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BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias are a clinical and genetically heterogeneous group of progressive neurodegenerative diseases, at present associated with 22 loci (spinocerebellar ataxia [SCA] 1-SCA8, SCA10-SCA19, SCA21, SCA22, fibroblast growth factor 14 [FGF14]-SCA, and dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy [DRPLA]). The relevant gene has been identified in 12 cases (SCA1-3, SCA6-8, SCA10, SCA12, FGF14, and DRPLA), and in all but the recently identified SCA14, SCA17, PRKCG and FGF14 genes, the defect consists of the expansion of a short nucleotide repeat. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relative prevalence of SCA1-3, SCA6-8, SCA10, SCA12, and SCA17 gene expansions in Italian families with hereditary ataxia, specifically to verify the occurrence of SCA10, SCA12, and SCA17 in Italy; and to analyze samples from probands with negative test results at the initial screening by means of the repeat expansion detection technique to identify CAG/CTG expansions in novel loci.Patients Two hundred twenty-five unrelated Italian index cases with hereditary ataxia, most (n = 183) of whom presented with a clear dominantly transmitted trait. RESULTS: We found that SCA1 and SCA2 gene mutations accounted for most cases (21% and 24%, respectively). We found SCA3, SCA6, SCA7, SCA8, and SCA17 to be very rare (approximately 1% each), and no case of SCA10 or SCA12 was identified. Half of the index cases (113/225) were negative for expansions in the known SCA genes. Repeat expansion detection analysis performed on 111 of these cases showed a CAG/CTG repeat expansion of at least 50 triplets in 22 (20%). Twenty-one of 22 expansions could be attributed to length variation at 2 polymorphic loci (expanded repeat domain CAG/CTG 1 [ERDA1] or CTG repeat on chromosome 18q21.1 [CTG18.1]). In 1 patient, the expansion was assigned to the DRPLA gene. CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of SCA1-3 and SCA6-7 gene mutations is peculiar in Italy. We found a relatively high frequency of SCA1 and SCA2 gene expansions; SCA3, SCA6, and SCA7 mutations were rare, compared with other European countries. No SCA10 or SCA12 and only a few SCA8 (2/225) and SCA17 (2/225) families were detected. In patients negative for defects in known SCA genes, repeat expansion detection data strongly suggest that, at least in our population, CAG/CTG expansions in novel genes should be considered an unlikely cause of the SCA phenotype.  相似文献   

To investigate the clinical range of spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6), we screened CAG repeat expansion in the voltage-dependent alpha 1A calcium channel gene (CACNL1A4) in 71 ataxic patients in 60 families; 54 patients in 43 families with hereditary ataxia and 17 sporadic patients. Thirteen patients with SCA6 were detected to have elongated CAG in CACNL1A4. Of these, 7 patients had been diagnosed as having hereditary cerebellar cortical atrophy, and 6 patients had been found to have sporadic occurrence. One patient showed distinct pontine atrophy with prominent horizontal or oblique gaze nystagmus which is an unusual feature in sporadic olivopontocerebellar atrophy. For the efficient screening of SCA6, we would propose testing CAG repeat expansion in CACNL1A4, in patients with one of two markers: (1) horizontal or oblique gaze nystagmus without other eye movement disorders, (2) pure cerebellar atrophy, even if occurrence is sporadic. We should note that the pontine atrophy could also be caused by CAG repeat expansion in CACNL1A4.  相似文献   

CAG repeat expansions in patients with sporadic cerebellar ataxia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CAG repeat expansions cause spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), SCA2, SCA3, SCA6 and dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). So far these expansions have been examined mainly in ataxia patients with a family history. However, some sporadic cases with SCA have recently been reported. To elucidate the frequency and characteristics of sporadic SCAs, we screened 85 Japanese ataxia patients without a family history for the SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6 and DRPLA mutations. As a result, 19 patients (22%) were found to have expanded CAG repeats. Among sporadic SCAs, the SCA6 mutation was most frequently observed. The sporadic SCA6 patients had smaller CAG repeats and a later age of onset than SCA6 patients with an established family history. We also identified one father-child pair in which intermediate sized CAG repeats expanded into the SCA2 disease range during transmission. These findings suggest that patients with ataxia even without a family history should be examined for a CAG repeat expansion.  相似文献   



