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气管插管堵塞致呼吸道梗阻原因及护理对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  

目的 总结气管插管患者人工气道痰痂堵塞出现的原因并提出有效的护理对策.方法 回顾性分析37例人工气道痰痂堵塞危重患者的相关因素及处理措施.结果 发生人工气道痰痂堵塞的原因与以下因素有关:气道湿化不够、吸痰技术缺陷、肺部感染、气道出血、误吸、气管导管内径偏小、气管插管置留时间过长、脱水和解痉药物的使用、患者脱水状态等.结论 通过加强气道湿化,做好肺部感染、气道出血、误吸等防护措施,掌握有效吸痰时机和技巧,减少和预防人工气道痰痂堵塞的发生,一旦痰痂堵塞,做好痰痂堵塞人工气道的急救护理,保证有效的通气,提高患者人工气道的护理质量和生存质量.  相似文献   

气管切开或气管插管病人因病情需要经常收集痰液进行培养及药敏试验。为避免污染 ,易于操作 ,准确无误地收集标本 ,我们采用一次性收集器收集痰标本 ,收到了满意的效果。1 用物  太平洋医材股份有限公司生产的一次性痰液收集器 1个。2 操作方法  留取痰标本前 ,先打开痰液收集器外包装 ,将带有负压调节阀一端与床头负压吸引装置连接 ,用无菌镊 (或带无菌手套 )夹住另一端 (吸痰管 ) ,插入气管深部 ,开动吸引器 ,痰液即被收集到筒内 ,然后将两条塑料管在收集筒根部打结 ,用剪刀剪去多余管道 ,即可送检。3 优点  操作简便、快捷、易…  相似文献   

目的探讨改进型留取痰标本方法对经口气管插管患者痰培养结果的影响。方法将2013年4月-2014年1月90例气管插管患者随机分为对照组和观察组各45例。对照组采用一次性普通吸痰管留取痰标本的方法,观察组采用一次性吸痰管集痰器留取痰标本的方法,比较2组痰标本合格率及病原菌检出阳性率。结果观察组痰标本细菌培养合格率及病原菌检出阳性率均高于对照组(χ2=8.21,P0.01;χ2=10.05,P0.01)。结论对经口气管插管患者采用一次性吸痰管集痰器留取痰标本,可提高痰标本合格率及病原菌检出的阳性率,减轻患者的痛苦。  相似文献   

麻醉中困难气管插管的处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气管内插管不仅广泛用于麻醉实施,而且在危重病患者的抢救复苏及治疗中发挥重要的作用。在与麻醉有关的死亡病例中,大约30%是由于困难呼吸道管理不当造成的。随着麻醉技术的开展,临床上气管内插管的应用越来越广泛。困难气管插管的发生率有时高达3%,是麻醉医生常遇到的问题。困难气管插管是指气道因解剖异常或病理改变而导致在普通喉镜直视下3次不能将气管导管顺利插入气管内或插管时间超过10min。一些患者体征明显,麻醉前易引起重视,但有些患者外表似乎正常,仍有可能给插管带来意想不到的困难,若插管前未能料及,并且处理不当,则有死亡的潜在危险。  相似文献   

我院2003年8月~2004年8月出现术后气管插管堵塞致呼吸道梗阻患者4例(其中包括ICUI例),病情十分危险,但均因发现及时,抢救措施正确,患者无1例死亡,均康复出院。气管插管堵塞临床少见,后果十分严重。为此,我们对发生的原因进行了分析,做出了相应的护理对策。  相似文献   

郑颖 《中国误诊学杂志》2010,10(16):3906-3906
通畅的气道是心肺复苏的首要环节,气管插管是建立人工气道的简单有效的方法。临床上常会遇到气管插管困难的病例,急诊护士往往是心肺复苏术的第一实施者,熟练掌握气管插管术是急诊护理人员的必备技能。  相似文献   

