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A Rimondini C M Cipolla P Della Bella S Grazi E Sisillo G Susini M D Guazzi 《The American journal of medicine》1987,83(1):43-48
Hemofiltration has been suggested as a new therapeutic tool in refractory heart failure. In this study, 11 patients with primary or ischemic heart disease in New York Heart Association class IV, in whom there was no response to medical treatment, were subjected to hemofiltration. The pathophysiologic adjustments promoted by subtraction of plasma water were investigated, and guidelines for an appropriate use of this procedure in heart failure are provided. Fluid was removed from plasma at a rate of 500 ml/hour until either normalization of the right atrial pressure (which was increased in all cases) was achieved or the hematocrit exceeded 50 percent. According to these criteria, the duration of treatment ranged from four to six hours and the total amount of fluid removed was 2,000 to 3,000 ml. In each case, hemofiltration promoted relief of dyspnea and of clinical and radiographic evidence of lung congestion and pleural effusion, and substantially reduced the dependent edema and abdominal girth. These effects were paralleled by progressive decrease of the right (-70 percent) and left (-45 percent) ventricular filling pressures and of the pulmonary arterial pressure and arteriolar resistance, without significant variations in heart rate, aortic pressure, cardiac index, and systemic vascular resistance. Changes in the right atrial and wedge pulmonary pressures are interpreted as reflecting a combined effect of a decrease in pressure on the outside of the heart due to fluid reabsorption (from lung interstitial spaces and pericardial, pleural and abdominal cavities) and of intravascular volume subtraction. The arterial partial pressure of oxygen was raised, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and pH were unchanged, and urinary output was substantially enhanced by the procedure. The study indicates that: hemofiltration may be a short-term treatment for refractory cardiac insufficiency with overhydration; a filtration rate of 500 ml/hour is effective and safe; and the central venous pressure may be a reliable guide to volume subtraction. 相似文献
心力衰竭是各种心脏病的终末阶段,用心脏再同步化(CRT)的技术治疗中重度心力衰竭患者是一个新的治疗方法。CRT又名心房同步双心室起搏装置,近年来一系列短期和长期的临床试验已报道了这项治疗的临床效益,认为是严重心力衰竭合并心电学异常患者的一种理想的非药物辅助治疗选择。文章综述了心脏再同步化治疗的机制,相关的临床试验,临床思考和存在的技术问题,同时强调该方法目前还处于探索研究阶段,但已显示其光明的前景。 相似文献
Fluid overload may occur in patients with congestive heart failure. Under normal conditions, this is treated with inotropic support and diuretics. However, when diuretics fail, fluid removal becomes uncontrolled and other therapeutic options must be undertaken. Extracorporeal ultrafiltration is a possible solution to restore a status of fluid balance close to normal. Several new technologies have made ultrafiltration available today in all centers and easy to be instituted. Acute isolated schedules of ultrafiltration may, however, be too aggressive and result in severe hemodynamic instability. For this reason, continuous extracorporeal techniques have been applied in such patients and the therapy is generally carried out with success. Excellent hemodynamic stability, a good cardiovascular response and often diuresis restoration are the most common effects encountered using continuous forms of extracorporeal fluid removal. The potential for a home-based application of these techniques represents a further stimulating concept to be investigated. 相似文献
M DiLeo A Pacitti S Bergerone R Pozzi G Tognarelli G Segoloni A Vercellone A Brusca 《Clinical cardiology》1988,11(7):449-452
Artificial subtraction of fluids and solutes was evaluated in the course of acute and chronic heart failure when it became refractory to standard intensive medical treatment. A group of 19 patients (mean age 57 years), 9 with ischemic, 2 amyloidotic, 4 valvular, and 4 idiopathic cardiomyopathy, were treated. In 17 patients extracorporeal ultrafiltration (UF) by means of a polysulfonate ultrafilter was adopted along 125 sessions (105 assisted by a roller pump and 20 as a slow continuous ultrafiltrate). In two patients continuous peritoneal dialysis was adopted. In every case UF was well tolerated. Ultrafiltrate volumes ranged from 1680 to 3500 ml for every session with corresponding Na losses ranging from 194 to 434 mEq/session. Improved clinical and functional status with reduction of edema was observed in 17 of 19 patients. In 12 patients UF could be discontinued due to restored response to diuretics; 5 of these patients could subsequently undergo heart surgery (1 transplant, 3 valve replacement, 1 coronary bypass). The remaining 7 patients survived on medical therapy alone for an average of 228 days. In 7 of 19 cases, UF could not be discontinued, and these patients died after an average of 23 days of treatment. In conclusion, UF proved to be effective in eliminating salt-fluid overload and restoring response to medical treatment. Patients who are potential surgical candidates seem to be the most suitable for UF. 相似文献
