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Synapses are generally considered to operate efficiently only when their signaling range matches the spectrum of prevailing presynaptic signals in terms of both amplitudes and dynamics. However, the prerequisites for optimally matching the signaling ranges may differ between spike-mediated and graded synaptic transmission. This poses a problem for synapses that convey both graded and spike signals at the same time. We addressed this issue by tracing transmission systematically in vivo in the blowfly's visual-motion pathway by recording from single neurons that receive mixed potential signals consisting of rather slow graded fluctuations superimposed with highly variable spikes from a small number of presynaptic elements. Both pre- and postsynaptic neurons were previously shown to represent preferred-direction motion velocity reliably and linearly at low fluctuation frequencies. To selectively assess the performance of individual synapses and to precisely control presynaptic signals, we voltage clamped one of the presynaptic neurons. Results showed that synapses can effectively convey signals over a much larger amplitude and frequency range than is normally used during graded transmission of visual signals. An explanation for this unexpected finding might lie in the transmission of the spike component that reaches larger amplitudes and contains higher frequencies than graded signals.  相似文献   

The lateral vestibular nucleus of the toadfish Opsanus tau was localized by means of axonal iontophoresis of Procion Yellow. The ultrastructure of the lateral vestibular nucleus neurons was then correlated with their electrophysiological properties. The lateral vestibular nucleus consists of neurons of various sizes which are distributed in small clusters over a heavily myelinated neuropil. The perikarya and main dendrites of the large and the small neurons are surrounded by a synaptic bed, which is separated from the neighboring neuropil by a layer of thin astrocytic processes. The synaptic bed contains three main classes of axon terminals, club endings, large and small terminals, the first being quite infrequent. All the large terminals as well as the occasionally observed club endings contain a pure population of rounded synaptic vesicles. In some of the small axon terminals there are also rounded vesicles; however, the majority contain flattened vesicles or a pleomorphic population. These data indicate that the small terminals originate from different afferent sources. The synaptic interfaces of the large boutons and of the club endings bear three types of junctional complexes: attachment plates, gap junctions and active zones. Those showing both gap junctions and active zones were designated as morphologically ‘mixed synapses’. Gap junctions, although in large number, have only been observed at the synaptic interfaces between terminals with rounded vesicles and the perikarya or the dendrite of the lateral vestibular nucleus neurons. Therefore electrotonic coupling would only be possible by way of presynaptic fibers. Some axons observed in the neuropil were found to establish gap junctional complexes with two different dendritec profiles and this observation is in favour of electrotonic coupling by way of presynaptic terminals.Field and intracellular potentials were recorded in the lateral vestibular nucleus. The field potential evoked by stimulation of the vestibular nerve consisted of an early positive-negative wave followed by a slow negativity, and that evoked by spinal cord stimulation was composed of an antidromic potential followed by a slow negative wave. Vestibulo-spinal neurons were identified by their antidromic spikes. In these cells, stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve evoked an excitatory postsynaptic potential with two components. The short delay of the first component of this excitatory postsynaptic potential and its