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目的了解我国核心抗体阳性合格献血者隐匿性乙肝病毒感染(OBI)情况,分析血清学和分子生物性特征。方法对HBs Ag(-)、NAT检测无反应性的合格献血者血浆,进行乙肝两对半检测和anti-HBs定量检测,对核心抗体阳性标本进行病毒核酸提取,和BCP/PC区及S区巢式PCR扩增,对扩增结果阳性产物纯化后进行基因测序及序列分析,同时进行QPCR定量检测。对HBV DNA阳性的献血者进行追踪检测和分析。结果在1 033名合格献血者中,抗-HBc(+)占47.4%,阳性率随年龄的增长而增加(P0.001),30岁以下年龄组为32.6%而到50岁以上年龄组为为69.8%。777/1033为抗-HBs(+),占75.2%。在抗-HBc(+)人群中共检出14例HBV DNA(+),其中7例抗-HBs滴度在100 IU/L以上,在抗-HBc(+)合格献血者中OBI阳性率为2.86%。8/14例OBI为B型,1例为C型。7/14能追踪的标本中,1例发现抗-HBe血清转换为阳性。所有追踪标本的病毒均变成检不出。5例BCP/PC区序列发生突变,3例S区氨基酸变异。结论经HBs Ag及NAT检测合格的抗-HBc(+)献血者,其血液中仍有一定几率含有HBV DNA,存在经输血传播病毒的威胁,提示在乙肝高流行地区需进一步提高核酸检测方法的灵敏度,必要时可增加抗-HBc的检测。  相似文献   

目的探讨HBV标志物单项抗-HBc-IgG(抗-HBc)阳性结果的临床意义。方法对微粒子酶免分析(MEIA)检测5213例、ELISA检测594例住院患者HBV标志物总抗-HBc阳性率和单项抗-HBc阳性率进行回顾性统计;对MEIA检测的124例单项抗-HBc阳性和167例HBV标志物全阴性住院患者的抗-HBs水平进行分析;对ELISA筛选的97例流行病学意义的单项抗-HBc阳性血清标本采用含10%小牛血清PBS进行稀释后分别采用ELISA和MEIA检测抗-HBc并进行比较。结果ELISA检测抗-HBc“流行病学意义”和“临床意义”的总抗-HBc阳性率及单项抗-HBc阳性率分别为72.1%、16.3%和62.6%、7.6%。MEIA检测抗-HBc的总抗-HBc阳性率及单项抗-HBc阳性率分别为78.1%、13.2%;MEIA检测HBV标志物单项抗-HBc阳性组和HBV标志物全阴性组的抗-HBs结果,差异有统计学意义(χ2=86.9,P<0.001),ELISA筛选的97例单项抗-HBc阳性标本不同倍数稀释后ELISA和MEIA检测抗-HBc结果提示,未稀释或低倍稀释存在较高的非特异性反应,高倍稀释则存在较高的漏检率。结论不同方法单项抗-HBc阳性率存在一定的差异,单项抗-HBc阳性可作为乙肝病毒感染的证据,但存在一定比例的非特异性反应和假阴性,日常工作中ELISA检测抗-HBc以5~10倍稀释为宜。  相似文献   