Thirty-five patients with severe chronic congestive heart failure that was refractory to conventional therapy were given high dosages of furosemide (250 to 4000 mg/d) because of significantly reduced renal function (mean endogenous creatinine clearance, 0.53 mL/s/1.73 m2 [32 mL/min/1.73 m2]). Natriuresis, weight reduction (mean, 11 kg), and relief of symptoms were achieved in all patients. The mean survival after the start of the high-dose furosemide therapy was 11.3 months (range, 0.5 to 36 months) (n = 35). When this therapy eventually failed, long-term intermittent hemofiltration was performed in eight selected cases, further prolonging survival (mean, 3.0 months). High-dose furosemide therapy and hemofiltration improved the quality of life and prolonged survival. The use of diuretics in congestive heart failure should therefore include treatment with high-dose furosemide, which is effective and can be given over a long period without serious side effects. 相似文献
B F Uretsky J A Shaver C S Liang D Amin P K Shah T B Levine P Walinsky T LeJemtel T Linnemaier 《The American journal of cardiology》1989,63(8):8D-11D
Lisinopril, a new converting enzyme inhibitor, was studied hemodynamically in 55 patients. The response to 2.5-, 5- and 10-mg doses showed significant increases in cardiac index and significant reductions in pulmonary artery wedge, right atrial, pulmonary arterial and systemic arterial pressures, as well as in systemic vascular resistance. Significant changes in most parameters were present at 24 hours. A dose-response relation for most parameters was noted. Over a 3-month period, 47 patients were followed up, with improvement in functional capacity and symptomatic status. Metabolic parameters did not change over time, although 26% showed evidence of reversible renal dysfunction. Only 3 patients (6.4%) required discontinuation because of adverse effects. A subgroup of patients reassessed at 3 months demonstrated maintenance of hemodynamic effects. The present study demonstrates that (1) the hemodynamic effects of lisinopril are of relatively long duration; (2) within certain limits, a dose-response relation can be defined; and (3) the drug has an acceptable long-term tolerability profile. 相似文献
M J Krell E M Kline E R Bates J M Hodgson L R Dilworth N Laufer R A Vogel B Pitt 《American heart journal》1986,112(4):787-791
Thirteen ambulatory patients with severe congestive heart failure were treated with weekly, outpatient 48-hour infusions of dobutamine. All 13 patients had at least a 25% increase in cardiac output during initial dobutamine titration, with a corresponding improvement in systemic vascular resistance. Improvement in functional class was achieved in only seven patients. Additionally, only three patients survived the 26-week study period. Although no change in ventricular ectopy was noted during the initial dobutamine infusions, six patients experienced sudden death; three other patients died of progressive heart failure and one died from pulmonary embolism. These data suggest that chronic intermittent ambulatory dobutamine infusions are only partly successful in improving symptoms and probably do not prolong survival in patients with severe congestive heart failure. Administration of this form of therapy on a clinical basis should be undertaken cautiously until safety and efficacy are demonstrated in prospective, controlled trials. 相似文献
目的 评价左西孟旦治疗难治性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)的疗效.方法 将100例CHF患者随机分为治疗组(50例)和对照组(50例).对照组给予洋地黄、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)、螺内酯、多巴酚丁胺、米力龙等综合治疗;治疗组在对照组治疗基础上,改多巴酚丁胺为左西孟旦.观察两组治疗前后血压、心率,超声心动图测定心功能指标的变化,静脉置Swan-Ganz导管,以心电压力监测仪测定平均右房压(MRAP)、平均肺动脉压(MPAP)和平均肺毛细血管楔压(MPCWP),热稀释心排计算机测定心排血量,计算心脏指数(CI)、左室搏动指数(LVgWI)、体循环阻力(SvR)和肺循环阻力(PvR).结果 治疗组左室射血分数与对照组相比明显改善[(48±4)%比(42±4)%,P<0.05)],血压及心率下降程度、6 min步行距离,以及左心室内径缩短程度、相对室壁厚度(RWT)、短轴缩短率(FS)、心搏出量(SV)增加程度均显著优于对照组(P<0.05);MRAP、MPAP、MPCWP、LVgWI、SvR、PvR,MPAP、MPCwP下降,CI增加,SVR、PVR降低,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 左西孟旦能够更好地增加左室射血分数,改善心功能. 相似文献
Circulatory response to fluid overload removal by extracorporeal ultrafiltration in refractory congestive heart failure 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Marenzi G Lauri G Grazi M Assanelli E Campodonico J Agostoni P 《Journal of the American College of Cardiology》2001,38(4):963-968
OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to investigate the hemodynamic and circulatory adjustments to extracorporeal ultrafiltration (UF) in refractory congestive heart failure (rCHF). BACKGROUND: In rCHF, UF allows clinical improvement and restores diuretic efficacy. However, in the course of a UF session, patients are exposed to rapid variations of body fluid composition so that, as fluid is withdrawn from the intravascular compartment, hypotension or even shock could occur. METHODS: In 24 patients with rCHF undergoing UF, we measured, after every liter of plasma water removed, hemodynamics, blood gas analysis (in both systemic and pulmonary arteries), plasma volume changes (PV) and plasma refilling rate (PRR). The PV and PRR were calculated by considering hematocrit and ultrafiltrate volume. RESULTS: In all patients, UF was performed safely, without side effects or hemodynamic instability (ultrafiltrate = 4,880 +/- 896 ml). Mean right atrial, pulmonary artery and wedge pressures progressively reduced during the procedure. Cardiac output increased at the end of the procedure and, to a greater extent, 24 h later, in relation to the increase of stroke volume. Heart rate and systemic vascular resistance did not increase, and other peripheral biochemical parameters did not worsen during UF. Intravascular volume remained stable throughout the entire duration of the procedure, indicating that a proportional volume of fluid was refilled from the congested parenchyma. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with rCHF, subtraction of plasma water by UF is associated with hemodynamic improvement. Fluid refilling from the overhydrated interstitium is the major compensatory mechanism for intravascular fluid removal, and hypotension does not occur when plasma refilling rate is adequate to prevent hypovolemia. 相似文献
Zhang H Liu C Ji Z Liu G Zhao Q Ao YG Wang L Deng B Zhen Y Tian L Ji L Liu K 《International heart journal》2008,49(5):587-595
The aim of the present study was to determine if prednisone, a glucocorticoid, added to conventional treatment for patients with decompensated congestive heart failure (DCHF) refractory to the conventional care, results in significant relief of congestive symptoms and improvement of clinical status. Diuretic-based strategies, as the mainstay in DCHF management, are not always effective in eliciting diuresis. However, the addition of prednisone to standard care may induce potent diuresis in this clinical setting. Thirty-five patients with DCHF were enrolled in the study, and prednisone (1 mg/kg/day with maximum dosage of 60 mg/day) was added to the standard treatment. Primary endpoints were the effects on daily urine volume, patient and physician assessed dyspnea and global clinical status, and changes in renal function. The addition of prednisone induced potent diuresis with time. As a result of the diuresis, congestive symptoms improved markedly in 80% and global clinical status improved markedly in 68.6% of the DCHF patients at the end of the study (P < 0.001). The change in serum creatinine from baseline was -12.21 micromol/L (P < 0.05). Adding prednisone to conventional care in the patients with refractory DCHF induced potent diuresis accompanied by a dramatic relief of congestive symptoms and improvements in clinical status and renal function. 相似文献
Management of refractory congestive heart failure. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
R J Cody 《The American journal of cardiology》1992,69(18):141G-147G; disc. 147G-149G
Despite recent advances in the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF), many patients continue to present with symptoms refractory to digoxin, diuretic, and vasodilatory therapy. Since it is unlikely that this population will decrease in the near future, practical approaches to management of refractory CHF are reviewed. Refractory CHF here is defined as New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class III-IV heart failure, despite maximal drug therapy. Before such a diagnosis is made, the patient should be treated with digoxin, diuretics, and a vasodilator. Approach to therapy requires assessment of changing clinical status and pathophysiology, optimizing oral drug treatment, and providing temporary parenteral support when indicated. Specific attention should be given to factors that influence the optimal response to each of these 3 treatment classes. A theoretical, but unproven, concept suggests that combined vasodilatory therapy may be appropriate as long as excessive hypotension is avoided. In the course of management, a decision is required as to whether further optimization of therapy can be achieved on an outpatient basis. Hospital-based intravenous inotropic support given for 2-4 days will often provide the opportunity to restructure patient therapy. 相似文献
Joshua Wynne MD FACC Robert F. Malacoff MD Joseph R. Benotti MD Gregory D. Curfman MD William Grossman MD FACC B.Leonard Holman MD FACC Thomas W. Smith MD FACC Eugene Braunwald MD FACC 《The American journal of cardiology》1980,45(6):1245-1249
