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For young women aged 18 to 30 years who attempted suicide, and whose suicide attempts were of widely differing physical threat to life, the experience of parental death and separation or divorce, and of reported childhood stress, was similar, irrespective of the lethality of the suicide attempt. Taken as a group, the suicide attempters reported significantly greater childhood stress and more often had experienced parental loss through separation or divorce than young women in a control group. The association between parental loss and suicidal behaviour did not appear to be an artefact of a primary relationship between parental loss and depression. Five of eight reported childhood stress factors significantly distinguished the suicidal and control subjects. Those who attempted suicide were more likely to report a childhood broken home, that their parents quarrelled often, that they had frequent disagreements with their parents, that they had poor physical health, and that they perceived their parents' character negatively.  相似文献   

Summary From a sample of 499 patients admitted to hospitals for suicide attempts, a subsample of 182 suicide attempters who described histories of illicit activities or who were diagnosed with DSM-II antisocial, drug or alcohol personality disorders were compared with another sample of 109 suicide attempters diagnosed as having depressive disorders. The former group of unsocialized attempters obtained similar depression inventory scores as the diagnosed depressive attempters. However, the index attempts of the unsocialized group were made with less suicidal intent than those of the diagnosed depressive patients, and they made more prior suicide attempts than the diagnosed depressive patients.  相似文献   

Although suicidality remains highly prevalent among patients with bipolar disorder, little research exists examining the characteristics of successive attempts among individuals who make and survive a first suicide attempt. We compared bipolar subjects with a history of one suicide attempt to those with multiple attempts and assessed demographic characteristics, family histories, psychopathology, and clinical dimensions of suicidal behavior. Fifty-two DSM-IV bipolar patients (age 21 to 74 years) with a history of at least one suicide attempt were consecutively evaluated in the Bipolar Disorders Research Clinic of the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Circumstances surrounding each lifetime suicide attempt were assessed by direct interviews, questionnaires, and chart reviews along with family psychiatric histories, substance abuse histories, current psychopathology, and features of impulsivity and aggression. Multiple suicide attempts occurred in approximately two thirds of the study group. Single attempters were significantly more likely than multiple attempters to show high seriousness of intent at their first attempt (OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.43 to 0.99), and tended to be less likely than multiple attempters to exhibit mixed states at their first attempt (OR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.28 to 1.01). Seriousness of intent was consistent across the first and second attempts (r =.48, P <.01) and second and third attempts (r =.74, P <.05). Single and multiple attempters differed in no other clinical or demographic characteristics studied. We conclude that multiple suicide attempts are common among bipolar patients. Those who survive an initial suicide attempt involving high seriousness of intent appear less likely than those with low intent to make subsequent attempts. Consequently, single attempters may represent a group more closely resembling those who complete suicide on a first attempt, in terms of the risk for death associated with their first attempt. However, multiple suicide attempts among bipolar patients are not necessarily associated with a higher risk for lethality in first suicide attempt survivors.  相似文献   

Prevalence of specific suicidal behaviors in a high school sample   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Of 380 high school students who completed an anonymous survey concerned with their experience with suicidal behavior, 60% reported that they had thought about killing themselves. These thoughts varied with respect to persistence and planfulness. Almost 9% reported that they had actually made at least one attempt to kill themselves and over half of the suicide attempters reported at least two attempts. Fewer than half of the attempters reached the attention of mental health professionals. The data on family history of suicidal behavior suggest that the suicidal ideators and the suicide attempters represent overlapping groups.  相似文献   

 The clinical characteristics of 191 adolescent inpatients were examined in relation to frequency of previous suicide attempts, predictors of suicide attempts prior to hospitalization, and lifetime suicide attempts. Overall, more than 50% of the adolescent inpatients had attempted suicide during their lifetime, and of these more than half (58%) had made more than one attempt. Approximately half of the suicide attempters had made a serious attempt prior to hospitalization. Girls reported higher levels of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation than boys, in addition to having attempted suicide prior to hospitalization (33%) or during lifetime (37%) more often than the boys (13% and 26%, respectively). Although about two thirds of the adolescent inpatients reported that they had received some help after a suicide attempt, approximately half of the repeaters had not received any help. The results of multivariate analyses showed that suicide attempts made prior to hospitalization were predicted by depressive symptom levels and a clinical diagnosis of depressive disorder, whereas frequency of lifetime suicide attempts was predicted by suicidal ideation levels and having a family member or a friend who had attempted (or committed) suicide. The high prevalence of lifetime and repeated suicide attempts among the psychiatric inpatients underscores the importance of identifying risk factors in the clinical evaluation of adolescent suicide attempters. Accepted: 1 April 1998  相似文献   

