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BACKGROUND: Heavy alcohol use is common among out-of-treatment injection drug users (IDUs); however, the relationship between alcohol and drug use behaviors in codependent populations is not well understood. Our specific objectives were (1) to describe the psychometric properties of the Drinker Inventory of Consequences (DrInC) in a sample of active IDUs, and (2) to compare DrInC scores of active IDUs with those reported for the alcohol treatment seeking sample on which the instrument was developed. METHODS: Interview data were collected from 187 active IDUs who scored positively (> or = 8) on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, who were recruited from a Providence, RI, needle exchange program (1998-1999). DrInC total and subscale scores for the 159 (85%) participants who met DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse/dependence were analyzed. Six-month follow-up data were used to estimate test-retest reliability. RESULTS: The DrInC total scale exhibited high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. With the exception of adverse physical consequences, reliability estimates for DrInC subscales were good to very good. These data indicate higher subscale redundancy than reported for the development sample. Active IDUs had significantly higher adverse impulse control consequences than the alcohol treatment seeking population on which the instrument was developed. CONCLUSIONS: The DrInC exhibits desirable psychometric properties for assessing adverse drinking consequences in active IDU populations. IDUs who met DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse/dependence reported overall levels of adverse drinking consequences comparable with non-IDU alcohol treatment populations but were more likely to exhibit adverse impulse control consequences.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between alcohol use expectancies, drinking patterns, and alcohol-related problems, among college students in Mexico City. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in October 1998. Study subjects were 678 male and female college students aged between 17 and 25 years, from private and public schools. Alcohol expectancies were measured through the self-reported "Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire" (AEQ), adapted for this population, with a high overall internal reliability coefficient (alpha = 0.93). RESULTS: Thirty-one per cent of study subjects, mainly males, reported heavy drinking (5 drinks or more per drinking occasion in the previous year), while 17% were non-consumers. Relationships for each of the AEQ scales, drinking patterns, and alcohol-related problems, were analyzed through a structural equations model. Analysis of variance showed a statistically significantly association between six AEQ subscales--alcohol as a facilitator of a group interaction, verbal expression, disinhibition, sexual enhancement, reduction of psychological tension and arousal aggression-(F = 5.23, df = 1, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Study findings from other countries show that effects attributed to alcohol, in anticipation of the drinking episode (expectancies), are closely related to alcohol intake. Our results showed that heavy drinkers had higher scores in six AEQ subscales, particularly those who reported having alcohol-related problems in the previous year. Alcohol expectancies related to higher alcohol intake were: facilitation of social interaction, decreasing psychological tension, and increasing arousal/aggression. The English version of this paper is available at: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html.  相似文献   

Background: Binge drinking is common in college students, and many drink in quantities greater than the standard definition of bingeing. Combined use of additional substances, particularly marijuana, is also common. Objectives: Increased impulsivity and sensation seeking are risk factors for bingeing, and this study was designed to characterize their association with extreme compared to standard bingeing, as well as with combined bingeing and marijuana use. Negative consequences of alcohol use were also investigated. Methods: Self-report personality measures and a measure of the negative consequences of alcohol use were given to a sample of 221 college students (109 females) sorted into a control and 4 binge groups based upon their patterns of bingeing and marijuana use. Narrowly defined, non-overlapping measures of impulsivity and sensation seeking were analyzed to assess the association of these personality measures with substance-use patterns and negative consequences of bingeing. Results: Standard bingers did not differ from non-bingeing controls on either impulsivity or sensation seeking, whereas extreme bingers had significantly higher impulsivity and sensation seeking scores than controls and also significantly higher sensation seeking than standard bingers. Exploratory analyses of a broader set of personality scales showed that a disinhibition scale was also significant predictor of substance use group. A number of personality traits significantly predicted substance use patterns as well as specific negative consequences of bingeing. Conclusions: Impulsivity, sensation seeking and disinhibition are significant associates of substance use patterns and the negative consequences of use in college students.  相似文献   

This study examines HIV status disclosure in an ethnically diverse sample of HIV-seropositive injection drug users (IDUs) from New York City and San Francisco. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 158 participants. Analyses revealed a number of negative and positive consequences of disclosing serostatus to sexual partners. Negative consequences included stigma, rejection by sexual partners and others, loss of intimacy, and threats to personal well-being. Positive rewards resulting from disclosure included increased social support and intimacy with partners, reaffirmation of one's sense of self, and the opportunity to share personal experiences and feelings with sexual partners. The role of responsibility in impacting disclosure and nondisclosure revealed varied patterns in terms of how this construct impacts disclosure and resulting behaviors with sexual partners. Some participants used particular strategies, such as getting involved in seroconcordant relationships or minimizing intimacy in relationships, in order to combat potential negative outcomes of disclosure. For others, positive rewards were viewed as important enough to risk negative consequences. Interventions for HIV-positive IDUs are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous investigations have recently focused on the prevalence and causes of problem drinking among American college students. The present study examined alcohol consumption and negative consequences due to drinking among 216 American college students at an American university in West Germany. American students in Germany reported a substantially higher frequency and amount of drinking, along with higher rates of negative consequences as compared to their stateside peers. The data are discussed in terms of the relationship between the American collegiate life-style of alcohol abuse and life in an alcohol-permissive society. Recommendations for changing the collegiate norm of alcohol abuse are presented.  相似文献   

