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Objective To analyze the effect of two types of IUDs, TCu 380A and GyneFix on the positive rate of Chlamydia Trahmatis (CT).Methods The TCu380A and GyneFix IUDs were compared in a randomized was for the one-year and two-year positive rate of Chlamydia Trahmatis (CT) and with the control respectively.Results The one-year positive rate of CT antigens was 5. 63% of TCu380A and two-year was 4. 92%; the one year positive rate of CT antigens was 4. 62% and two-year was 5. 08% of GyneFix. There was no significant difference in the positive rate of CT antigen between the TCu 380A IUD, and CryneFix IUDs groups, while there were sig-nificant differences between the TCu380A IUD, GyneFix IUD and the controls ( 15. 18% ) respectively.Conclusion Both IUDs provide highly effective protection against CT infection.  相似文献   

TCu380A和带铜宫型节育器与TCu220C的临床效果比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用顺序随机分配法观察了300例农村经产妇放置TCu380A和带铜宫型节育器(UCDCu330IUD)的避孕效果,副反应和可接受性,并与目前较为理想的TCu220C作对照,使用24个月,随访率为100%,结果表明,TCu380A和UCDCu300IUD累积妊娠率分别为1.0%和2.0%,对照组(TCu220C)为1.0%,脱落率顺序为2.0%,0.0%和1.0%,因症取出率依次为2.0%,3.0%  相似文献   

宫内节育器(IUD)是一种高效、长效、简便、安全的节育措施,我国育龄妇女约60%采用此法避孕。近年来,我国不断发展和引进新型IUD,以供广大妇女选用。20世纪90年代初,我国引进由比利时医生设计的一种新型铜Flaxigard IUD(CuFix IUD),我院于2003年1月开始使用。对Cu Fix IUD与TCu380A IUD进行临床对比性观察,现将资料总结如下。  相似文献   

王建梅  张钰  李奕 《医学综述》2008,14(4):634-635
目的比较吉妮柔适宫内节育器(IUD)与TCu380IUD的临床避孕效果。方法选择门诊要求放置IUD的健康经产妇女200例,分别放置吉妮柔适IUD100例,TCu380IUD100例,放置IUD后1、3、6、12个月填写月经卡并回院随访。采用生命表法分析续用率、妊娠率。用χ2检验两组的差异性。结果吉妮柔适组妊娠率、脱落率、疼痛发生率、月经经期、经量、因症取出率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论吉妮柔适IUD避孕效果好,副作用少,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

(杜明昆)(郑怀美)(郑苏华)(陈帼君)AComparativeStudyontheContraceptionEfficacyandSafetyoftheProgesteroneReleasingContraceptiveVaginalRingand...  相似文献   

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