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Recognizing the voices of people we know does not only activate "voice areas" in the temporal lobe but also extraauditory areas including the fusiform "face area" (FFA). This cross-modal effect could reflect that individual face and voice information become specifically associated when becoming acquainted with a person. Here, we addressed whether the ability to have individual face representations 1) plays a role in voice recognition and 2) is required to observe cross-modal responses to voices in face areas. We compared speaker recognition performance and neuroimaging responses during the processing of familiar and nonfamiliar speakers' voices in a developmental prosopagnosic subject (SO) with the respective findings obtained in a group of 9 control subjects. Despite scoring worse than controls on recognition of familiar speakers' voices, SO had normal cross-modal responses in the FFA and normal connectivity between FFA and the voice regions. However, she had reduced activations in areas that usually respond to familiarity with people. An indication for the malfunctioning of her FFA was reduced connectivity of the FFA to a subset of these supramodal areas. In combination these data suggest that 1) voice recognition benefits from the ability to process faces at an individual level and 2) cross-modal association of voices and faces in the brain is achieved by a sensory binding and does not depend on a top-down mechanism subsequent to successful person recognition.  相似文献   

The large-scale neural dynamics underlying higher cognitive processes are characterized by at least three types of stimulus-response: (i) the resetting of ongoing oscillatory brain activity without concomitant changes in response amplitude (phase alignment response); (ii) the addition of response amplitude to the ongoing brain activity in a time-locked manner (evoked response); and (iii) the addition of response amplitude that is not time-locked (induced response). Recent animal studies identified evoked responses as a characteristic neural response during stimulus perception but leave open the possibility that higher cognition, such as memory, is characterized more predominantly by phase alignment and/or induced responses. Using whole-head single-trial magnetoencephalography data from eight healthy adults, we show that all three types of response are related to the discrimination of old and new stimuli in a visual word recognition memory paradigm. In four subjects, single-trial evoked responses were the single constituents of event-related field old/new differences that have been previously related to familiarity-based and recollection-based recognition memory. While these data show that the oscillatory brain dynamics underlying recognition memory are characterized by a complex mix of three types of stimulus-response, they also clearly implicate evoked responses in higher cognitive processes such as recognition memory.  相似文献   

We tested for differential brain response to distinct spatialfrequency (SF) components in faces. During a functional magneticresonance imaging experiment, participants were presented with"hybrid" faces containing superimposed low and high SF informationfrom different identities. We used a repetition paradigm wherefaces at either SF range were independently repeated or changedacross consecutive trials. In addition, we manipulated whichSF band was attended. Our results suggest that repetition andattention affected partly overlapping occipitotemporal regionsbut did not interact. Changes of high SF faces increased responsesof the right inferior occipital gyrus (IOG) and left inferiortemporal gyrus (ITG), with the latter response being also modulatedadditively by attention. In contrast, the bilateral middle occipitalgyrus (MOG) responded to repetition and attention manipulationsof low SF. A common effect of high and low SF repetition wasobserved in the right fusiform gyrus (FFG). Follow-up connectivityanalyses suggested direct influence of the MOG (low SF), IOG,and ITG (high SF) on the FFG responses. Our results reveal thatdifferent regions within occipitotemporal cortex extract distinctvisual cues at different SF ranges in faces and that the outputsfrom these separate processes project forward to the right FFG,where the different visual cues may converge.  相似文献   

Congenital prosopagnosia (CP) refers to the lifelong impairment in face recognition in individuals who have intact low-level visual processing, normal cognitive abilities, and no known neurological disorder. Although the face recognition impairment is profound and debilitating, its neural basis remains elusive. To investigate this, we conducted detailed morphometric and volumetric analyses of the occipitotemporal (OT) cortex in a group of CP individuals and matched control subjects using high-spatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging. Although there were no significant group differences in the depth or deviation from the midline of the OT or collateral sulci, the CP individuals evince a larger anterior and posterior middle temporal gyrus and a significantly smaller anterior fusiform (aF) gyrus. Interestingly, this volumetric reduction in the aF gyrus is correlated with the behavioral decrement in face recognition. These findings implicate a specific cortical structure as the neural basis of CP and, in light of the familial history of CP, target the aF gyrus as a potential site for further, focused genetic investigation.  相似文献   

Activity in ventral visual cortex is a consistent neural correlate of visual consciousness. However, activity in this area seems insufficient to produce awareness without additional involvement of frontoparietal regions. To test the generality of the frontoparietal response, neural correlates of auditory awareness were investigated in a paradigm that previously has revealed frontoparietal activity during conscious visual perception. A within-experiment comparison showed that frontal regions were related to both visual and auditory awareness, whereas parietal activity was correlated with visual awareness and superior temporal activity with auditory awareness. These results indicate that frontal regions interact with specific posterior regions to produce awareness in different sensory modalities.  相似文献   

