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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Asymmetric presentation of clinical feature in parkinsonism is common, but correlatable radiologic feature is not clearly defined. Our aim was to evaluate 3T susceptibility-weighted imaging findings for differentiating parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy from idiopathic Parkinson disease, focusing on putaminal changes and lesion asymmetry.MATERIALS AND METHODS:This retrospective cohort study included 27 patients with parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy and 50 patients with idiopathic Parkinson disease diagnosed clinically. Twenty-seven age-matched subjects without evidence of movement disorders who underwent SWI were included as the control group. A consensus was reached by 2 radiologists who visually assessed SWI for the presence of putaminal atrophy and marked signal hypointensity on each side of the posterolateral putamen. We also quantitatively measured putaminal width and phase-shift values.RESULTS:The mean disease duration was 4.7 years for the patients with parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy and 7.8 years for the patients with idiopathic Parkinson disease. In the patients with parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy, putaminal atrophy was frequently observed (14/27, 51.9%) and was most commonly found in the unilateral putamen (13/14). Marked signal hypointensity was observed in 12 patients with parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy (44.4%). No patients with idiopathic Parkinson disease or healthy controls showed putaminal atrophy or marked signal hypointensity. Quantitatively measured putaminal width, phase-shift values, and the ratio of mean phase-shift values for the dominant and nondominant sides were significantly different between the parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy group and the idiopathic Parkinson disease and healthy control groups (P < .001).CONCLUSIONS:3T SWI can visualize putaminal atrophy and marked signal hypointensity in patients with parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy with high specificity. Furthermore, it clearly demonstrates the dominant side of putaminal changes, which correlate with the contralateral symptomatic side of patients.

Parkinsonism-predominant multiple system atrophy (MSA-p) is one of the Parkinson-plus syndromes that has a clinical manifestation similar to that of idiopathic Parkinson disease (IPD) and is often challenging to diagnose in its early stage. MR imaging plays a role in differentiating MSA-p from IPD and is included as an additional feature for the diagnosis of possible multiple system atrophy.1 Various conventional and functional MR imaging findings regarding the putamen in MSA-p have been reported.26 However, these findings had limited sensitivity and specificity.6An asymmetric presentation of clinical features is common for IPD in its early stage, while symmetric symptoms are more common in MSA-p than in IPD.7,8 However, the clinical manifestation of parkinsonism develops asymmetrically in many patients with MSA-p, and it has been reported that approximately 40%–50% of patients with MSA-p present with initial asymmetric symptoms.8,9 This presentation increases the difficulty of clinically differentiating IPD from MSA-p in the early stage of disease. However, to our knowledge, there are few previous reports that used imaging to examine the asymmetry of putaminal abnormalities in MSA-p.Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), which was recently introduced and is now widely used in clinical brain imaging, reflects the physical magnetic properties of tissues because susceptibility changes in tissues, such as iron deposition, are very sensitive.10 In addition to the sensitivity of SWI to paramagnetic material, corrected phase images that are calculated to form final SWI can provide quantitative phase-shift values that reflect tissue iron content.11 Recently published studies attempted to use SWI to differentiate movement disorders, including MSA-p,12 and demonstrated different iron-deposition patterns between MSA-p and IPD by measuring phase-shift values by using corrected phase images of SWI sequences.13 However, most previous studies regarding SWI were performed on 1.5T or weaker main magnetic field MR imaging machines. When main magnetic field is increased to 3T, spins process at a higher frequency, which may result in phase shifts caused by susceptibility changes being more exaggerated on SWI.Thus, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the imaging findings of 3T SWI for differentiating MSA-p from IPD, focusing on putaminal changes and lesion asymmetry.  相似文献   

