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The paper presents a review of medical equipment displayed at the 11th International Exhibition "Public Health, Medical Equipment, and Drugs" ("Public Health-2001"). The exhibition was held in Moscow on December 3-7, 2001.  相似文献   

Published data on equipment for X-ray filming, fluorography, mammography and for automated developing machines, which were displayed at the "Healthcare-2003" exhibition, Moscow, are surveyed in the paper.  相似文献   

Surveyed in the paper is medical equipment displayed, November 29-December 3, 2004, in the Exhibition Hall in Krasnaya Presnya within the framework of the "Healthcare, Medical Equipment and Drugs-2004" Exhibition. The survey is made for the below categories of medical equipment: instruments and apparatuses; X-ray, neonatal, ophthalmologic and stomatological equipment; medical instruments; laboratory medical equipment; equipment for rehabilitation of patients and disabled and mobile medical equipment. A conclusion is made on that a lot of novel high-quality and high-tech medical equipment has emerged in the Russian market. The diversified equipment displayed at the Exhibition enables any medical facility to choose for its needs the most appropriate medical equipment, instruments and spares.  相似文献   

The article contains a survey of medical instruments represented at the Healthcare-2000" exhibition--the largest one in the recent years; the instruments are designed to equip the operating units, technological, stomatological, intensive-care and pediatric departments, as well as wards, procedure units and mobile medical units. The conclusion is that an extensive range of medical equipment is represented at the exhibition; any medical institution would be able to choose their instruments it needs.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of medical devices and apparatuses displayed at the 11th International Exhibition "Public Health, Medical Equipment, and Drugs" ("Public Health-2001") in Moscow on December 3-7, 2001.  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to one of biggest Russia's enterprises that is in charge for the technical support to the therapeutic process within the healthcare system, i.e. State Unitary Enterprise "Medtekhnika" of the Ministry of Health of the Bashkortostan Republic. The enterprise is presently the only licensed institution in the Republic that renders a comprehensive set of technical services related with sales and with safe and effective usage of the entire stock of medical equipment ranging from the most simple devices to unique therapeutic-and-diagnostic units.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an analysis made on the electromagnetic field levels around RF and MW equipment used for medical purposes to achieve induced thermogenesis in body areas affected by disease. An irradiation diagram was constructed for some of the most widely used devices in clinical practice and measurements were made on RF devices to identify the influence of obstacles in determining electric field levels, such as accessories or persons present in the working environment. Electric field and power density levels were checked, as can be measured at a distance of 100 cm at identical selected power during a typical "lumbar-dorsal spine" treatment using different types of RF and MW devices, to identify the different degree of electromagnetic pollution that each of the devices causes.  相似文献   

The joint stock company "Izhevsky Motor Plant "AXION-HOLDING" is a large manufacturer in different industrial branches, including medical equipment. The paper presents data on the status-of-the-art and prospects of development in producing medical equipment in several areas, including information on specific articles that are manufactured and promising.  相似文献   

医院医疗器械是对机体通过直接或间接接触,完成进行疾病诊断和治疗的仪器和器具,也包括计算机软件。使用医疗器械可以完成样本检查,帮助诊断治疗提供重要信息。随着各城市医院规模扩大,医疗器械普及面和应用范围也越来越广泛。医院日常使用的医疗器械较多,面对这些器械,如何处理器械常见的问题,开展规范的维修管理对策,对于保证医疗器械正常使用具有重要的作用。医疗水平和工作效率的提升对医疗器械的管理带来一定限制,提升医疗器械维修水平同时,也要加强医疗器械的日常维修、保养等管理工作,只有充分重视日常管理工作,对维护制度不断完善,加强维修人员培养,才能不断持续提升医院医疗器械的维修水平,满足医疗技术操作的要求。本文对医院医疗器械维修中存在的问题进行分析,以此对管理对策不断完善,从而提升医院医疗器械维修的管理水平,仅供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:从医疗设备的购置、使用和维修环节入手,完善医疗设备的全程管理。方法:大型医疗设备的全程管理,分别建立设备的购置论证、招标、考察、综合评标、签订合同、购置后效益分析、合理控制使用效率、计量检测、分级管理、高效检修以及报废手续等有效管理机制,同时完善医疗设备的购置使用管理流程。结果:以对医疗设备的全程管理分析结果作为采购医疗设备的重要依据,是科学合理购置、使用医疗设备的重要保证。结论:加强对医疗设备各个环节的管理才能适应越来越多先进、复杂和高科技含量医疗设备的引进给使用和管理带来的新挑战。  相似文献   

It is suggested that senior-course medical students be trained in the use of the most popular medical devices and equipment intended for functional diagnosis and treatment and that a specialized course including lectures, methodological aids and specialized practice in medical equipment be organized.  相似文献   

