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While knowledge about symptom presentation of adults with mild ASD, including comorbid psychopathology, is limited, referral of adults with suspected mild PDD is increasing. We report on pilot research investigating whether patients diagnosed with mild ASD (n = 15) and patients who were not diagnosed with ASD (n = 21) differed in terms of (a) AQ scores and (b) Axis I and II disorders, assessed by the SCAN and the IPDE. Additionally, AQ scores were compared with those from non-ASD patients referred to a general outpatient clinic (n = 369). The results showed very few differences between ASD patients and non-ASD patients. Self-report may not differentiate mild ASD patients from non-ASD patients and Axis I and II disorders seem equally prevalent among these two groups.  相似文献   

This study addresses the unraveling of the relationship between autism spectrum and schizophrenia spectrum traits in a population of adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Recent studies comparing isolated symptoms of both spectrum disorders as well as diagnostic criteria for each (DSM-IV-TR) suggest resemblances in the clinical phenotype. A group of 27 adolescents with ASD (11 to 18 years) and 30 typically developing adolescents, matched for age and gender, participated in this study. Within the ASD group 11 adolescents satisfied DSM-IV-TR criteria for schizotypal personality disorders. Autistic and schizotypal traits were identified by means of well validated questionnaires (Autism Questionnaire, AQ and Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Revised, SPQ). Significantly more schizotypal traits in adolescents with ASD were found than in typically developing controls. Besides high levels of negative symptoms, adolescents with ASD also displayed high levels of positive and disorganized symptoms. There appeared to be a relationship between the mean level of autistic symptoms and schizotypal traits, as well as specific associations between autistic symptoms and negative, disorganized and positive schizotypal symptoms within individuals. Schizotypal symptomatology in all sub dimensions that are reflected by the SPQ scores, was most prominently associated with attention switching problems of the autism symptoms from the AQ. These findings indicate that patients diagnosed with an ASD show schizophrenia spectrum traits in adolescence. Although other studies have provided empirical support for this overlap in diagnostic criteria between both spectrum disorders, the present findings add to the literature that behavioral overlap is not limited to negative schizotypal symptoms, but extends to disorganized and positive symptoms as well.  相似文献   

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) has been widely used for measuring autistic characteristics in parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Nonetheless, its psychometric validity is yet to be justified. This study tested the factor structure of the AQ by means of principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis using, for the first time, data from 4192 Taiwanese parents (1208 with ASD children and 2984 with typically developing children). Results yielded a 35-item, 5-dimensional factor solution that had favorable psychometric characteristics (RMSEA = .054; NNFI = .962; CFI = .969) than any of the previously-published AQ factor solutions. Subscales of this new AQ-Chinese model were statistically and semantically coherent, namely: Socialness, Mindreading, Patterns, Attention to Details and Attention Switching. The psychometric properties of the AQ-Chinese did not change between clinic-based and community-based data suggesting good fitting for a continuum of autistic expression. Furthermore, the considerable overlap between the AQ-Chinese and the AQ factor structures derived previously using student samples indicated consistency in the manifestation of the autistic profile across different cultures and age groups. Group differences in the AQ-Chinese scores were in line with previous studies, i.e. males generally scored radically higher than females except in Attention to Details. Interestingly, mothers of ASD children reported lower total AQ scores than community mothers yet no significant group difference for the fathers. Important research and clinical implications pertinent to parents with children with ASD and the utility of the AQ were drawn.  相似文献   

