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James C.  Geddie 《Psychophysiology》1974,11(3):388-390
A design is presented for the construction of an inexpensive tricolor mixer which is capable of continuous variation in hue and saturation. The degree of precision of measurement of the stimuli produced can be manipulated to meet the demands of the experimenter by selection of filters and mechanical components.  相似文献   

 We recorded whole-scalp magnetoencephalographic (MEG) responses to black-and-white checkerboards to study whether the human cortical responses are quantitatively similar to stimulation of the lower and upper visual field at small, 0–6°, eccentricities. All stimuli evoked strongoccipital responses peaking at 50–100 ms (mean 75 ms). The activation was modeled with a single equivalent current dipole in the contralateral occipital cortex, close to the calcarine fissure, agreeing with an activation of the V1/V2 cortex. The dipole was, on average, twice as strong to lower than to upper field stimuli. Responses to hemifield stimuli that extended to both lower and upper fields resembled the responses to lower field stimuli in source current direction and strength. These results agree with psychophysical data, which indicate lower visual field advantage in complex visual processing. Parieto-occipital responses in the putative V6 complex were similar to lower and upper field stimuli. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 9 September 1998  相似文献   

In this study, the cortical dynamics of the visual change detection process were investigated using an oddball paradigm similar to that used in auditory mismatch negativity studies. When subjects watched a silent movie, color stimuli were presented using 280 dual color LEDs arranged along the frame of the video screen. Task‐irrelevant red and blue color stimuli were presented randomly at a probability of 10% and 90%, respectively, in one session and vice versa for the other one, and we traced brain responses using magnetoencephalography. Results show that activation in the middle occipital gyrus (MOG) was significantly enhanced for the infrequent stimulus, while early activities in Brodmann's area 17/18 were comparable for the frequent and infrequent stimuli. These results suggest that automatic visual change detection is associated with the MOG activity.  相似文献   

Although several studies provide evidence of differences in the neural mechanisms of art professionals and non-professionals, little is known about the neural mechanism differences between painting professionals/majors and non-professionals/non-majors during color processing. For the first time, we compared functional activation patterns, functional connectivity during both color naming and passive color viewing, and gray-matter density in 12 painting majors and 12 controls through both functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Inter-group comparisons revealed that the painting majors showed more activation in the color selective areas and increased correlation between left V4 and the left ventral lateral prefrontal cortex during color naming. In contrast, the controls exhibited stronger activity in the Broca's area during color naming. Moreover, increased gray matter density in the left V4 complex was found when the painting majors were compared to the controls. This study demonstrates that the left V4 complex shows both functional and structural differences between painting majors and non-majors. In addition, the results suggest the reorganization of the brain circuit underlying lexical retrieval during color naming in the anterior regions of the painting major group.  相似文献   

 Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to address the issue of physiological changes in the cerebral cortex associated to optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in humans. We studied regional cerebral blood flow in eight volunteers during reflexive induction of OKN by a pattern of dots moving unidirectionally (toward the left side). We used two control conditions, with subjects passively viewing either stationary or incoherently moving dots. This paradigm was designed in order to differentiate the OKN-related activations from blood flow changes related to visual motion. When compared with the stationary condition, OKN activated a set of occipital areas known to be sensitive to visual motion. Bilateral activation was found in the striate cortex (V1) and the parieto-occipital fissure, while area V5, the intraparietal sulcus, and the pulvinar were activated only in the left hemisphere. When compared with incoherent motion, OKN activated the V1 and the parieto-occipital fissure bilaterally and the right lingual gyrus, while a signal decrease was observed in the V5 region in both hemispheres. No significant signal changes were found in areas implicated in saccades or in processing vestibular information. These results indicate that processing of OKN-related information is associated with neural activity in a specific set of visual motion areas and suggest that this network can be asymmetrically activated by a strictly unidirectional stimulation. Results are also discussed in terms of the specific kinds of OKN-related information processing subserved by each area in this network. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

