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先天性前尿道瓣膜及憩室:附50例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

经内镜电灼术治疗小儿后尿道瓣膜症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨内镜电灼术治疗小儿后尿道瓣膜的临床效果.方法 对45例经内镜电灼术治疗后的小儿后尿道瓣膜进行回顾性分析.本组病例均为男性,年龄2周~15岁,中位年龄3岁.婴幼儿用6/7.5F输尿管镜或9F膀胱尿道镜和Bugbee针状电极,大龄儿用12F或13F膀胱镜和钩状电极,在尿道的5点、7点和12点处电灼后尿道瓣膜.术后长期随访.结果 根据Young分型,本组患儿中I型44例,Ⅲ型1例,术中顺利,术后排尿通畅度改善(尿线明显增粗,最大尿流率均在16.50 ml/s以上),血肌酐水平恢复正常,尿白细胞消失,肾积水程度均不同程度减轻(35例肾积水患儿中12例轻度肾积水消失,16例中度肾积水转为轻度肾积水,7例重度肾积水转为中度肾积水),膀胱输尿管反流程度较术前均有明显改善(29例膀胱输尿管反流的患儿中16例患儿反流消失,6例反流程度由术前Ⅱ度转为Ⅰ度,4例患儿由术前Ⅳ度转为Ⅱ度,3例患儿由术前V度转为Ⅲ度).结论 内镜下电灼术治疗后尿道瓣膜症是一种可行的方法,疗效确切,术后并发症少,预后好.针状电极可明显减少尿道狭窄的发生率.
Objective The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of endoscopic ablation of posterior urethral valves. Methods We retrospectively reviewed a database of 45 patients with PUV treated by endoscopic valve ablation. In this study, all patients were diagnosed at the age of 3 years (range: 2 weeks to 15 years). 6/7. 5F ureteroscopy and 9F cystoscopy with needle electrode were used in infants,whereas 12F or 13F cystoscopy and hook electrode were used in older children.The valves were ablated mainly at the 5,7 and 12 o'clock positions. The patients were followed up after surgery. Results Based on Young's classification, there were 44 type Ⅰ and 1 type Ⅲ PUV in this study. Urine line became thicker, the maximum flow rate can be achieved more than 16. 50 ml/s. Serum creatinine returned to normal and white blood cells in urine disappeared. The degree of dilatation of hydronephrosis relieved (among 35 hydronephrosis patients, 12 cases disappeared, 16 mild hydronephrosis to moderate hydronephrosis and 7 severe hydronephrosis to moderate hydronephrosis). Compared to preoperation.vesicoureteral reflux had a significantly improved (among 29 cases, 16 reflux disappeared,6 grade Ⅱ to grade I ,4 grade Ⅳ to Ⅱ and 3 grade Ⅴ to grade Ⅲ ). Conclusions Endoscopic ablation in treating pediatric posterior urethral valves seems to be safe and is associated with low rate of postoperative complications. Needle electrode can reduce the rate of urethral stricture.  相似文献   

先天性尿道瓣膜症:附九例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的探讨前尿道瓣膜并憩室早期发现和治疗的最佳方法。方法对6例前尿道瓣膜并憩室患儿采用排泄性膀胱尿道造影和静脉尿路造影进行诊断。确诊患儿行前尿道憩室切除术及尿漏修补术。肾功能不全或电解质紊乱者需先置尿管引流,改善全身情况。结果6例患儿均经手术治愈,排尿通畅,但均留有不同程度的后遗症状。结论前尿道憩室临床较少见,与后尿道瓣膜一样后遗症状严重,早期诊断与治疗疗效较好。  相似文献   

