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对湖南省1990~1992年1/10人口抽样全死因回顾调查资料进行肝癌死亡分析,结果表明所抽查的十个县,市(区)肝癌死亡居恶性肿瘤死亡第一位,粗死亡率为13.62/10万,中国标化死亡率为11.37/10万,世界标化死亡率为15.73/10万,男女之比为2.87:1。分析表明,湖南省肝癌死亡男性高于女性,城市高于农村,年龄别死亡率以65~70岁年龄组居高;与1973~1975年全省死因回顾调查资料  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳山市恶性肿瘤死亡情况及分布规律。方法:开展山东省乳山市1990~1992年1/10人口恶性肿瘤死亡回顾调查。结果:3年资料表明,乳山市各类死因总死亡率为646.72/10万,其中男性为657.01/10万,女性为635.58/10;万恶性肿瘤分别是各自总死亡率的21.36%、25.53%和16.70%。结论:恶性肿瘤中胃癌的死亡率最高,为47.25/10万。恶性肿瘤年龄段死亡率表明,55~74岁及75岁以上年龄组段死亡率达高峰  相似文献   

1999年河南省15个登记报告市、县的人口数为1090余万人。数据表明居民普通死亡率为5.4‰。,其中男性为5.7o‰,女性为4.98‰。这15个市、县基本上可反映河南省居民的死亡状况。恶性肿瘤居死因首位,普通死亡率为109.23/10万、中国人口调整死亡率81.19/10万。全省常见恶性肿瘤死亡率前十位为:胃癌25.89/10万、食管癌25.71/10万、肝癌20.56/10万、肺癌17.54/10万、结直肠癌5.7/10万、白血病3.00/10万、鼻咽癌2.03/10万、乳腺癌1.88/10…  相似文献   

扬中市1991~1995年恶性肿瘤发病及死亡情况调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李茂生  耿昌友 《肿瘤》1997,17(6):477-479
扬中市1991~1995年恶性肿瘤发病及死亡情况调查研究李茂生耿昌友朱阳春王理伟马永劳罗正国据1973~1982年死因资料分析[1],扬中市恶性肿瘤死亡率为271..3/10万,按中国人口标化死亡率为215.65/10万,消化系统癌死亡率维持在较高水...  相似文献   

子宫颈癌危险因素的流行病学研究   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
由于我国积极进行子宫颈癌(简称宫颈癌)的预防和筛检,其死亡率已由1973~1975年在全国8亿多人回顾性调查时的5.29/10万降至1990~1992年全国1亿多人口抽样回顾性调查的1.64/10万,下降了69%。其中城市中同期由5.74/10万下降...  相似文献   

1流行状况 1991年~1998年扬中市新发恶性肿瘤病人7906人,年均粗发病率357.56/10万,1982年中国人口调整发病率305.51/10万,其中前五位分别是胃癌( 113. 04/10万)、食管癌( 82. 84/10万)、肝癌(20.69/10万)、肺癌( 11. 64/10万)、肠癌( 10.58/10万)。8年间扬中市因恶性肿瘤死亡6796人,粗死亡率307.36/10万,1982年中国人口调整死亡率225.58/10万,发病死亡比1 . 19:1 。从发病趋势分析,8年来扬中市恶性肿瘤…  相似文献   

单县农村九十年代初期恶性肿瘤流行病学调查研究王林祥,张方元,李群英本文对单县农村1990~1992年恶生肿瘤死亡概况,趋势及流行病学特征进行了调查研究。结果表明,恶性肿瘤年平均死亡率为98.65/10万,标化率为68.03/10万,世界人口标化率11...  相似文献   

经对烟台市农村居民1990~1992年死因调查发现,恶性肿瘤死亡率为134.25/10万人口(以下简写10万),位居各类死因的第三位,是男性各类死因的第一位,女性各类死因的第三位。死亡率和全国各大城市市区相仿,比全国和山东高27.22%和13.88%。男女死亡比值为1.58,略高于全国农村1.57的水平。和70年代相比较,调整死亡率除宫颈癌、乳腺癌和食管癌分别下降77.17%、31.85%和24.01外,其它恶性肿瘤均呈上升趋势。总调整死亡率上升了20.36%、其中尤以白血病、肝癌和肺癌为突出,分别上升了200.76%、104.8%和182.26%,按前20年癌亡增长比率计算到2000年癌亡率将达到166.07/10万,成为烟台市农村居民各类死因的首位。在主要恶性肿瘤死因中前5位死因是胃癌、肝癌、肺癌、大肠癌和食管癌,占因癌死亡的80.31%。消化系统的恶性肿瘤占恶性肿瘤死亡的87.25%。提示:在今后恶性肿瘤的防治工作中应把消化系统恶性肿瘤做为防治的重点。  相似文献   