The averaged visual evoked responses (VERs) to flashed blank and checkerboard-patterned (32 checkers) stimulation of the upper and lower half-field of 6° angular subtense were recorded referentially (Oz–A1+2) in seven dark adapted subjects using a luminance range of 3.69 log units (maximum luminance=2220 cd/m2).With the logarithmical rise of stimulation luminance the peak latencies of the maximum positive-negative deflection of the VERs to the upper and lower half-field blank and to the upper half-field patterned stimulation display a monotonick shortening. These three response types do not differ in waveform, polarity and amplitude. Their amplitudes show no significant luminance-dependent changes.The peak latencies of the VERs to the lower half-field patterned stimulation exhibit an U shaped course with the increase of the luminance. At lower luminances they are by about 30 ms shorter in comparison with the VERs to the other three stimulation types, at higher luminances a gradual lengthening is observable. Consequently, at low luminances these VERs have a reversed polarity, at higher luminances the same polarity as the VERs to the other three stimulation types. The amplitude values of the lower half-field patterned responses are the highest and show a triphasic luminance-dependent course.From these and further differences between the VERs to the upper and lower half-field patterned stimulation in connection with the reaction to defocusing and to the subtraction of the luminance-related part of the response it is concluded that the VERs to the lower half-field patterned stimulation only contain a pattern-related component.  相似文献   

Barkley and colleagues in 1990 reported large amplitude waves (LAWs) in time series magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings from migraine patients and inferred that these LAWs arose from spreading cortical depression (SCD). SCD propagates slowly across the cortex in all species in which it has been observed. Previously, we reported that LAWs could be simulated and compared with the recorded signals using the four-sphere model (Wijesinghe and Tepley 1997). We showed that LAWs could arise from the propagation of SCD across a sulcus. In this paper, we model LAWs using a realistically shaped head model based on magnetic resonance images (MRI) (Roth et al. 1993). Simulated signals using this model are similar to the recorded signals. In this model, current dipoles represent the excitable neurons in the cortex and magnetic fields created by these individual dipoles are calculated. The magnetic field arising from the excited area of cortex is obtained by summing the fields due to these individual dipoles.  相似文献   

The magnetic flux normal to the scalp surface was measured with a whole-head neuromagnetometer while right-handed subjects (N = 15) were engaged in either an auditory word- or a tone-recognition task. Sources of the recorded magnetic fields were modeled as equivalent current dipoles at 4 ms intervals and the number of sources in the later portion of the magnetic response was used as an index of the degree of brain activation. Significantly more sources were found in the left as compared to the right hemisphere in the word but not the tone task on a group basis. On an individual basis, 13/15 subjects had more sources in the left as compared to the right hemisphere during the word task, while in the tone task 3/10 subjects showed this pattern. Sources of activity were found in the left superior and middle temporal gyri in all subjects with available MRI scans. Sources were also found in the supramarginal gyrus and in medial temporal areas, including the hippocampus, in the majority of cases. MEG appears to be a promising tool for detecting activity in cerebral areas specialized for language and memory function.  相似文献   

We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) in 10 healthy human subjects to study cortical responses to tactile stimuli applied to the fingertips of digits 2–5 of the right hand. Each stimulus lasted 50 ms and was produced by air-driven elastic membranes. Four-hundred stimuli were delivered on each finger in three temporal patterns (conditions). In the “Discrete” condition, stimuli were applied to each finger repetitively with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 1–2 s. In the “Continuous” condition, stimuli were applied to the fingers sequentially as four-stimulus trains with zero ISI and 1–2 s intervening between trains. Finally, in the “Gap” condition, stimuli were applied as in the Continuous condition but with an ISI of 50 ms. A sensation of tactile motion across fingers (digit 2 → digit 5) was reported by all subjects in the Continuous and Gap conditions. Cortical responses were extracted as single equivalent current dipoles over a period of 1 s following stimulus onset. In all three conditions, initial responses in left primary somatosensory cortex (SI) were observed ~20 to 50 ms after stimulus onset and were followed by additional left SI responses and bilateral responses in the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII). In addition, in the Continuous and Gap conditions, there was an activation of the precentral gyrus, the temporal aspects of which depended on the temporal relation of the administered stimuli, as follows. An ISI of 0 ms led to activation of the precentral gyrus shortly after the second stimulation, whereas an ISI of 50 ms led to activation of the precentral gyrus after the third stimulation. The current findings support results from previous studies on temporal activity patterns in SI and SII, verify the participation of the precentral gyrus during tactile motion perception and, in addition, reveal aspects of integration of sequential sensory stimulations over nonadjacent areas as well as temporal activity patterns in the postcentral and precentral gyri.  相似文献   