The correlates of planning in adolescent suicide attempts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adolescent suicide attempts are often impulsive. It has been suggested that individuals who make nonimpulsive (premeditated) attempts have greater suicidal intent and are more hopeless than the impulsive attempters. Eighty-six adolescent suicide attempters were categorized according to the degree of premeditation of their attempt, as measured by two items of the Suicide Intent Scale. Sex, age, method of attempt, and the number of prior attempts were not useful discriminators between these groups. The nonimpulsive attempters were significantly more depressed and more hopeless than the impulsive attempters, as measured by several standardized scales. Measures of depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation were highly correlated in both groups. Anger turned inward and hopelessness were strongly correlated only in the premeditated group, suggesting that the nonimpulsive attempter's distress may bear a strong relationship to self anger.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between family history of suicide, negative problem solving orientation and suicide attempt status (multiple suicide attempters versus single suicide attempters). Suicide attempters with a family history of suicide were more likely to have multiple suicide attempts when compared to suicide attempters who did not have a family history of suicide. This relationship was consistent with a model in which the relationship between family history and suicide attempt status is mediated by negative problem solving. Results of this study are discussed as they pertain to the theory and treatment of suicide attempters.  相似文献   

Rorschach records from 20 patients who had made active, violent suicide attempts were compared with records from 20 patients who had taken drug overdoses and 20 psychiatric control patients who had not made a suicide attempt. Ego function ratings showed that violent attempters were more paranoid than both other groups and less able to cope with conflict situations, to handle dysphoric affect and to differentiate between reality and imagination. Violent attempters had lower level of cognitive maturity than controls and tended to produce fabulized combination responses, suggesting cognitive slippage, and distorted human content responses, indicating pathological object relationships. Nonviolent attempters did not differ from controls. Six patients, all from the violent attempt group, completed suicide within a follow-up period of 4 years. Compared with the survivors, they were less tolerant of dysphoric affect and showed more pronounced decline of developmental level within cards. Completers could be identified on the Rorschach at 55% sensitivity and 93% specificity.  相似文献   

Suicidal behavior among prisoners is a major problem. The objective of this study was to compare prisoners who have made an attempt at suicide vs non-attempters and further to compare single vs multiple suicide attempts. Among 1,537 prisoners, 200 (13%) had a lifetime history of attempting suicide and 92 (6%) had made multiple attempts. Those who had made multiple or single attempts were compared on socio-demographic, developmental, personality, forensic, and psychiatric variables. In a re-analysis we also compared non-attempters with attempters in this larger sample. The comparison showed that prisoners who had made multiple attempts had experienced significantly more childhood trauma, were more introverted, less resilient, had a history of self-mutilation, and had more suicidal ideation. Anger and hostility scores and criminal and violence histories significantly differentiated prisoners who had attempted from those who had never attempted but they did not differentiate multiple from single attempters. Having a history of multiple attempts may be indicative of more severe psychopathology in prisoners, as found in other populations. These findings may be helpful in predicting which prisoner is at increased risk of exhibiting suicidal behavior while incarcerated and after release.  相似文献   

