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Children that have been maltreated may experience manifold negative effects later in life. Two such sequelae are social anxiety and dissociation. Recent studies have noted their frequent co-occurrence, but no hypothesis has yet been offered explaining how they interact. College undergraduates (N = 198) completed the Child Trauma Questionnaire, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, and Cambridge Depersonalization Scale. Social anxiety significantly predicted severity of dissociation, and self-reported childhood maltreatment (CM) significantly predicted both social anxiety and dissociation. Notably, emotional abuse was the only significant subtype of CM to predict social anxiety. Furthermore, CM moderated the relationship between social anxiety and dissociation, such that the presence of CM strengthened the predictive effect of social anxiety on dissociation. This study was the first to implicate CM as a mechanism in the social anxiety-dissociation relationship. This study was also the first to note a social anxiety-dissociation link in a non-clinical sample, thus demonstrating the existence of this relationship along a continuum of severity – not solely for those with extreme disturbances.  相似文献   

Betrayal trauma theory proposes a relation between intimate partner violence (IPV) and dissociation, suggesting that dissociation among victims of IPV may function to restrict awareness of abuse in order to preserve attachments perceived as vital. We investigated two factors that may moderate the relation between IPV and dissociation—childhood sexual abuse (CSA) severity and fear of abandonment—among 348 women currently in a relationship. The relation between frequency of IPV (sexual and physical) and dissociation (amnesia and depersonalization) was moderated by CSA severity and fear of abandonment. Specifically, among women with clinically relevant fear of abandonment, the strength of the relation between IPV and dissociation became stronger as CSA severity increased. This study is the first to demonstrate the moderating roles of fear of abandonment and CSA history in the relation between IPV and dissociation among women. Findings suggest that it may be important to target fear of abandonment in interventions with IPV victims who have a CSA history. Results suggest that fear of abandonment warrants greater attention in research on IPV revictimization.  相似文献   


Objective: Overwhelming experience can evoke psychological dissociation during or immediately after the event, including dissociative amnesia. Whereas some data suggest that such peritraumatic dissociation can also find expression in somatoform symptoms, only a limited range of such symptoms has been systematically studied. The present study hypothesized that peritraumatic psychological and somatoform dissociation are associated with each other, with delayed recall of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and with CSA severity. Because current somatoform dissociation is most strongly associated with recalled childhood physical abuse (CPA), we also hypothesized that peritraumatic somatoform dissociation is associated with reported CPA over and above CSA.

Method: Thirty-four Dutch women who reported CSA were interviewed using a modified version of the Traumatic Memory Inventory (TMI) which assesses the characteristics of traumatic memories. The participants also completed the Traumatic Experiences Checklist, the Peritraumatic Dissociation Experiences Questionnaire, and the Peritraumatic Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire.

Results: Peritraumatic psychological and somatoform dissociation were associated with each other, with delayed recall of trauma, and with severity of reported CS A. Reported CPA predicted peritraumatic somatoform dissociation over and above the severity of CS A in terms of the acts involved. Approximately 44% of the women reported independent corroboration of the abuse. Similar proportions of delayed, partial, and continuous CSA memories were corroborated.

Conclusions: This retrospective study suggested that delayed recall of CSA is associated with peritraumatic dissociation and CSA severity. It also suggested that trauma-especially that which involves serious threat to the integrity of the body-may evoke somatoform dissociation. Based on patient report, delayed recall of some CSA memories was as accurate as continuous recall of CSA.  相似文献   


This study examined evidence for a dissociative subtype of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women seeking psychotherapy for childhood sexual abuse (CSA). One hundred and twenty-two women seeking treatment for CSA completed a battery of questionnaires assessing PTSD, dissociative symptoms, and child maltreatment. Using signal detection analysis, we identified high and low dissociation PTSD subgroups. A constellation of three PTSD symptoms-hypervigilance, sense of foreshortened future, and sleep difficulties–discriminated between these two subgroups (OR = 8.15). Further evidence was provided by the finding of a nonlinear relationship between severity of childhood maltreatment and dissociation in the women with PTSD. These results provide support for a dissociative subtype of PTSD that may stem from more severe childhood experiences of neglect and abuse.  相似文献   

Experiencing sexual violence in childhood or adolescence is highly prevalent among some women living with HIV, often resulting in anxiety and depression symptoms in adulthood. Anxiety and depression have been associated with HIV medication nonadherence, yet little research has assessed distinct components of anxiety and depression as risk factors of HIV medication nonadherence. The current study examined distinct symptom components of anxiety and depression as predictors of HIV medication non-adherence among women living with HIV and childhood sexual abuse enrolled in a coping intervention. This secondary analysis included a sample of 85 women living with HIV and childhood sexual abuse and being prescribed antiretroviral medication who completed measures on anxiety, depression, and medication adherence. Results from a logistic regression analysis suggest that distinct components of anxiety may be related to medication nonadherence among this population. Targeted mental health interventions for this population may increase adherence to antiretroviral medication.  相似文献   