To quantify spinal cord atrophy and its impact on clinical disability in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) type 3 and 6.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 (SCA4) is an autosomal dominant disorder mapped to chromosome 16q22.1 in a large Utah kindred. The clinical phenotype is characterized by cerebellar ataxia with sensory neuropathy. We describe a five-generation family from northern Germany with similar clinical findings linked to the same locus. Haplotype analyses refined the gene locus to a 3.69 cM interval between D16S3019 and D16S512. Analysis of nine CAG/CTG tracts in this region revealed no evidence for a repeat expansion. Received: 28 October 2002, Received in revised form: 16 December 2002, Accepted: 19 December 2002 Correspondence to: Dr. Yorck Hellenbroich  相似文献   

Abstract. We observed two families with a dominantly inherited complex neurological syndrome with onset in adulthood. Family F included 9 affected in four generations. One patient showed prominent anticipation of onset age. Onset was with cerebellar signs followed by dementia, psychiatric symptoms, seizures, and extrapyramidal features. Family M included 14 affected individuals in five generations. Presenting symptoms were either psychiatric and cognitive impairment or a cerebellar syndrome. Extrapyramidal features, dysphagia, incontinence, seizures, and myoclonus may occur. In both families magnetic resonance imaging showed marked atrophy of the brain and cerebellum. Molecular analyses demonstrated an expanded CAG/CAA repeat in the in the TATA box-binding protein (TBP) gene (SCA17).  相似文献   

Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy is a neurodegenerative disorder with characteristic pathology, chiefly described in reports from Japan, and is associated with an unstable CAG trinucleotide repeat in a gene on chromosome 12. We describe four European families, three British and one Maltese, with this mutation. All exhibited autosomal dominant inheritance, and there was evidence for anticipation associated with an increase of the expansion with paternal transmission in two families. Affected chromosomes from patients with dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy had CAG expansions of 58 to 74 repeats, compared to 7 to 26 in control chromosomes, and the size of repeat was significantly inversely correlated with age of onset. The clinical features were diverse, even within individual families, and comprised a combination of a movement disorder (chorea, myoclonus, dystonia, or parkinsonism), cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, psychosis, and dementia. A clinical diagnosis of Huntington's disease had been made in affected individuals from all families. Neuropathological examination of 2 patients showed no specific abnormality in one and degenerative changes predominantly affecting the spinal cord in the other. Investigation of 55 patients who might represent sporadic examples of dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy did not detect any expanded alleles. Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy is likely to be more common than previously recognized in non-Japanese populations, and should be considered in any patient with a dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder with the above-mentioned clinical features.  相似文献   