基底节、黑质的MRI体积测量在帕金森病中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨MRI体积测量在帕金森病形态学改变上的意义,及在早期诊断上的作用。材料和方法:利用3T磁共振成像系统对帕金森病病人和正常对照组者分别进行3D-FSPGR的T1WI序列,FSE的PDWI/T2WI序列的扫描。其中早期PD病人16例,晚期PD病人8例,正常对照组8例。通过三维容积重建的方法测量出全脑体积、双侧尾状核、壳核、苍白球,以及黑质的体积,并对体积值进行标化处理。比较分析早期PD组,晚期PD组,对照组三组之间的差异。结果:PD病人的全脑体积和正常人无差异(P>0.05),早期和晚期帕金森病的壳核体积均小于正常人(P<0.05),减小程度分别为12.5%和26.5%。晚期PD的壳核体积较早期PD减小了16.0%(P=0.002)。晚期PD组苍白球体积较对照组下降19.2%(P=0.023)。尾状核、黑质体积在对照组、早晚期PD组中无显著差别(P>0.05)。结论:早和晚期PD的壳核,晚期PD的苍白球形态上已出现萎缩,尾状核,黑质没有明显萎缩。壳核的体积测量可能为早期PD的诊断提供一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

3.0T及1.5T磁共振血管成像对烟雾病诊断价值比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
侯进  黄凡衡  杨建明  全显跃   《放射学实践》2009,24(5):469-471
目的:分析烟雾病1.5T及3.0T磁共振血管造影(MRA)表现,以数字减影血管造影(DSA)为金标准比较两者对烟雾病的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析22例烟雾病患者MRA及DSA表现,其中9例行1.5TMRA检查、13例行3.0TMRA检查,22例均行DSA检查,对两者显示的基底区侧支血管行4级评分,并对结果进行比较分析。结果:9例1.5TMRA显示侧支血管3分1例、2分4例、1分3例、0分1例,13例3.0TMRA显示侧支血管3分7例、2分6例,两者有统计学差异;3.0TMRA与DSA间亦有统计学差异。结论:3.0T较1.5TMRA可以更好显示基底节侧支血管,但仍不能取代DSA检查。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Increased echogenicity of the substantia nigra is a typical transcranial sonography finding in Parkinson disease. Experimental software for digital analysis of the echogenic substantia nigra area has been developed. The aim of this study was to compare the evaluation of substantia nigra echogenicity by using digital analysis with a manual measurement in patients with Parkinson disease and healthy volunteers.MATERIALS AND METHODS:One hundred thirteen healthy volunteers were enrolled in the derivation cohort, and 50 healthy volunteers and 30 patients with Parkinson disease, in the validation cohort. The substantia nigra was imaged from the right and left temporal bone window by using transcranial sonography. All subjects were examined twice by using different sonographic machines by an experienced sonographer. DICOM images of the substantia nigra were encoded; then, digital analysis and manual measurement of the substantia nigra were performed. The 90th percentile of the derivation cohort values was used as a cut-point for the evaluation of the hyperechogenic substantia nigra in the validation cohort. The Spearman coefficient was used for assessment of the correlation between both measurements. The Cohen κ coefficient was used for the assessment of the correlation between both measurements and Parkinson disease diagnosis.RESULTS:The Spearman coefficient between measurements by using different machines was 0.686 for digital analysis and 0.721 for manual measurement (P < .0001). Hyperechogenic substantia nigra was detected in the same 26 (86.7%) patients with Parkinson disease by using both measurements. Cohen κ coefficients for digital analysis and manual measurement were 0.787 and 0.762, respectively (P < .0001).CONCLUSIONS:The present study showed comparable results when measuring the substantia nigra features conventionally and by using the developed software.