This study tested a novel extension of P. P. Schnurr and B. L. Green’s (2004) model of the relationships between trauma symptoms and health outcomes with specific application to HIV-positive men. A diverse sample of 167 HIV-positive men recruited from San Francisco Bay Area HIV clinics completed demographic, medical, trauma history, and symptom questionnaires. Mediation analyses were conducted using the method proposed by R. Baron and D. Kenny (1986). Regression analyses found that sexual revictimization (SR) significantly mediated the relationship between child sexual abuse and peritraumatic dissociation (PD), and PD mediated the relationship between SR and current posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptom severity. PTS symptoms partially mediated the relationship between SR and current HIV symptom severity. The findings indicate that among HIV-positive men, sexually revictimized men constitute a vulnerable group that is prone to PD, which places them at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and worsened HIV-related health. Furthermore, traumatic stress symptoms were associated with worse HIV-related symptoms, suggesting that PTS symptoms mediate the link between trauma and health outcomes. This study highlights the need for future research to identify the biobehavioral mediators of the PTSD–health relationship in HIV-positive individuals.  相似文献   

目的:考察童年期精神虐待与大学生人格及当前抑郁症状之间的关系,探讨人格在童年期精神虐待与当前抑郁症状之间的中介作用。方法:采用儿童虐待史问卷、艾森克人格问卷和流调用抑郁量表对河南省某高校的733名本科生进行问卷调查。结果:童年期精神虐待、神经质、精神质与抑郁症状呈显著正相关(r=0.269~0.601,P<0.01),内外向与抑郁症状呈显著负相关(r=-0.390,P<0.01)。童年期精神虐待对大学生抑郁有直接影响,可以解释抑郁症状总变异的8.9%;童年期精神虐待对神经质、内外向、精神质有直接的预测作用,分别可以解释总变异的36.1%、15.1%和7.1%。精神质、内外向在童年期精神虐待对当前抑郁症状的影响中发挥部分中介作用。结论:童年期精神虐待是影响大学生抑郁症状的重要因素,人格在童年期精神虐待与当前抑郁症状之间起中介作用。  相似文献   


This study examined dissociative symptoms in relation to changes in evening salivary cortisol levels after recounting traumatic experiences among 49 women with PTSD for child sexual abuse (CSA). Each woman was interviewed to describe her sexual abuse and was assessed on acute dissociative symptoms in response to a recent stressful event in the previous month. Salivary cortisol was assessed during the interview using saliva samples taken immediately before and after the interview. Changes in cortisol levels were measured at one hour, 24 hours, and 48 hours after the interview. Acute dissociative symptoms were related to salivary cortisol levels 24 hours after the interview, with high dissociators showing elevated levels compared to low dissociators. These results suggest that dissociative symptoms in response to recent life stress are associated with cortisol dysregulation among women with PTSD for CSA.  相似文献   

We examine interactive effects of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on heritable variation in age at first consensual sexual intercourse in a young cohort of 3,350 female and 2,724 male Australian twins. Consistent with hypotheses, genetic influences explained little if any variation in age at first consensual sexual intercourse for female twins reporting CSA (CSA(+)), with shared environment explaining 73%. For female twins reporting no history of CSA (CSA(-)), 39% of variation in age at first consensual sexual intercourse was explained by genetic effects, with shared environment accounting for 30%. For male twins, significant interactive effects of CSA on genetic and environmental variation in age at first consensual sexual intercourse were not observed. Overall genetic influences explained 51% of variation in age at first consensual sexual intercourse for male twins, with shared environment accounting for 8%. For both female and male twins, results from models that included conduct disorder as a covariate were near identical to results from models without conduct disorder.  相似文献   


Based on previous literature, we proposed and tested a model of the relationships between child sexual abuse (CSA), body image, dieting, and bulimic behavior. The model specified that body image functioned as a mediator between CSA and eating disturbance. Multiple measures of each of the constructs of interest were collected from a sample of 222 college age women, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Both the measurement model and the proposed structural model demonstrated an adequate fit. As with previous research, results support a model in which body image strongly affects dieting behavior, which in turn directly affects bulimic behavior. The results did not appear to support the proposed mediational model involving the hypothesized indirect effect of CSA on eating pathology. There was, however, a small direct relationship between CSA and bulimic behavior and a moderate relationship between CSA and posttraumatic symptomatology.  相似文献   