ability to follow paired stimulation at close intervals without reduction of the second response suggest that it is transmitted electrotonically from primary vestibular afferent fibers. By contrast the latency of the second peak of the vestibular evoked excitatory postsynaptic potential and its sensitivity to high stimulus frequencies are compatible with monosynaptic chemically mediated transmission from primary vestibular afferents. Spinal stimulation evoked graded antidromic depolarizations in vestibulo-spinal neurons. The latency of these potentials was too short to allow for chemical transmission through afferents or recurrent collaterals and suggests electrotonic spread of antidromic activity from neighboring neurons. An important finding is that the graded antidromic depolarizations can initiate spikes; thus coupling between neurons in the lateral vestibular nucleus is sufficiently close that a cell can be excited by activity spread from neighboring cells. Similar graded depolarizations were recorded in identified primary vestibular afferents; their latencies and time course indicate that they were brought about by electrotonic spread of postsynaptic potentials and spikes to the impaled presynaptic fibers; this confirms the morphological evidence that coupling between lateral vestibular nucleus neurons occurs, at least in part, by way of presynaptic vestibular axons. As the spinal stimulus strength was increased, these graded depolarizations became large enough to initiate spikes which presumably propagate to the vestibular receptors. Thus antidromic invasion of the presynaptic terminals may provide negative feedback by preventing their re-excitation at short intervals after a synchronous discharge of an adequate number of postsynaptic cells. Excitatory inputs to the neurons of the lateral vestibular nucleus were identified from the spinal cord and from the contralateral vestibular nerve. Long latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials large enough to excite the cells were recorded following spinal stimulation; the threshold intensity for evoking them was consistently higher than that adequate to generate the graded antidromic depolarizations. Field potentials recorded after stimulation of the contra lateral vestibular nerve consisted of an initial positive negative wave followed by a slow negative wave. the stimulus intensity for evoking these potentials was the same or slightly above the threshold for those evoked in the lateral vestibular nucleus on the stimulated side. Also lateral vestibular nucleus neurons exhibited excitatory postsynaptic potentials large enough to excite the cells following stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve. but no inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were detected. This lack of commissural inhibition indicates a qualitative difference between the central organization of these cells in the toadfish and in mammals.The presence of neurons in the lateral vestibular nucleus which send their axons to the labyrinth was confirmed by their heavy staining with Procion Yellow following axonal iontophoresis. In a number of vestibular neurons. abruptly rising spikes were evoked at short latencies after adequate stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve. Graded stimuli applied to the vestibular nerve evoked graded short latency depolarizations as well as long latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials in these presumed efferent neurons to the labyrinth; the former could indicate electrotonic coupling of the efferent cells or electrotonic transmission from primary afferents, resulting in a short latency feedback loop.From these studies, the synaptic organization of the lateral vestibular nucleus neurons is compared with that of the Mauthner cells of teleosts, and the possibility of a dual mode of transmission, electrical and chemical, by primary vestibular afferents is discussed.  相似文献   