The acute effects of an oral preparation of amrinone, a recently synthesized cardiotonic agent, were assessed noninvasively in nine patients who had advanced heart failure that persisted despite treatment with digitalis, diuretic drugs and afterload-reducing agents. All patients demonstrated an improvement In left ventricular ejection fraction determined by radionuclide ventriculography (20.3 ± 2.8 to 30.8 ± 4.8 percent [mean ± Standard error of the mean], p <0.005) after a single dose of amrinone. Initial effects were seen within 1 hour, with the peak effect occurring at 1 to 3 hours; persistent effects were demonstrable at 4 to 8 hours. No change in blood pressure, heart rate or rhythm was observed, and there was no cllnical evidence of myocardial ischemia. Continued benefit was demonstrated by radionuclide ventriculography in two patients treated for 1 and 6 weeks, respectively, although two other patients experienced major side effects with the chronic administration of amrinone. Although orally administered amrinone shows promise as a potentially useful agent in the treatment of advanced heart failure, the safety of this drug remains to be established. 相似文献
Isolated ultrafiltration, hemodialysis & peritoneal dialysis (Tx) were recently used in the treatment of intractable heart failure (HF). We examined the relation between the response of HF to Tx and the residual kidney functions. Tx was carried out in 17 patients (Pts) with HF who did not respond to aggressive medical treatment. Ten Pts (R) responded to Tx and 7 Pts (N) did not. Serum urea nitrogen (UN), creatinine (Cr), uric acid (UA), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and chloride (Cl) concentrations on admission and before Tx were not different between R and N. Urine UN, Cr, Na, K, and Cl on admission and before Tx were also not significantly different. Fractional sodium excretions (FENa), renal failure indices (RFI), and urine/plasma Cr ratios (U/P Cr) on admission were 2.0 +/- 1.6, 2.7 +/- 2.2, and 30.5 +/- 20.0 in R and 5.9 +/- 4.2, 8.2 +/- 6.0 and 11.5 +/- 3.8 in N. They were significantly different (p less than 0.05). However, these did not differ before and after Tx. These data show that FENa, RFI and U/P Cr might be useful indices in predicting the responsiveness of intractable HF to Tx. 相似文献
Clinical and hemodynamic studies were carried out in 20 patients suffering from refractory congestive heart failure with invasive technique and non-invasive methods such as tolerance exercise test, 24-hour Holter monitoring, etc. Digitalis was then withdrawn and China-made amrinone (AMR) was administered orally for 15 days. All the indices mentioned above were repeated and each patient served as his own control. The results indicate that AMR can improve hemodynamic parameters as well as exercise tolerance. Holter monitoring revealed no significant increase in arrythmogenic potentiality. The total clinical effective rate was 95%. No severe side effects were found except thrombocytopenia observed in 20% of the patients. It is suggested that China-made AMR is effective in treating refractory congestive heart failure. 相似文献
I A Simpson A P Rae K Simpson J Gribben J M Boulton Jones M E Allison I Hutton 《British heart journal》1986,55(4):344-347
Ultrafiltration was performed in nine patients with congestive cardiac failure that was refractory to conventional medical treatment. A mean of 12 X 7 litres of fluid was removed, and there was a sustained symptomatic improvement in all patients. Weight loss continued after ultrafiltration and a sustained increase in serum sodium concentration was also noted. A transient fall in right atrial pressure was seen only at four hours after ultrafiltration. No adverse haemodynamic effects were seen four and eighteen hours after fluid removal. Intracardiac dimensions measured by echocardiography remained unchanged. Ultrafiltration can be used to relieve symptoms in patients with refractory congestive heart failure and gross oedema. 相似文献
M J Antunes 《Revista portuguesa de cardiologia》2000,19(6):705-715
Patients with severe congestive heart failure which is not reversible by therapy and caused by mechanical abnormalities that are not surgically correctable, generally constitute desperate cases in which surgical intervention is only palliative. Currently, only transplantation can be considered an adequate mid-term therapy, while cardiomyoplasty and ventricular reduction (Batista) have not evolved as viable alternatives. The former has not yielded satisfactory results and the experience with the latter is still too short, although the short term results also appear discouraging. The shortage of available organs for the number of patients on the waiting list and the rejection and infection phenomena, which remain the main difficulties with transplantation, may be overcome in the not too distant future. Finally, the artificial heart will almost certainly be an alternative, but it may, eventually, be overthrown by xenotransplantation. 相似文献