Restricted and repetitive behavior (RRB) is one of the two key diagnostic features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). DSM-5 highlights the importance of severity-based diagnostic modifiers assigned on the basis of intensity of needed supports. Therefore, there is a need for available measures that assess the severity of RRB. The repetitive behavior scale-revised (RBS-R) is probably the most used informant-based rating scale for the assessment of RRB and interests observed in ASD. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the RBS-R in a sample of 233 participants with ASD, aged 3 to 63 years. Results revealed a six-factor model, good internal consistency, and concurrent-divergent validity. These findings suggest the utility of the Spanish version of RBS-R.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Empathizing is a specific component of social cognition. Empathizing is also specifically impaired in autism spectrum condition (ASC). These are two dimensions, measurable using the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). ASC also involves strong systemizing, a dimension measured using the Systemizing Quotient (SQ). The present study examined the relationship between the EQ, AQ and SQ. The EQ and SQ have been used previously to test for sex differences in 5 'brain types' (Types S, E, B and extremes of Type S or E). Finally, people with ASC have been conceptualized as an extreme of the male brain. METHOD: We revised the SQ to avoid a traditionalist bias, thus producing the SQ-Revised (SQ-R). AQ and EQ were not modified. All 3 were administered online. SAMPLE: Students (723 males, 1038 females) were compared to a group of adults with ASC group (69 males, 56 females). AIMS: (1) To report scores from the SQ-R. (2) To test for SQ-R differences among students in the sciences vs. humanities. (3) To test if AQ can be predicted from EQ and SQ-R scores. (4) To test for sex differences on each of these in a typical sample, and for the absence of a sex difference in a sample with ASC if both males and females with ASC are hyper-masculinized. (5) To report percentages of males, females and people with an ASC who show each brain type. RESULTS: AQ score was successfully predicted from EQ and SQ-R scores. In the typical group, males scored significantly higher than females on the AQ and SQ-R, and lower on the EQ. The ASC group scored higher than sex-matched controls on the SQ-R, and showed no sex differences on any of the 3 measures. More than twice as many typical males as females were Type S, and more than twice as many typical females as males were Type E. The majority of adults with ASC were Extreme Type S, compared to 5% of typical males and 0.9% of typical females. The EQ had a weak negative correlation with the SQ-R. DISCUSSION: Empathizing is largely but not completely independent of systemizing. The weak but significant negative correlation may indicate a trade-off between them. ASC involves impaired empathizing alongside intact or superior systemizing. Future work should investigate the biological basis of these dimensions, and the small trade-off between them.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the internal construct validity of the DSM-IV as a conceptual model for characterizing behavioral syndromes in children with ASD. Parent and teachers completed the Child Symptom Inventory-4, a DSM-IV-referenced rating scale, for 6-to-12 year old clinic referrals with an ASD (N = 498). Ratings were submitted to confirmatory factor analysis and models were assessed for fit. Results were also compared to those obtained for a sample of non-ASD psychiatric outpatient school-age children. Fit indices ranged from acceptable to good for the ASD samples and compared well to those obtained in typically developing children. Findings lend support to the notion that DSM-IV syndromes may be an appropriate conceptual model for characterizing psychopathology in ASD.  相似文献   

We assessed the accuracy of the French version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) in adolescents with Asperger syndrome (AS) and high-functioning autism (HFA) compared to healthy controls and adolescents with psychiatric disorders (PDs). Three groups of adolescents, aged 11–18, were assessed: 116 with AS/HFA (93 with IQ ≥ 85 and 20 with 70 ≤ IQ < 85), 39 with other PDs, and 199 healthy controls. The AS/HFA group scored significantly higher than the healthy control and PD groups. A cut-off score of 26 was used to differentiate the autism group from healthy controls with 0.89 sensitivity and 0.98 specificity. Scores did not vary by age or sex.  相似文献   

There is a lack of instruments validated for screening of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in general populations and primary care settings. The Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) has previously been shown to have good screening properties in clinical settings. We used the ASSQ to screen a total population of 7–9 year-olds (N = 9430) for ASD in the Bergen Child Study. Parents and teachers filled in the ASSQ, and high-scorers were invited for clinical assessment, along with a large group of screen negative children. We found that the ASSQ was well suited as a general population screen. Combining parent and teacher ASSQ and using cut-off score of ≥17 provided the most efficient screen with sensitivity of 0.91 and specificity of 0.86.  相似文献   

The current study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Emotion Regulation and Social Skills Questionnaire (ERSSQ), a rating scale designed specifically to assess the social skills of young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The participants were 84 children and young adolescents with ASD, aged between 7.97 and 14.16 years with a mean IQ score of 90.21 (SD = 18.82). The results provide evidence for the concurrent and criterion validity of the ERSSQ Parent form, and the concurrent validity of the ERSSQ Teacher form. The clinical and theoretical implications are discussed, including the necessity of ratings across multiple contexts and the potential use of the ERSSQ in identifying individuals most in need of intervention and for planning and assessing the outcomes of social skills interventions.  相似文献   

Research with siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) suggests that they may be at increased risk for behavioural and emotional problems and relatively poor sibling relationships. This study investigated a diathesis-stress model, whereby the presence of Broad Autism Phenotype features in the typically developing siblings might interact with family-environmental risk variables to predict sibling functioning (5-17 years of age) of children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), their child with an ASD, and their own psychological well-being. Sibling adjustment was associated with the extent of behaviour problems in the child with an ASD and with the extent of the sibling's Broad Autism Phenotype (BAP) features. Sibling relationships were more negative when the child with an ASD had more behaviour problems and when there was evidence of critical expressed emotion in the family environment. Siblings with more BAP features, who had brothers/sisters with an ASD and a greater number of behaviour problems, had more behaviour problems themselves. Siblings with more BAP features who had parents with mental health problems reported more sibling relationship conflict.  相似文献   