气管插管深部结痂堵塞气道的护理体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丽华 《现代护理》1997,3(2):45-45
气管插管是保持呼吸道通畅.维持有效通气量,防止呼吸道堵塞的重要措施之一.如护理不当.一旦发生堵塞.便可危及生命。所以在临床护理工作中.对插管深部易出现的痰血痴堵塞呼吸道致呼吸道梗阻危象要引起高度重视。1病例介绍例1,患者女,67岁.因颅脑外伤在全麻下行开颅探查项内血肿清除术.术后病情稳定,因昏迷仍保留气管插管。术后37.5小时.患者突然出现呼吸深大.烦躁不安.口唇发绀.给予气管内吸痰.分泌物极少.同时使用脱水剂及呼吸兴奋剂.症状没有改善.半小时后自主呼吸消失.双侧瞳孔散大均smm一经复苏抢救无效.手术后38…  相似文献   

经鼻或经口行气管插管是临床建立人工气道常用的方法。本科2001至2005年气管插管内吸痰201例气管黏膜损伤原因及对策进行讨论。  相似文献   

经鼻气管插管痰痂形成的分析及护理   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
目的分析呼吸内科病人经鼻气管插管痰痂形成的影响因素,对机体的影响及护理。方法对呼吸内科病人120例经鼻气管插管中形成痰痂的41例进行回顾性分析,观察常规吸痰和规范吸痰对痰痂形成的影响,比较痰痂形成后,痰细菌培养、肺部感染,总结痰痂形成后的护理。结果62例常规吸痰病人痰痂形成38例(61.29%),58例规范吸痰病人痰痂形成3例(5.17%),41例痰痂形成病人的细菌培养阳性38例(92.68%),肺部感染32例(78.50%);79例无痰痂形成者则分别为14例(17.72%),13例(16.46%),P<0.005;17例轻度痰痂,经加强气道湿化消失;19例中度痰痂,经纤维支气管镜气道灌洗清除痰痂;5例重度痰痂,2例重新插管,2例行紧急气管切开,1例窒息死亡。结论规范吸痰,可有效减少痰痂形成、痰细菌感染和肺部感染,加强气道湿化等规范化处理、经纤支镜气道灌洗吸痰及气管切开,可以有效防止肺部感染,防止痰痂引起窒息,提高经鼻气管插管护理质量。  相似文献   

ICU气管插管病人非计划性拔管的原因分析及对策   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:54  
ICU气管插管病人中非计划性拔管的发生率为10.8%.通过对ICU住院病人的回顾性调查,发现非计划性拔管的发生与缺乏有效的固定、未使用镇静剂、未采取适当的肢体约束措施以及医疗护理操作不当等因素有关.针对这些因素探索相应的护理对策,使非计划性拔管的发生率下降至1.9%.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective randomised cross-over study was to measure peak expiratory flow rates during manual hyperinflation and to determine if the addition of a head-down tilt to physiotherapy treatment increased sputum production in patients who are intubated and ventilated. Twenty patients who were intubated, ventilated and haemodynamically stable were randomised to a sequence of physiotherapy treatment in a flat side-lying or a head-down tilt position. Peak expiratory flow rates were measured for each breath during manual hyperinflation using a Vitalograph peak flow meter. Sputum wet weight was collected for each treatment position and static pulmonary compliance was measured before and immediately following physiotherapy treatment. There was a significant increase in peak expiratory flow (p < 0.001) and sputum production (p = 0.008) in the head-down tilt position. The mean difference and 95% confidence intervals for expiratory flow were 0.17 (0.15 to 0.19) l/sec and for the wet weight of sputum 1.97 (0.84 to 3.10) g. The peak expiratory flow rate was sufficient to produce annular flow in both flat side-lying (1.97 +/- 0.09) l/sec and in the head-down tilt position (2.14 +/- 0.08) l/sec. Static pulmonary compliance improved significantly following physiotherapy treatment (p = 0.003). The mean difference and 95% confidence intervals pre- and post-treatment for static pulmonary compliance were 5.18 (2.14 to 8.22) ml/cmH(2)O. The results suggest that addition of a head-down tilt to physiotherapy treatment, including manual hyperinflation, in patients who are intubated and ventilated, increases sputum production and improves peak expiratory flow.  相似文献   