抗-HBc阳性HBsAg阴性献血者乙型肝炎病毒感染性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尽管我国血站严格按照卫生部规定筛查HBsAg,但输注HBsAg阴性血液后仍难免输血后乙型肝炎(PTHB)发生[1]。为探讨PTHB发生的原因,确保血液质量,预防PTHB,笔者采用免疫-套式聚合酶链反应技术,检测了抗-HBc单阳性、抗-HBc/抗-HBs双阳性的HBsAg阴性血液的HBV DNA,以便为血站是否有必要在献血者中加作抗-HBc筛查提供一些科学依据,报告如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 标本及试剂来源共收集自1998年10月~1999年9月合格的玉林市公民献血者血样1008份(重复者剔除),均为经过献血前初筛和献血后复检合格的血液。初筛和复检项目有HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV、梅毒、ALT,使用试剂产自华美、厦门新创、中山、上海荣盛,初复检均使用不同厂家,其中检测HBsAg试剂盒由厦门新创科技有限公司和华美生物工程公司出品,灵敏度≤lng/ml。血样离心后将血浆分装两组试管,其中一组用于检测抗-HBc滴度和抗-HBs,另一组于-20℃保存以便供PCR检测。 1.2 抗-HBc及抗-HBs检测应用ELISA法(华美生物工程公司试剂盒,用芬兰MULTISKANMS型酶标仪判读),严格按试剂盒说明书操作检验,血浆用生理盐水作倍比稀释至1∶128以测定抗-HBc滴度。 1.3 HBV DNA检测应用PCR法(PCR仪为美国PerKin-Elmer公司的9600型DNA扩增仪,免疫-套式HBV PCR试剂盒由北京燕宇分子生物研究所出品),操作按说明书进行,扩增产物EB染色后于260nm波长观察结果;每次PCR检测均设正常人血清及HBV DNA阳性血清各1份作对照,首次PCR检测阳性标本均复检2次,2次复检至少有1次阳性者方判PCR阳性,2次复检均为阴性者判为阴性。 1.4 数据处理用χ2检验分析两组标本中HBV DNA检出率的差异性。  相似文献   

目的 了解HBsAg阴性、抗-HBc阳性的献血人群中HBV DNA感染情况.方法采用酶联免疫法(ELISA)检测5 121份HBsAg阴性的合格献血者血清抗-HBc和抗-HBc阳性反应滴度;对抗-HBc阳性样本采用ELISA法检测血清抗-HBs,采用巢式PCR三区段扩增法检测HBV DNA.结果HBsAg阴性的献血人群...  相似文献   

目的:调查常州地区无偿献血者HBV筛查中ELISA HBsAg阴性/核酸扩增检测(nu c l e i c ac i d amplification detection technology,NAT)HBV DNA阳性的情况,确保输血安全。方法:经2种不同的ELISA试剂检测合格的献血者标本,采用罗氏或者科华核酸检测系统检测HBV DNA,HCV RNA,HIV RNA的6人份混合样本(POOL),混样阳性的POOL再进行拆分检测,采用化学发光的方法对拆分阳性的标本检测乙肝标志物5项,并对所检出乙肝标志物5项结果全为阴性的血液进行追踪。结果:48 635份2遍ELISA阴性的献血者标本混检11 016个POOL,混检阳性的POOL数为66个,经拆分为HBV DNA阳性的POOL数为40个,未检出HCV RNA和HIV RNA,NAT总有效拆分率为60.61%,NAT检测出的标本阳性率为0.08%。针对上述HBV DNA阳性的血液,用化学发光再次检测乙肝5项,有7份标本五项全阴;其余为6份抗-HBs+、6份抗-HBs+/抗-HBc+、4份抗-HBs+/抗-HBe+、7份抗-HBc+/抗-HBe+、10例抗-HBc+。追踪其中4份乙肝5项检测结果全阴的血液,HBsAg均由阴性转为阳性。结论:NAT能在ELISA阴性的标本中筛检出HBV DNA阳性的标本,减少窗口期乙肝和隐匿性乙肝的发生,进一步保证了血液的安全。ELISA HBsAg阴性/NAT HBV DNA阳性的献血者中以隐匿性乙肝为主,为输血残余风险的主要隐患。  相似文献   

目的 评估乙型肝炎病毒DNA和血清标志物(HBV-M)联合检测对输血安全的价值.方法 对经常规血液筛查合格的献血者进行核酸扩增技术(NAT)检测,并对HBV DNA检测阳性标本进一步做HBV-M检测分析.结果 68 716例次常规血液筛查合格标本中,HBV DNA检测阳性率为0.12%;HBV-M各种模式中抗-HBs+、抗-HBc+模式组占22.89%;抗-HBe+、抗-HBc+模式组占19.28%;抗-HBc+模式组占18.07%;抗-HBs+、抗-HBe+、抗-HBc+模式组占13.25%;抗-HBs+模式组占10.84%;全阴模式组占15.66%.结论 HBsAg阴性抗-HBc阳性献血者血液存在输血传播HBV的风险,应用NAT检测血液HBV DNA能提高血液安全性.  相似文献   