Aftereffects are perceptual illusions caused by visual adaptation to one or more stimulus attribute, such as orientation, motion, or shape. Neurophysiological studies seeking to understand the basis of visual adaptation have observed firing rate reduction and changes in tuning of stimulus-selective neurons following periods of prolonged visual stimulation. In the domain of shape, recent psychophysical work has shown that adaptation to a convex pattern induces a subsequently seen rectangle to appear slightly concave. In the present study, we investigate the possible contribution of V4 neurons of rhesus monkeys, which are thought to be involved in the coding of convexity, to shape-specific adaptation. Visually responsive neurons were monitored during the brief presentation of simple shapes varying in their convexity level. Each test presentation was preceded by either a blank period or several seconds of adaptation to a convex or concave stimulus, presented in two different sizes. Adaptation consistently shifted the tuning of neurons away from the convex or concave adapter, including shifting response to the neutral rectangle in the direction of the opposite convexity. This repulsive shift resembled the known perceptual distortion associated with adaptation to such stimuli. In addition, adaptation caused a nonspecific response decrease, as well as a specific decrease for repeated stimuli. The latter effects were observed whether or not the adapting and test stimuli matched closely in their size. Taken together, these results provide evidence for shape-specific adaptation of neurons in area V4, which may contribute to the perception of the convexity aftereffect.  相似文献   

Natural texture of an object is an important cue for recognition. In real conditions, the incidence angle of light on natural textures leads to a complex pattern of micro-shading that modifies 3D rendering of surfaces. Little is known about visual processing of material properties. The present work aims to study the coding of natural textures by the neurons of area V4 of the awake macaque monkey. We used patches of natural textures issued from the CURET database and illuminated with two or three different angles with their corresponding controls (scrambled Fourier phase). We recorded the responses of V4 neurons to stimuli flashed in their receptive fields (RFs) while the macaques performed a simple fixation task. We show that a large majority of V4 neurons responded to texture patches with a strong modulation across stimuli. The analysis of those responses indicate that V4 neurons integrate first and second order parameters in the image (mean luminance, SNR, and energy), which may be used to achieve texture clustering in a multidimensional space. This clustering was comparable to that of a pyramid of Gabor filters and was not affected by illumination angles. Altogether, these results suggest that the V4 neuronal population acts as a set of filters able to classify textures independently of illumination angle. We conclude that area V4 contains mechanisms that are sensitive to the aspect of textured surfaces, even in an environment where illumination changes continuously. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
P. Girard (Corresponding author)Email:

Recently studied ‹old’ stimuli lead to larger frontal and parietal ERP responses than ‹new’ stimuli. The present experiment investigated the neuromagnetic correlates (MEG) of this ‹old-new’ effect and its modulation by emotional stimulus content. Highly arousing pleasant, highly arousing unpleasant and un-arousing neutral photographs were presented to the participants with the instruction to memorize them. They were later re-presented together with new photographs in an old-new decision task. In line with previous ERP studies, a long-lasting old-new effect (350–700 ms) was found. Independently, an emotion effect also occurred, as reflected in a, particularly left temporal, activity increase for emotional pictures between 450 and 580 ms. Moreover, only for the pleasant pictures did the early part of the old-new effect, which is thought to reflect familiarity based recognition processes, interact with picture content: The old-new effect for pleasant pictures in frontal regions was larger than the one for neutral or unpleasant pictures between 350 and 450 ms. In parallel, subjects’ responses were accelerated towards and biased in favour of classifying pleasant pictures as old. However, when false alarm rate was taken into account, there was no significant effect of emotional content on recognition accuracy. In sum, this MEG study demonstrates an effect of particularly pleasant emotional content on recognition memory which may be mediated by a familiarity based process.  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》2015,67(2):364-374
The HIV vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies (Abs) display low rates of mutation in their variable regions. To determine the range of neutralization mediated by similar human monoclonal Abs (mAbs) but derived from unselected chronically HIV-1 infected subjects, we tested a panel of 66 mAbs specific to V3, CD4 binding site (CD4bs) and V2 regions. The mAbs were tested against 41 pseudoviruses, including 15 tier 1 and 26 tier 2, 3 viruses, showing that the neutralization potency and breadth of anti-V3 mAbs were significantly higher than those of the anti-CD4bs and anti-V2 mAbs, and only anti-V3 mAbs were able to neutralize some tier 2, 3 viruses. The percentage of mutations in the variable regions of the heavy (VH) and light (VL) chains varied broadly in a range from 2% to 18% and correlated moderately with the neutralization breadth of tier 2, 3 viruses. There was no correlation with neutralization of tier 1 viruses as some mAbs with low and high percentages of mutations neutralized the same number of viruses. The electrostatic interactions between anti-V3 mAbs and the charged V3 region may contribute to their neutralization because the isoelectric points of the VH CDR3 of 48 anti-V3 mAbs were inversely correlated with the neutralization breadth of tier 2, 3 viruses. The results demonstrate that infection-induced antibodies to CD4bs, V3 and V2 regions can mediate cross-clade neutralization despite low levels of mutations which can be achieved by HIV-1 vaccine-induced antibodies.  相似文献   

Cortical control of saccades   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Saccadic eye movements are controlled by a cortical network composed of several oculomotor areas that are now accurately localized. Clinical and experimental studies have enabled us to understand their specific roles better. These areas are: (1) the parietal eye field (PEF) located in the intraparietal sulcus involved in visuospatial integration and in reflexive saccade triggering; (2) the frontal eye field (FEF), located in the precentral gyrus, involved in the preparation and the triggering of purposive saccades; and (3) the supplementary eye field (SEF) on the medial wall of the frontal lobe, probably involved in the temporal control of sequences of visually guided saccades and in eye-hand coordination. A putative cingulate eye field (CEF), located in the anterior cingulate cortex, would be involved in motivational modulation of voluntary saccades. Besides these motor areas, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) in the midfrontal gyrus is involved in reflexive saccade inhibition and visual shortterm memory.  相似文献   

研究分离高刺激率诱发的听觉诱发电位(AEP)暂态成分的方法。根据前期提出的维纳滤波技术,结合高阶反应的数学模型,提出一种长期记忆的迭代计算方案,在无需信号先验知识的条件下逼近一个稳定的AEP估计。将该方法应用于仿真数据和真实数据进行检验,其效果接近理想条件下维纳滤波的理论解。结果表明该方法可在缺乏信号先验知识的条件下,得到一个接近于理论真实值的AEP估计,为在高刺激率下还原AEP提供了一定的启示。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of visual areas to different temporal frequencies, as well as the functional connections between these areas, was examined using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Alternating circular sinusoids (0, 3.1, 8.7 and 14 Hz) were presented to foveal and peripheral locations in the visual field to target ventral and dorsal stream structures, respectively. It was hypothesized that higher temporal frequencies would preferentially activate dorsal stream structures. To determine the effect of frequency on the cortical response we analyzed the late time interval (220–770 ms) using a multi-dipole spatio-temporal analysis approach to provide source locations and timecourses for each condition. As an exploratory aspect, we performed cross-correlation analysis on the source timecourses to determine which sources responded similarly within conditions. Contrary to predictions, dorsal stream areas were not activated more frequently during high temporal frequency stimulation. However, across cortical sources the frequency-following response showed a difference, with significantly higher power at the second harmonic for the 3.1 and 8.7 Hz stimulation and at the first and second harmonics for the 14 Hz stimulation with this pattern seen robustly in area V1. Cross-correlations of the source timecourses showed that both low- and high-order visual areas, including dorsal and ventral stream areas, were significantly correlated in the late time interval. The results imply that frequency information is transferred to higher-order visual areas without translation. Despite the less complex waveforms seen in the late interval of time, the cross-correlation results show that visual, temporal and parietal cortical areas are intricately involved in late-interval visual processing.  相似文献   

