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Objectifs. – Le but de cette étude a été de vérifier que l'hyperoxie permettait d'augmenter les performance d'un exercice physique.Méthodes. – Vingt-deux sportifs de spécialités différentes, « explosif » (musculation) et « endurance » (cyclisme) ont été étudiés. Les groupes « explosif » et « endurance » comportaient respectivement six sujets hyperoxie + trois contrôles et six sujets hyperoxie + sept contrôles. Douze séances d'entraînement de 90 minutes ont été réalisées : groupe hyperoxie = 100 % d'oxygène à 1,6 b (PO2 = 160 kPa), groupe témoin = pression atmosphérique normale (PO2 = 21 kPa). Des paramètres anthropométriques et biologiques , la force utile maximale (groupe « explosif ») et la VO2 max (groupe « endurance ») ont été mesurés avant et après les 12 séances. L'évolution des puissances développées à la fréquence cardiaque correspondant au seuil de 4 mmol d'acide lactique a été suivie dans le groupe « endurance ».Résultats. – Il n'existait pas de différence significative entre les groupes pour les paramètres anthropométriques, sanguins et la VO2 max. Le groupe « explosif » hyperoxie présentait à la fin des séances, une force utile maximale plus importante (p = 0,03) que celle des témoins. Le groupe « endurance » présentait une augmentation plus importante (p < 0,05) des puissances sous-maximales que le groupe témoin.Conclusion. – L'hyperoxie permet une optimisation de l'entraînement du sportif.Aims. – Evaluate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen on physical exercise performance.Methods. – Twenty two athletes with different specialties: “explosive” (musculation) and “endurance” (cycling), were studied. The “explosive” and “endurance” groups included respectively 6 “hyperoxy” subjects + 3 controls and 6 “hyperoxy” subjects + 7 controls. Twelve 90 min-sessions of training were scheduled: “hyperoxy” group = 100% oxygen at 1.6 b (PO2 = 160 kPa), control group = atmospheric pressure (PO2 =21 kPa). Anthropometric and biologic parameters, useful maximum strength (“explosive” group) and VO2max (“endurance” group) were assessed before and after the 12 sessions. Modifications of strength developed at the cardiac frequency corresponding to the 4 mmol threshold of lactic acid were noted in the “endurance” group.Results. – No difference was noted between the two groups in the variations of the anthropometric and biologic parameters as well as in the VO2max determinations. The “explosive/hyperoxy” group developed, at the end of the sessions, a more important (P = 0.03) increase of the useful maximum strength that controls. The “endurance” group developed a more important increase (P < 0.05) of sub maximum powers that controls.Conclusion. – Hyperbaric oxygen optimize athletic training.  相似文献   

Purpose. – To assess the short-term stability, over time, of a slightly modified version of the overtraining questionnaire proposed by the SFMS.Methods. – Three or 7-day test–retest of the questionnaire was completed in 30 high level athletes. In a first stage analysis, the score obtained during the first test was compared to and correlated with that obtained during the second one. Then, in a second stage analysis, the individual reproducibility of each item was assessed using a similitude index: a value of 100% meant that all the athletes gave an identical response for the two trials.Results. – Scores were not different between the two tests and intra-class correlation coefficients were r = 0.82. Overall reproducibility of the similitude index was quite good even if six items of 52 displayed a lower similitude index (around 80%).Conclusion. – The short-term reproducibility of the overtraining questionnaire is quite good. This result reinforces its reliability and warrants its use in a longitudinal follow-up framework aimed to detect precociously an overtraining syndrome.  相似文献   

Aim. – Verify the sensibility of a standardised overtraining questionnaire during a weekly observation in a sport population.Methods and results. – The experiment was carried out in 12 athletes, 20–23 years old, students at the University in Licence STAPS, with a standardised overtraining questionnaire given every week during 8 weeks. Results were analysed individually and for the total population. Those showed that overtraining questionnaire could allow individualised training programs, and could provide some pertinent information on sleep quality and physical condition for each athlete. For the coach, the overtraining questionnaire permits to identify some fatigue state, consecutively to training variations. On the total population, the analysis of overtraining questionnaire showed some items more reliable than other.Conclusion. – This questionnaire was very interesting for coaches, allowing a good individualisation of the training program. Nevertheless, this questionnaire presents intricate statistical analysis when given at high frequency.  相似文献   