Background: Binge drinking (BD), which is characterized by sporadic consumption of large quantities of alcohol in short periods, is prevalent among university students. Animal studies have shown that BD is associated with damage to the hippocampus, a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory. The temporal cortex undergoes structural and functional changes during adolescence. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between BD and declarative memory in male and female university students. Methods: The participants were 122 students (between 18 and 20 years of age): 62 BD (30 women) and 60 non‐BD (29 women). The neuropsychological assessment included the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) and Weschler Memory Scale‐3rd ed. (WMS‐III) Logical Memory subtest, to evaluate verbal declarative memory, and the WMS‐III Family Pictures subtest, to measure visual declarative memory. Results: The BD students remembered fewer words in the interference list and displayed greater proactive interference in the RAVLT; they performed worse in the Logical Memory subtest, both on immediate and delayed recall. There were no differences between the groups in performance of the Family Pictures subtest. No significant interactions were observed between BD and sex. Conclusions: Binge drinking is associated with poorer verbal declarative memory, regardless of sex. The findings are consistent with the vulnerability of the adolescent hippocampus to the neurotoxic effects of alcohol. Longitudinal studies will help determine the nature of this relationship, the neurodevelopmental trajectories for each sex, and the repercussions on academic performance.  相似文献   

Background: Few studies have examined the relationship of social anxiety with drinking game participation. Drinking games represent a popular form of drinking in university settings. Due to their structure, games may appeal to socially anxious drinkers, particularly among those seeking to fit in or cope with the social setting. Objectives: To examine the relationship of social anxiety with frequency of drinking game participation among a university undergraduate sample and to investigate if drinking motives moderate this association. Method: A total of 227 undergraduate students aged 18–24 years (73% female) who had consumed alcohol in the prior year were included in the current investigation. Hierarchical regression examined the influences of social anxiety and drinking motives on frequency of drinking game participation, as well the interactions of social anxiety with drinking for coping motives and conformity motives. Results: Social anxiety failed to emerge as a significant predictor of frequency of drinking game participation. However, drinking to cope moderated the relationship of social anxiety with frequency of drinking game participation. Socially anxious students who drank to cope were more likely to participate in drinking games on occasions when they consumed alcohol than those who did not endorse this drinking motive. Conclusion: Results demonstrated the influence of drinking to cope in the relationship of social anxiety with frequency of drinking game participation. Future work should examine the relationship with other indicators of drinking game activity. Intervention efforts addressing social anxiety and drinking should consider motives for drinking, as well as drinking patterns.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although a number of measures of alcohol problems in college students have been studied, the psychometric development and validation of these scales have been limited, for the most part, to methods based on classical test theory. In this study, we conducted analyses based on item response theory to select a set of items for measuring the alcohol problem severity continuum in college students that balances comprehensiveness and efficiency and is free from significant gender bias. METHOD: We conducted Rasch model analyses of responses to the 48-item Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire by 164 male and 176 female college students who drank on at least a weekly basis. An iterative process using item fit statistics, item severities, item discrimination parameters, model residuals, and analysis of differential item functioning by gender was used to pare the items down to those that best fit a Rasch model and that were most efficient in discriminating among levels of alcohol problems in the sample. RESULTS: The process of iterative Rasch model analyses resulted in a final 24-item scale with the data fitting the unidimensional Rasch model very well. The scale showed excellent distributional properties, had items adequately matched to the severity of alcohol problems in the sample, covered a full range of problem severity, and appeared highly efficient in retaining all of the meaningful variance captured by the original set of 48 items. CONCLUSIONS: The use of Rasch model analyses to inform item selection produced a final scale that, in both its comprehensiveness and its efficiency, should be a useful tool for researchers studying alcohol problems in college students. To aid interpretation of raw scores, examples of the types of alcohol problems that are likely to be experienced across a range of selected scores are provided.  相似文献   