目的研究无偿献血者乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)核酸筛查(NAT)阳性人群特点。方法选取该市2015年12月至2016年10月的无偿献血者20 000例,对其进行核酸混样定性检测、拆分单检及补充血清学检测,然后对其进行跟踪随访。结果 20000例无偿献血者中,HBV表面抗原(HBsAg)采用酶联免疫吸附试验法检测178例(0.890%)为HBsAg反应性,其中初次献血者的HBsAg反应性率明显高于重复献血者,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。HBsAg、抗丙型肝炎病毒抗体(-HCV)、抗-人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV1/2)结果阴性18 000例,17例(0.094%)为混合检测(MPX)反应性,其中初次献血者和重复献血者的MPX反应率之间的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。17例MPX反应性标本中,11例(0.061%)为HBV DNA,其中初次献血者和重复献血者的HBV DNA比例之间的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。11例HBV DNA阳性标本中,10例做乙型肝炎补充试验,乙型肝炎补充血清学试验均为阴性2例,单纯抗-HBs阳性1例,抗-HBc阳性7例,其中单纯抗-HBc阳性6例,抗-HBs阳性1例。结论无偿献血者HBV核酸筛查能够使血液安全得到进一步保证。HBV核酸检测阳性献血者中抗-HBc阳性比例较高,为降低HBV经血传播的风险,建议未开展核酸检测的血站增加对血液检测抗-HBc项目。  相似文献   

目的通过对HBsAg阳性而核酸检测(NAT)结果阴性的血液标本进行HBsAg确认检测,以评估不同检测策略的优劣,以期为降低HBV输血感染风险和建立科学有效的献血者屏蔽归队策略提供科学依据。方法采用2种ELISA试剂进行无偿献血者的HBsAg筛查,同时用TMA技术进行HBV DNA检测,将ELISA法HBsAg阳性但TMA法HBV DNA阴性的血液标本进行HBsAg中和确证实验和乙肝血清学标志物(HBV-M)检测。结果在47 004份标本中,共检出226份HBsAg阳性且HBV DNA阴性的标本。对其中161份标本进行了HBsAg中和确证实验,43份确证阳性,确证阳性中2种ELISA试剂均阳性占37份,ELISA试剂1单阳性标本和ELISA试剂2单阳标本各为3份,其确证阳性率分别为3.7%、9.1%。ELISA法单试剂检测HBsAg阳性结果的比例占到了HBsAg不合格血液标本的70%,但ELISA试剂1和ELISA试剂2的假阳性率分别高达96.3%和90.9%。对血液检测模式进行了筛查效果的评估,"1遍NAT+1遍ELISA"筛查模式检出率为0.094%,"2遍ELISA"筛查模式检出率为0.017%,二者比较有显著性差异。对133份进行了HBsAg中和确证实验的标本实施了乙肝血清学标志物(HBV-M)两对半检测,抗-HBs、抗-HBe、抗-HBc在ELISA结果阳性的不同情况中,其阳性比例呈现不同趋势,抗-HBc阳性率最高。结论 "1遍NAT+1遍ELISA"筛查策略比原有"2遍ELISA"筛查策略更能保障血液安全。由ELISA假阳性导致的献血者被错误屏蔽的问题,需要我们建立献血者归队策略,并制订科学有效的检测步骤和流程。  相似文献   