Objectives:  Among mood disorders, bipolar disorder (BPD) is often noted to involve the highest rates of suicide attempts and possibly of completion. This study sought to determine whether suicide attempters with BPD exhibit suicide attempts with higher lethality than attempters with major depressive disorder (MDD) and to explore differences in clinical features associated with suicidal acts.
Methods:  Mood disordered suicide attempters were interviewed about Axis I and II diagnoses, lifetime history of suicide attempts, suicidal intent, suicidal ideation, the medical lethality of their most severe suicide attempt, severity of depression, hopelessness, lifetime aggression, and impulsivity.
Results:  The maximum lethality of suicidal acts tended to be higher among BPD attempters compared with those with MDD. However, there were no differences in the number of suicide attempts, intent to die or suicidal ideation. Suicide attempters with BPD reported higher levels of aggression and impulsivity but less hopelessness compared with MDD attempters. These differences could not be explained by Cluster B personality disorder comorbidity. Of note, within the BPD group, but not the MDD group, males reported suicidal acts with higher lethality. Multivariate analyses suggested that risk for more lethal suicide attempts is associated with BPD and male sex and that bipolar males appear to be especially vulnerable to these behaviors.
Conclusions:  Males with BPD make more lethal suicide attempts than females with BPD, an effect not observed among the MDD sample. Our findings suggest that higher rates of suicidal behavior in BPD may be due to a specific effect of BPD on males, leading to more dangerous suicidal behaviors. This effect, together with the larger proportion of males in the BPD group compared with the MDD group may lead to higher rates of reported attempted and completed suicide.  相似文献   

