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日本血吸虫病对妇女生殖系统损害的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一个感染率在15%以上的乡18-50岁育龄妇女2106人,用改良加藤法定性、定量检查血吸虫卵,对查出的日本血吸虫感染者244人作为实验组,另选择当地年龄、职业与2相应的阴性妇女236人与之对照,对此作症状、体征等69个项目的调查。结果显示:从功能性方面看,感染者月经不调者较多,第一胎新生儿体重下降,患者身高低于对照组;从器质性方面看,感染者漫性宫颈炎及子宫胀大的人数多于对照组;用宫腔冲洗液作ELISA检查,有13例患者为“+”以上,27例疑似(±)。结果表明日本血吸虫病对女性生殖系统有一定影响。  相似文献   

肾脏是机体的主要排泄器官,也是氟中毒的重要的靶器官之一,氟主要从尿排出,尿排氟量与总摄氟量呈线性关系。氟可通过干扰内分泌系统而影响生殖功能,亦可直接损伤生精细胞和精子。1氟对泌尿系统的毒性高勤等人研究发现氟中毒时肾小球未见明显病变[1],近曲小管上皮细胞呈现胞浆疏  相似文献   

老年糖尿病(DM)对周围环境尤其是对外界气温变化适应能力减弱,机体内部糖化使自身免疫力降低,肺通气量和身体血流量降低,因此身体素质降低,很容易并发呼吸系统、泌尿系统及皮肤感染等。据报道DM并发感染患者中,泌尿系统感染居第二位,仅次于肺部感染,老年男性DM患者有其自身的  相似文献   

布鲁杆菌病(简称布病)是人兽共患的传染-变态反应性疾病,在世界上有广泛的流行,是全球特别是发展中国家面临的公共卫生问题。布病的典型表现为没有明显病变的发热征候群,伴有寒战、盗汗和不适。布鲁杆菌侵入机体后,可侵犯许多器官及系统,引起并发  相似文献   

类风湿关节炎患者泌尿生殖系统衣原体支原体的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
类风湿关节(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)是以慢性对称性多关节炎为主要表现的系统性疾病,其病因不明,有较高的致残率。近年来国内外有文献报道支原体和衣原体感染是引起部分关节病的病因之一,因此1999-2000年对我院类风湿关节炎专科的RA患者进行泌尿生殖道支原体和衣原体的检查,以了解二者之间的关系,现将研究结果报告如下。  相似文献   

老年妇女泌尿生殖系统感染的诊治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
绝经后老年妇女由于雌激素缺乏可发生泌尿生殖道萎缩、局部抵抗力低下,细菌易于侵入繁殖引发炎症,主要表现为阴道分泌物异常、外阴瘙痒以及尿频、尿急及尿路感染等,易反复发作,且病程长,严重影响生活质量,因此老年妇女的泌尿生殖系统感染问题值得重视。1老年妇女生殖系统感染老  相似文献   

目的 分析中国大陆人体胃血吸虫病的地区分布与危险因素,并提出相应的防控措施.方法 查阅、收集、整理国内1951年-2010年12月医学书籍、专著、寄生虫学科技期刊等有关血吸虫病流行区病例资料,分析胃血吸虫病的发病现状与地区分布,患者的年份、性别、职业分布,发病季节,病程和临床症状等,并讨论胃血吸虫病的诊断和治疗方法.结...  相似文献   

Objectives To summarize and analyze the distribution and harmfulness of gastric schistosomiasis in the mainland of China so as to make suitable measures of control and prevention. Methods Case data of schistosomiasis collected from varieties of medical books,monographs and journals on parasitology were analyzed in order to understand the risk factors and situation of gastric schistosomiasis cases in the mainland of China. Results In the southern part of schistosomiasis epidemic areas of China,10 provinces or municipalities had been reported to have these cases with an exception of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. A majority of the cases were reported in Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Hubei and Anhui provinces,accounting for 85.40% (626/733) of total case numbers in the mainland of China,while the cases in Yunnan and Fujian provinces only accounted for 0.27% (2/733). The cases'occupations were predominantly farmers and had an age range of 12 to 76 years old.Among 315 cases with detailed data,the ratio of male and female was 4.08∶1. All of the cases had some obvious symptoms in gastric intestinal system. Conclusion In China,gastric schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma japonicum was at scattered distribution with only a few provinces showing concentrated phenomena.  相似文献   

急性血吸虫病肺部损害X线表现分型探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向家进  李浩  蔡雨  李毅 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》2006,18(3):F0003-F0003,I0002
目的探讨急性血吸虫病肺部损害X线表现特征和影像分型。方法回顾性分析75例经临床确诊为急性血吸虫病患者的胸片X线表现资料。结果根据影像学表现肺部损害分3型:①肺纹理增多增粗型50例;②支气管肺炎或大叶性肺炎型21例;③粟粒样型4例。结论急性血吸虫病肺部影像学分型有利于诊断与鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