162例气管插管患者的气道管理   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
杨春娥 《护理学报》2004,11(1):20-21
笔者通过报道162例气管插管患者的气道管理,阐述痰痂形成的原因:(1)气道干燥,湿化不够。(2)吸痰管插入深度不够,吸痰不彻底。管理措施:(1)用金霉素眼膏润滑吸痰管,使之易于插入,保证吸痰管插入深度超过插管远端3-5cm。(2)预防气道干燥,注重湿化效果,重视吸痰环节。认为气囊不需定时放气,只需不定时调整气囊压力。  相似文献   

This study assessed the overall effect of oral hygiene in patients in an intensive care unit and compared the results when different solutions were used. Forty orally intubated subjects were studied. Ultrafresh (Faulding) was used as mouth care agent for half the subjects and normal saline was used for the other half. The condition of all subjects' mouths was assessed daily while oral endotracheal tubes were in situ. No localised changes occurred in the oral tissues of 72% of subjects and none developed gingivitis or overt oral candidiasis.  相似文献   

吉爱平 《护理研究》2006,20(9):793-794
开胸手术是治疗许多疾病的重要手段,但由于手术时间长、创伤大,术后肺功能损害明显,黏液分泌紊乱和清除障碍[1],加上气管插管侵入性操作及麻醉和术后过程中误吸口腔和胃肠道内容物,如不及时清除容易使分泌物、误吸物积聚堵塞气管,诱发肺部感染和肺不张,严重者甚至发生低氧血症,  相似文献   

开胸病人不愿早期咳嗽排痰的原因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吉爱平 《护理研究》2006,20(3):793-794
开胸手术是治疗许多疾病的重要手段,但由于手术时间长、创伤大,术后肺功能损害明显,黏液分泌紊乱和清除障碍,加上气管插管侵入性操作及麻醉和术后过程中误吸口腔和胃肠道内容物,如不及时清除容易使分泌物、误吸物积聚堵塞气管,诱发肺部感染和肺不张,严重者甚至发生低氧血症,直接影响到预后。因此,我们对165例开胸病人不愿早期咳嗽排痰的原因进行了分析,并摸索出相应的对策,现报告如下。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little research has been done on pain assessment in critical care, especially in patients who cannot communicate verbally. OBJECTIVES: To describe (1) pain indicators used by nurses and physicians for pain assessment, (2) pain management (pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions) undertaken by nurses to relieve pain, and (3) pain indicators used for pain reassessment by nurses to verify the effectiveness of pain management in patients who are intubated. METHODS: Medical files from 2 specialized healthcare centers in Quebec City, Quebec, were reviewed. A data collection instrument based on Melzack's theory was developed from existing tools. Pain-related indicators were clustered into nonobservable/subjective (patients' self-reports of pain) and observable/objective (physiological and behavioral) categories. RESULTS: A total of 183 pain episodes in 52 patients who received mechanical ventilation were analyzed. Observable indicators were recorded 97% of the time. Patients' self-reports of pain were recorded only 29% of the time, a practice contradictory to recommendations for pain assessment. Pharmacological interventions were used more often (89% of the time) than nonpharmacological interventions (<25%) for managing pain. Almost 40% of the time, pain was not reassessed after an intervention. For reassessments, observable indicators were recorded 66% of the time; patients self-reports were recorded only 8% of the time. CONCLUSIONS: Pain documentation in medical files is incomplete or inadequate. The lack of a pain assessment tool may contribute to this situation. Research is still needed in the development of tools to enhance pain assessment in critically ill intubated patients.  相似文献   

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