This paper presents lifetime prevalence rates of suicide attempts in a sample of 533 treated opiate addicts and evaluates clinical characteristics of those who report having made a suicide attempt. In this sample, 17.3% reported having made at least one suicide attempt, a rate which is over 4 times higher than that found in a community survey. When compared with addicts without a history of suicide attempts, those who had attempted suicide reported more drug overdoses, and had a clinical profile characterized by fewer resources and greater liabilities. Compared with other addicts, suicide attempters had a childhood history of more severe family disturbance and disruptive behavior, a higher rate of depression and alcoholism in the family, a history of heavier alcohol, sedative and amphetamine abuse, higher rates of psychiatric disorders, especially of depression and severe personality disorders, and poorer social and psychological functioning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Individuals who mutilate themselves are at greater risk for suicidal behavior. Clinically, however, there is a perception that the suicide attempts of self-mutilators are motivated by the desire for attention rather than by a genuine wish to die. The purpose of this study was to determine differences between suicide attempters with and without a history of self-mutilation. METHOD: The authors examined demographic characteristics, psychopathology, objective and perceived lethality of suicide attempts, and perceptions of their suicidal behavior in 30 suicide attempters with cluster B personality disorders who had a history of self-mutilation and a matched group of 23 suicide attempters with cluster B personality disorders who had no history of self-mutilation. RESULTS: The two groups did not differ in the objective lethality of their attempts, but their perceptions of the attempts differed. Self-mutilators perceived their suicide attempts as less lethal, with a greater likelihood of rescue and with less certainty of death. In addition, suicide attempters with a history of self-mutilation had significantly higher levels of depression, hopelessness, aggression, anxiety, impulsivity, and suicide ideation. They exhibited more behaviors consistent with borderline personality disorder and were more likely to have a history of childhood abuse. Self-mutilators had more persistent suicide ideation, and their pattern for suicide was similar to their pattern for self-mutilation, which was characterized by chronic urges to injure themselves. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide attempters with cluster B personality disorders who have a history of self-mutilation tend to be more depressed, anxious, and impulsive, and they also tend to underestimate the lethality of their suicide attempts. Therefore, clinicians may be unintentionally misled in assessing the suicide risk of self-mutilators as less serious than it is.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We examined the presence of command auditory hallucinations for suicide (CAHS) in a sample of individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. We examined the relationship between CAHS and demographic and clinical variables. We also investigated the relationship between CAHS and suicide attempts. METHOD: 100 individuals with DSM-IV schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder hospitalized on an inpatient research unit participated. Information was gathered using the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies and the Harkavy Asnis Suicide Scale. Data were gathered from 1995 to 2001. RESULTS: CAHS were frequent in this sample (22%), as were suicide attempts (33%). Eight percent of the entire sample (36% of those who experienced CAHS) made at least 1 suicide attempt in response to the hallucinations. The presence of CAHS was not related to demographic or clinical measures assessed. The frequency of CAHS was not statistically different for suicide attempters (30%) and nonattempters (18%). However, 80% (8/10) of attempters with CAHS reported at least 1 attempt in response to CAHS. Three of 6 repeat attempters who made at least 1 suicide attempt in response to CAHS also made other attempts that were not in response to CAHS. The presence of CAHS was not associated with a history of depression or substance abuse/dependence. CONCLUSION: The presence of CAHS does not directly predict suicide attempts. However, individuals who are already at risk for suicidal behavior (e.g., past attempters) may be at increased risk for a suicide attempt when experiencing CAHS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is little information in the scientific literature regarding the suicide attempts of pathological gamblers, even though studies of problem gamblers have found that completed suicide, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation are common outcomes related to gambling behavior. There has been no attempt in previous studies to identify the contributions of comorbid conditions, such as substance abuse, to the suicide attempts of pathological gamblers. METHOD: A retrospective chart review was completed for all consecutive admissions (N = 114) to the Gambling Treatment Program of the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center over a 12-month period (September 2000-September 2001). All subjects met DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling. Relevant information was obtained from the admission history and physical examination, as well as a variety of self-report questionnaires and structured instruments. RESULTS: Forty-five patients (39.5%) reported that they had made a suicide attempt at some time in their lives. The most common method was overdose. Sixty-four percent of attempters reported that their most recent attempt was related to gambling. Forty-two percent of gamblers with a history of alcohol dependence and 58.8% of those with a history of drug dependence had a history of suicide attempts. Mean impulsivity scores differentiated suicide attempters from nonattempters among gamblers with a history of drug and/or alcohol dependence. Severity of psychiatric symptoms and family problems on admission was related to a history of suicide attempts. CONCLUSION: Pathological gamblers have high rates of attempted suicide. They are highly impulsive and suffer from high rates of comorbid psychiatric conditions as well as social disruptions. A combination of these risk factors very likely contributes to their potential for suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare psychiatric diagnoses and future suicide attempt outcomes of multiple attempters (MAs), single attempters (SAs), and ideators. METHOD: Two hundred twenty-eight teens who reported recent ideation or a lifetime suicide attempt in a screening of 1,729 high school students completed the Adolescent Suicide Interview, which provided information on attempt number and characteristics and mood, anxiety, and substance use disorder modules of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; 191 were reinterviewed 4 to 6 years later to ascertain interval attempts and psychiatric disorder. Between screening and follow-up, 33 (17%) teens made an attempt, 12 of whom were previously classified as lifetime MAs (more than one attempt) and six as SAs. RESULTS: MAs more often met criteria for any one of the DSM diagnoses assessed at baseline (mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder; 71%), compared with SAs (39%) and ideators (41%), and at follow-up (mood, anxiety, substance use, or disruptive behavior disorder; 69%) compared with SAs (36%) (p <.05). As reported at baseline, MAs (versus SAs) more often wished to die during their attempt (53% versus 23%), less often planned their attempt for intervention (44% versus 76%), and more often regretted recovery (26% versus 7%; p <.05). Baseline MAs had significantly higher odds of making a later attempt compared to ideators (odds ratio 4.0, 95% confidence interval 1.5-10.2) and SAs (odds ratio 4.6, 95% confidence interval 1.0-20.2). No participants committed suicide during follow-up. SAs who made another attempt (versus those who did not) more often met criteria for a baseline anxiety disorder and more often wished to die during their baseline attempt. CONCLUSIONS: MAs more strongly predict later suicidality and diagnosis than SAs and ideation. Forms that assess past suicide attempts should routinely inquire about frequency of attempts. The similarity between the present findings and those of clinical samples suggests that screening may yield a representative sample of suicide attempters and ideators.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although the relationship between experience of problematic life events and adolescent suicidal behavior has frequently been recognized during the past decade, few studies of life events have been initiated that discriminated between adolescent suicide attempters and depressed adolescents. Therefore, the authors compared adolescent suicide attempters with both depressed and nondepressed adolescents who never attempted suicide with respect to life events that happened in two periods: childhood (defined as the period up to age 12 years) and adolescence (age 12 and older). METHOD: Using a semistructured interview, the authors gathered life event data about childhood and adolescence from three groups of adolescents: 48 suicide attempters, 66 depressed adolescents who had never made a suicide attempt, and 43 nondepressed adolescents who had never made a suicide attempt. RESULTS: The group of adolescents who attempted suicide differed from both of the other groups in that they had experienced more turmoil in their families, starting in childhood and not stabilizing during adolescence. During adolescence, they were more often sexually abused. During the last year before the attempt, further social instability, such as changes in residence and having to repeat a class, occurred. CONCLUSIONS: For suicidal adolescents, the suicide attempt seems embedded not just in the problems every adolescent has to deal with but in greater turmoil in their families, rooted in childhood and not stabilizing during adolescence, in combination with traumatic events during adolescence and social instability in the year preceding the attempt.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Individuals with a differing number of past suicide attempts are generally considered a homogeneous group, despite emerging evidence to the contrary. The current study aimed to test the hypothesis that multiple suicide attempters would exhibit a more severe clinical profile than single suicide attempters. METHOD: A series of self-report batteries and clinical interviews was administered to 39 single attempters and 114 multiple attempters who came to an urban hospital emergency room after a suicide attempt. The participants were predominantly poor and nonwhite. RESULTS: Multiple suicide attempters versus single attempters exhibited a greater degree of deleterious background characteristics (e.g., a history of childhood emotional abuse, a history of family suicide), increased psychopathology (e.g., depression, substance abuse), higher levels of suicidality (e.g., ideation), and poorer interpersonal functioning. Profile differences existed even after control for borderline personality disorder. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that multiple attempters display more severe psychopathology, suicidality, and interpersonal difficulties and are more likely to have histories of deleterious background characteristics than single attempters. Moreover, these differences cannot be explained by the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Results suggest that the identification of attempt status is a simple, yet powerful, means of gauging levels of risk and psychopathology.  相似文献   