本文对山东省福山等9县6年间全人口死因分类调查中的肺癌死亡情况进行了分析。总观察人口数45807164人。恶性肿瘤死亡率呈下降趋势,而肺癌死亡率呈上升趋势,从1988年的16.37/万,上升为1993年的17.79/10万;男性肺癌死亡率显著高于女性,高年龄组死亡率明显大于低年龄组(P<0.05)  相似文献   

湖南省90年代宫颈癌死亡率及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对湖南省1990-1992年10个抽样县市的宫颈癌死亡率及影响因素进行了分析,并与同一调查范围内70年代的资料进行了比较。湖南省90年代宫颈癌中国标化死亡经为6;63/10万,其中城市为3.28/10万,农村为7.26/10万,城市代于农村;年龄分组死亡率曲线显示40岁以后死亡随年龄增长上升较快,70岁年龄组达高峰;各抽样县市宫颈癌死亡率存在明显的地区差异;  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a disease with distinct ethnic and geographic distribution. The incidence of NPC in Chinese residing in Asia has declined over the last few decades, but NPC mortality trends in the entire Chinese population over time have not been systematically evaluated. In this study, we examined NPC mortality at the national level in China between 1973-2005. Mortality rates were derived from the databases of national retrospective surveys on cancer mortality conducted in the periods of 1973-1975, 1990-1992, and 2004-2005, respectively. NPC was classified according to the International classification of diseases. Age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated by direct standardization according to the world standard population. Trends in rates were evaluated by age, gender, geographic areas, and socioeconomic status. From 1973 to 2005, there was a general trend of decrease in NPC mortality in China, with higher rates in the south on a downward trend in the north. The age-standardized NPC mortality rates were 2.60 per 100,000 in 1973-1975, 1.94 per 100,000 in 1990-1992, and 1.30 per 100,000 in 2004-2005, respectively. The trend was similar in both men and women, in both urban and rural areas, but the declining rates in females were more remarkable than in males. The mortality rates were higher for the age groups above 50 years than those less than 50 years of age, both showing downward trend over 30-year period. In summary, the overall NPC mortality has consistently decreased in China over the past three decades, particularly in women and in old adults.  相似文献   

目的:比较厦门市城乡居民结直肠癌死亡和减寿趋势变化。方法:整理2003年~2014年厦门市城乡居民结直肠癌死亡资料。用死亡率、平均减寿年数、死亡率年均变化百分比等指标进行评价。结果:2003年~2014年,厦门市城市、农村居民因结直肠癌死亡率分别为11.91/10万和7.49/10万。城乡平均减寿年数(AYLL)分别为7.39年和9.78年。无论城市、农村结直肠癌死亡率,男性均明显高于女性,均随着年龄的增长而升高,存在上升趋势。结直肠癌造成的标准化寿命损失率(SPYLLR)呈上升趋势,AYLL 则均存在下降趋势。结论:厦门市城乡居民结直肠癌死亡率呈明显上升趋势。  相似文献   

目的描述河南省1985—2009年间的食管癌死亡率变化趋势,预测2010—2019年食管癌死亡率。方法 从河南省癌症及生命统计中心数据库中抽取1985—2009年间死于食管癌的全部记录。计算各时期死亡率、中国人口标化死亡率(中标率)及世界人口标化死亡率(世标率),运用Joinpoint模型估计死亡率的时间变化趋势。采用莱斯利矩阵分性别预测2010—2019年人口数据;运用APC(Age-period-cohort)模型预测2010—2019年河南省居民食管癌死亡率。结果 1985—2009年间河南省生命统计登记中心报告死于食管癌总人数为72294人。男性中标率从1985—1989年间的49.49/10万下降到2005—2009年间的17.72/10万;女性相应时期的中标率由26.48/10万下降到9.06/10万。Joinpoint模型趋势参数显示:男、女性食管癌中标率呈逐年下降趋势,男性时间趋势有2个有意义的联结点,女性时间趋势有2个有意义的联结点。预测结果显示:2010—2019年河南省人口数平均增长率为4.38‰,2019年河南省15市县总人口数将达到1487万。2010—2014年的男性中标率为17.04/10万,女性中标率为8.73/10万。2015—2019年的男性中标率为16.67/10万,女性中标率为7.98/10万。结论 预测结果显示2010—2019年河南省居民食管癌死亡率呈下降趋势,但其死亡率仍较高,应继续实施相关预防控制措施。  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is rare global y but common in China and exhibits a distinct ethnic and geographic distribution. In 2009, the National Central Cancer Registry in China provided real-time...  相似文献   