Three autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), and spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), are associated with the expansion of a CAG repeat in the respective genes. To investigate the association between CAG repeat expansion and neuropathological findings, we analyzed several brain regions from 9 cases of DRPLA, 3 cases of MJD, and 1 case of SCA1. We found that the expanded alleles were smaller in the cerebellar cortex than in other brain regions, such as the frontal cortex, in these three diseases. The discrepancy in the expanded CAG repeat length between cerebellar cortex and other tissues was most prominent in DRPLA, and especially in cases of adult-onset DRPLA. A significant correlation was found between the age at onset of DRPLA and the size of the CAG repeat expansion. Cerebella of DRPLA patients were microscopically dissected into three layers, the molecular and granularlayers and the white matter, which were analyzed separately. The lower level of CAG repeat expansion in DRPLA cerebella was representative of CAG repeat expansion in the granule cells. The microdissected samples of the granular layer of the hippocampal formation, which is densely packed with neuronal cells, revealed that the degree of CAG repeat expansion in this layer was similar to that in the cerebellum. These observations suggest that granule cells in the cerebellum and hippocampus have low levels of CAG repeat expansion, and that other types of cells exhibit a higher level of CAG repeat expansion, in spinocerebellar ataxias.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) is an autosomal dominant ataxia caused by an ATTCT repeat expansion in an intron of the SCA10 gene. SCA10 has been reported only in Mexican families, in which the disease showed a combination of cerebellar ataxia and epilepsy. The authors report 28 SCA10 patients from five new Brazilian families. All 28 patients showed cerebellar ataxia without epilepsy, suggesting that the phenotypic expression of the SCA10 mutation differs between Brazilian and Mexican families.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is caused by expansion of unstable CAG repeats within the coding region of the novel gene, ataxin-2, on chromosome 12q24.1. We analyzed CAG repeat size of the SCA2 allele in two deceased patients (father and daughter) to investigate the repeat mosaicism in CNS regions. The CAG repeat size was examined using lymphoblastoid cell lines, frozen brain tissues, and paraffin-embedded tissues. In each patient the major repeat size of the expanded allele varied within the brain or spinal cord (father, 39–42; daughter, 39–47 repeats), and was smaller by three to eight repeats in the cerebellum than in other CNS regions. Our results are in agreement with the findings in other polyglutamine disorders showing somatic mosaicism. Received: 7 August 1998 Received in revised form: 20 January 1999 Accepted: 19 March 1999  相似文献   

We report on the clinical, neuropsychological, neurophysiological, computerized eye movement, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and molecular findings from 17 individuals affected with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) belonging to three families. The average age at onset of the symptoms was 35.6, 11.9 (mean, SD) years. The mean age at onset of the symptoms in the parents was 44.8, 8.2 years, and in the offspring it was 28.7, 7.2 years. In 12 parent-child pairs, the mean anticipation was –15.75, 9.1 years (range –8.1 to –23.3 years, t = –4.9, P = < 0.002). The mutated SCA2 alleles ranged from 38 to 42 CAG repeats, while the normal alleles ranged from 22 to 24 repeats, with 97% of the alleles having 22 repeats. Small differences in the number of CAG repeats influenced the age at onset and rate of progression of the disease considerably. Indeed, patients presenting with their first symptom at an age of 35 years or later with a slower course of the disease harboured between 38 and 39 repeats. In contrast, patients carrying ≥ 40 CAG repeats manifested the disease prior to 30 years of age and had a faster disease progression toward incapacity. The presenting symptom was always gait ataxia. Slow saccades occured from the beginning of the disease despite normal delay, accuracy and smooth pursuit eye movements. The neuropsychological study showed early and selective impairment of conceptual reasoning ability, as detected by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). It is noteworthy that a significant mutual relationship was observed between performance on the WCST and saccade velocity. All of these findings favour the hypothesis that the disease process of SCA2 in regions other than the cerebellum and brain stem affects severely and early those cortical structures involved in the control of both visually guided saccades and WCST performance. Received: 13 October 1997 Received in revised form: 23 February 1998 Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

目的研究中国大陆南方正常人群齿状核红核苍白球路易体萎缩(DRPLA)基因(以CAG)n正常变异范围,以及DRPLA基因(CAG)n扩展突变在中国大陆脊髓小脑型共济失调(SCA)患者中的分布。方法应用荧光PCR,毛细管电泳等技术,对67个已经排除了SCA1、SCA2、SCA3、SCA6、SCA7的常染色体显性遗传SCA家系的先证者和66个散发SCA患者以及94个南方正常汉族人进行DRPLA基因CAG重复次数分析。结果未发现DRPLA基因(CAG)n扩展突变;DRPLA基因(CAG)n正常变异范围为5~21个拷贝,15个拷贝最多见,杂合频率为89.13%,共14种等位基因。结论DRPLA在中国大陆为罕见的SCA亚型,DRPLA基因(CAG)n正常变异范围存在地区和种族差异,中国大陆DRPLA发病率低可能同正常国人较大重复次数的等位基因少见有关。  相似文献   