Introduction: Although a considerable amount of research has addressed psychopathological and personality correlates of creativity, the relationship between these characteristics and the phenomenology of creativity has been neglected. Relating these characteristics to the phenomenology of creativity may assist in clarifying the precise nature of the relationship between psychopathology and creativity. The current article reports on an empirical study of the relationship between the phenomenology of the creative process and psychopathological and personality characteristics in a sample of artists. Method: A total of 100 artists (43 males, 57 females, mean age = 34.69 years) from a range of disciplines completed the Experience of Creativity Questionnaire and measures of “positive” schizotypy, affective disturbance, mental boundaries, and normal personality. Results: The sample of artists was found to be elevated on “positive” schizotypy, unipolar affective disturbance, thin boundaries, and the personality dimensions of Openness to Experience and Neuroticism, compared with norm data. Schizotypy was found to be the strongest predictor of a range of creative experience scales (Distinct Experience, Anxiety, Absorption, Power/Pleasure), suggesting a strong overlap of schizotypal and creative experience. Discussion: These findings indicate that “positive” schizotypy is associated with central features of “flow”-type experience, including distinct shift in phenomenological experience, deep absorption, focus on present experience, and sense of pleasure. The neurologically based construct of latent inhibition may be a mechanism that facilitates entry into flow-type states for schizotypal individuals. This may occur by reduced latent inhibition providing a “fresh” awareness and therefore a greater absorption in present experience, thus leading to flow-type states.  相似文献   


Little is known about Young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (YA-ASD) health, healthcare and safety needs. This study describes the validation of a health care transition measure for YA-ASD, the Health-Related Independence (HRI). We collected data from caregivers (n?=?490) at five Autism Treatment Network sites and compared the psychometric properties of HRI to the gold standard (STARx) and other validated measures. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis and item culling resulted in 30 items addressing six subscales. Content, criterion, and construct validity and internal consistency indicated high validity and reliability for the scale and subscales. HRI is a validated caregiver-report measure of YA-ASD’s self-management, safety, and transition skills. This novel measure will be a useful tool in clinics, intervention development, and research.


A key feature of autism is restricted repetitive behavior (RRB). Despite the significance of RRBs, little is known about their phenomenology, assessment, and treatment. The Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R) is a recently-developed questionnaire that captures the breadth of RRB in autism. To validate the RBS-R in an independent sample, we conducted a survey within the South Carolina Autism Society. A total of 320 caregivers (32%) responded. Factor analysis produced a five-factor solution that was clinically meaningful and statistically sound. The factors were labeled “Ritualistic/Sameness Behavior,” “Stereotypic Behavior,” “Self-injurious Behavior,” “Compulsive Behavior,” and “Restricted Interests.” Measures of internal consistency were high for this solution, and interrater reliability data suggested that the RBS-R performs well in outpatient settings.  相似文献   

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - To identify factors associated with valid Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnoses from electronic sources in large healthcare systems. We examined...  相似文献   

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) has been widely used for measuring autistic traits however its factor structure has been primarily determined from nonclinic populations. This study aimed to establish an internally coherent and reliable factor structure for the AQ using a sample of 455 Australian adults of whom 141 had autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses. Principal component analysis revealed a 39-item questionnaire with five-factors: Sociability, Social Cognition, Interest in Patterns, Narrow Focus and Resistance to Change. The revised AQ-39 had sound goodness-of-fit indices, good-to-excellent internal consistency and test–retest reliability, and scores for ASD and non-ASD participants were significantly different. The AQ-39 may be useful in screening and for guiding the focus of therapy.  相似文献   

Personality theorists have long predicted a relationship between personality traits and autonomic activation. In this study, 48 patients with panic disorder underwent personality assessment by questionnaire (Eysenck Personality Inventory: 48 patients) and by interview (Personality Disorders Examination: 35 patients). Ambulatory heart rate and activity were measured by the Vitalog method and were used as measures of activation and autonomic arousal. There was a significant positive correlation between histrionic traits and activity level and a significant negative correlation between sociability and heart rate. The findings are consistent with previous studies showing a negative relationship between sensation-seeking personality traits and cerebrospinal fluid levels of norepinephrine and a positive relationship between extroversion and cerebrospinal fluid levels of dopamine.  相似文献   