Of 74 panic disorder subjects followed up after 7 years, five reported serious suicide attempts and three had completed suicide. Compared with subjects who had not made serious attempts, the serious suicide attempters (including the three suicides) were younger, and fewer of them were married. Also, the serious attempt group had an earlier, more gradual onset of illness. More of the serious attempters had personality disorders and coexisting major depression. At the time of original assessment, the serious attempters had more severe symptoms. These data suggest that among patients with panic disorder, serious suicidal behavior is associated with more severe psychopathology.  相似文献   

Thirty psychiatric patients (aged 18-29) who had attempted suicide were compared with 2 matched control groups, one consisting of nonsuicidal psychiatric patients and the other of normal subjects, for personality patterns, parental rearing practices and personal loss before the age of 15. The instruments used were the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), the Lazare-Klerman-Armor Trait Scale (LKAS), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Own Memories of Child-Rearing Experiences (EMBU). Patients admitted for suicide attempts differed significantly from normals on several personality dimensions, whereas suicide attempters did not have personality characteristics that made them substantially different from nonsuicidal psychiatric controls. The suicide attempters had experienced significantly more negative and less positive parental rearing factors than normals, but no difference was found between suicidal and nonsuicidal patients for own memories of parental rearing patterns. Parental loss due to divorce had occurred significantly more often among suicide attempters than among both nonsuicidal psychiatric patients and normals.  相似文献   

In this study we inquire whether children and adolescents with suicidal ideation can be differentiated from children who attempt suicide on the basis of clinical symptoms or social grounds. From a total of 2181 consecutive outpatient referrals to a child and adolescent psychiatry service, 258 young persons who exhibited suicidal ideation are compared with 82 who had actually attempted suicide. We were unable to differentiate children with suicidal thoughts from those who attempted suicide on the basis of clinical symptoms alone. Both groups had similar high levels of symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorder, and irritability. Conduct disorders were less common in both groups but 22% of the attempters abused illicit drugs or alcohol. Suicide attempts were more likely to be associated with chronic family discord and substance abuse. For boys, the odds of suicidal attempts were substantially increased if the subject had experienced loss. Results are discussed with reference to antecedents that may increase the odds of suicidal attempt and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

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