后尿道瓣膜症   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨后尿道瓣膜对上、下尿路的损害及治疗。方法回顾分析158例后尿道瓣膜病例。年龄14d~15岁,〈1岁59例(37.3%),平均3岁3个月。手术除经尿道内切开瓣膜外,曾做膀胱造口20例,输尿管皮肤造口5例以及睾丸固定3例。结果108例(68.4%)随访3个月~17年,平均2.5g。正常排尿54例,经常滴尿16例。因VUR或输尿管膀胱交界部梗阻需输尿管再植16例,肾切除5侧,肾造瘘4例,膀胱造瘘1例。死亡6例,生长发育落后2例。1例因并发前尿道瓣膜,2例尿道狭窄再次经尿道内切开,1例尿道闭锁做尿道吻合。结论后尿道瓣膜是男儿最常见的先天性下尿路梗阻性疾病,可致严重的上、下尿路损害,需尽早引流尿路,控制感染。减少肾功能损害。1岁以下婴儿如无合适切除镜时应先做膀胱造口。对排尿功能不良患儿应做尿动力学检查,以确定治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的探讨后尿道瓣膜患儿行经尿道镜瓣膜切除术后的尿动力学改变.方法回顾性分析2007年1月至2008年12月本院收治的17例因后尿道瓣膜经尿道镜瓣膜切除术患儿的临床资料.均采取问卷调查、排尿性膀胱尿道造影、静脉肾盂造影、泌尿系超声、尿动力学检查等进行随访,重点分析尿动力学检查结果.结果诊断时常见症状排序依次为排尿困难、泌尿系感染症状、尿失禁等.术前发现肾积水17例,膀胱输尿管反流9例.均行经尿道镜瓣膜切除术.平均随访时间27(15~40)个月.临床症状均消失或减轻,无尿道狭窄、尿道瘘,造影检查提示解剖性梗阻均已解除,9例肾积水较前好转;8例存在膀胱输尿管反流.16例(94.1%)存在尿动力学异常,7例(41.2%)表现为膀胱顺应性降低,平均最大逼尿肌压力降低,逼尿肌不稳定;7例(41.2%)表现为残余尿增多.8例(47.1%)膀胱容量低于同年龄正常预测值的80%.结论后尿道瓣膜切除术后膀胱功能异常仍然存在,尿动力学检查能及时发现膀胱功能损害及其程度,建议PUV患儿术后定期行尿动力学检查,以了解膀胱功能,保护上尿路.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿前尿道瓣膜的治疗方法及临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2003年1月至2013年5月作者收治的11例前尿道瓣膜患儿临床资料,患儿均为男性,年龄3个月至8岁,平均2岁8个月,其中年龄1岁以下6例。8例使用7.5F或9F膀胱尿道镜在尿道的4点、6点和8点处切开瓣膜,并留置导尿管10 d。对其中3例合并前尿道憩室的患儿,2例行憩室切除、尿道成形术;1例一期行膀胱造瘘术,二期行憩室切除、尿道成形术。结果 11例均手术顺利,术后均排尿通畅。无尿瘘及尿道海绵体损伤。随访3个月至4年,平均1.5年。尿白细胞消失,阴茎阴囊交界处包块消失。合并肾积水2例,膀胱输尿管反流3例,B超复查均有不同程度缓解。肾功能检查血清尿素、肌酐均正常。结论腔内冷刀切开治疗前尿道瓣膜症是一种可行的方法,疗效确切,术后并发症少,预后好。合并前尿道憩室患儿可选择憩室切除、尿道成形术。  相似文献   

目的探讨前尿道瓣膜切除术后造成上尿路持续损害的尿动力学危险因素。方法回顾性分析2007年1月至2020年1月26例前尿道瓣膜切除术后患儿的临床资料,平均年龄3.4岁(5个月至14岁)。瓣膜切除术后4个月至12.5年,平均5.5年。患儿术后均进行尿动力学检查。手术前后均进行血生化(包括尿素氮、肌酐)检查、泌尿系统B超检查、静脉肾脏造影(intravenous pyelography,IVP)和排尿性膀胱尿道造影(voiding cystourethrogram,VCUG)。比较瓣膜切除前后肾和输尿管积水以及膀胱输尿管反流情况,分析造成前尿道瓣膜术后上尿路持续损害的危险因素。结果前尿道瓣膜切除手术前肾和输尿管积水患儿共15例24侧,占57.7%(15/26);膀胱输尿管反流8例11侧,占30.8%(8/26)。瓣膜切除术后有5例7侧肾和输尿管积水消失,占19.2%(5/26);2例3侧膀胱输尿管反流消失。瓣膜切除术后肾和输尿管积水患儿共10例17侧,占38.5%(10/26);膀胱输尿管反流6例8侧,占23.1%(6/26)。有7例11侧肾和输尿管积水较术前加重,占26.9%(7/26),其中4例6侧膀胱输尿管反流较术前加重。根据术后肾和输尿管积水以及膀胱输尿管反流恢复情况,分为上尿路损害加重组(7例)和上尿路损害减轻或消失组(19例)。行瓣膜切除术后尿动力学检查发现,在上尿路损害加重组7例患儿中,压力流率图显示5例依然存在下尿路梗阻或可疑梗阻。上尿路损害减轻或消失组19例患儿压力流率图均显示无梗阻(P<0.05);两组最大尿流率平均值、膀胱顺应性、排尿期最大逼尿肌压力值差异均存在统计学意义(P<0.05);上尿路损害加重组中5例动态VUCG显示排尿时膀胱颈全程开放不全,行膀胱尿道镜检查发现3例膀胱壁增厚,呈小梁样改变和膀胱假性憩室形成,尤其膀胱基底以及膀胱内口附近组织明显增厚。结论前尿道瓣膜是一种罕见的下尿路梗阻性疾病,瓣膜切除之后上尿路损害仍然会持续存在或加重,可能与患儿异常的膀胱功能有关。排尿期最大逼尿肌压力升高、最大尿流率低、膀胱顺应性低以及压力流率图显示梗阻仍存在是导致膀胱功能异常的尿动力学危险因素,可能与前尿道瓣膜患儿同时存在膀胱颈部功能与结构的异常有关。  相似文献   