1964-2011年中国大陆人体旋毛虫病流行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结分析中国大陆1964-2011年旋毛虫病的地区分布与的危害,提出相应防控措施。方法查阅、收集、整理国内1964-02/2011-05多种医学书籍、专著、医学杂志、寄生虫学科技期刊等有关国内大陆地区的人体旋毛虫病暴发或流行及病例报道资料。统计分析该病发病现状、发病季节、发病因素、地区分布、患者年龄、性别、职业、人群生食动物种类流行因素与危害状况。结果 1964-2011年人体旋毛虫病分布在国内15个省(自治区、直辖市)中的121个市县,各省区发病县在1~52个不等。共发病38 797人,死亡336人,病死率为0.86%。农村患者人数明显高于城市,患者年龄9个月~90岁,男性高于女性。据5 939名9种不同职业的患者人群资料显示,患病以农民居多(78.78%,4 679/5 939),其次为工人(8.15%,484/5 939)、干部(5.01%,298/5 939)、学生(2.53%,150/5 939)、儿童(2.43%,144/5 939)、半农半牧民(1.53%,91/5 939),而商人、职员、居民3种职业的患病人数最低(分别为0.90%,53/5 939;0.52%,31/5 939与0.15%,9/5 939)。一年四季均可发病,以冬春季节为主。潜伏期5 h~46 d,病程3~42 d。生食猪肉为主要发病原因,其次为野猪肉、熊肉、犬肉、羊肉、鼠肉、牛肉。旋毛虫病主要引起患者发热、畏寒、水肿、全身肌肉疼痛尤以腓肠肌为甚,颜面、肢体水肿或全身性水肿,嗜酸性粒细胞增高、心电图异常。在较为典型的患者腓肠肌或吃剩余的动物肌肉中可检获旋毛虫囊包。轻者症状体征不显并可治愈。重者因心、肺、肾、肠腔的严重损害而导致死亡。结论旋毛虫病在我国大陆15个省区、自治区、直辖市均有不同程度的发病,流行特征为点状、散状分布。发病原因与生食与半生食动物肉的不良饮食习惯有关,农民发病人数最多。  相似文献   

Separation of the globin polypeptide chains of hemoglobin using electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in acid, urea, and Triton X-100 was initially described by Rovera et al (1). We have utilized this method for human (2) and murine systems (3), and have shown that the technique will separate embryonic, fetal, and adult globin chains from both species (4, 5).  相似文献   

Dengue is an acute emerging infectious disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and has become a serious global public health problem. In mainland China, a number of large dengue outbreaks with serious consequences have been reported as early as 1978. In the three decades from 1978 to 2008, a total of 655,324 cases were reported, resulting in 610 deaths. Since the 1990s, dengue epidemics have spread gradually from Guangdong, Hainan, and Guangxi provinces in the southern coastal regions to the relatively northern and western regions including Fujian, Zhejiang, and Yunnan provinces. As the major transmission vectors of dengue viruses, the biological behavior and vectorial capacity of Aedes mosquitoes have undergone significant changes in the last two decades in mainland China, most likely the result of urbanization and global climate changes. In this review, we summarize the geographic and temporal distributions, the serotype and genotype distributions of dengue viruses in mainland China, and analyze the current status of surveillance and control of vectors for dengue transmission.  相似文献   

Overview of obesity in Mainland China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The purpose of the present series of studies was to determine whether an obstruction in the urogenital system or vesicoureteral reflux (reflux, the retrograde passage of urine from the bladder into the kidney) existed in mice prenatally exposed to ethanol which might account for the high incidence of hydronephrosis and hydroureter observed. In order to examine these possibilities, indigo carmine was injected into the bladder of 19-day fetuses previously exposed to ethanol on Day 10 of gestation and the presence of hydronephrosis and/or reflux determined. As expected, we found a greatly increased incidence of hydronephrosis and hydroureter. In addition, there was a significant increase in reflux in the ethanol-treated mice. The incidence of reflux appeared to be related to the severity of the hydronephrosis observed, though cases of hydronephrosis without reflux and reflux without hydronephrosis were found. These data suggest both hypotheses may be salient and that a multiplicity of urogenital abnormalities are found following prenatal ethanol exposure.  相似文献   

湖北钉螺是日本血吸虫的惟一中间宿主,在日本血吸虫病传播过程中起重要作用,其种下分化及鉴别在血吸虫病防治、钉螺控制等方面具有重要意义。本文基于形态学、细胞生物学、分子生物学等方面证据综述了湖北钉螺种下分化的研究进展,并对今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文总结儿内科近30年消化系疾病住院总人数6832例,占同期儿内科总住院人数34747的19.66%,故为儿科常见病,多发病。如以发病部位为序、空肠、回肠发病占73.50%,口腔及口周占12.6%,胆肝占5.35%,胃、十二指肠占5.16%。以病因为序,细菌、病毒感染占65.33%,寄生虫占17.94%,先天性占6.98%。以主诉症状为序,腹泻占46.63%,腹痛占31.79%,呕吐占19.71%,腹胀占8.65%,并对腹泻、腹痛,呕吐、便血等进行分析及进一步探讨。30年来传染病明显下降及病情变轻。由于多数医院未成立儿内科消化疾病专科,设备简陋,就目前水平看,基础研究极少,有水平的经验总结不多。不少疾病尚未被认识,本文对儿科消化系疾病进一步研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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