Background: There are two main categories of retrospective self-report alcohol consumption measures: summary and daily drinking. Time-efficient summary measures have been criticized for being less able to capture sporadic and unpatterned drinking. A novel retrospective summary measure, the Typical and Atypical Drinking Diary (TADD), may produce more precise estimates of alcohol consumption than the gold-standard daily measure, the Timeline Followback (TLFB). Objective: To establish how accurately the TADD and TLFB retrospectively capture alcohol consumption compared to the Daily Drinking Diary (DDD) method. Method: Forty-three university undergraduates (77% female) concurrently recorded their daily alcohol consumption for 28 consecutive days using daily drinking diaries. Participants then retrospectively estimated their alcohol consumption using both the TADD and TLFB 28 days following completion of the 28-day daily consumption period. Results: When compared against the drinking data obtained from the DDD method, the TADD consistently produced accurate retrospective estimates of total alcohol consumption, number of drinking days, and number of heavy drinking episodes. Contrariwise, the TLFB significantly underestimated all aspects of drinking. Underreporting on the TLFB was hypothesized to be associated with social desirability bias. Conclusion: The TADD is a valid and reliable instrument for retrospectively measuring alcohol consumption and drinking variability in the university student population.  相似文献   

Background: Nondaily smoking and heavy alcohol use are prevalent behaviors among young adults, with nondaily smoking occurring primarily in the context of alcohol use. Although the relationship between drinking and daily smoking has been well characterized in young adults, few epidemiological investigations have investigated the association between nondaily smoking and drinking behavior. Methods: We examined Wave 1 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC; Grant et al., 2003b ; n = 43,093). Young adults (aged 18 to 25 years; n = 5,838) were stratified on current smoking behavior (daily, nondaily, and nonsmokers in the past 12 months) and differences in weekly quantity of alcohol use, frequency of alcohol use, frequency of binge drinking behavior, rates of NIAAA‐defined hazardous drinking, and rates of DSM‐IV alcohol diagnoses were investigated. College student status was examined. Results: Twenty‐five percent were current smokers and 7% were smoking on a nondaily basis. Seventy‐one percent were current drinkers, 39% reported binge drinking at least once a month, 41% met criteria for hazardous drinking, and 18% had alcohol use disorders. Across all measures of alcohol use, there was a significant effect of smoking status, with daily smokers having greater alcohol use patterns, compared with nondaily smokers, with nonsmokers consuming the least. Nondaily smokers were more likely to report any binge drinking in the past 12 months. However, daily smokers were more likely to report daily binge drinking. With regard to hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders, nondaily smoking conferred the greatest risk, followed by daily smoking with nonsmoking as the reference group. Multinomial logistic regression demonstrated that the odds of being a hazardous drinker were 16 times greater (95% CI 9.46–26.48) in a nondaily smoker compared with a nonsmoker, whereas the odds for a daily smoker were increased by 7‐fold (95% CI 5.54–9.36). A similar pattern of results was demonstrated for DSM‐IV alcohol diagnoses. No differences across college student status were observed. Conclusions: The increased risk of hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders conferred by nondaily smoking supports the findings that nondaily smoking and drinking are highly concomitant behaviors. Results such as these suggest that interventions disengaging alcohol and cigarette use patterns (e.g., smoking bans in alcohol venues) might serve to limit the occurrence of hazardous drinking among young adults at heightened risk for this behavior.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine the consistency and/or variability of gender differences in drinking behavior crossculturally. Design, setting, participants: Women's and men's responses in 16 general population surveys from 10 countries, analyzed by members of the International Research Group on Gender and Alcohol. Measurements: Comparable measures of drinking, versus abstention, typical drinking frequencies and quantities, heavy episodic drinking, intoxication, morning drinking, and alcohol-related family and occupational problems. Findings: Women and men differed little in the probability of currently drinking versus abstaining, but men consistently exceeded women in typical drinking frequencies and quantities and in rates of heavy drinking episodes and adverse drinking consequences, while women were consistently more likely than men to be life-time abstainers. In older age groups, both men and women drank smaller quantities of alcohol and were more likely to stop drinking altogether, but drinking frequencies did not change consistently with age. Conclusions: A theoretical synthesis proposes that gender roles may amplify biological differences in reactions to alcohol, and that gender differences in drinking behavior may be modified by macrosocial factors that modify gender role contrasts.  相似文献   

We studied the prevalence of HPV DNA among university students within the Helsinki metropolitan area in Finland. First-y students attending a general health examination as well as students visiting a general practitioner for contraception were enrolled. Vaginal self-samples or cervicovaginal swabs were collected from a total of 1469 students. HPV DNA was determined using a liquid hybridization test. Of all students 33.0% were positive for HPV DNA. Of all positive samples 84.3% were positive for high-risk HPV. The study demonstrated a strikingly high HPV DNA prevalence among the young women. Self-collected samples proved to be acceptable for HPV DNA detection using liquid hybridization.  相似文献   

Stability and prevalence of drinking among young adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This data note draws upon the National Longitudinal Survey (NLS) of Labor Market Experience in Youth beginning at ages 17–24 to describe the stability and prevalence of alcohol use over a 6-year period up to ages 23–30. Approximately 70% of men and 58% of women maintained their drinking status throughout the study. The onset of current and heavier drinking decreased with increasing age while the offset of current and heavier drinking increased with increasing age. The absence of current drinking was unrelated to age for both men and women as was the presence of heavier drinking among men.  相似文献   

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