医学数字影像通讯(DICOM)标准是关于医学影像相关的国际标准。DICOM标准对医学影像的数据格式进行定义,以便在各设备、系统和临床间进行必要的数据交换。DICOM标准实现了对放射影像、心血管影像、X光设备、CT、MR超声及PET等设备之间的通讯与互联,并与医院临床的PACS、电子病历等系统的通讯与连接。作为各类信息系统建设数据源头,影像设备在采购规划过程中,除硬件部分的技术要求规划外,还需对软件部分做详细的规划,其中DICOM技术规划通常容易被忽视或描述不够准确。对DICOM标准的基本应用进行阐述,对设备采购过程中最常见的DICOM接口及其功能进行介绍显得尤为重要,其接口功能涉及到CT、MR、US及PET等各类影像设备的采购和安装。  相似文献   

目的:建立完善的医疗设备档案资料系统化及信息化管理,确保每项资料实现完整可追溯。方法:分析医疗设备管理现状,针对存在的问题,建立医疗设备从购置、计量质控、维护保养至报废处理全生命周期档案管理系统。结果:针对医疗设备购置使用流程中存在的各种纸载体资料管理及电子档案管理分别做了讨论。详细阐述了从设备采购计划、论证、购置、安装、验收、使用、质控、维修、调拨及报废处理等环节的档案资料管理。提出构建完整的医疗设备档案资料信息化管理的主要方向。结论:实现医疗设备档案网络信息化及动态化管理功能,降低医疗设备运营成本,为医疗安全提供保证。  相似文献   

从“以患者为中心”的角度,结合国内医疗器械产业的基本现状、研发存在的问题等背景,介绍了“以患者为中心”的基本理念,从行业实践者的角度,对在研发活动中引入“以患者为中心”的重要性及如何践行进行了陈述。为医疗器械领域尽快引入“以患者为中心”的理念和实践性的纲领文件提供参考。  相似文献   

《Health devices》2006,35(12):449-456
Some media reports have inaccurately and incompletely interpreted recent studies, creating the impression that newer cell phone technology doesn't create enough electromagnetic interference (EMI) to affect medical equipment. As a result, hospitals are questioning whether existing restrictions on cell phone use can be eliminated. This article takes a closer look at the available evidence and explains that the evidence does, in fact, demonstrate an ongoing risk that EMI will affect medical devices. In addition, the article provides guidance on the impact that some newer communications technologies--namely, in-building cordless telephones, microcell systems, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones--may have on cell phone use and policies. Note that while this article focuses on cell phones--since they are the most common concern among hospitals--other types of wireless devices can also interfere with medical equipment. These include handheld messaging devices (e.g., BlackBerry products); multicommunication devices that combine the use of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular communications; and cellular-capable computers. Healthcare facilities should apply the same policies to these devices as to cell phones. Two-way radios likewise present an interference risk, but require different policies, as we describe in a supplementary article within this Guidance Article.  相似文献   

在医用电气设备的技术审评中,"随机文件"占据着重要的地位,本文结合实际产品例子,对该条款提出一些浅显的理解。  相似文献   

The basic characteristics of Russian equipment displayed at the Exhibition Public Health-2001 are given. Emphasis is laid on X-ray and fluorographic equipment.  相似文献   

随着医疗设备的复杂和多样化,医疗设备作为一种医疗手段在医疗工作中的地位日益突出。医护人员和病人经常要和各种医疗设备打交道,医疗设备应用安全与质量直接关系到病人安全与医疗质量,所以为加强医疗设备临床使用安全管理工作,降低医疗设备临床使用风险,提高医疗质量就成为医院临床工作的重点。而除颤仪作为急救设备更应当随时处于正常使用状态,所以日常的维护及性能测试就显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

目的:随着科技现代化的发展,医院中的医疗器械数量和种类日益增多,医院医疗器械的技术含量也越来越高.传统的设备管理模式已经不能满足当前对器械快速、实时的管理需求.为了满足医院器械数字化信息管理提出的新要求,设计一个良好的医疗器械管理框架,保障现代化医院高效、安全运行.方法:参考国内外管理模型,设计出医疗器械数字化管理框架,在实现设备购买的申请以及采购之后,将设备分为无源设备与有源设备分别管理.结果:在保证实现常规管理模式的基础上,又增加了对设备配送规划、器械存储监控、设备动态管理的功能.结论:医疗器械数字化管理框架可进一步实现医院运行的信息化、自动化.  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to the activity of Research and Production Enterprise "Avionika", a leader in the field of designing and manufacturing of medical equipment. Technical data of medical suction units produced by the enterprise were comparatively analyzed versus those made by other manufacturers. Additionally, failures of suction equipment were analyzed and technical solutions enhancing the operational safety are suggested. Promising trends are defined for perfecting the discussed equipment type.  相似文献   

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