Optic flow selectively activates neurons in medial superior temporal (MST) cortex. We find that many MST neurons yield larger and more selective responses when the optic flow guides a subsequent eye movement. Smaller, less selective responses are seen when optic flow is preceded by a flashed precue that guides eye movements. Selectivity can decrease by a third (32%) after a flashed precue is presented at a peripheral location as a small spot specifying the target location of the eye movement. Smaller decreases in selectivity (18%) occur when the precue is presented centrally with its shape specifying the target location. Shape precues presented centrally, but not linked to specific target locations, do not appear to alter optic flow selectivity. The effects of spatial precueing can be reversed so that the precue leads to larger and more selective optic flow responses: A flashed precue presented as a distracter before behaviorally relevant optic flow is associated with larger optic flow responses and a 45% increase in selectivity. Together, these findings show that spatial precues can decrease or increase the size and selectivity of optic flow responses depending on the associated behavioral contingencies.  相似文献   

Two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) face viewpoint adaptation experiments were conducted to investigate whether fMRI adaptation in high-level visual cortex depends on the duration of adaptation and how different views of a face are represented in the human visual system. We found adaptation effects in multiple face-selective areas, which suggest a distributed, viewer-centered representation of faces in the human visual system. However, the nature of the adaptation effects was dependent on the length of adaptation. With long adaptation durations, face-selective areas along the hierarchy of the visual system gradually exhibited viewpoint-tuned adaptation. As the angular difference between the adapter and test stimulus increased, the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal evoked by the test stimulus gradually increased as a function of the amount of 3-dimensional (3D) rotation. With short adaptation durations, however, face-selective areas in the ventral pathway, including the lateral occipital cortex and right fusiform area, exhibited viewpoint-sensitive adaptation. These areas showed an increase in the BOLD signal with a 3D rotation, but this signal increase was independent of the amount of rotation. Further, the right superior temporal sulcus showed little or very weak viewpoint adaptation with short adaptation durations. Our findings suggest that long- and short-term fMRI adaptations may reflect selective properties of different neuronal mechanisms.  相似文献   

Senescence in monkeys results in a degradation of the functional properties of cortical cells as well as prolonged hyperactivity. We have now compared the spontaneous and visually evoked activity levels, as well as the visual response latencies of cells in cortical areas V1 and V2 of young and very old monkeys. We found that V1 cells within layer 4 exhibit normal latencies. In contrast, in other parts of V1 and throughout V2 hyperactivity in old monkeys is accompanied by dramatic delays in both the intracortical and intercortical transfer of information. Extrastriate cortex (area V2) is affected more severely than striate cortex (V1). Delayed information processing in cerebral cortex should contribute to the declines in cortical function that accompany old age.  相似文献   

In the present study magnetoencephalographic recordings wereperformed to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying thestopping of manual responses. Subjects performed in a Stop-signaltask in which Go-stimuli (S1), requiring a rapid motor response,were sometimes rapidly followed by a Stop-stimulus (S2) indicatingto withhold the already initiated response to S1. Success ofstopping strongly depended on the early perceptual processingof S1 and S2 reflected by the magnetic N1 component. Enhancedprocessing of S1 facilitated the execution of the movement,whereas enhanced processing of S2 favored its inhibition. Thissuggests that the processing resources for the subsequent stimuliare limited and need to be shared. This sharing of resourcesappeared to arise from adjustments made on a trial-by-trialbasis, in that systematic reaction time prolongations on Go-trialsfollowing Stop-trials versus following Go-trials were accompaniedby attenuated sensory processing to the Go-stimulus similarto that seen in successful versus unsuccessful stopping in Stop-trials.  相似文献   

Under natural conditions, stimuli reaching the two ears contain multiple acoustic components. Rarely does a stimulus containing only one component (e.g. pure tone burst) exist outside the realm of the laboratory. For example, in sound localization the simultaneous presence of multiple cues (spectral content, level, phase, etc.) serves to increase the number of available cues and provide the listener with more information, thereby helping to reduce errors in locating the sound source. The present study was designed to explore the relationship between two acoustic parameters: stimulus frequency and interaural intensity disparities (IIDs). By varying both stimulus frequency and IIDs for each cell, we hoped to gain insight into how multiple cues are processed. To this end, we examined the responses of neurons in cat primary auditory cortex (AI) to determine if their sensitivity to IIDs changed as a function of stimulus frequency. IIDs ranging from +30 to -30 dB were presented at different frequencies (frequency was always the same in the two ears). We found that approximately half of the units examined exhibited responses to IIDs that varied as a function of stimulus frequency (i.e. displayed some form of IID x Freq dependency). The remaining units displayed IID responses that were not clearly related to stimulus frequency.  相似文献   