Identification of child abuse by mental health services is important for formulation of the causes of presenting problems and for development of comprehensive treatment plans. A small but growing number of studies suggest, however, that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are not identified by mental health services. A similarly small literature also suggests that abuse survivors are extremely reluctant to spontaneously tell anyone about the abuse, indicating that professionals have a responsibility to ask rather than wait for spontaneous disclosures. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to add to these two bodies of literature with a New Zealand sample. A postal questionnaire was completed by 191 women who had received counselling for childhood sexual abuse. The average amount of time taken to tell anyone about the abuse was 16 years. Only 22% of those who had been in contact with public mental health services had ever been asked about abuse by those services. It was concluded that New Zealand women are reluctant to disclose abuse and that mental health services are, as is the case elsewhere, failing to assist them with this process. The need for staff training is discussed, and an example described.  相似文献   

New theoretical models of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) postulate that symptoms subsequent to childhood maltreatment rather than childhood maltreatment itself may lead to engagement in NSSI. However, little is known concerning which specific syndromes serve as underlying mechanisms. In this study we sought to examine the mediating effects of dissociative, posttraumatic, and depressive symptoms, 3 often comorbid syndromes following childhood trauma. In addition, we aimed to assess differences between women with and without NSSI. A sample of 87 female inpatients with a history of childhood abuse and neglect was divided into 2 subgroups (NSSI: n = 42, no NSSI: n = 45). The assessment included measures of NSSI characteristics; adverse childhood experiences; and posttraumatic, dissociative, and depressive symptoms. The NSSI group reported significantly more cases of childhood maltreatment and higher levels of current dissociative, posttraumatic, and depressive symptoms than patients without NSSI. The results of a path analysis showed that only dissociation mediated the relationship between a history of child maltreatment and NSSI when all 3 psychopathological variables were included in the model. The findings point toward a strong and rather specific association between dissociative experiences and NSSI and therefore have important implications for clinical practice.  相似文献   

This study inquires into neurobiological response to stress and its clinical correlates among adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of cerebral anatomy were carried out on 23 female adolescents with PTSD related to severe childhood sexual abuse and 21 matched healthy controls. Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents, Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children, Beck Depression Scale, and a set of neuro-cognitive tests were administered to all participants. Compared to controls, PTSD group bilaterally had smaller amygdala, hippocampus, anterior cingulate, and thinner prefrontal cortex but normal thalamus. Further analyses within the PTSD group suggested an association between symptoms of PTSD and sizes of right brain structures including smaller amygdala but larger hippocampus and anterior cingulate. Thinner right prefrontal cortex and larger right thalamus seemed to be related to denial and response prevention, respectively. Being related to both hemispheres, dissociative amnesia was negatively associated with proportion of the right amygdala to right thalamus and to both left and right prefrontal cortex. Suggesting a neuro-protective effect against traumatic stress at least through adolescence, depersonalization–derealization and identity alteration were correlated with thicker left prefrontal cortex. Unlike the lateralization within PTSD group, correlations between regions of interest were rather symmetrical in controls. The graded response to stress seemed to be aimed at mental protection by lateralization of brain functions and possibly diminished connection between two hemispheres. A Tri-Modal Reaction (T-MR) Model of protection is proposed.  相似文献   

Although attachment representation is considered to be disturbed in traumatized adolescents, it is not known whether this is specific for trauma, as comparative studies with other clinical groups are lacking. Therefore, attachment representation was studied by means of the Adult Attachment Interview in adolescents with Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) (= 21), clinical depression (= 28) and non-clinical controls (= 28). Coherence of mind and unresolved loss or trauma, as well as the disorganized attachment classification differentiated the CSA group from the clinical depression group and controls, over and above age, IQ, and psychiatric symptomatology. In the current era of sustained criticism on criteria-based classification, this may well carry substantial clinical relevance. If attachment is a general risk or vulnerability factor underlying specific psychopathology, this may guide diagnostic assessment as well as treatment.  相似文献   


This study investigated the frequency of self-reported childhood abuse experiences of psychiatric inpatients, and the presence of dissociative and depressive symptoms. A total of 100 Puerto Rican in-patients who were hospitalized during a two month period were included in the study. The participants' dissociative and depressive symptoms were assessed using the Dissociative Experiences Scale and a subset of its items (DES-Taxon), the Questionnaire of Experiences in Dissociation and the Beck Depression Inventory. We also used a self-report instrument to assess the frequency and severity of a variety of abusive experiences. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of the participants reported some type of abusive experiences, 38% reported extreme and frequent abuse, and 40% reported being sexually abused during childhood. The findings showed a correlation between greater frequency of the abusive experiences and higher levels of dissociative and depressive symptoms. When the variable of child sexual abuse was used, only the Dissociative Experiences Scale was able to detect differences between those patients who reported such abusive experiences and those who reported none. We conclude that the level of abusive experiences reported by psychiatric in-patients in Puerto Rico is very similar to the rate in other investigations in the international literature. The data demonstrate that the participants who report frequent and intense abuse endorse a wide variety of dissociative experiences, and, to a lesser extent, depressive symptoms. As more than 95% of our inpatients had never been screened or assessed for the possibility of a dissociative disorder, we suggest that clinicians in psychiatric units in Latin America should be more sensitive and attentive to the presence of such disorders.  相似文献   


