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心理咨询的现状调查   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 了解国内心理咨询的开展情况及存在的问题。方法 用自编调查表让来访者无记名填写。结果 82.92%的来访者是通过各种媒体了解到心理咨询的,30.08%的人认为目前心理咨询很不方便,69.11%的被调查者愿意接受心理咨询;在出现问题时,他们寻求帮助的对象依次为亲朋好友、电台心理热线、单位领导等;55.28%的人对咨询师不十分信任,32.52%的人对咨询师是否能为其保密担忧,43.09%的人认为咨询师是合格的,36.59%的人表示会按照咨询师的意见去做。结论 心理咨询的普及性和可接受性,从业人员的素质有待于进一步提高,尽快进行系统培训、资格认定及管理已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

目的探讨考取心理咨询师人员的基本状况,为心理咨询师的近一步专业培训提供理论依据。方法采用自编的《心理咨询师调查表》对正在培训的147名学员进行调查分析。结果文化程度:本科及以上学历72.1%,大专及以下学历占27.9%;职业分布:医务工作者28.5%,教师17.0%,其他77.6%;考证目的:个人兴趣16.3%,为了自己心理健康8.8%,计划从事专业心理咨询师工作34.0%;有心理咨询经验者8.8%,没有经验者91.2%。结论考取心理咨询师的人员文化程度大多数在本科以上,医学和教育工作者占少数;计划从事心理咨询工作的很少,绝对多数没有心理咨询工作经验;所以,心理咨询师的继续教育工作任重道远。  相似文献   

对心理咨询及咨询师的期望与要求的研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
目的:了解中国人对心理咨询及咨询师的期望和要求。方法:分别让来访者回答“您认为目前的心理咨询工作存在什么问题”和“您认为咨询师应该是什么样的人”两个开放式问题,及让咨询师自由地写出5条对咨询师的要求。结果:有45.53%和49.59%的来访者作了回答。存在问题较为突出的依次为:不普及,质量和效果不好,不方便,担心守密问题及太贵等。对咨询师的期望较为集中的依次为:丰富的知识,娴熟的技术,态度好,像长辈,有丰富的经验和阅历,口才好,像朋友,像老师,高尚的品德等。男女之间在对咨询师的期望中提及“朋友”及希望咨询师为长者或具备丰富的阅历上存在差异。对咨询师期望中,来访者和咨询师之间在心理品质及知识、技术和能力的比例上存在差异。结论:社会文化、性别、不同角色等均是对心理咨询及咨询师期望和要求的影响因素。  相似文献   

高职高专院校大学生对心理咨询的认知调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的了解高职高专院校大学生对心理咨询的认知状况。方法采用自编的《大学生对心理咨询的认知调查表》,对2所高职高专院校共876位大学生进行了调查。结果68.4%的学生认为可解决人的一般心理问题,14.5%的学生认为可治疗“心理疾病”,64.7%的学生认为可促进人的成长;84%的学生认为高校有必要开设心理咨询;现阶段接受心理咨询的学生仅为5.6%,曾接受心理咨询的学生中有84.6%愿意再去心理咨询;87.2%的学生选择以心理学为背景的咨询师;48.6%的学生愿意面对面咨询;76.5%的学生希望一次能够解决问题;86%的学生有咨询愿望,其中64.2%的学生对走进心理咨询室存在种种顾虑。结论高职高专院校大学生普遍认同心理咨询。  相似文献   

应用心理意象进行心理咨询师训练和督导的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
意象对话是根据心理动力学理论,结合中国的文化而发展出来的一种心理咨询与治疗的方法[1-5]。意象对话不仅可以用来进行心理咨询与治疗,更适合对心理咨询师进行训练和督导。十几年来正式接受过用意象对话进行训练和督导的心理咨询与治疗工作者人数接近600人,其中有近100人先后参加了从1999年3月开始的每周一次的心理咨询师督导和训练小组,除3名表达了不满并离开了小组外,其他人都认为效果良好。本文简要介绍应用心理意象对心理咨询师进行训练和督导的方法和技巧。1应用心理意象进行训练和督导的原理心理意象,是指通过一定诱导方式产生的,有…  相似文献   