Introduction. – The object of this study consisted in analysing the changes in cardiorespiratory fitness of fourteen sportsmen having undergone a surgical operation following a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee.Methods and results. – Two triangular and maximum tests starting from the upper limbs were carried out before and after the operation with 7 days of interval. The results showed that the operation followed by a few days of bed rest generates a fast and significant reduction in the maximum oxygen consumption (–7%, p < 0.05) and peak aerobic power (–8%, p < 0.05).Conclusion. – These results could encourage therapists to propose endurance training during rehabilitation protocols.  相似文献   

Aims – To estimate the effects of intensive physical activity on female fertility.Current knowledge – Since twenty to thirty years ago, women have regularly participated in intense physical sports. The first Olympic Marathon for women took place at Los Angeles (United-States) in 1984 and many clinical studies concerning the incidence of menstrual disturbances among sportswomen, were concomitant of the dramatic increase in female participation in endurance sports, either as recreational or professional sportswomen. Most of these studies were focused on secondary amenorrhea. Later, etiological studies have shown that a range of disturbances, from an apparently normal menstrual cycle, irregular menstruation, oligomenorrhea to the complete blockage of the ovarian function were observed.Points of views and plans – It is very likely that the physiological process leading to menstrual troubles among sportswomen include disturbances of GnRH pulsatility at hypothalamic level. It has been shown that a session of training at an intensity greater than 60% during at least 40 min leads to the secretion of neuromediators able to interfere with GnRH pulsatility. Repetitiveness of daily sessions of training (i.e., more than five sessions a week) associated with marginal energy intake or strictly vegetarian food may contribute to disturb the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis in female athletes.  相似文献   

Objectifs. – Évaluer la fréquence d’apparition de l’hypoxémie induite par l’exercice (HIE) chez un groupe de rameurs de haut-niveau.Méthodes. – Sept rameurs de haut-niveau ont participé à l’étude (19,14 ± 1,3 ans). Les sujets ont effectué une épreuve d’effort à charge croissante sur un rameur ergométrique lors de laquelle les échanges gazeux et la saturation de l’hémoglobine en oxygène (SpO2) ont été mesurés.Résultats. – Les sujets avaient une VO2max de 61,68 ± 1,65 ml/min par kilogramme. Tous ont présenté une HIE avec des chutes de SpO2 comprises entre 5 et 11 %. Cette chute était significative dès 70 % VO2max. Le volume d’entraînement réduit des athlètes testés par rapport aux autres athlètes endurants semble indiquer que le phénomène est indépendant du volume d’entraînement.Conclusion. – Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence que 100 % des rameurs de haut-niveau présentaient une HIE. La limitation ventilatoire et l’importante masse musculaire mise en jeu spécifiques à l’aviron seraient les hypothèses explicatives.Aim. – To access the frequency of exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH) in elite oarsmen.Method. – Seven elite oarsmen participated (19.14 ± 1.3 year) in this study. Subjects performed an incremental exercise testing on a rowing ergometer. Gas exchanges and pulse oxymetric saturation in oxygen (SpO2) were measured during exercise.Results. – Subjects exhibited a mean of VO2max of 61.68 ± 1.65 ml min–1 kg–1. All rowers showed an EIH with a SpO2 ranging between 5% and 11%. This SpO2 fall was significant from 70% VO2max. The reduced training volume of our athletes compared with others endurance trained athletes seems indicate that phenomenon is not dependent of training volume.Conclusion. – This study showed that 100% of elite oarsmen exhibit EIH. Mechanical limitation in ventilation and great muscle mass involved in rowing could be the explicative hypothesis.  相似文献   

Aim – Heart rate comparative study by spectral analysis between a 6 minutes judo randori et a 4 minutes ergocycle exercise at .Materials and methods – By ten male judokas, both time series were analyzed by short term Fourier transform (time/frequency analysis). Each 512 RR time series drawn from ECG was subdivided by Hanning windowing in 13 samples of 128 values (32 RR periods step). For each sample, both exercise types, means of the ten spectrograms have been computed, yielding two mean spectrograms for each sample.Results – 1) Despite a near maximal heart rate (HR) level between the two exercise types, the spectral energy computed from judo randori was significantly more important than ergocycle spectral energy. This phenomenon yields a qualitative effect of the exercise type (judo or ergocycle) on HRV. 2) the normalized spectral powers of low frequency and high frequency bands respectively, were not significantly different between both exercise types.Conclusion – The autonomie nervous control on HR would depend rather on exercise load than on exercise type.  相似文献   