目的 分析乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)阴性乙肝病毒DNA(HBV DNA)阳性标本的补充试验结果。方法 选择2013年至2021年间的献血者样本,用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法筛查,无反应性标本用核酸检测技术(NAT)方法检测,对HBV DNA检测呈反应性的部分样本再进行乙肝五项进行补充试验。结果 对498 279份ELISA阴性的样本进行NAT检测,共检出HBV DNA阳性886例,隐匿性乙肝(OBI)检出率为1.78‰,对其中300份样本进行乙肝五项补充试验,发现抗-HBc阳性27例,抗-HBe、抗-HBc两项阳性62例,HBsAg、抗-HBe、抗-HBc阳性11例,抗-HBs、抗-HBc阳性163例,抗-HBs阳性10例,五项全阴共有27例。结论 献血者中存在血清学阳性OBI和血清学阴性OBI,补充试验对指导献血者就医,提升血站服务具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的分析乙肝血清学仅抗-HBs(+)的献血者HBV DNA(+)的原因。方法对ELISA法HBsAg(-)/HBV DNA(+)献血者标本进行化学发光法乙肝血清学(HBsAg、抗-HBs、HBeAg、抗-HBe、抗-HBc)检测和HBV DNA定量检测,对乙肝血清学中仅抗-HBs阳性者进行随访。将化学发光法乙肝血清学均阴性或仅HBsAg阳性者定义为ELISA法乙肝窗口期者,同样进行随访,作为对照。结果 2010年6月—2018年5月期间共检出23例单独抗-HBs(+)且HBV DNA(+),对其中4名献血者进行了随访:有1例随访时出现抗-HBc,并且抗-HBs数值显著上升,HBV DNA检测阴性;其余3例的乙肝血清学模式不变,且抗-HBs变化不大,HBV DNA检测结果或阴或阳。作为对照的7例窗口期献血者经随访均发生乙肝血清学模式的改变,其中6例出现抗-HBs/抗-HBc,1例只出现抗-HBs;HBV DNA检测均转阴。结论单独抗-HBs(+)的献血者HBV DNA(+)可能为乙肝疫苗注射后的突破感染,也可能为隐匿性乙肝感染。  相似文献   

HBV DNA PCR检测在HBsAg阴性献血人群中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨HBsAg阴性献血者HBV DNA榆测的应用价值,评估核酸检测的必要性.方法 采用PCR检测HBsAg阴性献血者HBV DNA.采用8人份混合血样测定,超离心浓缩病毒,磁珠法提取病毒核酸.如HBV DNA为阳性,则进一步检测乙型肝炎病毒血清标志物5项.结果 HBVDNA检测限量为25 U/ml,23 225份标本中有4份为HBV DNA阳性,检出率为0.17‰.进一步检测其他HBV感染的血清学指标,发现这4份标本中有2份为抗HBe和抗HBc阳性,1份为抗HBc阳性,1份为抗HBs、抗HBc阳性.对HBV DNA的定量测定表明,其含量在50~200 U/ml.结论 现行的2次酶联免疫技术的血液筛查存在HBV漏检,有必要在现有的血液筛查模式中增加抗HBc检测,或增加病毒核酸筛查.  相似文献   

闽南地区无偿献血者隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的研究闽南地区无偿献血者中隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染(OBI)情况,探讨现有输血传播乙肝病毒(HBV)的检测方法的有效性。方法依据多种与HBV相关血清学指标的检测情况对献血者标本进行HBV携带风险评价分级,对较高携带风险的标本做单份多区段巢式-PCR检测其HBV DNA,对低携带风险的标本做10份混合的巢式-PCR检测。采用这一方案,对闽南地区19 360例HBsAg阴性的无偿献血者标本做检测分析。结果闽南地区HBsAg阴性献血者中的HBV DNA阳性检出率为0.21%(40/19 360,95%CI:0.15%—0.28%),属于OBI;其中抗-HBc阳性检出率85%(34/40),但阳性预测值仅为3.4%(34/995,95%CI:2.4%—4.7%);HBV NRAg阳性预测值30%(6/20),但灵敏度为15%(6/40)。结论现有筛查体系下无偿献血者中仍存在一定比例的OBI,需要寻求更为有效的检测方法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent studies have revealed that HBV may not be cleared even after the disappearance of serum HBsAg. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the replication of HBV persists in HBsAg-negative blood donors who lack apparent liver disease. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Serum HBV was examined by using PCR coupled with Southern blotting in 50 blood donors who were identified to be HBsAg negative but anti-HBc positive. RESULTS: HBV DNA was detected in the sera from 19 (38%) of 50 donors. In 11 of the 19, HBV existed exclusively as immune complexes, while HBV presumably did not exist as immune complexes in the remaining eight. The levels of HBV DNA were similar to those in patients who had recovered from acute HBV. Some nucleotide substitutions, which did not confer amino acid changes in the major epitope of HBsAg, were found in the preS-S regions. CONCLUSION: The replication of HBV is ongoing in a substantial proportion of healthy blood donors who have anti-HBc. Blood from such donors may contain very low levels of HBV free of immune complex formation and should be excluded for transfusion. The fact that such blood donors apparently lacked liver disease suggests no pathogenicity of such "occult" HBV.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) may be present in serum even when negative for HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). If routine screening of sera for anti-HBV core antigen (anti-HBc) is not done, low-level HBV viraemia may not be identified. A study was done on the presence of HBV DNA in serum samples from Mexican blood donors negative for HBsAg. Sera from 158 volunteer blood donors, negative for HBsAg and anti-HBs, but positive for anti-HBc, were analysed using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). HBV DNA was detected in sera from 13 (8.23%) of the 158. Specificity of the PCR-amplified products was corroborated using Southern blot. Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis showed identical SSCP-banding patterns for all 13 PCR products, suggesting similar cDNA sequences. Occult HBV infection was observed in approximately 8% of anti-HBc only donors. The absence of HBsAg in the blood of apparently healthy individuals may not be sufficient to ensure lack of circulating HBV, and blood containing anti-HBc only may be infectious until proven otherwise.  相似文献   