心理咨询和治疗行业相关人员的伦理意识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解我国当前心理咨询与治疗行业心理咨询和治疗师、应用心理系学生、参加心理咨询师培训人员的伦理意识现状.方法:对全国范围内601名心理咨询和治疗师,广州、珠海市344名应用心理系学生,以及广州201名参加心理咨询师培训人员,以自编“心理咨询或治疗伦理问题调查问卷”进行调查.结果:三组人员伦理判断有统计学差异的26个条目中,应用心理系学生认同比例较高的有19条,参加培训人员认同比例较高的有4条,心理咨询师认同比例较高的有3条.43.9%的心理咨询师认同“告诉来访者自己生他(她)气了”,远高于心理系学生的19.8%及参加培训人员的21.9%.同时,14.5%认可“因对来访者愤怒而提高嗓音对其说话”,远高于心理系学生的6.4%及参加培训人员的6.5%.三组人员中均有超过30%认可“和朋友不提名字地讨论来访者的事”,“向自己的学生或被督导者、雇员提供咨询”及“与以前的来访者成为生活中的朋友”,约80%赞成“在来访者可能自杀或杀害他人时突破保密原则”,约50%赞成“因为自己的某些突发事件,更改固定的治疗时间”.52.5%心理系学生、37.3%心理咨询师及34.3%培训人员认同“使用计算机化的测验解释报告”.结论:在心理咨询与治疗行业内部,咨询师、参加心理咨询师培训人员及应用心理系学生的伦理判断有一定差异.其中,心理系学生的伦理意识与其他两组人员相差较大,在多个条目中的伦理判断较差,需引起重视.  相似文献   

目的:探讨咨询师与非咨询师对网络心理咨询伦理规范的态度。方法:选取咨询师91人(年龄23~63岁)和普通大众及来访者(非咨询师)91人(年龄14~44岁),采用自编网络心理咨询伦理问题调查问卷进行调查。结果:网络心理咨询的优势排在前3位的是"突破空间障碍"、"可以不用真实姓名"、"网络咨询更放松"。关于心理咨询的合理收费,咨询师认为的心理咨询收费的合理价格与非咨询师认为的合理价格差异有统计学意义(P0.001)。咨询师及非咨询师在网络心理咨询伦理态度的23个条目上差异有统计学意义(均P0.05),差异主要存在于对咨询关系、咨询收费与设置的态度上。结论:本研究提示,在网络心理咨询的伦理态度上,咨询师和非咨询师的看法存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

心理咨询师培训班学员的人格特征研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:对心理咨询师培训班学员的人格特征进行调查研究。方法:对190名某心理咨询师培训班学员采用加利福尼亚心理调查表,在专业人士指导下进行测评分析。结果:①全体学员除了自我控制,好印象,女性化,男性化三个分量表得分与全国常模无显著差异,其他均显著高于全国常模。②女学员的支配力,进取能力,社交性,社交风度,自我接受,独立性得分显著高于男学员。有心理咨询工作经验的学员在社交风度,通情,责任心,心理感受性上的得分显著高于没有心理咨询工作经验的学员。结论:心理咨询师培训班学员有良好的人格特质;女学员比男学员在人际关系和适应性上表现出更高水平:有心理咨询工作经验的学员有更好社交风度.更多责任感.更易王单解他人.  相似文献   

安岭 《心理与健康》2008,(11):21-21
心理咨询是一件充满挑战性的工作,它独特的工作特点决定了对心理咨询师的独特要求,概括说来,这些独特要求主要有以下三个方面。  相似文献   

目的:了解学校心理咨询中,心理咨询师对双重关系和突破保密的态度及决策。方法:选取学校心理咨询师123人(男27人,女96人,年龄20~60岁,中小学心理咨询师41人,大学心理咨询师82人),采用自编学校心理咨询师双重关系和保密原则的态度和决策问卷进行调查,该问卷通过情境问题的设置考察学校心理咨询师对待双重关系、保密原则的态度和决策。结果:71.5%的心理咨询师(n=88)选择"不会接受与咨询学生建立其他关系",14.6%的心理咨询师(n=18)选择"接受与咨询学生建立其他关系"。未接受常规督导的心理咨询师更倾向于认为接受学生咨询后要求建立的其他关系可能会提高来访者的自我接纳或自尊(P0.05)。学校心理咨询师认为应该突破保密协议或者会告知来访学生监护人的问题排名前3位为自伤及自杀、吸毒、不良团伙。心理咨询师面对"学生有自杀的计划"具体情境比面对"学生有离家出走的计划"更容易突破保密协议(P0.001)。结论:学校心理咨询师在双重关系和保密的态度与决策在一定程度上会受到是否接受督导以及来访者问题的具体情境的影响。  相似文献   