病例摘要男,21天,二胎足月产,出生体重3700g,因生后尿淋漓、间断血尿12小时住院。患儿出生3天回家后发现有时淋漓尿,未注意。入院前12小时发现尿布红染,并见血从尿道口滴出,共发现6~7次,量少,即在  相似文献   

我院新生儿病区收治新生儿后尿道瓣膜二例,报告如下。例1 男,2天,因气喘伴尿少2天入院。足月产,生后青紫窒息,有羊水吸入史。复苏后有吸吮力,但吃奶少,哭声小,体温低,并气喘、口吐白沫,尿少,大便色绿带粘液。查体:体温37℃,脉搏104次,呼吸36次,反应迟钝,哭声小。前囟2×2cm平,颈软,两肺呼吸音增粗,心(-),腹软,稍胀,肝脾未触及,于两侧上腹部可触及实质性肿块的下缘,圆钝光滑,于耻骨上有囊性肿块,上界在脐上,叩浊,肠鸣音正常。下腹壁、腰部、阴阜、阴囊和两侧下肢均有明显的可凹性浮肿。经压迫下腹部  相似文献   

An unusual case of subdural empyema is reported in a three months old infant with posterior urethral valve. The patient presented with convulsion. The diagnosis was made by CT Scanning. Repeated aspirations were carried out and patient was discharged well without any deficit. The review of literature did not reveal any case report of subdural empyema in patients with posterior urethral valve.  相似文献   

This retrospective study discusses the incidence of symptomatic voiding dysfunction, the etiological factors and the changes with age and with increasing duration of follow up in 67 boys treated for posterior urethral valves and followed up for a period ranging from 1–21 years. Twenty three of the 67 patients (34.3%) had symptomatic voiding dysfunction; the commonest symptom being nocturnal enuresis with diurnal urgency and frequency. Data in this study suggests a definite decrease in the incidence of urinary incontinence as the patient grows older or as the duration of follow up after valve fulguration increases. A Tc-99m DRCG based uroflowmetry was available in 31 of the 67 patients at the time of this review and evidence of detrusor dysfunction was identified in 9 of the 31 patients on the basis of uroflowmetry. Of significance was the detection of detrusor dysfunction on uroflowmetry in 3 patients with a history of normal urinary control and urinary stream with persistent post treatment hydroureteronephrosis eventually culminating into renal failure. Imipramine therapy was given to 10 of the 17 patients with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency and nocturnal enuresis with a significant symptomatic improvement in 9 of these patients. Urinary incontinence, detrusor dysfunction and its effect on the upper tracts and renal function is a significant determinant of the long term outcome of the boys treated for posterior urethral valves and this paper emphasises on the need to carefully evaluate and treat this aspect of all valve patients.  相似文献   

A case of scaphoid megalourethra associated with the posterior urethral valves was seen in a 4-year-old male. The embryology of the anomaly and its management are discussed with a review of the literature. Accepted: 30 November 1998  相似文献   