Parkinson disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Postmortem and neuroimaging studies showed that PD-associated neuronal dysfunction, cell loss, and α-synuclein pathology begin years before clinical symptoms appear and clinical diagnosis is possible.14 This preclinical period may be the most promising time window for successful neuroprotective interventions in PD.5Increased echogenicity of the substantia nigra (SN) is a typical transcranial sonography (TCS) finding in patients with PD. Recent studies reported an enlarged hyperechogenic SN in approximately 90% of patients with PD, by using cutoff values between 0.20 and 0.25 cm2, depending on the specific sonography system used.6,7 In contrast, a hyperechogenic enlarged SN is detectable in only approximately 10% of healthy volunteers.8 Moreover, this feature is already present in prediagnostic disease stages and persists during the course of PD without significant changes.9,10 Approximately 60% of healthy volunteers with hyperechogenic SN show a decrease in 18F-DOPA uptake in the striatum,8 and hyperechogenic SN is more frequently observed in subjects prone to develop extrapyramidal symptoms after neuroleptic therapy.11However, the main limitation of TCS in the evaluation of SN hyperechogenicity is the dependence of image quality on both the sonographer''s experience and the quality of the bone window.1214 Digital analysis of TCS images of the SN could eliminate this limitation. We developed an experimental application B-mode Assist System with a graphic user interface in Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts), an integrated development environment with a plug-in Image Processing Toolbox, for digital analysis of SN echogenicity.15,16The aim of the study was to compare the manual measurement of SN with digital analysis of SN echogenicity by using the developed software obtained by 2 different sonography machines in patients with PD and healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

64排VCT冠状动脉成像与冠脉造影对冠心病诊断的对比研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨64排VCT冠状动脉造影检查对冠状动脉疾病的诊断价值.方法 连续性收集173例临床怀疑及确诊冠心病的患者,先后行64排VCT冠状动脉成像(CTA)及冠脉造影(CAG),对所有病例使用GE AW4.3独立工作站提供的冠状动脉分析软件进行分析,主要进行了最大密度投影重建(MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)、容积重建(VR),将获得图像与冠脉造影图像进行对比分析.结果 173例中CTA显示的冠状动脉直径>1.5 mm的节段有746个,发现冠状动脉狭窄的敏感性为94.15%(193/204),特异性为95.90%(514/536),阳性预测值为89.77%(193/215),阴性预测值为97.90%(514/525).配对χ~2检验结果说明CTA和CAG 2种检查方法在诊断冠状动脉狭窄病变上无统计学差异(χ~2=1.58,P>0.05),CTA与CAG在显示冠状动脉狭窄分级方面的一致性检验(Kappa值=0.890,P<0.001),提示CTA与CAG在显示与诊断冠状动脉狭窄分级方面具有良好的一致性.结论 64排VCT作为冠状动脉疾患的筛选、内支架术后及血管搭桥术后疗效随访有很大的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