目的 分析青岛地区无偿献血者乙型肝炎病毒感染的血清学及病毒学特征.方法 采用常规的血清学试验和核酸扩增技术对本地区315 520份无偿献血者标本进行联合筛查,对HBsAg-/HBV DNA+标本进行高精度病毒载量检测和补充乙肝5项检测,采用PCR直接测序法获得标本中HBsAg编码基因即S基因序列,分析病毒基因型别及氨基...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Japanese Red Cross (JRC) blood centers implemented anti-hepatitis B core antigen (HBc) screening in 1989 and 50-minipool (MP)-nucleic acid testing (NAT) in 2000. A systematic lookback study has been conducted to determine the hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission risk of donations drawn in the pre-hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and/or MP-NAT window phase and by donors with occult HBV infection. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: JRC blood centers have been storing aliquots of every blood donation since 1996. On the basis of the complete repository tube archives, all donations from repeat donors received from 1997 to 2004 were subjected to a lookback study. When repeat donors turned positive for HBV viral marker(s), repository tubes from their previous donations were tested for HBV with individual-donation (ID)-NAT. The frequency of ID-NAT-only-positive donations and the HBV transmission risk by the transfusion of those components were investigated. RESULTS: HBV ID-NAT was performed on 15,721 repository tubes, and 158 tubes (1.01%) were found positive for the presence of HBV DNA. Of these 158 ID-NAT-only-positive donations, 95 (60%) were derived from carriers with low anti-HBc titers. Of 63 patients transfused with ID-NAT-only-positive components, 12 (19%) proved to be infected with HBV. Only 1 of 33 components with low anti-HBc titers could be identified as infectious, whereas 11 of 22 anti-HBc-negative components proved to be infectious. None of the 16 identified hepatitis B surface antibody-positive components showed serologic evidence of infection. CONCLUSION: The clinically observed HBV infection risk caused by blood components from occult HBV carriers with low anti-HBc titers who slip through the JRC screening system is more than 10-fold lower than the transmission risk by donations in the pre-HBsAg and/or MP-NAT window phase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Testing for antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as a surrogate for hepatitis C viremia is no longer needed for blood donor screening. Currently, the important question is how much its use supplements hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) donor screening in preventing transfusion-transmitted hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In a study conducted in the 1970s, 64 blood donors were associated with 15 cases of HBV (1.0%) in 1533 transfusion recipients. Sera from 61 donors at donation and 29 follow-up visits were available for present-day assays for HBsAg, HBV DNA, anti-HBc, and antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs). RESULTS: HBsAg was found in four previously negative blood donors; HBV DNA was limited to three of these four. Anti-HBc was detected in six HBsAg-negative donors. Two other donors were negative in all assays at donation, but positive for anti- HBc and anti-HBs 2 to 4 months later. The remaining donors were negative for all HBV markers, which left five recipient cases unexplained. No HBV transmission was observed when anti-HBs sample-to- negative control values were > or = 10. CONCLUSION: Some 33 to 50 percent of cases of hepatitis B that could be transmitted by transfusion of blood from HBsAg-negative donors are prevented by anti- HBc screening. Anti-HBc-positive donors unequivocally positive for anti- HBs should be considered noninfectious for HBV and should be allowed to donate. Anti-HBc screening of paid plasmapheresis donors, supplemented by anti-HBs testing, would reduce the amount of HBV to be processed by virus inactivation and increase the content of anti-HBs in plasma pools.  相似文献   