Most studies of outcomes of genetic counseling have focused on client knowledge, reproductive plans and behavior, or satisfaction. Other measures of the "value" of genetic counseling are needed to guide research assessing the impact of genetic counseling on individuals and populations, as well as to improve the process of providing care. To obtain input from providers, we conducted telephone interviews with six experienced genetic counselors, and then we held a focus group with 10 additional genetic counselors from a variety of practice settings. To obtain input from consumers, telephone interviews were also conducted with 19 past clients of these participating counselors. We found that counselor goals focus on meeting clients' needs, usually educating and providing psychosocial support. Clients often had few goals going into a session because they were unaware of what would be discussed or how the session would be structured. They usually did not expect to receive "counseling," and when they did, it was a welcome surprise. Both clients and counselors commented that a positive interpersonal interaction and "connecting" are primary measures of success. All clients appreciated the large amount of time spent with the counselor, and the manner (clear, comprehensive, and unhurried) of providing information. Many clients said that genetic counseling resulted in improved communication with their partners and other family members. Clients view the counselor as an "expert" and value the counselor as an on-going resource for both information and support. These "outcomes"f genetic counseling need to be assessed, and new measures must be developed.  相似文献   

Athletic trainers have assumed several roles and responsibilities over the years, but perhaps there is no more important role than that of a counselor. Are they prepared to do so? One hundred and thirty-two modified Revised Wylie Inventories were mailed to college/university athletic trainers to examine their educational preparation and experiences with counseling in various areas. Most athletic trainers surveyed reported that they were predominantly counseling in the areas of injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, and nutrition, and felt academically prepared to do so. However, it was reported that preparation to counsel in other less common areas (eg, family matters, financial matters, etc) was not adequately addressed in academic programs. The athletic trainers surveyed sought continuing education in order to meet the other counseling needs of student-athletes. Although they used several psychological referral services, it was apparent that most athletic trainers frequently served as counselors on many nonorthopedic topics. We suggest that athletic training educators consider incorporating both academic knowledge and clinical experience in a wider variety of counseling areas into their curricula.  相似文献   