目的探讨磁敏感加权成像(SWI)在常见脑血管性疾病中的应用价值。资料与方法回顾性分析经临床随访及数字减影血管造影(DSA)证实的26例脑血管疾病患者的MRI资料,与常规T1WI、T2WI、T2-FLAIR序列进行比较,分析各种脑血管性疾病在SWI上的影像学表现,评价SWI在诊断脑血管性疾病中的优势。结果海绵状血管瘤8例,常规MRI检出病灶11处,SWI共发现病灶37处,病灶在SWI图上以低信号为主,部分病灶内可见点状高信号;动静脉畸形2例,SWI对动静脉畸形的血管团及引流静脉能够清晰显示,但对其供血动脉显示欠佳;静脉畸形3例,常规MRI仅显示较粗大的流空血管,SWI清晰显示周围小畸形血管。脑梗死10例,SWI显示2例急性期脑梗死灶内的微小出血灶,常规MRI无异常发现。脑血管淀粉样变性3例,SWI对其引起的微小出血灶及血肿能清晰显示。结论 SWI能够清晰显示低血流量畸形血管及微小出血灶,为MRI诊断脑血管疾病提供更加详细、准确的信息。  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁敏感加权成像(susceptibility-weighted imaging, SWI)Phase图在各期脑梗死的变化规律及其临床应用价值.方法 对65例脑梗死各期患者进行SWI及随诊检查,超急性期(<6 h)9例,急性期(7~24 h)20例,亚急性期(1.5~7 d)21例,稳定期(8~14 d)5例,慢性期(>15 d)10例.观察各期脑梗死SWI Phase图上的表现,分别测量最大层面梗死灶受累白质区及对侧相应部位的Phase均值;另外,选取健康志愿者65例进行SWI检查,测量大脑白质区的Phase均值,并进行统计学分析.结果 (1)超急性期及急性期脑的梗死组织的相位值均较对侧健康志愿者脑白质区(HVWM)明显增高,进入亚急性期,相位值较对侧略低,在稳定期和慢性期较对侧明显降低.各期患侧与健侧相位平均值行配对Wilcoxon秩和检验,在超急性期、急性期、稳定期和慢性期两者有显著差别(P<0.001),亚急性期,稍有差异(P=0.04);(2)脑梗死各期病变区平均相位值随着发病时间的延长,逐渐下降,到慢性期最低,梗死区的相位值与发病时间具有显著负相关性(r=-0.990,P=0.001).结论 利用SWI Phase图可对脑梗死的分期进行评估诊断.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:The differentiation between Parkinson disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes can be challenging in clinical practice, especially in early disease stages. Brain MR imaging can help to increase certainty about the diagnosis. Our goal was to evaluate the added value of SWI in relation to conventional 3T brain MR imaging for the diagnostic work-up of early-stage parkinsonism.MATERIALS AND METHODS:This was a prospective observational cohort study of 65 patients presenting with parkinsonism but with an uncertain initial clinical diagnosis. At baseline, 3T brain MR imaging with conventional and SWI sequences was performed. After clinical follow-up, probable diagnoses could be made in 56 patients, 38 patients diagnosed with Parkinson disease and 18 patients diagnosed with atypical parkinsonian syndromes, including 12 patients diagnosed with multiple system atrophy–parkinsonian form. In addition, 13 healthy controls were evaluated with SWI. Abnormal findings on conventional brain MR imaging were grouped into disease-specific scores. SWI was analyzed by a region-of-interest method of different brain structures. One-way ANOVA was performed to analyze group differences. Receiver operating characteristic analyses were performed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of conventional brain MR imaging separately and combined with SWI.RESULTS:Disease-specific scores of conventional brain MR imaging had a high specificity for atypical parkinsonian syndromes (80%–90%), but sensitivity was limited (50%–80%). The mean SWI signal intensity of the putamen was significantly lower for multiple system atrophy–parkinsonian form than for Parkinson disease and controls (P < .001). The presence of severe dorsal putaminal hypointensity improved the accuracy of brain MR imaging: The area under the curve was increased from 0.75 to 0.83 for identifying multiple system atrophy–parkinsonian form, and it was increased from 0.76 to 0.82 for identifying atypical parkinsonian syndromes as a group.CONCLUSIONS:SWI improves the diagnostic accuracy of 3T brain MR imaging in the work-up of parkinsonism by identifying severe putaminal hypointensity as a sign indicative of multiple system atrophy–parkinsonian form.

