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In a gene mapping study on 217 newborn babies in Taiwan with alpha- and zeta-globin probes, we have observed 4 cases (1.84%) of alpha-thalassemia-2 heterozygotes (zeta zeta-alpha/zeta zeta alpha alpha) without increased levels of hemoglobin (Hb) Bart's in the cord blood. Eleven subjects (5.07%) were found to have the South East Asian alpha-thalassemia-1 haplotype (zeta zeta--SEA/zeta zeta alpha alpha) with increased Hb Bart's levels ranging from 2.2 to 9%. One case, with Hb Bart's level of 14% in the cord blood, was found to have the genotype of zeta zeta--SEA/zeta zeta alpha alpha T (0.46%). Four heterozygotes (1.84%) were found with the triple alpha gene anti-rightward arrangement (zeta zeta alpha alpha alpha 3.7/zeta zeta alpha alpha). Twenty-one heterozygotes (9.68%) were found to have the triple zeta-globin gene arrangement (zeta zeta zeta alpha alpha/zeta zeta alpha alpha). A new triple zeta-globin gene variant with a BamHI polymorphism was also observed in this study.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we described a form of nondeletion alpha- thalassemia (alpha T Saudi alpha) found in subjects of Saudi Arabian origin. In the current study, using synthetic oligoprobe hybridization and restriction enzyme analysis, we have demonstrated that the molecular basis of alpha T Saudi alpha is due solely to a single base mutation (AATAAA----AATAAG) in the polyadenylation signal of the alpha 2 gene and that the frameshift mutation in codon 14 of the linked alpha 1 gene is the result of a cloning artefact. The alpha 2 polyadenylation signal mutation occurs in other Middle Eastern and the Mediterranean populations and is responsible for the clinical phenotype of Hb H disease in some Saudi Arabian individuals with five alpha genes (alpha T Saudi alpha/(alpha alpha alpha)T Saudi). Evidence suggests that the (alpha alpha alpha)T Saudi haplotype has arisen as a result of a recombination between two misaligned chromosomes bearing the alpha T Saudi alpha defect.  相似文献   

Synthesis of normal human hemoglobin A, alpha 2 beta 2, is based upon balanced expression of genes in the alpha-globin gene cluster on chromosome 16 and the beta-globin gene cluster on chromosome 11. Full levels of erythroid-specific activation of the beta-globin cluster depend on sequences located at a considerable distance 5' to the beta-globin gene, referred to as the locus-activating or dominant control region. The existence of an analogous element(s) upstream of the alpha-globin cluster has been suggested from observations on naturally occurring deletions and experimental studies. We have identified an individual with alpha-thalassemia in whom structurally normal alpha-globin genes have been inactivated in cis by a discrete de novo 35-kilobase deletion located approximately 30 kilobases 5' from the alpha-globin gene cluster. We conclude that this deletion inactivates expression of the alpha-globin genes by removing one or more of the previously identified upstream regulatory sequences that are critical to expression of the alpha-globin genes.  相似文献   

Disseminated histoplasmosis is an increasingly important opportunistic infection in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We report the first case of histoplasmosis as a cause of pleural effusion in a patient with AIDS. Recognition of the typical intracellular yeast on a Wright-Giemsa stained smear of the pleural fluid cells allowed prompt initiation of amphotericin B.  相似文献   

The alpha-globin gene cluster is located at the very tip of the short arm of chromosome 16. It produces the alpha-like globins, which is combined with the beta-like globins to form hemoglobin, and its mutants cause alpha-thalassemia, which is one of the most common genetic diseases. Its expression shows a tissue and developmental stage specificity that is balanced with that of the beta-globin gene cluster. In this article, we summarize the research on the control of expression of the alpha-globin gene cluster, mainly with respect to the alpha-major regulatory element (alpha-MRE): HS-40, the tissue-specific and developmental control of its expression, and its chromosomal environment. In summary, the alpha-globin gene cluster is expressed in an open chromosomal environment; HS-40, the 5'-flanking sequence, the transcribed region, and the 3'-flanking sequence interact to fully regulate its expression.  相似文献   