Introduction. – A short questionnaire of fatigue, urinary cortisol/cortisone ratio and heart rate variability were measured in 14 elite swimmers during heavy, light and moderate training periods.Results. – The questionnaire was strongly related to the variations of training and performance (r > 0.70). Correlations were lower with the hormonal ratio and insignificant with the heart rate variability.Conclusion. – The questionnaire and the hormonal ratio were good markers of the variations of training and performance contrary to the heart rate variability.  相似文献   

Objectifs. – Présenter la notion d'effet protecteur induit par la sollicitation musculaire excentrique et aborder les différents types d'adaptations pouvant rendre compte de ce phénomène.Actualités. – La réponse du complexe neuromusculaire à une séance de renforcement musculaire excentrique est conditionnée par le type de sollicitation réalisée au préalable. Les dommages musculaires sont en effet moins marqués et la récupération de la contractilité musculaire plus rapide si des sollicitations excentriques sont effectuées quelques jours à plusieurs mois avant la séance.Conclusion. – L'effet protecteur semble préférentiellement résulter d'une adaptation du tissu contractile à la contrainte mécanique. La prise en compte de l'effet protecteur doit permettre d'optimiser la programmation de l'entraînement de la force et de la rééducation fonctionnelle.Objectives. – To present the eccentric contraction-induced protective effect, as well as the different kind of adaptations possibly involved in this phenomenon.Topics. – The effects of an eccentric exercise session on the neuromuscular system depend on the contraction type performed previously. A repeated eccentric exercise does not induce the same negative effects on force production capacity than a first bout. Indeed, strength recovery is improved and eccentric exercise-induced ultrastructural damages are less pronounced after a second exercise bout performed 5 days to 6 months after the first one.Conclusion. – The protective effect seems to be mainly related to contractile adaptations to eccentric muscular solicitation. Strength training and rehabilitation programs could be improved by taking into account this protective effect.  相似文献   

Purpose. – Isolate the objective and subjective clinical symptoms usually obtained in routine medical practice which more clearly characterise the overtraining syndrom in order to improve its diagnosis. Compare objective parameters with subjective parameters obtained by using the SFMS questionnaire to assess its validity.Synthesis of facts. – The subjective parameters usually used in this questionnaire (sleep, appetite, muscular symptoms, anxiety, irritability, headache…) and objective parameters (biometry, nutritional status, cardio-respiratory and metabolic during rest and exercise) are retrospectively analysed in 17 athletes who suffered from overtraoning syndrome. Some objectives clinical parameters are frequently observed (alteration of the resting and submaximum exercise heart rate, lower differential resting blood pressure, higher submaximal exercise lactatemia, lower recovery index). The fat mass and maximal exercise lactatemia are correlated to the score of the overtraining questionnaire.Conclusion. – This retrospective study puts forward the valuability of the subjective symptoms assessed by the SFMS questionnaire in conjunction with simple objective clinical parameters obtained in routine laboratory to facilitate the diagnosis of overtraining syndrom.  相似文献   

Aim. – To investigate the effects of physical activity and nutritional intake on obese adolescents body mass index (BMI) and physical condition.Methods. – Each month, adolescent BMI and physical condition were determined during 10 months.Results. – BMI was significantly decreased after 10 months in both sexes but did not differ between sexes. Physical condition of adolescents was significantly increased and gender difference appeared. The evolution of adolescent body weight, during the protocol, was not associated with the age of obesity appearance. Also, the number of obese parents did not influence the adolescents body weight decrease.Conclusion. – This study demonstrated that multidisciplinary weight-reducing program presents beneficial effects on health.  相似文献   

Objectives. – To evaluate the effect of a regular physical activity on the use of hypnotics, anxiolytics and antidepressants among elderly.Main facts. – Survey by self-administered questionnaires in 12 months of interval. The response rate was 55% (1709 females and 192 males, mean age 68.4 ± 5.6 years). Physical activity: they practiced soft gymnastics for 11.3 years on average, at a rate of 1.7 ± 1.0 sessions (2.0 ± 1.4 hours) per week, but 152 subjects had begun this activity. Psychotropic drugs: during the last 30 days, 13.9% of our respondents said that they have taken hypnotics, 5.6% had used anxiolytics and 4.7% had used antidepressants. The average percentage of hypnotics users is higher at those which has just begun (23.8% vs 13.2%, P < 0,05) and it drops after one or two years of regular practice (18.2% after one-two years, 13.1% after three-nine years, 11.0% after ten years, P < 0.05). Of the elderly who began the activity, 24.3% said that they have used hypnotics or anxiolytics during the past 30 days. One year later, they were only 5.9% (P < 0.05). The effects are less convincing for the antidepressants.Conclusions. – Regular practice of soft gymnastics could decrease the use of certain psychotropic drugs among elderly.  相似文献   