Firing of an individual neuron is determined by the activity of its presynaptic input ensemble. In this study we analyzed how presynaptic signals with different dynamics interact to control postsynaptic activity. In the blowfly's visual system we simultaneously recorded in vivo from an identified motion-sensitive neuron and from elements of the presynaptic ensemble. The presynaptic cells themselves are mutually electrically coupled and convey both graded and spike signals to their common postsynaptic target. We elicited spikes in the postsynaptic neuron by voltage-clamping one of the presynaptic neurons to various holding potentials and then analyzed the time course of the holding current. Current transients in the clamped presynaptic cell were found to coincide with postsynaptic spikes. The current transients were highly variable in amplitude and occasionally absent during postsynaptic spiking. These characteristics indicate that the current transients in the voltage-clamped neuron result from spikes in electrically coupled co-members of the presynaptic ensemble. Our results suggest that electrical coupling among presynaptic neurons mediates synchronization of spikes within the cell ensemble. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that the graded response component of the presynaptic cells effectively controls the postsynaptic firing rate on a coarse scale while the precise timing of the postsynaptic spikes is a consequence of spikes superimposed on the graded signals of the presynaptic neurons.  相似文献   

In the first visual synapse of the insect compound eye, both the presynaptic and postsynaptic signals are graded, nonspiking changes in membrane voltage. The synapse exhibits tonic transmitter release (even in dark) and strong adaptation to long-lasting light backgrounds, leading to changes also in the dynamics of signal transmission. We have studied these adaptational properties of the first visual synapse of the blowfly Calliphora vicina. Investigations were done in situ by intracellular recordings from the presynaptic photoreceptors, photoreceptor axon terminals, and the postsynaptic first order visual interneurons (LMCs). The dark recovery, the shifts in intensity dependence, and the underlying processes were studied by stimulating the visual system with various adapting stimuli while observing the recovery (i.e., dark adaptation). The findings show a transient potentiation in the postsynaptic responses after intense light adaptation, and the underlying mechanisms seem to be the changes in the equilibrium potential of the transmitter-gated conductance (chloride) of the postsynaptic neurons. The potentiation by itself serves as a mechanism that after light adaptation rapidly recovers the sensitivity loss of the visual system. However, this kind of mechanism, being an intrinsic property of graded potential transmission, may be quite widespread among graded synapses, and the phenomenon demonstrates that functional plasticity is also a property of graded synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Motilin is a key factor in triggering interdigestive migrating contractions. Our preceding study demonstrated that motilin caused membrane depolarizations in a minority of S and AH neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig ileum after 18 h-fasting period; motilin depolarizations were small and seldom triggered action potentials. Then, the present study was undertaken to examine possible electrophysiological actions of motilin on the ganglionic transmission in the myenteric plexus. Intracellular recordings with sharp glass microelectrodes were made from myenteric S neurons having fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), evoked by focal electrical stimulation. Motilin inhibited the fast EPSPs in amplitude, associated either with or without membrane depolarizations. Results obtained with the paired stimulus method suggested that the site for motilin-induced inhibition of fast EPSPs might be presynaptic. Furthermore, motilin did not decrease postsynaptic sensitivity to ACh, a main neurotransmitter mediating the fast EPSPs. Therefore, it is concluded that motilin might inhibit presynaptically ganglionic transmission in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig ileum.  相似文献   

Lateral protocerebral interneurons (LPIs) in the central olfactory pathway of the freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii reside within the lateral protocerebrum and receive direct input from projection neurons of the olfactory midbrain. The LPIs exhibit periodic (0.5 Hz) changes in membrane potential that are imposed on them synaptically. Acute surgical experiments indicate that the synaptic activity originates from a group of oscillatory neurons lying within the lateral protocerebrum. Simultaneous intracellular recordings from many LPI pairs indicate that this periodic synaptic input is synchronous and coherent among the population of approximately 200 LPIs on each side of the brain. In many LPIs, specific odors applied to antennules in isolated head preparations generate long-lasting excitatory postsynaptic potentials and impulse bursts. The impulse bursts are generated only near the peaks of the ongoing depolarizations, approximately 1 s after stimulus application, and so the periodic baseline activity is instrumental in timing burst generation. Simultaneous recordings from pairs of LPIs show that, when impulse bursts occur in both cells after an odorant stimulus, they are synchronized by the common periodic depolarizations. We conclude that the common, periodic activity in LPIs can synchronize impulse bursts in subsets of these neurons, possibly generating powerful long-lasting postsynaptic effects in downstream target neurons.  相似文献   

A novel mechanism of response selectivity of neurons in cat visual cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spiking of cortical neurons critically depends on properties of the afferent stimuli. In the visual cortex, neurons respond selectively to the orientation and direction of movement of an object. The orientation and direction selectivity is improved upon transformation of the membrane potential changes into trains of action potentials. To address the question of whether the transformation of the membrane potential changes into spiking of a cell depends on the stimulus orientation and the direction of movement, we made intracellular recordings from the cat visual cortex in vivo during presentation of moving gratings of different orientations. We found that the relationship between the membrane polarization and the firing rate (input-output transfer function) depended on the stimulus orientation. The input-output transfer function was steepest during responses to the optimal stimulus; membrane depolarization of a given amplitude led to generation of more action potentials when evoked by an optimal stimulus than during non-optimal stimulation. The threshold for the action potential generation did not depend on stimulus orientation, and thus could not account for the observed difference in the transfer function. Oscillations of the membrane potential in the γ-frequency range (25–70 Hz) were most pronounced during optimal stimulation and their strength changed in parallel with the changes in the transfer function, suggesting a possible relationship between the two parameters. We suggest that the improved input-output relationship of neurons during optimal stimulation represents a novel mechanism that may contribute to the final sharp orientation selectivity of spike responses in the cortical cells.  相似文献   