Most of existing self-report measures of schizotypal personality assess only few of the nine traits of Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD) according to DSM III-R or DSM IV. The Raine's Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) is one of the most widely used questionnaire for SPD diagnosis. This well adapted tool for screening SPD in large samples from general population allows simple and quick evaluations by the mean of 74 items and nine sub-scales exploring DSM IV criteria of the trouble. With the original sample of American students, Raine found SPQ to have high internal reliability (0.91) and reported cutoffs for the top and the bottom ten percents of SPQ scores at respectively 41/74 and 12/74. We reported here the validation study of the French version of the SPQ in a sample of 232 students (males: n = 107; females: n = 125; mean age: 21.17 +/- 1.47; mean educational level: 13.36 +/- 1.06). The French version has high internal reliability (SPQ total: Cronbach's alpha = 0.91; SPQ nine subscales: Cronbach's alpha = 0.57 to 0.76). The ten percent high and low cutoff scores on the distribution of SPQ scores are respectively 40/74 and 7/74 for the total sample. However, gender differences are observed: 38/74 and 9/74 for females; 42/74 and 6/74 for males. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) confirms the high internal reliability. Moreover, PCA evidences a three-factor model of schizotypy reflecting "positive or cognitive-perceptual", "negative or social-interpersonal", and "disorganization" latent factors. These results replicate previous works on the topic with the same instrument.  相似文献   

The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is widely used to measure autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms and screen for ASD. It is readily available free of charge online and is easily accessible to practitioners, researchers and individuals who suspect that they may have an ASD. Thus, the AQ is a potentially useful, widely accessible tool for ASD screening. The objective of this study was to examine the convergent validity of the AQ using a well-established, published screening measure of autism: the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). Twenty-three high-functioning participants (aged 8–19) with ASD were administered both measures. Results indicated a significant correlation between the SRS and AQ ratings, providing evidence for convergent validity of the AQ with the SRS.  相似文献   

BackgroundIndividuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience impairments in social communication, and these deficits often make it difficult to form and maintain friendships with peers. Poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness are common among adolescents with ASD, and consequences of poor sleep may make social interactions difficult. Connections between sleep quality and social relationships in ASD samples have been understudied; the current study addresses this gap.MethodParticipants were community samples of 19 adolescents with ASD and 10 neurotypical (NT) adolescents. Adolescents completed questionnaires about closeness and discord in relationships with a same-gender peer, and they reported on sleep-wake problems, daytime sleepiness, and internalizing problems. Adolescents also wore an actigraph for 7-nights.ResultsPearson correlations revealed significant associations between adolescents’ reports of sleep problems and discordant peer relationships; more sleep-wake problems and more daytime sleepiness were associated with more discord with peers in the sample with ASD, but not in the NT sample. The closeness aspect of peer relationships was not significantly associated with sleep quality. Internalizing problems did not mediate between sleep quality and discordant relationships.ConclusionsAdolescents’ reports of more sleep problems and daytime sleepiness, but not actigraph indicators of sleep quality, were directly associated with discordant peer relationships. Adolescents who are already challenged in social interactions due to ASD may be especially vulnerable to intense negativity in peer relationships when they also experience poorer nighttime sleep and more daytime sleepiness. NT adolescents may be better able to regulate social interactions despite poor sleep and feeling tired.  相似文献   

AimIncreasing literature has shown the usefulness of a dimensional approach to autism. The present study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum), a new questionnaire specifically tailored to assess subthreshold forms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adulthood.Methods102 adults endorsing at least one DSM-5 symptom criterion for ASD (ASDc), 143 adults diagnosed with a feeding and eating disorder (FED), and 160 subjects with no mental disorders (CTL), were recruited from 7 Italian University Departments of Psychiatry and administered the following: SCID-5, Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale 14-item version (RAADS-14), and AdAS Spectrum.ResultsThe AdAS Spectrum demonstrated excellent internal consistency for the total score (Kuder–Richardson's coefficient=.964) as well as for five out of seven domains (all coefficients>.80) and sound test–retest reliability (ICC=.976). The total and domain AdAS Spectrum scores showed a moderate to strong (>.50) positive correlation with one another and with the AQ and RAADS-14 total scores. ASDc subjects reported significantly higher AdAS Spectrum total scores than both FED (p<.001) and CTL (p<.001), and significantly higher scores on the Childhood/adolescence, Verbal communication, Empathy, Inflexibility and adherence to routine, and Restricted interests and rumination domains (all p<.001) than FED, while on all domains compared to CTL. CTL displayed significantly lower total and domain scores than FED (all p<.001). A significant effect of gender emerged for the Hyper– and hyporeactivity to sensory input domain, with women showing higher scores than men (p=.003). A Diagnosis* Gender interaction was also found for the Verbal communication (p=.019) and Empathy (p=.023) domains. When splitting the ASDc in subjects with one symptom criterion (ASD1) and those with a ASD, and the FED in subjects with no ASD symptom criteria (FED0) and those with one ASD symptom criterion (FED1), a gradient of severity in AdAS Spectrum scores from CTL subjects to ASD patients, across FED0, ASD1, FED1 was shown.ConclusionsThe AdAS Spectrum showed excellent internal consistency and test–retest reliability and strong convergent validity with alternative dimensional measures of ASD. The questionnaire performed differently among the three diagnostic groups and enlightened some significant effects of gender in the expression of autistic traits.  相似文献   

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