骨结合率与对照组相比有显著性差异,84天时两组无显著性差异。结论 经过骨挤压后的实验性骨质疏松大鼠骨整合更具优势。  相似文献   

牙种植体-骨整合取决于种植部位的骨质量和骨数量。骨质疏松症可以引起皮质骨变薄,松质骨骨小梁减少、变细,Ⅰ型胶原含量降低,因此被认为是影响种植体-骨整合的重要原因之一。如何提高骨质疏松症患者牙种植体-骨整合率成为当前口腔种植领域的热点。本文试从骨质疏松症的诊断、对骨整合作用的影响以及药物干预等方面,探讨老年骨质疏松症对牙种植的影响及预防措施。  相似文献   

目的探讨熏烟对大鼠胫骨内种植体骨整合的影响。方法全麻下在32只Wistar大鼠右侧胫骨内植入纯钛螺纹状种植体,根据熏烟时间随机将其分为对照组、熏烟中止组和熏烟持续组,3个月后行X线片和骨密度测定。而后处死动物取胫骨标本,扫描电镜下观察各组种植体骨整合情况。实验数据以均数正负标准差表示,以SPSS13.0软件对数据行单因素方差分析。结果胫骨和种植体-骨界面平均密度值低,熏烟持续组与对照组间存在差异(F=6.808,P<0.05);X线片和扫描电镜下,熏烟持续组种植体-骨界面骨形成量少,矿化程度低,骨整合效果差。结论熏烟对大鼠胫骨种植体骨整合有负面作用。  相似文献   

钛种植体表面处理如机械及微机械加工,喷砂酸蚀,微弧氧化,表面纳米化和生物化学方法都会促进种植体的骨整合能力.本文就钛种植体的表面处理对骨整合的影响作一综述.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高压氧能否促进种植体在非血管化新鲜自体游离移植骨上形成骨整合。方法:选用4只杂种成年狗,随机分成2组,每组2只,在狗下颌骨下缘各截取4cm×1.5cm大小的方形骨块,完全游离后原位植入,在植骨块上种入2个HA种植体。实验组动物在术后第 3天开始进行高压氧(HBO)治疗(24.2 kPa、1.5h/d、5d/周,共 4周),术后10周处死 4只动物,取含种植体的骨块,脱钙后腊包埋、切片、HE染色、组织学观察。结果:HBO组种植体在移植骨上形成骨整合,种植体周围的新骨呈连续的骨界面。非HBO组种植体界面呈不连续的新骨界面。结论:羟基磷灰石涂层种植体可在非血管化自体游离移植骨上形成骨整合,HBO可以促进骨结合的形成。  相似文献   

种植牙弹性模量对骨界面应力分布的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生物力学的观点出发,种植牙的弹性模量对骨界面的应力分布是有影响的,为了探讨这一规律,作者应用二维有限元方法,对单个螺旋型种植牙,在五种不同的弹性模量时(1370MPa、13700Mpa、70000MPa、1370000MPa)进行了骨界面的应力分布规律的比较分析,结果显示:种植牙的弹性模量越高,颈周骨内应力越小,而根端骨内应力越大;种植牙弹性模量越低,种植牙与骨界面的相对位移运动就越大;种植牙的  相似文献   

目的:探讨吸烟因素对大鼠胫骨内种植体骨整合的影响。方法:全麻下在32只Wistar大鼠右侧胫骨内植入纯钛螺纹状种植体,根据熏烟时间随机将其分为对照组、中止熏烟组和持续熏烟组,3个月后行X线片和骨密度测定。而后处死动物取胫骨标本,扫描电镜下观察各组种植体骨整合情况。实验数据以均数正负标准差表示,以SPSS?13.0软件对数据行单因素方差分析。结果:胫骨和种植体-骨界面平均密度值低,持续熏烟组与对照组间存在差异(F=6.808,P〈0.05);X线片和扫描电镜下,持续熏烟组种植体-骨界面骨形成量少,矿化程度低,骨整合效果差。结论:吸烟因素对大鼠胫骨种植体骨整合有负面作用。  相似文献   

目的:比较PRP复合骨替代品(Bi-oss)与单纯使用骨替代品对即刻种植牙周围骨再生过程的影响。方法:选择12只健康杂种犬,在实验动物的双侧上颌骨侧切牙即刻拔除并进行了种植窝预备的部位植入BLB牙种植体,左侧窝内放置PRP与骨替代品生物材料,右侧仅放置骨替代品。于术后4、8、12周分别将动物处死获取标本,置于显微镜下观察并进行BIC的测量、分析。结果:术后4、8周,实验组较对照组BIC有显著行差异,且实验组BIC较对照组明显增高,术后12周时,两组BIC无显著行差异。结论:使用PRP复合骨替代品比单纯使用骨替代品在术后4、8周对即刻种植牙周骨修复、重建有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

种植体周围骨结合是口腔种植重要的生物学基础。影响种植体骨结合的因素繁多,包括手术因素、种植体因素、患者自身因素等,其中应用系统性药物以改善种植体骨结合的相关研究已经成为当今的研究热点。本文基于动物实验研究,对系统性药物影响种植体骨结合的作用进行综述,以期为改善种植体骨结合提供可供选择的高效安全的系统性药物,为后期临床试验的开展奠定基础。  相似文献   