Graded synaptic transmission between identified spiking neurons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Graded synaptic transmission between spiking motoneurons of the pyloric group was studied in the stomatogastric ganglion of the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus. Intracellular microelectrodes were placed in the cell bodies of both pre- and postsynaptic neurons. Graded synaptic transmission was found between all tested cell pairs that were known to display spike-evoked synaptic transmission, including PD to LP, PD to PE, PD to PL, PL to LP, and LP to PD. Graded synaptic transmission was effective below the threshold for spikes. Thus, it was possible to study the influence of graded synaptic transmission in normally active ganglia without blockage of spikes by tetrodotoxin. PD and LP neurons that were known to produce spike-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) were also capable of producing inhibitory effects on postsynaptic cells below the threshold for spikes. When tetrodotoxin (TTX) was used to eliminate both spikes and endogenous membrane oscillations, depolarization of presynaptic neurons produced hyperpolarization of postsynaptic cells. The presynaptic response to a current step usually showed a small early peak and a maintained, slightly lower plateau. The postsynaptic response had a delay, then a rise to a pronounced peak, and a roughly exponential decline to a maintained plateau. There was a presynaptic voltage threshold for any postsynaptic response; beyond the threshold, both pre- and postsynaptic peak and plateau responses increased with increasing current. PD neurons normally are depolarized beyond their release threshold in tetrodotoxin and, thus, released transmitter tonically for the many-hour duration of these experiments. Chemical, tonic synaptic transmission, here called graded synaptic transmission, was demonstrated by the presence of the following criteria: 1) reversal in sign of the postsynaptic response, 2) synaptic delay, 3) reversal potential, 4) postsynaptic conductance increase, 5) graded and reversible block by reduction of external Ca2+, and 6) specific graded block of the LP-to-PD synapse without effect on the PD-to-LP synapse by less than 10 microM picrotoxin added to the bathing medium.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that some goldfish medullary neurons, inhibitory to the Mauthner cell, can be identified by a passive hyperpolarizing potential coincident with the antidromic impulse of the latter. We describe in this report a group of these interneurons that were further distinguished by their short latency responses to stimulation of the eighth nerve. Specifically, they exhibited graded short latency depolarizations following weak stimulation of the ipsilateral eighth nerve. Short latency depolarizations were followed at times by mono- or polysynaptic postsynaptic potentials. Our evidence indicated that short latency depolarizations were due to electrotonic transmission from eighth nerve afferents. Stronger stimuli evoked a shorter latency impulse which arose abruptly from the baseline. Collision tests and membrane hyperpolarizations did not reveal synaptic potentials underlying the impulses. These physiological results, therefore, suggested that the short latency impulse was a propagated response generated at an electrotonically remote site, possibly an efferent process in the eighth nerve. However, no such projection was found in morphological studies of 77 dye-injected neurons. The morphology rather indicated that these cells were statoacoustic interneurons. Thus, the short latency impulse may be due to remote, electrotonic synaptic inputs. These interneurons had their somata clustered dorsolateral and posterior to the soma of the Mauthner cell. The apparent axon projected contralaterally within the acoustic commissure and could be traced into a caudally directed tract which was lateral to the sensory division of the facial nerve. The axon ramified bilaterally and terminated in part on other statoacoustic neurons, reticular neurons and the Mauthner cells.Selective activation of these interneurons evoked unitary, inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in the Mauthner cell. Their projections suggested a widespread ipsi- and contralateral inhibitory action on other medullary areas as well. These results indicate that a re-evaluation of criteria for efferent identification and of present models for efferent function are required.  相似文献   