中国胃癌死亡率20年变化情况分析及其发展趋势预测   总被引:258,自引:7,他引:251  
目的 分析中国胃癌死亡 2 0年的变化情况 ,探讨其变化规律、可能的发展趋势。方法对基本采用同一方法处理的中国 2 0世纪 70年代和 90年代两次死因调查结果进行对比。结果  90年代胃癌调整死亡率男性增长 11.0 % ,女性增长 6.3 % ;胃癌死亡率 70年代城市略高于农村 ,90年代农村高于城市 3 7.0 % ;90年代城市胃癌调整死亡率男、女性分别下降 2 2 .2 %、2 6.7% ,而农村男、女性分别上升 2 6.4%和 2 2 .1%。无论城市还是农村 ,90年代胃癌死亡的男、女性之比均较 70年代略有上升 ,胃癌死亡危害男性高于女性、且农村高于城市。 90年代男、女性胃癌死亡率下降的省 (市 )各有 12个 ,分别占 44.0 % (12 / 2 7) ;除江苏省外 ,女性的下降百分比均高于男性 ;胃癌死亡率上升在前 6位的省 (市 ) ,男性增幅均高于女性。结论 中国胃癌死亡总的呈上升趋势 ,但在 2 7个省 (市 )中则有升有降 ;城乡之间 ,城市下降 ,农村上升 ;与世界各国比较 ,中国男、女性胃癌世界调整死亡率居于首位。 2 0年的胃癌死亡率在 3 0~ 59岁年龄组中呈下降趋势 ,60岁以上年龄组呈上升趋势 ,因而人口老化是胃癌死亡率上升的重要因素  相似文献   

Data from 2 Australian cancer registries covering a population of 1.7 million people were combined for the purposes of analysing brain cancer incidence, mortality and survival patterns for the time period 1978 through 1992. A total of 1,752 cases of primary brain cancer were registered, representing age-standardised incidence rates of 6.7 per 100,000 in men and 4.6 in women. Histological confirmation was available for 94% of cases. The incidence rate among persons aged 75 or over was higher during 1986–1992 than during 1978–1985, the rate for men increasing from 16.3 to 26.2 and that for women increasing from 9.7 to 18.0. The largest increases in this age group occurred for cases of glioblastoma multiforme. During the study period, 1,411 brain cancer deaths were notified to the 2 registries at age-standardised rates of 5.3 in men and 3.4 in women. Mortality rates among persons aged 75 years or older were higher during 1986–1992 than 1978–1985, increasing from 15.7 to 28.4 in men and from 10.1 to 15.3 in women. Only among men aged 15–49 years was a decline in mortality rates observed, from 3.3 to 2.4. Survival analyses indicated that age and histological type were the most powerful prognostic indicators. There was no improvement in 5-year survival for any of the age groups or histological types. An improvement in 36-month survival was noted for the 15–49 year age group diagnosed with gliomas other than glioblastoma multiforme.  相似文献   

Background: Although it is known that cancer mortality rate varies depending on occupations in Japan, differences in female cancer mortality rate depending on occupational classes have not been analyzed using the Vital Statistics in Japan. In this study, we analyzed the Vital Statistics data in Japan from 1995 to 2015, and revealed differences in cancer mortality rate depending on occupational classes among Japanese women. Methods: The Vital Statistics data by occupations from 1995 to 2015 were obtained from the “Report of Vital Statistics : Occupational and Industrial Aspects” in Japan, and data on mortality for cancer in all sites, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder and extrahepatic bile duct cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, and uterine cancer were used. We classified main occupation categories into non-manual workers and manual workers, and calculated age-standardized mortality rate for each of the occupational class, year, age group, and type of cancer and its annual percent change. Results: Age-standardized mortality rates for non-manual workers (222.0 per 100,000 persons in 1995 and 143.8 per 100,000 persons in 2015) were higher in cancer in all sites than those for manual workers (127.6 per 100,000 persons in 1995 and 103.7 per 100,000 persons in 2015) throughout the years. However, age-standardized mortality rates showed a significant decreasing trend between 1995 and 2015 for non-manual workers, and the absolute value of annual percent change was higher in non-manual workers than in manual workers. As a result, a difference in age-standardized mortality rates for cancer in all sites between the two types of occupational classes decreased throughout the years. Conclusion: A further study investigating differences in physical or behavioral characteristics of female non-manual and manual workers is needed in order to understand the key factors for the higher cancer mortality rate in non-manual workers.  相似文献   