Background and aims The role of non-cytomegalovirus (CMV) enteric viral infection in causing diarrhoea in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is poorly understood. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of these infections in acute and chronic diarrhoea. Methods Stool specimens from 377 HIV-infected patients presenting with diarrhoea were studied prospectively for evidence of non-CMV enteric viral infection. Patients with diarrhoea underwent investigation for gastrointestinal pathogens, including electron microscopic examination of stool for enteric viruses. We collected data on patients in whom enteric virus was identified and examined the association of enteric virus infection with diarrhoeal symptomatology. Results Eighty-nine (10.3%) stool specimens from 60 (15.9%) HIV+ individuals were positive for coronavirus (n = 13, 22%), rotavirus (n = 11, 18%), adenovirus (n = 30, 50%) and small round structured viruses (n = 5, 8%) or dual infection (n = 2, 3%). Thirty-four of 52 (65%) patients available for analysis had acute diarrhoea, and 18/52 (35%) had chronic diarrhoea. Twenty-three of 52 (44%) patients had a concurrent gut pathogen. After exclusion of concurrent pathogens enteric viral infections were found to be significantly associated with acute as opposed to chronic diarrhoea (P = 0.004). The presence of adenovirus colitis was significantly more likely to be associated with chronic diarrhoea (15/21 cases) than adenovirus isolated from stool alone (9/23 cases) (P = 0.03). There was a trend towards an association between adenovirus colitis and colonic cytomegalovirus infection (P = 0.06). Conclusion Enteric viral infection is strongly associated with acute diarrhoea in patients with HIV. Light microscopic examination of large bowel biopsies can identify adenovirus colitis which is significantly associated with chronic diarrhoea, and in addition may facilitate gastrointestinal co-infection with CMV.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with acquired alpha-thalassemia myelodysplastic syndrome (ATMDS). A previously healthy 66-year-old man presented with hemoglobin of 9.3 g/dL, mean corpuscular volume 59 fL, and a bone marrow aspirate with increased erythroid precursors and hypolobulated megakaryocytes. Hemoglobin H inclusions were seen in most red cells after 1% brilliant cresyl blue supravital stain of the peripheral blood. At the molecular level, we identified of a novel mutation in the most 3' exon of the ATRX gene (CGA-->TGA substitution in codon 2407) resulting in a premature termination codon (p.R2407X). This case provides further evidence for a link between ATRX mutations and ATMDS, and suggests a possible role for the conserved Q-box element in ATRX function.  相似文献   

Analysis of the human alpha-globin gene cluster in transgenic mice.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
A 350-bp segment of DNA associated with an erythroid-specific DNase I-hypersensitive site (HS-40), upstream of the alpha-globin gene cluster, has been identified as the major tissue-specific regulator of the alpha-globin genes. However, this element does not direct copy number-dependent or developmentally stable expression of the human genes in transgenic mice. To determine whether additional upstream hypersensitive sites could provide more complete regulation of alpha gene expression we have studied 17 lines of transgenic mice bearing various DNA fragments containing HSs -33, -10, -8, and -4, in addition to HS -40. Position-independent, high-level expression of the human zeta- and alpha-globin genes was consistently observed in embryonic erythroid cells. However, the additional HSs did not confer copy-number dependence, alter the level of expression, or prevent the variable down-regulation of expression in adults. These results suggest that the region upstream of the human alpha-globin genes is not equivalent to that upstream of the beta locus and that although the two clusters are coordinately expressed, there may be differences in their regulation.  相似文献   

Steensma DP  Gibbons RJ  Higgs DR 《Blood》2005,105(2):443-452
Abnormalities of hemoglobin synthesis are usually inherited but may also arise as a secondary manifestation of another disease, most commonly hematologic neoplasia. Acquired hemoglobin disorders can be seen in any population and are not restricted to areas of the world with high incidences of inherited hemoglobinopathies. In fact, the acquired hemoglobinopathies may be more readily recognized where inherited hemoglobin abnormalities are rare and less likely to cause diagnostic confusion. Acquired alpha-thalassemia is the best characterized of the acquired red blood cell disorders in patients with hematologic malignancy, and it is almost always associated with a myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). At least 2 molecular mechanisms for acquired alpha-thalassemia are now recognized: acquired deletion of the alpha-globin gene cluster limited to the neoplastic clone and, more commonly, inactivating somatic mutations of the trans-acting chromatin-associated factor ATRX, which cause dramatic down-regulation of alpha-globin gene expression. Here we review the clinical, hematologic, and molecular genetic features of alpha-thalassemia arising in a clonal myeloid disorder, and we discuss howATRX might affect gene expression in normal and abnormal hematopoiesis through epigenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Extensive molecular studies have characterized 15 dimorphic and 2 multiallelic genetic markers within the human alpha-globin gene cluster. Analysis of these markers in 9 populations has shown that the alpha-globin locus is remarkably polymorphic and is therefore an ideal marker on chromosome 16 for the construction of a human genetic linkage map. The combined analysis of 9 polymorphic markers has established alpha-globin haplotypes that provide the means to study the molecular genetics and common mutants of this cluster. The novel association of a conventional restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotype and linked, hypervariable regions of DNA should allow a comparison of the rate of change of such markers.  相似文献   

