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带电极阻抗检测双向恒流输出脉冲治疗仪的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
一种新型脉冲治疗仪的基本结构、工作原理及临床应用等。仪器采用单片机控制,双向恒流输出,能够产生多种特定的脉冲信号进行电刺激治疗,同时带自动电极阻抗检测功能,保证安全性。该治疗仪对妇产科的多种疾病及康复治疗有显著疗效。  相似文献   

目的:设计基于MSP430的用于大鼠癫痫实验的电刺激器。方法:采用低功耗单片机MSP430F1611和压控双相恒流刺激产生技术设计系统。结果:系统通过PC设置电刺激波形、频率、脉宽、强度,控制电刺激器工作。结论:系统功耗低,并且实现刺激参数可控输出,刺激参数不会因为负载阻抗的变化而变化,满足了实验的要求。  相似文献   

本文旨在说明电刺激治疗仪在治疗妇女应力性尿失禁、逼尿肌不稳定及混合型尿失禁,可获得良好的效果。经由置放在阴道内的电极探头,透过主机的微电流能量的调控,间歇式地刺激在骨盆底肌内的会阴神经(pudendal nerve)系统。在逼尿肌不稳定的病患,经由反射作用抑制膀胱不自主的收缩。而在真应力尿失禁病患,则是使阴部运动纤维之运动神经元(motor neuron)细胞产生急剧的动作电位,加速传导至尿道横纹肌之肌肉组织,而增加了尿道闭锁的压力,阻止了尿液渗漏和失禁,达到治疗的功效。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代人工耳蜗问世以来,人工耳蜗已经成为了世界多地重度和深度耳聋患者的常规治疗手段。本文描述了人工耳蜗系统的基本设计,包括一个外部声音处理器,植入接收/刺激器以及耳蜗内刺激电极阵列。此外,本文还对现今临床和实验室研究领域以及关键挑战等进行了阐述,这些研究将对人工耳蜗技术在中国的广泛应用产生影响。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种植入式神经电刺激系统。方法:采用Zigbee通信技术和双相恒流刺激产生技术设计系统.利用Zigbee同步时间唤醒技术实现系统的低功耗设计。结果:系统植入电刺激器和外部控制器之间可以双向无线通信.植入电刺激器的刺激强度、频率、脉宽、极性能够可控输出。结论:系统实现了PCB的一体化集成,功耗低,并且刺激输出波形不会因为人体组织负载阻抗的变化而变化,同时可以减小大电流刺激的疼痛感。  相似文献   

IL1303血气分析仪膜漏检测电路的原理及故障排除   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1膜漏检测电路的作用血气分析仪的二氧化碳电极结构并不复杂,其主体是一支PH电极,电极外壳与透气膜构成的空腔中充满了中介液。其中只有支持在尼龙网中的极薄的一层溶液约(0.1mm)厚。参与CO2的溶解平衡。这样使得电极对微量血样中二氧化碳产生迅速的电位响应成为可能,其余的中介液只是起液体沟通和导电作用。二氧化碳电极实际上是一个完整的电化学池,工作电极为PH电极,参比电极为银/氯化银(Ag/AgCl)。透气膜在二氧化碳电极中的作用至关重要,除具有较高的二氧化碳透过率外,还必须保证不透过水蒸汽、溶液和离子等,否则中介液成份的稳定性…  相似文献   

在恢复麻痹患者运动功能的现行运动修复术中,目前所使用的电极技术已快接近极限。用传统(神经外)的外周神经电极选择性地激活肌肉,经过长期应用和实践,只取得有限的效果,这种只是能控制刺激肌肉的开始与停止的传统(神经外)的外周神经电极基本上已不存在。而神经内...  相似文献   

开发一种以一片89C51单片机、一个精密正弦波发生器和一个高压恒流输出电路为核心,可产生3种不同频率(2000Hz、250Hz和5Hz)的正弦波精密恒定电流输出的感觉神经定量测定仪。其刺激输出强度范围为0.01mA--10.00mA。该仪器能比较客观地判断神经感觉状况,为临床神经病变的诊断提供一种新方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种多路离子选择电极信号放大及数据采集电路的设计方法。该电路解决了电极对不同样品及不同离子所产生的信号的放大及量化问题,在实际应用中效果较为理想。  相似文献   