In clinical practice, the differentiation between Parkinson disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian syndromes (AP), such as multiple system atrophy (MSA), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal syndrome (CBS), and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), can be challenging. For adequate patient counseling and treatment planning, it is important to make the correct diagnosis at an early disease stage. Ancillary investigations such as brain MR imaging can be performed to increase certainty about the diagnosis. In the diagnostic work-up of parkinsonism, performing brain MR imaging is advised because it can support the diagnosis of AP or vascular parkinsonism.1 Also, brain MR imaging can demonstrate other more rare causes of parkinsonism such as normal pressure hydrocephalus or multiple sclerosis.Conventional brain MR imaging findings, including those of T1, T2, T2 FLAIR, and proton-attenuation sequences, are usually normal in PD or will show age-related changes.2 Atrophy orsignal-intensity (SI) changes of specific regions of the brain identified on brain MR imaging can have high specificity for the different forms of AP. Examples include putaminal or pontine atrophy in MSA and midbrain atrophy (hummingbird sign) in PSP. The sensitivity of brain MR imaging for AP is generally limited, especially in early disease stages.35New MR imaging techniques have become available for clinical practice in recent years, including susceptibility-weighted imaging. SWI is sensitive to magnetic susceptibility differences in tissues such as blood, calcification, and iron deposition. Because SWI makes use of both magnitude and phase information during image acquisition, it is superior in detecting brain susceptibility changes in comparison with T2* gradient-echo sequences.6,7 SWI is emerging as a useful technique in a wide variety of intracranial pathologies, including neurodegenerative diseases.8 In parkinsonian syndromes, there are different patterns of abnormal brain iron metabolism in PD and AP. Examples include increased iron accumulation in the substantia nigra in PD and increased striatal iron content in MSA.9 These patterns of abnormal brain iron content should be differentiated from physiologic age-related iron accumulation.10,11 Also, there still is debate about whether disturbances in iron levels in PD constitute representation of the primary pathologic process or are a secondary consequence.12 This debate is highly relevant for SWI because it influences whether abnormal iron content in brain structures can be identified in early-stage PD or AP. Initial reports on SWI in parkinsonism indicate that SWI may provide new diagnostic markers for clinical use.13,14The goal of our study was to evaluate whether SWI is of added value in relation to conventional 3T brain MR imaging in the diagnostic work-up of early-stage parkinsonism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare 3T and 7T signal-to-noise and contrast-to noise ratios of clinical sequences for imaging of the ankles with optimized sequences and dedicated coils. Ten healthy volunteers were examined consecutively on both systems with three clinical sequences: (1) 3D gradient-echo, T(1)-weighted; (2) 2D fast spin-echo, PD-weighted; and (3) 2D spin-echo, T(1)-weighted. SNR was calculated for six regions: cartilage; bone; muscle; synovial fluid; Achilles tendon; and Kager's fat-pad. CNR was obtained for cartilage/bone, cartilage/fluid, cartilage/muscle, and muscle/fat-pad, and compared by a one-way ANOVA test for repeated measures. Mean SNR significantly increased at 7T compared to 3T for 3D GRE, and 2D TSE was 60.9% and 86.7%, respectively. In contrast, an average SNR decrease of almost 25% was observed in the 2D SE sequence. A CNR increase was observed in 2D TSE images, and in most 3D GRE images. There was a substantial benefit from ultra high-field MR imaging of ankles with routine clinical sequences at 7T compared to 3T. Higher SNR and CNR at ultra-high field MR scanners may be useful in clinical practice for ankle imaging. However, carefully optimized protocols and dedicated extremity coils are necessary to obtain optimal results.  相似文献   

目的 探讨320排动态容积CT冠状动脉成像(CTA)质量及其对冠状动脉疾病的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析40例经320排动态容积CTA和冠状动脉造影(coronary angiography,CAG)检查拟诊为冠心病的图像资料.结果 40例520个冠状动脉节段中(每位患者分13个节段),320排动态容积CT图像质量1、2、3级分别为290(55.8%)、194(37.3%)、36(6.9%)个节段.其中l、2级即优良率共484 (484/520、93.1%)个节段,能满足临床诊断;而36(36/520,6.9%)个节段因运动伪影或严重钙化无法对管腔进行评价.以CAG为"金标准",320排动态容积CT发现冠状动脉狭窄的敏感性90.2%,特异性97.5%,阳性预测值92.4%,阴性预测值96.7%.320排动态容积CT对于冠状动脉狭窄检出的准确率为95.7%.结论 CTA对冠状动脉疾病的诊断十分准确,可作为一种简便、易行、安全可靠的无创性筛查冠心病的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期运动训练能否通过增强脑线粒体呼吸功能预防MPTP对中脑多巴胺能神经元的损伤。方法:32只雄性小鼠(8~9周龄)随机分为安静组、运动组。运动组连续5周,每天一次中等强度(12米/分,20分钟)跑台训练。然后以上两组再各自随机分成两组,分别注射生理盐水或中等剂量MPTP(30mg/kg×2次),最后分为安静+生理盐水、运动+生理盐水、安静+MPTP、运动+MPTP四组,每组8只。各组分别于药物注射后第二周进行脑线粒体能量测试,免疫组织化学方法观察中脑黑质酪氨酸氢化酶(TH)阳性细胞数量。结果:运动+MPTP组脑线粒体态3呼吸速率显著高于安静+MPTP组(P<0.01),运动+盐水组和安静+盐水组脑线粒态3呼吸速率无显著差异(P>0.05),运动+MPTP组TH阳性细胞数显著多于安静+MPTP组(P<0.01)。结论:早期运动训练能通过增强脑细胞线粒体呼吸功能,减少MPTP对中脑多巴胺能神经元损伤。  相似文献   