Grabauskas G  Bradley RM 《Neuroscience》1999,94(4):1173-1182
Whole-cell recordings were made from neurons in the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract in horizontal brainstem slices. Monosynaptic GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were evoked by single stimulus shocks or by high-frequency tetanic stimulation in the presence of glutamate receptor blockers. While single stimulus-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials had variable amplitudes, tetanic stimulation-induced, hyperpolarizing postsynaptic potentials were of a more constant amplitude. Furthermore, tetanic stimulation resulted in potentiation of the amplitude of single stimulus shock-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. Of 55 neurons that were tested, potentiation lasted over 30 min for 11, 10-30 min for 13, less than 10 min for 23 and no potentiation occurred in eight. Tetanic stimulation did not result in potentiation of the tetanic stimulus-evoked hyperpolarizing postsynaptic potentials. Both the single stimulus shock- and tetanic stimulus-evoked potentials had similar inhibition concentration-response curves to the GABAA antagonist, bicuculline methiodide (EC50 = 0.75 and 0.83, respectively), indicating that they were mediated by the same postsynaptic receptors. By comparing the effect of bicuculline methiodide on the amplitude of the single stimulus shock-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and the tetanic stimulus-evoked hyperpolarizing potentials, we concluded that a single stimulus shock does not activate all postsynaptic GABAA receptors. However, tetanic stimulation results in activation of all postsynaptic GABAA receptors and induces long-lasting changes in the presynaptic GABAergic neuron. These long-lasting changes of the presynaptic neuron facilitate the release of GABA during single stimulus shock and, as a consequence, more postsynaptic receptors are activated during single stimulus shock-evoked synaptic transmission. This conclusion is supported by the results of experiments in which the extracellular Ca2+ concentration was manipulated to change the amount of neurotransmitter released from the presynaptic GABAergic terminals. The single stimulus shock-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were sensitive to the extracellular Ca2+ concentration, whereas tetanic stimulus-evoked inhibitory post-synaptic potentials were essentially insensitive to extracellular Ca2+ concentration. The relationship between the single stimulus shock-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potential amplitude and extracellular Ca2+ concentration indicates that, in control physiological saline containing 2.5 mM Ca2+, a single stimulus shock activates less than half the postsynaptic GABA receptors. The phenomenon of long-lasting potentiation of inhibitory transmission within the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract may be important in the processing of gustatory information and play a role in taste-guided behaviors.  相似文献   

K Morita  R A North 《Neuroscience》1985,14(2):661-672
Intracellular recordings were made from neurones in myenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig ileum in vitro. Synaptic potentials were evoked by electrically stimulating presynaptic fibres as they entered the ganglion, using a small focal electrode. Slow synaptic depolarizations (excitatory postsynaptic potentials) were evoked in most myenteric neurones of both types. A single stimulus was more likely to evoke a slow excitatory postsynaptic potential in cells with nicotinic synaptic input (S cells; 50%) than in cells with long-lasting after-hyperpolarizations following the soma action potential (AH cells; 20%). Two pulses often evoked a slow excitatory postsynaptic potential in AH cells when one pulse was ineffective. The optimally effective time between the pulses was about 100 ms. Ten pulses resulted in slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials even when delivered at frequencies as low as 0.5 Hz. For the same frequency of presynaptic stimulation, the duration of the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential was greater in AH cells than in S cells and the amplitude of the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential was slightly greater in S than AH cells. Spontaneous depolarizations were observed which had time-courses and amplitudes similar to the evoked slow excitatory postsynaptic potential. They were not blocked by tetrodotoxin or atropine. The calcium-dependent after-hyperpolarization which follows one or more action potentials in AH cells was reduced or even abolished during the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential. Presynaptic nerve stimulation at intensities lower than those required to cause a slow excitatory postsynaptic potential caused a reduction in the calcium dependent after-hyperpolarization. It is concluded that the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential is generated by an intracellular intermediate process which is sensitive to the intracellular calcium concentration. The results suggest that the postsynaptic action of the synaptic transmitter is to interfere with the intracellular process which couples the entry of calcium to the increase in potassium conductance.  相似文献   