How does the amount of time for which we see an object influence the nature and content of its cortical representation? To address this question, we varied the duration of initial exposure to visual objects and then measured functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signal and behavioral performance during a subsequent repeated presentation of these objects. We report a novel 'rise-and-fall' pattern relating exposure duration and the corresponding magnitude of fMRI cortical signal. Compared with novel objects, repeated objects elicited maximal cortical response reduction when initially presented for 250 ms. Counter-intuitively, initially seeing an object for a longer duration significantly reduced the magnitude of this effect. This 'rise-and-fall' pattern was also evident for the corresponding behavioral priming. To account for these findings, we propose that the earlier interval of an exposure to a visual stimulus results in a fine-tuning of the cortical response, while additional exposure promotes selection of a subset of key features for continued representation. These two independent mechanisms complement each other in shaping object representations with experience.  相似文献   

We applied magnetoencephalography (MEG) to record oscillatory brain activity from human subjects engaged in planning a double-step saccade. In the experiments, subjects (n = 8) remembered the locations of 2 sequentially flashed targets (each followed by a 2-s delay), presented in either the left or right visual hemifield, and then made saccades to the 2 locations in sequence. We examined changes in spectral power in relation to target location (left or right) and memory load (one or two targets), excluding error trials based on concurrent eye tracking. During the delay period following the first target, power in the alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (13-25 Hz) bands was significantly suppressed in the hemisphere contralateral to the target. When the second target was presented, there was a further suppression in the alpha- and beta-band power over both hemispheres. In this period, the same sensors also showed contralateral power enhancements in the gamma band (60-90 Hz), most significantly prior to the initiation of the saccades. Adaptive spatial filtering techniques localized the neural sources of the directionally selective power changes in parieto-occipital areas. These results provide further support for a topographic organization for delayed saccades in human parietal and occipital cortex.  相似文献   

Frontal cortex controls voluntary movement through projections to striatum that continue as parallel pallido-thalamic loops. In previous studies we found evidence of a double dissociation in rat striatum between visuospatial response time (RT) and radial maze delayed non-matching (DNM) tasks. Here we compare the effects of frontal cortical lesions on these tasks. We found that lesions involving sensorimotor areas in dorsolateral cortex affect RT for responding to visuospatial stimuli without affecting other measures of response speed or producing signs of attentional or sensory impairment. These deficits were equivalent to impairments observed with lesions in sensorimotor areas of dorsolateral striatum. Dorsal prefrontal lesions produced RT deficits indicative of attentional impairment that have not been observed with striatal or thalamic lesions. This suggests contributions of prefrontal cortex to attention independent of striatum and thalamus. Prefrontal lesions had significant but circumscribed effects on DNM consistent with effects of lesions in anatomically related areas of striatum or thalamus observed in earlier studies. These results are consistent with evidence implicating prefrontal cortex in aspects of spatial memory mediated by anatomically related pathways in the basal ganglia and thalamus.  相似文献   

In humans, visual flicker stimuli of graded frequency (2-90 Hz) elicit an electroencephalographic (EEG) steady-state visual-evoked response (SSVER) with the same fundamental frequency as the stimulus and, in addition, a series of harmonic responses. The fundamental component of the SSVER is generated by increased synaptic activity in primary visual cortex (V1). We set out to determine the cortical origin of the harmonic responses in humans. For this purpose, we recorded the SSVERs at 5 different frequencies (5, 10, 15, 25, and 40 Hz) and measured regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with positron emission tomography-H(2)(15)O at rest and during visual stimulation at the same frequencies. The rCBF contrast weighted by the amplitude of the SSVERs first harmonics showed activation of a swath of cortex perpendicular to V1, including mostly the inferior half of the parieto-occipital sulcus. This area overlapped minimally with the primary visual cortex activated by the fundamental frequency. A different method, estimating EEG cortical source current density with low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography, gave the same results. Our finding suggests that the inferior portion of the banks of the parieto-occipital sulci contains association visual cortex involved in the processing of stimuli that can be as simple as a flickering light source.  相似文献   

We recorded human auditory cortical activity during the perception of long, changing acoustic signals and analyzed information provided by dynamic neural population measures over a large range of time intervals (approximately 24 ms-5 s). Participants listened to musical scales that were amplitude modulated at a rate of 41.5 Hz, generating an ongoing, stimulus-related oscillatory brain signal, the auditory steady-state response (aSSR). The aSSR generated energy at the amplitude modulation rate that was recorded using magnetoencephalography. As in previous work, the timing (phase) of this response varied with stimulus carrier frequency over the entire course of minute-long tone sequences ('phase tracking' of carrier frequency). The length of the time interval over which phase was calculated was systematically varied; significant phase tracking was regularly observed at analysis intervals of <50 ms in length. The right auditory cortex exhibited better phase tracking performance than the left at analysis intervals of 24-240 ms, and frequency dependent phase delays were consistently larger than those predicted by cochlear mechanics. Based on these empirical data, a model of the neural populations responsible for phase tracking suggests that it is produced by a subpopulation ( approximately 25%) of the cells generating the aSSR.  相似文献   