Purpose: To quantitatively investigate signal alterations of the substantia nigra in patients with delayed parkinsonism following CO intoxication, as seen on gray matter (GM)-suppressed inversion-recovery (IR) magnetic resonance (MR) images. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was approved by the local institutional review board, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Thirteen patients with delayed onset of CO-induced parkinsonism (nine men and four women; mean age, 40.3 years), 13 age-matched CO-intoxicated patients without parkinsonism, and 13 age-matched healthy volunteers were examined with GM-suppressed IR MR imaging. The signal intensity of the substantia nigra was normalized to the adjacent normal-appearing white matter in the temporal lobe, followed by semiautomatic segmentation into medial, middle, and lateral parts by using a skeleton-based algorithm. Multivariate and univariate analyses and Spearman rank correlation test were performed to examine the relationships between variables. Clinical severity was assessed with the modified Hoehn and Yahr rating scale. Results: The normalized signal ratios in the middle and lateral segments of the substantia nigra were significantly higher in those with CO-induced parkinsonism, compared with those with CO intoxication without parkinsonism or normal volunteers (P = .02). For the medial segments, the ratios showed no significant differences among the groups. The normalized signal ratios of substantia nigra were correlated with the severity of parkinsonism, particularly in the lateral segments (ρ = 0.927, P < .001). Conclusion: CO toxicity to the substantia nigra plays a role in pathophysiologic mechanisms of CO-induced parkinsonism. GM-suppressed IR MR imaging is a useful tool in depicting substantia nigra injury following CO intoxication. ? RSNA, 2012.  相似文献   

CTA和DSA应用于脑血管病变的比较   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
目的 将CTA与DSA对脑血管病变的检出进行对照 ,观察CTA在脑血管病变检出方面的价值。方法 选择自 1999-0 3~ 2 0 0 0 -0 82 0例脑血管病变患者行CTA和DSA检查 ,将CTA与DSA检出情况进行对比 ,观察CTA的敏感度和特异度 ,以及它们的符合率。结果  2 0例患者经CTA检查发现有 17例患者存在血管异常 ,3例患者显示正常 ,存在血管异常的 17例患者共检出 18个脑血管病变 ,包括 6个动脉瘤 ,9个AVM ,2个颈内动脉 -海绵窦瘘 (CCF) ,1个动脉狭窄 ;DSA检查 17例患者存在血管异常 ,3例患者显示正常 ,存在血管异常的 17例患者共检出 19个病变 ,7个动脉瘤 ,8个AVM ,2个动脉狭窄 ,2个CCF。经统计得知 ,CTA检出脑血管病变的敏感度为 90 .6% ,特异度为 95 .2 % ,CTA与DSA的总符合率为 90 .6%。结论 我们认为三维CTA对于脑血管病变的检出 ,具有较高的敏感性和特异性 ,而且操作简单、方便、安全、微创伤性 ,能用于脑血管病变的诊断 ,并有其较高的临床应用价值。尤其是对AVM的检出率很高  相似文献   

目的 评价旋转DSA及血管三维重组技术在颅内动脉海绵窦瘘诊断中的价值. 资料与方法 20例单侧眼球突出患者(除外非动脉海绵窦瘘疾病)应用传统DSA,旋转DSA及血管三维重组进行检查,对比不同方法对动脉海绵窦瘘病变的显示情况.结果 20例患者均确诊为动脉海绵窦瘘,常规DSA不同体位均能显示病变部位及范围,但对于瘘口的位置、数目以及与病变动静脉之间的关系均不能显示.旋转DSA显示动脉海绵窦瘘结构的能力较常规DSA明显提高.所有血管三维重组的图像都清晰显示了瘘口的位置、数目以及与病变动静脉之间的关系.结论旋转DSA及血管三维重组技术对颅内动脉海绵窦瘘病变结构显示极佳,尤其是三维重组技术,明显有助于对颅内动脉海绵窦瘘的诊断和介入治疗.  相似文献   