In Canada, prostate cancer is the most common reportable malignancy in men. We assessed the temporal trends of prostate cancer to gain insight into the geographic incidence and mortality trends of this disease. Three independent population-based cancer registries were used to retrospectively analyze demographic data on Canadian men diagnosed with prostate cancer and men who died of prostate cancer between the years of 1992 and 2010. The incidence and mortality rates were calculated at the provincial, city, and forward sortation area (FSA) postal code levels by using population counts that were obtained from the Canadian Census of Population. The Canadian average incidence rate was 113.57 cases per 100,000 males. There has been an overall increasing trend in crude prostate cancer incidence between 1992 and 2010 with three peaks, in 1993, 2001, and 2007. However, age-adjusted incidence rates showed no significant increase over time. The national mortality rate was calculated to be 24.13 deaths per 100,000 males per year. A decrease was noted in crude and age-adjusted mortality rates between 1992 and 2010. Several provinces, cities, and FSAs had higher incidence/mortality rates than the national average. Several of the FSA postal codes with the highest incidence/mortality rates were adjacent to one another. Several Canadian regions of high incidence for prostate cancer have been identified through this study and temporal trends are consistent with those reported in the literature. These results will serve as a foundation for future studies that will seek to identify new regional risk factors and etiologic agents.  相似文献   

目的 了解云南省肿瘤登记地区2011—2015年宫颈癌的发病和死亡特征及时间趋势,为开展宫颈癌防治提供参考.方法 收集整理2011—2015年云南省肿瘤登记地区宫颈癌(ICD-10编码为C53)的发病死亡病例.分城乡统计宫颈癌的发病率、死亡率、标化发病率、标化死亡率、截缩率、累积率(0~74岁)、趋势变化年度百分比(A...  相似文献   

Objective: The National Central Cancer Registry(NCCR) collected population-based cancer registration data in 2011 from all cancer registries. National cancer incidence and mortality were compiled and cancer incident new cases and cancer deaths were estimated.Methods: In 2014, there were 234 cancer registries submitted cancer incidence and deaths occurred in 2011. All datasets were checked and evaluated based on the criteria of data quality from NCCR. Total 177 registries’ data were qualified and compiled for cancer statistics in 2011. The pooled data were stratified by area(urban/rural), gender, age group(0, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14…85+) and cancer type. Cancer incident cases and deaths were estimated using age-specific rates and national population in 2011. All incidence and death rates are age-standardized to the 2000 Chinese standard population and Segi’s population expressed per 100,000 persons.Results: All 177 cancer registries(77 in urban and 100 in rural areas) covered 175,310,169 populations(98,341,507 in urban and 76,968,662 in rural areas). The morphology verified cases(MV%) accounting for 70.14% and 2.44% of incident cases were identified through death certifications only(DCO%) with mortality to incidence ratio of 0.63. The estimates of new cancer incident cases and cancer deaths were 3,372,175 and 2,113,048 in 2011, respectively. The incidence rate was 250.28/100,000(males 277.77/100,000, females 221.37/100,000), and the age-standardized incidence rates by Chinese standard population(ASIRC) and by world standard population(ASIRW) were 186.34/100,000 and 182.76/100,000 with the cumulative incidence rate(0-74 years old) of 21.20%. The cancer incidence and ASIRC in urban areas were 261.38/100,000 and 189.89/100,000 compared to 238.60/100,000 and 182.10/100,000 in rural areas, respectively. The cancer mortality was 156.83/100,000(194.88/100,000 in males and 116.81/100,000 in females), the age-standardized mortality rates by Chinese standard population(ASMRC) and by world standard population(ASMRW) were 112.88/100,000 and 111.82/100,000, and the cumulative mortality rate(0-74 years old) was 12.69%. The cancer mortality and ASMRC were 154.37/100,000 and 108.20/100,000 in urban areas, and 159.42/100,000 and 117.97/100,000 in rural areas, respectively. Cancers of lung, female breast, stomach, liver, colon and rectum, esophageal, cervix, uterus, prostate and ovary were the most common cancers, accounting for about 75% of all cancer new cases. Lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, female breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain tumor, cervical cancer and leukemia were the leading causes of cancer death, accounting for about 80% of all cancer deaths. The cancer incidence, mortality and spectrum showed difference between urban and rural areas, males and females.Conclusions: The coverage of cancer registration population had a greater increase than that in the last year. The data quality and representativeness are gradually improved. As the basic work of cancer prevention and control, cancer registry is playing an irreplaceable role. The disease burden of cancer is increasing, and the health department has to take effective measures to contain the increased cancer burden in China.  相似文献   

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