Human observers can quickly and accurately interpret the meaning of complex visual scenes. The neural mechanisms underlying this ability are largely unexplored. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure cortical activity while subjects identified briefly presented scenes as specific familiar locations ("Houston Hall"), general place categories ("kitchen"), or general situational categories ("party"). Scene-responsive voxels in the parahippocampal place area (PPA) and retrosplenial cortex (RSC) were highly sensitive to recognition level when identifying scenes, responding more strongly during location identification than during place category or situation identification. In contrast, the superior temporal sulcus, cingulate sulcus, and supermarginal gyrus displayed the opposite pattern, responding more strongly during place category and situation identification. Consideration of results from 4 experiments suggests that the PPA represents the visuospatial structure of individual scenes, whereas RSC supports processes that allow scenes to be localized within a larger extended environment. These results suggest that different scene identification tasks tap distinct cortical networks. In particular, we hypothesize that the PPA and RSC are critically involved in the identification of specific locations but play a less central role in other scene recognition tasks.  相似文献   

Summary Normal regional blood flow was documented by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomograms 5 and 20 hours before the full recovery of cortical blindness in two patients, lending itself to the possibility of being a prognostic factor. Rubbing of the posterior cerebral arteries against the tentorial edges during trauma instead of traction was believed to cause blindness in one patient and embolization due to hammering bone grafts home during cervical spinal fusion, in the other. Pattern reversal visual evoked responses (PRVERs) were absent during blindness; upon recovery P 100 with full amplitude and normal latency appeared despite the presence of tunnel vision. These are consistent with the fact that the central 8–10 degrees of visual field represented in the posterior occipital poles being the main sources of P 100 in association with the x-cells in the centre of the retina.  相似文献   

Different cortical regions within the ventral occipitotemporal junction have been reported to show preferential responses to particular objects. Thus, it is argued that there is evidence for a left-lateralized visual word form area and a right-lateralized fusiform face area, but the unique specialization of these areas remains controversial. Words are characterized by greater power in the high spatial frequency (SF) range, whereas faces comprise a broader range of high and low frequencies. We investigated how these high-order visual association areas respond to simple sine-wave gratings that varied in SF. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we demonstrated lateralization of activity that was concordant with the low-level visual property of words and faces; left occipitotemporal cortex is more strongly activated by high than by low SF gratings, whereas the right occipitotemporal cortex responded more to low than high spatial frequencies. Therefore, the SF of a visual stimulus may bias the lateralization of processing irrespective of its higher order properties.  相似文献   

Once consolidated, a long-term memory item could regain susceptibility to consolidation blockers, that is, reconsolidate, upon its reactivation. Both consolidation and reconsolidation require protein synthesis, but it is not yet known how similar these processes are in terms of molecular, cellular, and neural circuit mechanisms. Whereas most previous studies focused on aversive conditioning in the amygdala and the hippocampus, here we examine the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) in consolidation and reconsolidation of object recognition memory. Object recognition memory is the ability to discriminate the familiarity of previously encountered objects. We found that microinfusion of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin or the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV) into the vmPFC, immediately after training, resulted in impairment of long-term (24 h) but not short-term (3 h) recognition memory. Similarly, microinfusion of anisomycin or APV into the vmPFC immediately after reactivation of the long-term memory impaired recognition memory 24 h, but not 3 h, post-reactivation. These results indicate that both protein synthesis and NMDA receptors are required for consolidation and reconsolidation of recognition memory in the vmPFC.  相似文献   

We carried out 2 functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments to investigate the cortical mechanisms underlying the contribution of form and surface properties to object recognition. In experiment 1, participants performed same-different judgments in separate blocks of trials on pairs of unfamiliar "nonsense" objects on the basis of their form, surface properties (i.e., both color and texture), or orientation. Attention to form activated the lateral occipital (LO) area, whereas attention to surface properties activated the collateral sulcus (CoS) and the inferior occipital gyrus (IOG). In experiment 2, participants were required to make same-different judgments on the basis of texture, color, or form. Again attention to form activated area LO, whereas attention to texture activated regions in the IOG and the CoS, as well as regions in the lingual sulcus and the inferior temporal sulcus. Within these last 4 regions, activation associated with texture was higher than activation associated with color. No color-specific cortical areas were identified in these regions, although parts of V1 and the cuneus yielded higher activation for color as opposed to texture. These results suggest that there are separate form and surface-property pathways in extrastriate cortex. The extraction of information about an object's color seems to occur relatively early in visual analysis as compared with the extraction of surface texture, perhaps because the latter requires more complex computations.  相似文献   

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