GABAergic medial paracapsular intercalated (Imp) neurons of amygdala are thought of as playing a central role in fear learning and extinction. We report here that the synaptic network formed by these neurons exhibits distinct short-term plastic synaptic responses. The success rate of synaptic events evoked at a frequency range of 0.1–10 Hz varied dramatically between different connected cell pairs. Upon enhancing the frequency of stimulation, the success rate increased, decreased or remained constant, in a similar number of cell pairs. Such synaptic heterogeneity resulted in inhibition of the firing of the postsynaptic neurons with different efficacies. Moreover, we found that the different synaptic weights were mainly determined by diversity in presynaptic release probabilities rather than postsynaptic changes. Sequential paired recording experiments demonstrated that the same presynaptic neuron established the same type of synaptic connections with different postsynaptic neurons, suggesting the absence of target-cell specificity. Conversely, the same postsynaptic neuron was contacted by different types of synaptic connections formed by different presynaptic neurons. A detailed anatomical analysis of the recorded neurons revealed discrete and unexpected peculiarities in the dendritic and axonal patterns of different cell pairs. In contrast, several intrinsic electrophysiological responses were homogeneous among neurons, and synaptic failure counts were not affected by presynaptic cannabinoid 1 or GABAB receptors. We propose that the heterogeneous functional connectivity of Imp neurons, demonstrated by this study, is required to maintain the stability of firing patterns which is critical for the computational role of the amygdala in fear learning and extinction.  相似文献   

In central neurons, the summation of inputs from presynaptic cells combined with the unreliability of synaptic transmission produces incessant variations of the membrane potential termed synaptic noise (SN). These fluctuations, which depend on both the unpredictable timing of afferent activities and quantal variations of postsynaptic potentials, have defied conventional analysis. We show here that, when applied to SN recorded from the Mauthner (M) cell of teleosts, a simple method of nonlinear analysis reveals previously undetected features of this signal including hidden periodic components. The phase relationship between these components is compatible with the notion that the temporal organization of events comprising this noise is deterministic rather than random and that it is generated by presynaptic interneurons behaving as coupled periodic oscillators. Furthermore a model of the presynaptic network shows how SN is shaped both by activities in incoming inputs and by the distribution of their synaptic weights expressed as mean quantal contents of the activated synapses. In confirmation we found experimentally that long-term tetanic potentiation (LTP), which selectively increases some of these synaptic weights, permits oscillating temporal patterns to be transmitted more effectively to the postsynaptic cell. Thus the probabilistic nature of transmitter release, which governs the strength of synapses, may be critical for the transfer of complex timing information within neuronal assemblies.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from neurons of the guinea pig submucosal plexus and the effects of substance P and the substance P analogue [D-Arg1,D-Pro2,D-Trp7,9,Leu11]substance P were examined. Substance P (20-200 nM) depolarized all submucosal neurons; these depolarizations were shown to be due to a decrease in the resting (or "leak") potassium conductance of the membrane. In approximately 50% of the 46 neurons tested, superfusion with [D-Arg1,D-Pro2,D-Trp7,9,Leu11]substance P (0.2-20 microM) produced a dose-dependent membrane hyperpolarization. This hyperpolarization was prevented by the alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist idazoxan (300 nM) or by concentrations of cobalt which abolished all spontaneous and evoked synaptic potentials, indicating that it resulted from release of noradrenaline from sympathetic nerve terminals. [D-Arg1,D-Pro2,D-Trp7,9,Leu11]substance P depressed the amplitude of the three synaptic potentials recorded from submucosal neurons; the concentrations that caused 50% of the maximal inhibition of the fast excitatory postsynaptic potential, the inhibitory postsynaptic potential, and slow excitatory postsynaptic potential were 40 microM, 600 nM and 20 microM, respectively. When idazoxan was present, the substance P analogue was less effective in depressing the amplitudes of the fast and slow excitatory synaptic potentials suggesting that much of its presynaptic inhibition also resulted from release of noradrenaline. These results provide evidence that [D-Arg1,D-Pro2,D-Trp7,9,Leu11]substance P releases noradrenaline from sympathetic nerves in the submucosal plexus. One effect of this is a membrane hyperpolarization; another is a presynaptic inhibition of transmitter release. These actions much limit the usefulness of this "substance P antagonist" in efforts to show that synaptic potentials, such as the slow excitatory synaptic potential, are mediated by substance P.  相似文献   