We report a case of nontropical pyomyositis in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection, in which severe myalgia was the presenting symptom over several weeks. Multifocal muscle lesions were identified by gallium scanning and magnetic resonance imaging techniques. The epidemiology, possible pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic imaging, and therapy are reviewed. Early suspicion of nontropical pyomyositis in severely immunocompromised patients with "cryptic" myalgia is recommended.  相似文献   

Acquired von Willebrand syndrome (AvWS) is a relatively rare bleeding disorder. It has been reported in association with myeloproliferative disorders, autoimmune diseases, plasma cell dyscrasias and certain drugs. Cefotaxime is a third generation cephalosporin widely used for surgical prophylaxis and as empirical treatment of bacterial meningitis. We report a case of a transient AvWS in association with cefotaxime therapy.  相似文献   

Alpha-thalassemia is among the world's most common single gene disorders, caused primarily by gene deletions. In Israel, where alpha(o)-trait thalassemia is uncommon, it is of particular importance because of its phenotypic interactions with beta-thalassemia in hetero- and homozygotes. In a study of 232 individuals referred for molecular evaluation of anemia, 303 chromosomes carried alpha-globin gene abnormalities; 6 gene rearrangements and 11 point mutations were identified. This unexpected heterogeneity is in part due to the many ethnic subgroups represented by these patients. Our findings include nine unique Israeli alleles, 3 of which are described here for the first time. An equal number of point mutations was found in the alpha2-globin gene as compared to alpha1. A threonine deletion in codon 39 of the alpha1-globin gene, found frequently in Arabs, is unique to Israel and probably represents one of several indigenous alleles. Among Arabs, point mutations were more frequent than large deletions. Surprisingly, in Ashkenazi Jews, who resided for many centuries in a nonmalarial environment, a single alpha-globin gene deletion -alpha(3.7) was found in many cases. The clinical presentation of individuals carrying two or more alpha-globin lesions was highly variable. In general, the severity correlated inversely with the number of functional alpha-globin genes. In some cases, impairment of two alpha-globin genes by point mutations led to a thalassemia-intermedia-like picture which could be misdiagnosed as beta-thalassemia. We conclude that alpha-thalassemia is phenotypically and genotypically more heterogeneous than previously recognized. DNA analysis is invaluable as it provides a specific diagnosis and enables reliable genetic counseling.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the pattern of core histone acetylation across 250 kb of the telomeric region of the short arm of human chromosome 16. This gene-dense region, which includes the alpha-globin genes and their regulatory elements embedded within widely expressed genes, shows marked differences in histone acetylation between erythroid and non-erythroid cells. In non-erythroid cells, there was a uniform 2- to 3-fold enrichment of acetylated histones, compared with heterochromatin, across the entire region. In erythroid cells, an approximately 100-kb segment of chromatin encompassing the alpha genes and their remote major regulatory element was highly enriched in histone H4 acetylated at Lys-5. Other lysines in the N-terminal tail of histone H4 showed intermediate and variable levels of enrichment. Similar broad segments of erythroid-specific histone acetylation were found in the corresponding syntenic regions containing the mouse and chicken alpha-globin gene clusters. The borders of these regions of acetylation are located in similar positions in all three species, and a sharply defined 3' boundary coincides with the previously identified breakpoint in conserved synteny between these species. We have therefore demonstrated that an erythroid-specific domain of acetylation has been conserved across several species, encompassing not only the alpha-globin genes but also a neighboring widely expressed gene. These results contrast with those at other clusters and demonstrate that not all genes are organized into discrete regulatory domains.  相似文献   

A 33-year-old white homosexual man, infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, presented with acute anemia and thrombocytopenia not responsive to transfusions or to treatment with steroids and intravenous gamma-globulin. Hematologic workup was compatible with peripheral sequestration or loss of blood cells; however, there was no evidence of gastrointestinal or other sources of hemorrhage, and the only significant finding was a progressive liver enlargement. An abdominal computerized tomographic scan showed a massive homogeneous liver without focal lesions, a very small amount of ascites, and no retroperitoneal fluid collections. A transjugular liver biopsy specimen showed the cystic, blood-filled cavities characteristic of peliosis hepatis. Cavities varied in size, all contained pooled erythrocytes, and some had areas suggestive of thrombi in various stages of organization. Bacteria similar in morphology to those described in bacillary peliosis hepatis were seen in the peliotic spaces. The clinical picture began resolving shortly after treatment with zidovudine and ampicillin/sulbactam was started and had totally resolved 6 months after presentation. This case shows that bacillary peliosis hepatis is a reversible entity that may produce acute sequestration of blood in the liver.  相似文献   

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