Introduction. – L'objectif de cette étude est d'observer l'influence des paramètres anthropométriques sur la performance en aviron, chez des rameurs de niveau national et international.Synthèse des faits. – Les mesures anthropométriques ont été réalisées sur 88 rameurs (dont 11 évoluant au niveau international) lors des championnats de France de 2002. Ces mesures ont été corrélées aux performances réalisées sur ergomètre et en bateau. Des différences significatives sont mises en évidence entre les caractéristiques anthropométriques des rameurs de niveau national et international. Ces caractéristiques semblent être reliées directement aux performances ergométriques et non à celles réalisées en bateau.Conclusion. – L'influence des caractéristiques anthropométriques sur la performance en aviron pourrait être modifiée en fonction des niveaux de compétition.Aim. – Observe the influence of anthropometrics characteristics on rowing performance, at national and international level.Results. – Anthropometrics measurements of 88 rowers (included 11 international rowers) were realized during the national championships, data were correlated to ergometer and boat performances. Significant differences appear between anthropometrics characteristics of national and international rowers. Anthropometrics parameters seem related to ergometer performance but not to boat performances.Conclusion. – The influence of anthropometrics characteristics on rowing performance could be modified by the competitive level.  相似文献   

Objectifs. – Évaluer le niveau de sollicitation physiologique imposée au sportif dans des conditions proches de celles de la régate et vérifier si l'utilisation de la fréquence cardiaque de réserve (ΔFC) est un témoin valide de la consommation d'oxygène lors de la navigation en Laser®.Protocole expérimental. – Neuf sujets de sexe masculin, et de niveau international, ont effectué deux parcours successifs de 30 minutes de navigation (avec virement de bord toutes les 2 minutes) séparés de 15 minutes de repos. Les mesures de et FC étaient réalisées en continu. Une mesure de lactatémie était effectuée avant le départ de chaque parcours puis à l'arrêt des 30 minutes de navigation.Résultats. – Les valeurs moyennes de , de ΔFC et de lactatémie sont respectivement pour les parcours 1 et 2 de : 58,7 et 54,5 % , 59,1 et 55,3 % ΔFC, 2,57 et 2,77 mmol/l–1 observés, quels que soient l'intensité du vent et le parcours réalisé. Dans ce cadre, une relation significative est objectivée pour chaque sujet entre les valeurs moyennes de la réserve de fréquence cardiaque et de la consommation d'oxygène.Conclusion. – Lors d'un parcours d'une durée proche de celle de la régate, la consommation d'oxygène lors de la navigation en Laser® est significativement plus élevée que celle communément relevée dans la littérature scientifique. Dans ce cadre, nos résultats montrent que la dépense énergétique moyenne d'un effort en Laser® peut être estimée grâce à la fréquence cardiaque de réserve.Purpose. – The first aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological demand during Laser®sailing in a situation closed to competition. The second one is to analyse the validity of relative heart rate (ΔHR) to assess energy expenditure during Laser®sailing.Protocol. – Nine male international dinghy sailors performed two successive 30-min sailing tests tacking every 2 min with a 15 min rest in between each test. Measurements of , HR were performed during the whole test. [La]b levels were measured just prior to the test and immediately after each 30 min of sailing.Results. – Mean values of , ΔHR and [La]b were, respectively, 58.7% and 54.5% , 59.1% and 55.3% ΔHR, 2.57 and 2.77 mmol l–1 for test 1 and 2 whatever the speed of the wind. Furthermore a significant relationship was observed between mean relative heart rate value and oxygen consumption in each subject.Conclusions. – In our study closed to regatta condition in Laser®sailing, energy expenditure values recorded is higher than those classically reported in scientific literature during simulated conditions. Furthermore in this study, our results indicate that relative heart rate can be used as an useful tool to assess energy spending during Laser® sailing.  相似文献   