One of the important factors in the ensuing safety of blood transfusion is to use a sensitive screening assay for detection of blood-born infective agents such as HBV which transmits through transfusion. To improve the detection rate of HBV infection in blood donors, a cross-sectional study was conducted in Rasht, which is the largest city in the north of Iran to explore the possibility of using anti-HBc as a screening test.

Study design and methods

A total of 2041 blood samples negative for HBsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV I, II and RPR were tested to detect anti-HBc and then the positive anti-HBc samples were further checked for the presence of HBV DNA.


The prevalence of anti-HBc positive samples was 3.8% and HBV DNA was detected in only one sample.


This study showed that anti-HBc positive blood donors may be a source of HBV transmission and further study for evaluation of HBV DNA in anti-HBc positive blood units is needed.  相似文献   

Chaudhuri V  Nanu A  Panda SK  Chand P 《Transfusion》2003,43(10):1442-1448
BACKGROUND: Transfusion associated-HBV (TAHBV) is estimated at approximately 1.5 percent in postsurgical recipients and 50 percent or more in multiple-transfusion recipients in India. Not transfusing blood with high-titer anti-HBc, which reportedly correlates with the presence of HBV DNA, helped reduce TAHBV in Japan. This study tested anti-HBc-reactive donors for PCR-amplified HBV DNA and its correlation with anti-HBc titers. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In total, 30,853 donors from Cohort 1 (24,694 in 2001) and Cohort 2 (6159 in 2000) were screened for anti-HBc and anti-HBs. Amplification of HBV DNA was performed on an unselected subset of 147 out of 3304 anti-HBc-only sera from Cohort 1 and 230 out of 6159 from Cohort 2. Correlation of anti-HBc titers in DNA positive (n = 48), DNA negative (n = 40), anti-HBs reactive (n = 44), and HBsAg reactive (n = 45) donors was by Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: In Cohort 1, 2673 (10.82%) donors were reactive for anti-HBc, of whom 1038 (4.20%) were anti-HBc only. HBV DNA was detected in 40 out of 147 (27.21%) and 48 out of 230 (20.87%) donors with anti-HBc only from the two cohorts. Anti-HBc titers detected no significant difference between the first three groups. CONCLUSION: Cryptic HBV infection was observed in approximately 25 percent of anti-HBc-only donors. No correlation was established between HBc titers and presence of HBV DNA.  相似文献   

目的了解无偿献血者中隐匿性乙肝病毒感染情况,并比较不同核酸检测方法对隐匿性乙肝病毒感染检测能力的差异。方法分别采用nested-PCR和Procleix Ultrio全自动核酸检测系统对无偿献血者血浆标本进行HBV核酸检测,对核酸阳性标本进行HBV DNA序列分析。结果在总计9 209例次标本的检测中,共有9 159例为HBsAg(-);HBsAg(-)标本中nested-PCR方法检出18例HBV DNA阳性(0.19%,18/9 159),而Procleix Ultrio检出7例(0.076%,7/9 159),两者间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);测序结果显示隐匿性HBV感染者中C基因型所占的比例(64.7%,11/17)明显高于HBsAg阳性的HBV感染者(23.1%,6/23,P<0.01)。结论闽南地区无偿献血者中存在较高比例的隐匿性乙肝病毒感染;不同核酸检测方法对献血者隐匿性乙肝病毒感染的检测能力存在差异。  相似文献   

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