This is a case report of a patient with confirmed myotonic dystrophy type 1 and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. The coexistence of two trinucleotide repeat expansions in this family illustrates the importance of continued and vigilant diagnostic inquiry when a patient with a confirmed genetic abnormality has an atypical presentation. The coincidence of two trinucleotide repeat expansions in this patient may suggest an underlying error in DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

SCA12 is an autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia characterized by onset in the fourth decade of life with action tremor of arms and head, mild ataxia, dysmetria, and hyperreflexia. The disease is caused by an expansion of ≥51 CAGs in the 5′ region of the brain‐ specific phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B‐beta isoform (PPP2R2B) gene. SCA12 is very rare, except for a single ethnic group in India. We screened 159 Italian ataxic patients for SCA12 and identified two families that segregated an expanded allele of 57 to 58 CAGs, sharing a common haplotype. The age at onset, phenotype, and variability of symptoms were compatible with known cases. In one family, the disease was apparently sporadic due to possible incomplete penetrance and/or late age at onset. Our data indicate that SCA12 is also present in Italian patients, and its genetic testing should be applied to both sporadic and familial ataxias. © 2010 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

目的探讨马查多约瑟夫病基因1(MJD1)CAG三核苷酸动态突变及其拷贝数与MJD/脊髓小脑型共济失调Ⅲ型(SCA3)患者临床特征的相关关系。方法应用聚合酶链式反应、变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染技术,对9个MJD/SCA3家系109名成员进行MJD1基因(CAG)n拷贝数分析。结果发现异常扩增的(CAG)n拷贝数与发病年龄呈负相关,并在一定程度上影响病情严重程度;主要临床症状、体征与异常扩增的(CAG)n拷贝数无关,而是受病程影响。同时发现17例症状前患者。结论异常扩增的(CAG)n拷贝数对疾病表型有影响,但不能完全作为临床特征的预测指标  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10), an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder, is the result of a non-coding, pentanucleotide repeat expansion within intron 9 of the Ataxin 10 gene. SCA10 patients present with pure cerebellar ataxia; yet, some families also have a high incidence of epilepsy. SCA10 expansions containing penta- and heptanucleotide interruption motifs, termed “ATCCT interruptions,” experience large contractions during germline transmission, particularly in paternal lineages. At the same time, these alleles confer an earlier age at onset which contradicts traditional rules of genetic anticipation in repeat expansions. Previously, ATCCT interruptions have been associated with a higher prevalence of epileptic seizures in one Mexican-American SCA10 family. In a large cohort of SCA10 families, we analyzed whether ATCCT interruptions confer a greater risk for developing seizures in these families. Notably, we find that the presence of repeat interruptions within the SCA10 expansion confers a 6.3-fold increase in the risk of an SCA10 patient developing epilepsy (6.2-fold when considering patients of Mexican ancestry only) and a 13.7-fold increase in having a positive family history of epilepsy (10.5-fold when considering patients of Mexican ancestry only). We conclude that the presence of repeat interruptions in SCA10 repeat expansion indicates a significant risk for the epilepsy phenotype and should be considered during genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCAs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by degenerative symptoms in the cerebellum, spinal cord, and brain stem. Six different genes have been reported to be associated with ADCA, and the length of trinucleotide repeats of these genes is correlated with the age at onset and severity of symptoms. Although there are strong hereditary effects in these disorders, most of the studies carried out in heterogeneous populations and in small groups obscure the true incidence of these diseases. We examined the frequency of six types of ADCAs in 87 unrelated Korean patients with progressive ataxia and compared the results to the frequencies in other ethnic groups. Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) type 2 was the most frequent hereditary ataxia (12.6%) and types 3 and 6 accounted for 4.6% and 6.9% of ataxia patients, respectively. Dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy was also found in three patients (3.4%). No instances of SCA types 1 or 7 were detected. These findings show the striking contrast to the white population and a difference from Japanese findings. Our results demonstrate that dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy should be included in the differential diagnosis of Korean patients with spinocerebellar ataxia, and that there are strong hereditary effects in patients with ADCAs. Received: 6 March 1998 Received in revised form: 8 July 1998 Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

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