As genetic testing for susceptibility to breast cancer becomes more widespread, alternative methods for educating individuals prior to testing will be needed. Our objective was to compare face-to-face education and counseling by a genetic counselor with education by an interactive computer program, assessing the effects of each on knowledge of breast cancer genetics and intent to undergo genetic testing. We used a randomized, controlled trial. Seventy-two self-referred women with a first-degree relative with breast cancer received outpatient education and counseling at the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Twenty-nine received individualized counseling from a genetic counselor (counseling group), 29 received education from an interactive computer program followed by individualized counseling (computer group), and 14 were controls. Both pre- and postintervention assessment of knowledge about breast cancer genetics and intent to undergo genetic testing were measured. The control group participants correctly answered 74% of the knowledge questions; the counselor group, 92%; and the computer group, 96% (P <.0001). Unadjusted mean knowledge scores were significantly higher in the computer group than the counselor group (P =.048), but they were equivalent when adjusted for demographic differences (P = 0.34). Intent to undergo genetic testing was influenced by the interventions: preintervention, a majority in all groups (69%) indicated that they were likely (definitely and most likely) to undergo testing; after either intervention coupled with counseling, only 44% indicated that they were likely to do so (P =.0002; odds ratio = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.7-4.9). We concluded that a computer program can successfully educate patients about breast cancer susceptibility, and, along with genetic counseling, can influence patients' intentions to undergo genetic testing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes of resident physicians regarding exercise counseling. METHOD: In 1997, a self-administered questionnaire was sent to 313 internal medicine resident physicians at six U.S. training programs. Pearson correlation coefficients examined associations between the resident physicians' practices, attitudes, and personal habits. Stepwise multiple linear regression identified predictors of exercise counseling by the resident physicians. RESULTS: A total of 251 resident physicians responded. Only 15.5% reported counseling more than 80% of the clinic patients about exercise. Over 93% understood the benefits of exercise, and almost all (96%) felt that it was a physician's responsibility to counsel patients about exercise. Only 29% felt successful at getting their patients to start exercising, and only 28% felt confident in their skills to prescribe exercise for patients. Ninety-one percent felt that training in exercise counseling would be worthwhile. The significant predictors of physician exercise counseling were perception of exercise counseling as a priority (p <.001), confidence in exercise-counseling skills (p <.001), and postgraduate year of training (p <.05) (R(2) =.18). The significant predictors of physicians' confidence in exercise-counseling skills included physician's gender (i.e., men) (p <.001), perception that exercise is important for a healthy 35-year-old (p <.01), feeling successful at exercise counseling (p <.001), perceiving less interference with counseling by barriers (p <.001), and prior training in exercise counseling (p <.05) (R(2) =.44). CONCLUSIONS: Resident physicians' perceptions of exercise counseling as a priority, confidence in counseling skills, and postgraduate year of training are important predictors of their providing exercise counseling. These factors should be addressed in future educational programs.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生心理健康状况,以便有针对性地进行健康教育。方法使用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对菏泽学院本科生821人进行心理测查。结果通过t检验和方差分析发现,以轻度心理问题标准进行筛选,心理问题的检出率为29.1%,以中度心理问题标准,心理问题检出率12.8%;困扰大学生心理健康状况的主要问题为强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑;在强迫因子(F=27.34,P<0.05)上,大一女生得分显著高于大一男生,大二男生显著高于大一男生,大二女生显著高于大四女生。在人际关系敏感因子(F=8.876,<0.01)上,农村大学生得分显著高于城市大学生,在躯体化因子(F=4.427<0.05)上,男生得分显著高于女生;大二学生相比于大一和大四学生心理健康状况较差。结论菏泽学院本科生心理健康状况虽好于全国大学生但差于全国正常人常模。  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between preference for major counseling orientations and perception of counselor behavior in theoretically derived counseling interviews. Seventy-seven undergraduate students viewed demonstration interviews by Rogers and Lazarus, rated the counselor behavior on the Counselor Rating Form, and were assessed in their endorsement of seven major counseling orientations. A regression analysis performed on the preference scores for seven counseling orientations (predictors) in response to the counselor perception scores on the Counselor Rating Form showed a significant relationship only between the client-centered orientation and Rogers. Lazarus was not predicted from any of the seven orientations. Additional analysis of the Counselor Rating Form data revealed that Lazarus was perceived as more expert, attractive, and trustworthy than Rogers. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生感恩状况及其与应对方式、领悟社会支持的关系,为开展心理健康教育提供依据。方法采用感恩问卷(GQ-6)的中文修订版、简易应对方式问卷、领悟社会支持量表,对湖北省某高校162名大学本科生进行问卷调查。结果大学生感恩倾向较为强烈;男生得分显著低于女生(t=-2.65,P<0.01);感恩与积极应对方式、领悟社会支持均显著正相关(r=0.35,0.41,P<0.01),积极应对方式与领悟社会支持显著正相关(r=0.41,P<0.05);其它支持和积极应对对感恩的预测力达到了显著水平(β=0.294,0.231,P<0.01)。结论大学生感恩倾向较为强烈,存在显著的性别差异,感恩、应对方式、领悟社会支持显著正相关,其中其它支持和积极应对对感恩有正向预测作用。  相似文献   

The AIDS Care and Prevention Program of the Chikankata Hospital in southern Zambia serves as an examples of home-based care to other African hospitals. The program includes medical and nursing care, material and emotional support for patients and families, community counseling, and the idea of communities counseling other communities. As such, a similar program is under development in the Mpika district by the Chilonga Mission Hospital. It, too, incorporates health education for the community, counseling, and home-based care. Health talks, role plays, drama shows, and video and slide shows form the education component. Generally held at schools, target audiences are, nonetheless, widely diverse. Counseling efforts focus upon counselor training, with counselors including priests and nuns. They are taught to counsel during the pre-test stage, for crisis intervention, and for problem-solving. Finally, home visits are provided by members of the home-care team to AIDS patients as well as to those afflicted with other illnesses.  相似文献   

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