我们利用MJ-I立体定位电极埋地脑深部,进行癫痫病灶测定达到定位致痫灶,以利外科手术治疗癫,取得了良好的疗效。  相似文献   

A model of a limb part represented as a multilayer cylindrical conduction section is considered. The impedance is measured by means of four electrodes, and the exact and approximate expressions for the impedance are derived. With the expressions, one can calculate the value of the pulse blood flow. Various factors affecting the measurement accuracy such as skin conditions, local depths of major vessels, and relative electrode positions are analyzed. Recommendations for the choice of the electrode spacing are given to calculate the pulse and specific blood flow depending upon dimensions of the body part under study, the accuracy being not less than the preset value.  相似文献   

A new method is described for measuring the Faradic resistance of a single electrode-electrolyte interface. The method employs a test (monopolar) electrode, a potential-sensing electrode and a large reference (indifferent) electrode, along with a constant-current source capable of providing a step function of current. The method was used to measure the Faradic resistance of a 0.1 cm2 platinum electrode in contact with saline (p = 150 ohm-cm) at room temperature. It was found that for both a positive and negative current pulse, the Faradic resistance decreased almost hyperbolically with increasing current density. When the reciprocal of the Faradic resistance (Gf) was plotted versus current density and the data were fit to a polynomial curve, the results showed that for the positive pulse Gf = 0.009 + 0.05J - 0.0001J2; (SEE = 0.117); for the negative pulse, Gf = 0.007 + 0.067J - 0.0001J2; (SEE = 0.028); where Gf is in millisiemens and J is in mA/cm2 for this 0.1 cm2 electrode. These relationships permit estimating the Faradic resistance (Rf) for zero current density. For the positive pulse, Rf = 111 kilohms and for the negative pulse Rf = 143 kilohms. The method is applicable to the measurement of the Faradic resistance of a wide variety of metal electrodes.  相似文献   

The paper presents data obtained from processing experimental findings of the electric conductivity of the actual media of the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) as pH and temperature functions. Based on these data and experimentally derived values of electrode capacities of self-contained GIT electrostimulators in the real digestive tract, the authors calculated the values of stimulating pulse discharges. It was concluded that the discharge accumulated in the electrode containers is quite sufficient for stimulation of intestinal smooth muscle cells by using the purely capacity component of a stimulating pulse, It was shown that in this case the stimulating pulse was to be 0.8-1.2 msec.  相似文献   

In this study, the electrochemical performance of platinum electrodes within a multi-electrode spiral cuff to be used for selective nerve stimulation was investigated. The original cuff, simplified into a half-cuff, contained a single row of nine electrodes (0.5 × 2 mm) at a distance of 2 mm from its inner surface. Cyclic voltammetry was used to investigate the electrochemical reactions at the electrode–electrolyte interface, to define a potential window within which the electrode could be safely used in selective nerve stimulation, to calculate the charge injection capacity and cathodal charge storage capacity. Voltage transients retrieved during excitation with quasitrapezoidal biphasic current pulses, tested by selective nerve stimulation of the isolated porcine left cervical vagus nerve segment, were used to determine the maximum polarization across the electrode–electrolyte interface and to calculate cathodic charge injection capacity of the electrode. The results show that the most negative and most positive potentials across the electrode–electrolyte interface reached ?0.54 and 0.59 V; these did not exceed the safe potential limits for water electrolysis. Furthermore, the time integral of the cathodic current by cyclic voltammetry measured over the potential range of water electrolysis, actually representing the cathodal charge storage capacity, was approximately ?4 mC cm?2. The charge injection capacity, representing the maximum charge density injected in a current stimulation pulse, using only reversible processes, however, was around 75 µC cm?2. In conclusion, both, the tested stimulation pulse and electrode are suitable for efficient and safe selective nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