Physiology of a bidirectional, excitatory, chemical synapse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurons of the motor nerve net of the jellyfish Cyanea are connected by chemical synapses that, from their ultrastructure, appear to be bidirectional chemical synapses. These synapses were examined physiologically, by recording intracellularly from synaptically connected cells, with the whole cell configuration of the patch-clamp recording technique. Subthreshold depolarizations produced neither small voltage responses indicative of electrical coupling, nor unitary depolarizations suggestive of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP). Synaptic transmission was affected only when the presynaptic cell was depolarized above spike threshold. The synaptic delay was slightly less than 1 ms at room temperature. The postsynaptic response was initially suprathreshold, resulting in an action potential, but with time this gave way to a large 60 mV amplitude EPSP that did not produce action potentials. The amplitude of the EPSP was directly related to the postsynaptic membrane potential and extrapolated to a reversal potential close to zero mV. Reversal of the EPSP was never observed, even in the presence of intracellular tetrathylammonium (TEA). The relationship between presynaptic depolarization and postsynaptic response was difficult to examine in normal conditions, but in the presence of extracellular lidocaine, which blocked the Na+ and K+ channels in these membranes, a distinct relationship was apparent. The synapse was physiologically nonpolarized and conducted equally well in either direction with a constant synaptic delay.  相似文献   

Antidromic and synaptic action potentials (APs) in response to electrical stimulation of nerves ofHelix pomatia were recorded intracellularly from giant neurons. Both antidromic and synaptic spike generation can incorporate a latent pacemaker mechanism of the test neurons. Repetitive stimulation through the nerve leads to habituation of the neurons (with respect to both pacemaker and synaptic spikes). The time of habituation depended on the initial resting potential (RP) of the neurons and the parameters of stimulation. The resulting habituation was connected with a decrease in sensitivity of the pacemaker membrane locus to the stimulus and a contribution of the local postsynaptic membrane potential in synaptic AP generation. The RP and amplitude of evoked postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were unchanged during habituation of the giant neurons. The role of the postsynaptic membrane in habituation of the neurons to stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from the shell region of the nucleus accumbens in an in vitro slice preparation. The mean resting membrane potential, input resistance, and action potential amplitude of these neurons were -76 +/- 1 mV, 87 +/- 5 M omega and 94 +/- 2 mV (N = 108), respectively. A sample of these neurons (N = 18) was identified as medium spiny neurons with the use of the biocytin-avidin labeling technique. 2. Electrical stimulation of the fornix, subcortical fibers, or neuropil within the nucleus accumbens shell itself elicited a depolarizing postsynaptic potential (PSP). Dopamine (10-100 microM) attenuated PSPs elicited by stimulation of all of these sites. In a paired-pulse stimulation protocol, dopamine was observed to enhance the facilitation of the test response with respect to the conditioning response. 3. The suppressive effect of dopamine was mimicked by the D1 receptor agonist SKF 82958 (10-30 microM), whereas the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole (10-30 microM) was ineffective. The action of dopamine was antagonized by the D1 receptor antagonist Sch 23390 (10-30 microM), but not by the D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride (10-50 microM) or various adrenergic receptor antagonists. 4. The PSP was usually composed of an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)-inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) sequence. Dopamine equally attenuated the excitatory and inhibitory component of the synaptic response. The attenuation of both EPSP and IPSP did not depend on membrane potential. 5. Dopamine effects on the resting membrane potential and input resistance were variable and did not correlate with changes in the PSP. Two further indications were found in favor of a presynaptic locus of dopaminergic modulation. First, the time course of the PSP was not altered during dopamine application. Second, dopamine did not attenuate depolarizations induced by bath-applied L-glutamate. In extracellular recordings, it was found that dopamine reduced the population spike but not the presynaptic fiber volley. 6. These findings strongly indicate that dopaminergic modulation of synaptic responses in neurons located in the accumbens shell region is mediated by presynaptic D1 receptors. Notably, dopamine does not exert a purely inhibitory effect on synaptic excitability in the nucleus accumbens, because it suppresses both the excitatory and inhibitory component of the synaptic response.  相似文献   