This paper discusses the long-term sequelae in the upper urinary tract with respect to hydroureteronephrosis (HUN), vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), renal parenchymal disease, and their correlation with renal function in 84 boys with posterior urethral valves followed for 1 to 21 years. Thirty-one boys (39.3%) were adolescents or older at the time of review. The incidence of high-grade VUR (grade III or more) was 47.6% at presentation, and resolution following decompression of the lower urinary tract occurred in 38.7% of refluxing units. VUR was associated with a high incidence of chronic renal failure (CRF) (30%) on long-term follow up; however, 16% of non-refluxing patients also progressed to CRF. The incidences of renal parenchymal disease and persistent upper-tract dilatation in the non-refluxing group were 25% and 50% of renal units respectively. Gross HUN persisted in 12.3% of patients despite decompression and reconstructive surgery, with vesicoureteral junction (VUJ) obstruction being documented in 1 patient only. Moderate and mild upper-tract dilatation persisted in 31.6% and 43.9% of patients, respectively. Persistent gross HUN was associated with a very high incidence of CRF (92.3%), while 88.4% of those with persistent mild/moderate dilatation maintained normal renal function over a follow-up period ranging from 1 to 21 years. This study emphasizes the need for systematic evaluation to exclude VUJ obstruction and abnormal urodynamics as a cause of persistent HUN so that effective therapy can be instituted early to relieve back-pressure and to provide a low-pressure reservoir with effective emptying. In the absence of either of these causes, persistent ureterectasis after treatment is presumably due to secondary peristaltic failure as a consequence of ureteral fibrosis, ureteral tortuosity, or developmental dysplasia. Accepted: 6 November 1998  相似文献   

Bladder rupture is a rare cause of ascites in neonates. A review of literature revealed about 32 cases including both iatrogenic and spontaneous rupture. This case report describes a successfully treated case of spontaneous rupture of bladder with ascites in a neonate with posterior urethral valves.  相似文献   

A retrospective, long-term urodynamic study was performed in order to follow the evolution of the urodynamic patterns in 55 unselected patients previously affected by posterior urethral valves (PUV). The mean maximum cystometric capacity (MCC) values progressively increased over time and, on long-term follow-up, were just above 2 standard deviations (SD). The mean compliance values were clearly reduced in the first urodynamic studies after valve ablation, and only after a mean of 5 years follow-up did they approach the lower limits of normal. The small compliance and capacity (SCC) group showed two trends of evolution: a more numerous subgroup tended toward progressive normalization while a second subgroup (<20%) showed mean compliance values below normal limits, with reduced (-2 SD) MCC persisting at long-term follow-up. The number of patients in this group decreased over time. In contrast, we were able to show a significant increase in patients with myogenic failure. In this group scheduled voiding using the Valsava maneuver in conjunction with a regimen of double or triple micturition was usually succesful in modifying the course, normalizing MCC, reducing residual urine, and also eliminating incontinence. Finally, initial urodynamic investigations in the fulguration and vesicostomy groups showed a much higher percentage of SCC bladders in the latter group (83.5% vs. 35%). However, at long-term examinations the urodynamic parameters were nearly identical in both groups, showing that temporary bladder defunctionalization does bot adversely affect future detrusor activity. No direct relationship between urodynamic abnormalities and renal insufficiency could be shown, however, the majority of patients with reduced glomerular filtration rates still showed urodynamic dysfunction at long-term follow-up. In the authors' opinion, serial urodynamic investigations in association with serial evaluation of the evolution of upper urinary tract and renal function are mandatory for correct PUV management and provide useful guidelines for avoiding incorrect treatment and obtaining better long-term results.  相似文献   

Two unusual cases of anterior urethral valves (AUV) without diverticulae are presented. The first case is a male child born with prenatal diagnosis of bilateral hydronephrosis. On cystoscopy, iris‐like diaphragm valves were encountered about 3 mm distal to the skeletal sphincter. In the second case, an 18‐month‐old male child was investigated for recurrent febrile urinary tract infections and obstructed urinary symptoms. Cystoscopy confirmed the presence of slit‐like valves 5 mm distal to the skeletal sphincter. Fulguration of the AUVs was performed in both cases. It may be worthwhile to review all cases of anterior urethral obstruction collectively and re‐categorize them appropriately to include the unusual AUVs without diverticulum in that classification.  相似文献   

Megalourethra is a very rare mesenchymal congenital anomaly and its association with posterior urethral valves is still rarer. We hereby present such a rare combination and discuss its etiopatho-genesis Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

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