Objective: Dissociative phenomena exist on a spectrum ranging from psychological absorption to highly symptomatic disruptions of identity and memory. A statistical methodology called taxometric analysis has established a set of indicators that identify patients who have pathological dissociation, a qualitatively different form of dissociative phenomena. Using taxometric methodology, this study examines the relationship of pathological dissociation to personality diagnosis and self-directed injury, including suicide and history of childhood abuse, in a sample of outpatients with personality disorders.

Method: Patients were recruited from advertisements or referred from local clinicians. Participants completed a diagnostic interview and rating scales for dissociation, self-injury and childhood trauma. Pathological dissociation was identified using the Dissociative Experiences Scale-Taxon (DES-T; Waller, Putnam, & Carlson, 1996). Membership in the pathological dissociation taxon was established by calculating Bayesian posterior taxon membership probabilities; the method advocated by Waller, and compared to an approximation, used widely in the literature, based simply on the unweighted mean of the DES-T items.

Results: Overlapping, but not identical groups of patients were identified, indicating that the two methods are not interchangeable in this sample of personality disordered individuals. Surprisingly, no associations were detected between indices of childhood trauma and membership in the pathological dissociation taxon nor for the high dissociators identified through the approximation method.

Conclusions: This study serves as a replication of the ability to detect pathological dissociation as measured by the DES-T. Nonetheless, the failure to confirm our hypotheses regarding an association between pathological dissociation, childhood trauma, and personality diagnosis raise a challenge to some parts of existing etiologic theories.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This is the final paper of a series concerning parental maltreatment and chronic depression in women. It extends the scope of the analysis to take account of proximal risk factors, present within at most six months of an onset. It deals with the contribution of factors influencing onset of a depressive episode as well as those related to whether this takes a chronic course. Once a two-stage model dealing with both sets of risk factors has been developed we explore how far distal factors (more than at least one year earlier) influence each stage. METHODS: Three studies are employed. All take account of parental maltreatment. Two prospective studies deal with proximal risk factors, and a retrospective one with distal and proximal factors. RESULTS: For the first stage of the model concerning onset the influence of parental maltreatment and its correlated risk factors (e.g. conduct problems) are almost entirely mediated by proximal factors (e.g. quality of core relationships). However, for the second stage concerning course parental maltreatment makes a direct contribution that is independent of all other risk factors. LIMITATIONS: The retrospective nature of some of the data may introduce bias (But see the second paper in the present series [Brown, G.W., Craig, T.K.J., Harris, T.O., Handley, R.V., Harvey, A.L., 2007b. Validity of retrospective measures of early maltreatment and depressive episodes using the Childhood Experience of Care & Abuse (CECA) instrument - a life-course study of adult chronic depression - 2. J. Affect. Dis., 103, 217-224]). Only females have been considered. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of parental maltreatment on the onset of adult depression is largely indirect and the mechanisms involved are reasonably clear. However, the mechanisms involved in the substantial direct contribution of maltreatment to course are as yet unclear. Some interplay of maltreatment and early brain development is one of a number of interesting possibilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between childhood traumas, mindfulness, and dissociation (more specifically, absorption and depersonalization) in healthy subjects with and without hallucination proneness. A sample of 318 subjects was given the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale–Revised (R. P. Bentall & P. Slade, 1985). From this sample, 2 groups were formed: one with high and the other with low hallucination proneness. Furthermore, all participants were given the Tellegen Absorption Scale (A. Tellegen & G. Atkinson, 1974), the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (M. Sierra & G. E. Berrios, 2000), the Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire (P. D. J. Chadwick et al., 2008), and the Trauma Questionnaire (J. R. E. Davidson, D. Hughes, & D. G. Blazer, 1990). The results showed that in the group with high hallucination proneness, there were significantly more subjects with traumatic experiences than in the group with low predisposition, although no significant difference in the mean number of traumatic experiences undergone in childhood was found between the 2 groups, although there was a trend toward significance. A correlation analysis showed a significant negative association between mindfulness on the one hand and absorption and depersonalization on the other. A positive relationship was also found between childhood traumas and absorption and depersonalization. Finally, multiple mediation analysis showed that the absorption and depersonalization variables acted as mediators between childhood traumas and hallucination proneness. We discuss the importance of the relationship between the variables studied and hallucination proneness and suggest some approaches for their treatment.  相似文献   

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