The success of dental implants is primarily dependent upon the degree of osseointegration or bone-to-implant contact (BIC), possibly facilitated by a roughened implant surface. This study was performed to histologically evaluate the nature of osseointegration and bone healing of submerged microtextured implants in eight dogs. Three months following tooth extraction in the posterior mandibulae, three microtextured submerged implants were placed in each quadrant. Block biopsies were harvested at 4 and 16 weeks (four dogs each) following surgery, and histologic preparation was performed. Histomorphometric analysis demonstrated that % BIC value increased marginally from 40% at 4 weeks to 48% at 16 weeks, without a statistically significant difference. The first bone-to-implant contact (f-BIC) at 16 weeks was significantly lower than the 4-week f-BIC (0.81 mm vs. 0.56 mm). In conclusion, this study found minimal change in BIC over time (from 4 to 16 weeks) in unloaded microtextured implants, while the mean f-BIC value significantly increased during this same observation period.  相似文献   

提要:种植义齿美学和功能体现的基础来自种植体与骨形成骨结合,它是种植义齿修复的关键所在。患者的身体素质和疾病对种植体骨结合的影响和使用寿命起重要作用,主要体现在伤口的愈合、种植后骨改建的能力及长期种植体骨结合能力的保持并减少并发症的出现等方面。本文重点讲述了与种植体骨结合相关的知识、临床种植体骨结合特殊病例处置与分析及骨质疏松症与种植的关系。  相似文献   

Osseointegration was originally defined as a direct structural and functional connection between ordered living bone and the surface of a load‐carrying implant. It is now said that an implant is regarded as osseointegrated when there is no progressive relative movement between the implant and the bone with which it is in direct contact. Although the term osseointegration was initially used with reference to titanium metallic implants, the concept is currently applied to all biomaterials that have the ability to osseointegrate. Biomaterials are closely related to the mechanism of osseointegration; these materials are designed to be implanted or incorporated into the living system with the aims to substitute for, or regenerate, tissues and tissue functions. Objective evaluation of the properties of the different biomaterials and of the factors that influence bone repair in general, and at the bone tissue–implant interface, is essential to the clinical success of an implant. The Biomaterials Laboratory of the Oral Pathology Department of the School of Dentistry at the University of Buenos Aires is devoted to the study and research of the properties and biological effects of biomaterials for dental implants and bone substitutes. This paper summarizes the research work resulting from over 25 years’ experience in this field. It includes studies conducted at our laboratory on the local and systemic factors affecting the peri‐implant bone healing process, using experimental models developed by our research team. The results of our research on corrosion, focusing on dental implants, as well as our experience in the evaluation of failed dental implants and bone biopsies obtained following maxillary sinus floor augmentation with bone substitutes, are also reported. Research on biomaterials and their interaction with the biological system is a continuing challenge in biomedicine, which aims to achieve optimal biocompatibility and thus contribute to patient health.  相似文献   

Background: While many studies have focused on the hazardous effects of smoking, there is little direct evidence regarding the specific detrimental effects of the nicotine on the osseointegration of implants. Objective: To understand the effects of nicotine on gene expression and osseointegration of titanium implants in rats. Material and methods: Forty‐four rats were administered with nicotine or saline for a period of 8 weeks. The femurs were then harvested and analyzed using a three‐point bending test. Osseointegration level was determined using bone/implant contact ratio at 2 or 4 weeks after implants were placed. Expression levels of bone matrix‐related genes were measured by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction. Results: The results of the three‐point bending showed that there was no significant difference detected in stiffness between control and nicotine groups at 8 weeks post‐saline/nicotine delivery (P=0.705). The bone/implant contact ratio in nicotine‐delivered group was significantly decreased compared with those in the control group at 4 weeks (P<0.05). Also, expression levels of osteopontin, type II collagen, bone morphogenic protein‐2, bone sialoprotein, and core‐binding factor α‐1 were significantly down‐regulated in the nicotine‐delivered group compared with the control. Conclusions: Although systemic exposure to nicotine did not affect rat bone development, bone wound healing around the implant after placement was affected. These findings suggest that nicotine might inhibit the bone matrix‐related gene expressions required for wound healing and thereby diminish implant osseointegration at late stage. To cite this article:
Yamano S, Berley JA, Kuo WP, Gallucci GO, Weber HP, Sukotjo C. Effects of nicotine on gene expression and osseointegration in rats.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21 , 2010; 1353–1359.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2009.01955.x  相似文献   

Oral Diseases (2012) 18 , 802–808 Objective: The aim of conducting this study was to evaluate the effect of zoledronic acid (ZA) on the new bone formation (NBF) after the insertion of a titanium dental implant, which is very popular treatment in dentistry. Study Design: Twelve New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. The rabbits were divided in two groups. ZA was systemically administered to the study group. Titanium implants were placed to the left and right tibias of the rabbits. Results: The data from the ZA group revealed a statistically significant increase in the bone mineral content and the bone mineral density. A non‐decalcified histomorphometric examination conducted on the study group revealed a significant increase of NBF and bone‐implant contact (BIC) at 2 and 4 weeks. Conclusion: A single dose of systemic ZA administration increases the rate of NBF and augments the quality of the bone.  相似文献   

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