旋转DSA及三维重建技术在颅内动脉瘤诊断中的应用价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 评价旋转DSA及血管三维重建技术在颅内动脉瘤诊断中的价值.方法 40例蛛网膜下腔出血患者应用传统DSA,旋转DSA 及血管三维重建进行检查,对比不同方法对动脉瘤病变的显示情况.结果 40例患者均确诊为颅内动脉瘤,共45个动脉瘤.常规正侧位DSA能显示存在动脉瘤病变,但仅极少数病例能明确显示瘤颈和载瘤动脉的关系.旋转DSA显示动脉瘤结构的能力较常规DSA明显提高.所有血管三维重建的图像都清晰显示了颅内动脉瘤瘤体、瘤颈形态及载瘤动脉关系.结论 旋转DSA及血管三维重建技术对颅内动脉瘤病变结构显示极佳,尤其是三维重建技术,明显有助于提高对颅内动脉瘤的诊断和介入治疗.  相似文献   

目的评价3.0T MR高分辨三维动态增强磁共振血管造影(DCE-MRA)在诊断肾动脉狭窄中的应用价值.材料和方法连续随机对24例疑肾动脉狭窄患者行DCE-MRA和DSA检查,磁共振血管造影联合采用透视触发(BOLUS-TRICK)和敏感度编码扫描技术(sensitivity encoding,SENSE),后处理使用"肥皂泡"(Soap-Bubble)曲面重组技术,定量分析肾动脉长度、直径、狭窄程度、信噪比、对比噪声比,分5级计算DCE-MRA对肾动脉狭窄的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值和准确性.用直线回归与相关法评价总体CE-MRA与DSA在诊断肾动脉狭窄和狭窄分级方面的一致性.结果24例患者共检出肾动脉48支,左、右侧肾动脉长度分别是(37.5±8.2)mm、(49.6±9.7)mm;直径为(4.4±0.6)mm、(4.1±0.6)mm.与DSA结果对照,DCE-MRA诊断肾动脉狭窄程度在50%~75%之间、≥75%的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、准确性分别为91.7%、88.9%、73.3%、96.9%、89.6%;90%、100%、100%、97.4%、98.0%.3D DCE-MRA与DSA在诊断肾动脉狭窄和狭窄分级方面关系密切,r=0.985(P<0.01),回归方程Y∧=0.972 2.281X.结论3.0T MR高分辨三维动态增强磁共振血管造影是一种扫描时间短、空间、时间分辨率极高的肾动脉成像技术,结合"肥皂泡"软件重建和分析,对肾动脉狭窄部位、程度作出可靠诊断,为临床治疗方案的选择提供重要依据.  相似文献   

目的:评价3T TOF-MRA在颅内血管病变中的诊断价值。材料和方法:37例临床上具有神经系统症状的病人前瞻性行3T TOF-MRA及脑血管数字减影血管造影检查(DSA)。其中男性16例,女性21例,平均年龄53.5±13.5(21~74)岁。MRA图像分别由2位神经影像医师阅读,DSA图像由神经介入医师阅读,其结论与前两者有分歧的地方,经讨论确立一致观点。以DSA检查作为标准,评价3T TOF-MRA诊断颅内血管性病变的敏感性、特异性及准确性。结果:DSA检查14例15个动脉瘤,5例动静脉畸形,3例3侧大脑中动脉狭窄,1例大脑后动脉闭塞;14例未见明显异常。TOF-MRA准确显示了其中的22处病变(14个动脉瘤,4个动静脉畸形及4处血管狭窄),但误诊1例,假阳性4例,假阴性2例;其总体诊断敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为91.3%、75%和为85%。结论:3.0T TOF-MRA能够很好地显示颅内血管病变,是一种可靠的无创评价方法。  相似文献   

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