Development of an ambulatory RMR monitoring system for evaluating the physical work-load is presented. This system can be used under special conditions where it is difficult to use the traditional "Douglas" method. The main features of this system are: Using an improved turbin-spirometer to measure expiratory gas volume, data-processing procedure is simplified by converting a 0.1 iota expiratory gas volume to an electric pulse signal. Utilizing a Galvanic-cell type sensor, a kind of porlarograph electrode, to measure oxygen concentration in expiratory gas, the temperature of the electrode is maintained constantly at 40 degrees C in order to stabilize the output of the sensor against change in environmental and expiratory gas temperature. To improve the accuracy measurement of oxygen concentration and to prevent the teflon membrane at the top of the electrode from chilling and vibrating by direct expiratory gas flow, the bypass stream line is led to the electrode and a small portion of expiratory gas is introduced to measure oxygen concentration. It is possible to measure the time-sequential RMR value for several hours by minimizing and lightening the measuring instruments. It is possible to measure the time-sequential changing characteristics of the physical work-load (RMR), heart rate, breathing rate, and skin temperature under the actual work environment by a telemetring or portable recording method.  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种无创消化道早癌磁锚定消融电极内镜系统,包括磁锚定模块和消融电极模块.磁锚定模块由外部引导磁体和内部靶磁体组成,由永磁材料钕铁硼制得;消融电极模块是基于现有的内窥镜(CMD-90D型LED电子上消化道内窥镜)前端镜头罩改造而成.新内镜系统不仅包含原内镜的所有功能,同时引入磁锚定使消融电极在治疗肿瘤的过程中能...  相似文献   

本文针对SDD型数字电导仪存在的问题,提出改进设计方案,采用双极性脉冲电导测量法代替电容补偿法,达到在全量程范围内消除电极极间电容和极化电容所造成的测量误差。本设计以8098单片机作为控制器和处理器。简化了电路结构,提高了控制能力,增强了仪器功能。  相似文献   

目的:测量液电型碎石机总的放电噪声以及开关噪声和电极噪声的大小。方法:选用最常用的碎石机高压电容、开放式火花隙开关和放电电极,借助隔音箱,在不同电压时,用声级计测出操作医生耳朵部位的总放电噪声、开关噪声和电极噪声。结果:在最低放电电压5 kV时,碎石机总放电噪声、开关产生的噪声和电极产生的噪声分别是108.5、107.7、82 dB;在最高放电电压11 kV时,碎石机总放电噪声、开关产生的噪声和电极产生的噪声分别是118、116.7、93.2 dB,高于国家相关标准规定的90 dB。结论:医生和患者应当采取听力保护措施。  相似文献   

高效阴离子色谱法快速分析保健食品中的左旋肉碱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zou X  Zhou Y  Qiao R  Li Y  Li Y 《卫生研究》2011,40(3):358-60, 364
目的建立一种测定保健食品中左旋肉碱的脉冲安培检测-高效阴离子色谱新方法。方法样品经乙醚溶解分散,用1.0mmol/L盐酸萃取其中的左旋肉碱后,上清液进离子色谱仪测定。以200mmmol/LNaOH为流动相,采用Amino PAC PA10氨基酸分离柱分离,Au为工作电极的脉冲安培检测器检测。结果左旋肉碱在0.08~1.00mg/ml浓度范围内线性关系良好,标准溶液测定的峰面积和保留时间的RSD为3.97%和0.62%,日间RSD为5.66%和0.69%。将此法用于保健食品样品分析,样品平均加标回收率为95.6%~113.5%,样品测定结果的RSD为7.34%。结论该方法简便准确,重现性好,15min可完成一次分析,适于保健品中左旋肉碱的定量快速检测。  相似文献   

目的 构建铋膜/羧基化多壁碳纳米管修饰的玻碳电极(Bi/CMWCNTs/GCE)电化学传感器检测水中六价铬(Cr(VI))。方法 将羧基化多壁碳纳米管(CMWCNTs)修饰的玻碳电极浸入100 mg/L Bi(NO3)3溶液中,用电化学沉积法得到Bi/CMWCNTs/GCE,再用差分脉冲溶出伏安法(DPSV)检测水中六价铬。结果 在最优实验条件下,Cr(VI)在-1.26 V处出现明显的溶出峰。在0.50~40.0 μg/L范围内,Cr(VI)浓度与相应的溶出峰电流间有良好的线性关系,线性回归方程为 y=1.037x+31.41, 相关系数 r =0.9995,检出限0.18 μg/L,加标回收率在95.07%~105.30%之间,RSD为1.81%~3.98%。结论 羧基化多壁碳纳米管和铋膜复合修饰玻碳电极,显著提升了修饰电极的表面活性,该方法灵敏度高,检出限低,绿色环保,适用于水中六价铬的检测。  相似文献   

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