Introduction – Measure the influence of a sporting event (in this case an international rugby match) upon the concentration of salivary cortisol.Synthesis of facts – In order to take our study to a successful conclusion, we took salivary samples from the players during the event as well as at the time of a rest day. These concentrations are measured thanks to a radio immunoassay technique. The sporting event  has resulted in a 75% cortisol level rise. This increase reflects both a physiological and a psychological response to a stressful stimulation. The value of the cortisol before the event is also higher (85%) than the one measured at the same time of day during the rest day.Conclusion – This result shows that the sporting event has a positive correlation with the level of the salivary cortisol that it is to say a cognitive anticipation of the subjects.  相似文献   

Aim. – To assess the efficacity of aprotinin injections, for achilles tendinosis treatment in sportsmedicine.Materials and methods. – A non-randomized prospective study about 209 tendinosis (164 patients) was carried out. All treatments were noticed. The evaluation was carried out, before treatment by aprotinin, after treatment by aprotinin, and all treatments together. 87.6% are sportsmen (mean age 39.5). Running, tennis and soccer are the most common sports. Duration of treatment was 2.75 months. 45.5% patients were treated with success by rest, physiotherapy, massage and stretching. After treatment by aprotinin 82.4% had excellent or good results with prompt resumption of sport. We noticed only 7 local allergic reactions.Conclusion. – Aprotinin is fully entitled to a place in treatment of achille tendinosis (with nodule, anormal thickness, or enthesis) after failure of conventional treatments.  相似文献   

M. Duclos 《Science & Sports》2005,20(5-6):247-255
Objectives. – This basic studie aims at making to the point on the effects of anabolic steroids intake on reproductive function.Topics. – Androgenic anabolic steroid usage induces an hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism due to dose-dependent suppression of hypothalamic (GnRH) and pituitary (LH, FSH) gonadotrophins. Clinically, in males, this hypogonadism is associated with testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, infertility with oligo or azoospermia and changes in libido. This hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism is reversible after the end of anabolic steroids intake. But the recovery of the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis, endogenous testosterone production and spermatogenesis generally needs 3 to 12 months following drug withdrawal. Female-specific side effects of anabolic steroids include hirsutism, increased facial hair, reduced breast tissue and male pattern baldness.Perspectives. – We are probably at the onset of revelations coming from the athletes on the deleterious effects of prolonged pharmacological hormones abuse. At short term, these adverse effects are reversible. On the other hand, it appears that their intensive and prolonged use during several years is particularly deleterious on health (hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis but also another endocrine axis, cardio-vascular system…).  相似文献   

Aim – The aim of the present study was to investigate the VO2 uptake slow component in prepubertal children of different aerobic capacity during high intensity exercise.Method – Twenty three (12 well-trained and 11 untrained) prepubertal children took part in two constant-power tests performed at intensities corresponding to 80% of the anaerobic threshold and 90% of maximal aerobic power. VO2 kinetics during both constant-power tests was determine using a monoexponential + linear term model.Results/conclusion – Our results demonstrated the existence of a slow component during heavy intensity exercise in prepubertal children, as previously described in adults. The magnitude of this slow component did not differ between trained swimmers and untrained children exercising at the same relative intensity, provided that the whole VO2 response was considered.  相似文献   

Aim – Study was then to investigate hydration influence on exercise-induced GHh secretion.Methods and results – Seven healthy men underwent a submaximal rectangular cycling exercise for 30 minutes to 150 watts during two sessions. A first one without any water intake and a second one with ingestion of spring water corresponding to the volume of water lost during the first session. Plasma volume decrease was significantly higher during the first session (p < 0.05). Total GH secretion was significantly lower during this session (p < 0.05).Conclusion – A moderate dehydration decreases exercise-induced GH response. Thus, hypovolemia may exert a negative feed back on GH secretion, during exercise.  相似文献   

Introduction. – This study explored concentric and eccentric profile of knee musculature in a jumpers population. Relationships between isokinetic assessment and field tests performances have also been explored.Materials. – Jumpers population presented higher knee flexors performances in concentric and eccentric mode and superior knee extensors strength in eccentric. Significant correlations between isokinetics and field tests results were exclusively observed with athletes quadriceps performances. A very high correlation (r = 0.93) was found between the second bound relative performance of the ten multijumps test and eccentric quadriceps relative peak torque.Conclusion. – Jumpers training may favour a specific muscular development. The knee extensors eccentric strength may be a major factor in the athletic performance.  相似文献   

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