To provide the building blocks for making synthetic antibody fragments we have used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to clone human variable (V) gene segments of λ light chains. The PCR primers were based on the sequences of known human Vλ segments, and were used to isolate 14 new Vλ segments (including 4 pseudogenes) from a single individual. We have compiled a sequence directory from this data and other sources to include all known human Vλ segments with open reading frames and we have identified a new Vx family (Vλ IX). Almost all of the segments (22/24) have different sequences in the complementarity-determining regions, setting a lower limit to the structural diversity of the antigen binding sites encoded by human Vλ genes in the human population.  相似文献   

Summary We present an overview of the investigations on Synchronized Spontaneous Activity (SSA) in the somatosensory and visual modality. The novelty of the stimulation paradigm and of the off-line data analysis, as well as the capability of the neuromagnetic technique to localize and follow in time the generators responsible for the SSA are used to characterize SSA and to study the underlying spontaneous activity. Synchronization of alpha and mu rhythms have been recognized and studied. The possibilities opened by the technique are discussed.Acknowledgements: We want to thank I. Modena, V. Pizzella, P.M. Rossini, G. Torrioli and R. Traversa for usefull discussions.  相似文献   

Nine squirrel monkeys were successfully trained on a mult CRF extinction program with electrical brain stimulation as the reinforcer. The reinforced stimulus (Sd) was a green cue light; the nonreinforced stimulus (SΔ) was a white light. Response rates during Sd reflected prior continuous reinforcement (CRF) responding. Only four of the monkeys learned to suppress responses during SΔ and immediately resume responding with the onset of Sd. The others continued periodically to sample the lever until stimulation was reinstated. The latter is characteristic of animals responding on a mixed schedule without external cues. Discrimination mastery could be predicted from orientation movements observed during prior CRF extinction. Twice the number of such movements were recorded for discriminators. There was no increased resistance to extinction in comparisons between discriminators and nondiscriminators or CRF extinction and discrimination extinction performance. A significant increased resistance to extinction was found for all females when evaluated with the three min pause criterion. Transfer of stimulus control with other electrodes required practice only for those sites in neuroanatomically dissimilar structures; however, positive transfer was always exhibited.  相似文献   

No HeadingSummary: This study investigates the possible relevance of distribution and age variation of spontaneous theta activity (4–8 Hz) in normal subjects using magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings. Spontaneous theta was recorded with a 151-channel MEG in healthy subjects; moreover, in a group of 10 subjects, simultaneous MEG-EEG was recorded in order to compare the two methods. Theta was divided in two sub-bands: TA (4–6 Hz) and TB (6–8 Hz). The pre-processed data were transformed into the frequency domain by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based software by subdividing the data in epochs of 5 sec, on which FFT amplitudes are computed. Moreover, on all trials a simple model of a single electric current embedded in a spherically symmetric conductor was fitted automatically to the magnetic fields and projected onto an averaged MRI. The results obtained show that FFT-based theta power spectrum was distributed in adults with the highest power over the posterior parietal and occipital areas with TB dominance. The dipole analysis resulted in a mid-sagittal distribution, though the youngest group displayed theta dipoles fitting more posteriorly respect to the adults and the elderly. These results suggest that spontaneous theta activity is a diffuse and pervasive rhythm which shows some different topographical distribution among the age groups. Whether the prevalent posterior distribution of theta is the expression of distinct networks or the outcome of complex dynamics are questions of possible relevance in the organization of higher order processes.  相似文献   

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