Bijak M 《Neuroscience》2000,96(3):487-494
Neuropeptide Y reduced spontaneous and stimulation-evoked epileptiform discharges in rat frontal cortex slices perfused with a magnesium-free solution and with the GABA(A) receptor antagonist picrotoxin. To investigate the mechanism of that action, effects of neuropeptide Y on intrinsic membrane properties and synaptic responses of layer II/III cortical neurons were studied using intracellular recording. Neuropeptide Y (1 microM) had no detectable effect on the membrane properties of neurons. The evoked synaptic potentials were attenuated by neuropeptide Y. Moreover, the pharmacologically isolated excitatory postsynaptic potentials, mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate and non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, were reversibly depressed by neuropeptide Y. The most pronounced inhibitory effect of neuropeptide Y was observed on late polysynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials. To assess a putative postsynaptic action of neuropeptide Y, N-methyl-D-aspartate was locally applied in the presence of tetrodotoxin. The N-methyl-D-aspartate-evoked depolarizations were unaffected by neuropeptide Y, which suggests that the depression of excitatory postsynaptic potentials was due to an action at sites presynaptic to the recorded neurons.These data show that neuropeptide Y attenuates epileptiform discharges and the glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the rat frontal cortex. The above results indicate that neuropeptide Y may regulate neuronal excitability within the cortex, and that neuropeptide Y receptors are potential targets for an anticonvulsant therapy.  相似文献   

Angular and translational accelerations excite the semicircular canals and otolith organs, respectively. While canal afferents approximately encode head angular velocity due to the biomechanical integration performed by the canals, otolith signals have been found to approximate head translational acceleration. Because central vestibular pathways require velocity and position signals for their operation, the question has been raised as to how the integration of the otolith signals is accomplished. We recorded responses from 62 vestibular-only neurons in the vestibular nucleus of two monkeys to position transients in the naso-occipital and interaural orientations and varying directions in between. Responses to the transients were directionally asymmetric; one direction elicited a response that approximated the integral of the acceleration of the stimulus. In the opposite direction, the cells simply encoded the acceleration of the motion. We present a model that suggests that a neural integrator is not needed. Instead a neuron with a long membrane time constant and an excitatory postsynaptic potential duration that increases with the firing rate of the presynaptic cell can emulate the observed behavior.  相似文献   

Gajendiran M  Ling GY  Pang Z  Xu ZC 《Neuroscience》2001,105(1):139-152
Spiny neurons in neostriatum are vulnerable to cerebral ischemia. To reveal the mechanisms underlying the postischemic neuronal damage, the spontaneous activities, evoked postsynaptic potentials and membrane properties of spiny neurons in rat neostriatum were compared before and after transient forebrain ischemia using intracellular recording and staining techniques in vivo. In control animals the membrane properties of spiny neurons were about the same between the left and right neostriatum but the inhibitory synaptic transmission was stronger in the left striatum. After severe ischemia, the spontaneous firing and membrane potential fluctuation of spiny neurons dramatically reduced. The cortically evoked initial excitatory postsynaptic potentials were suppressed after ischemia indicated by the increase of stimulus threshold and the rise time of these components. The paired-pulse facilitation test indicated that such suppression might involve presynaptic mechanisms. The inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in spiny neurons were completely abolished after ischemia and never returned to the control levels. A late depolarizing postsynaptic potential that was elicited from approximately 5% of the control neurons by cortical stimulation could be evoked from approximately 30% of the neurons in the left striatum and approximately 50% in the right striatum after ischemia. The late depolarizing postsynaptic potential could not be induced after acute thalamic transection. The intrinsic excitability of spiny neurons was suppressed after ischemia evidenced by the significant increase of spike threshold and rheobase as well as the decrease of repetitive firing rate following ischemia. The membrane input resistance and time constant increased within 6 h following ischemia and the amplitude of fast afterhyperpolarization significantly increased after ischemia. These results indicate the depression of excitatory monosynaptic transmission, inhibitory synaptic transmission and excitability of spiny neurons after transient forebrain ischemia whereas the excitatory polysynaptic transmission in neostriatum was potentiated. The facilitation of excitatory polysynaptic transmission is stronger in the right neostriatum than in the left neostriatum after ischemia. The suppression of inhibitory component and the facilitation of excitatory polysynaptic transmission may contribute to the pathogenesis of neuronal injury in neostriatum after transient cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

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